Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 38 No. 5 - I AM the Witness - January 29, 1995

I AM the Witness

Meeting the Mantle

Beloved Mother,

I had to pinch myself!  “Is this dream finally becoming a reality? Am I really going stumping?  With a thrust and a roll and a ho, ho, ho and with the help of Mother and Lanello, yes, I am going stumping!”

Stumping Salt Lake City was a gift from heaven. All of a sudden I had access to my treasures stored in heaven, my Causal Body. On my desk I have the following caption resting on your picture as a reminder to me:  “Success is more than knowing how. It is knowing when.”  What made this Stump so memorable was that it was at the right time and the right place.

What amazed me most about stumping was meeting the mantle. As soon as I made the decision to stump, the mantle sustained me and served me. The mantle was pure, childlike, buoyant and exuberant. I was distinctly aware that my job was to protect the mantle and that the mantle’s job was to serve.

My thoughts were clear and it was as if I were seeing through a different pair of eyes. I remember driving around in Salt Lake City and looking at everything as if I had never seen it before—buildings, stores, people, cars, et cetera. I felt as if I had just arrived on earth and heaven had come with me. By God’s grace I felt at home with the mantle. However, at one point I heard the Master El Morya firmly tell me, “Do not let your eye wander.”

I had a great time giving the lecture. The hard work was in the preparation at all levels, and then the Masters took it from there. I gave one lecture on twin flames, soul mates and karmic relationships, then visited Keepers of the Flame and did a follow-up meeting using the Inner Perspectives notebook and cassettes to introduce El Morya and to give additional teachings on the use of the sacred fire.

The night of the lecture, I asked Lanello to stand with me at the podium. When I opened with “Good evening,” the entire audience responded, “Good evening!”  And then I knew Lanello was right there with me and this was going to be fun!

We had about ten to twelve new people. As I looked around the room I seemed to recognize the people and wondered where I had seen them before. Was it at the ranch?  Was it at the last conference?  As a matter of fact, after the lecture I even asked if they wanted to see a dictation of Archangel Chamuel and Archeia Charity because I was positive they were long-standing students of the Ascended Masters. Later I recalled that I had asked to be taken ahead of time to the etheric retreats to meet and speak with the people who were to attend the lecture.

One of my greatest joys was having the opportunity to visit Keepers of the Flame. I felt as if I were the instrument of the cup of joy transmuting their cup of sorrows. One of the Keepers of the Flame threw her arms around me and said that my coming to see her made her feel that someone cared.

By working with the Salt Lake Study Group I felt a bonding to their hearts, a oneness in mission and purpose. They did not have much time to prepare for the Stump but that did not affect their enthusiasm for the mission. My heart goes out to the people in the field. I believe their challenge is great and forces of divide and conquer move against their mission in the cities. They have so many elements to coordinate compared to our duties on staff—meal planning and preparation, grocery shopping, making money to support their families, and simply life in a big city. We at Maitreya’s Mystery School have much to be thankful for.

I learned that going to a series of church services is not what new people want. They are accustomed to going to church for an hour on Sunday or not going at all. What they want are the Teachings, heart-to-heart contact and some “tender loving care.”

To me stumping is a Sixth Ray experience of serving and ministering, an act of loving-kindness. What greater kindness can one give than the gift of self-knowledge?

Kuthumi in his May 5, 1991 dictation (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 33) said:


      Yet what do you remember most about anyone?  A kindness, a gesture, a sincere concern, a practical helpfulness, a perception of your need before you yourself know it....

      Is not the gift of understanding the gift of kindness?...

      Is there no greater unkindness than to leave someone in ignorance?

      I think not. More harsh than a thrashing is to be so insensitive to the pleading of a soul bound by the ignorant carnal mind as to leave that one without the understanding whereby the soul might escape from the prison house of that carnal mind....

      May you know the one great quality that is sought after that comes from the auric rings of Maitreya and his true bodhisattvas. It is the quality of kindness, almost overlooked in this hurried world, almost thought of as unnecessary.

   Thank you, God, for kindly leading me to the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha so that I may be the instrument of your Will.

Your No. 1 Stumper,



Thank You for Giving Church Staff
the Opportunity to Stump


Beloved Mother,

I received so much joy and fulfillment from stumping my home state this past autumn. I truly felt the blessing and sponsorship of the Masters throughout, from the time the Stump was conceived continuing on even until now. It was an exhilarating experience!  The best part was learning that I have something of value to give—that I have garnered enough light and wisdom to be useful to the Masters. When I was lecturing I looked deeply into eyes full of sincerity and innocence, and they were looking at me to feed them. It was then that I fully realized the important part I had to play.

Not having given a Stump lecture before, I worked very hard to make myself a suitable chalice. I reread sections of many of your books that give the foundational teachings, The Science of the Spoken Word, The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, The Lost Teachings of Jesus, and the excellent glossary in Saint Germain On Alchemy. I listened to the Stumping for the Coming Revolution album. And since I was lecturing on angels, I immersed myself in your fourteen-part cable TV series on Angels. I strongly encourage all staff to do this just for their own upliftment, edification and joy.

I found that teaching others is a tremendous motivator. I was amazed at the depth and diversity of the questions people asked. This Stump has given me an acute sense of my role as a ministering servant and of the importance of constantly striving to embody more and more of the Teachings so that I can be helpful to others. Of course, Mother, the advice you gave me did come in handy—those three little words, “I don’t know,” are sometimes the perfect thing to say.

I had the very special blessing of introducing my twin sister to the Teachings through the Stump. She told me for months prior that she was planning to attend my lecture. However, on the day of the lecture she was overwhelmed with physical and emotional weariness. The thought of having to drive alone to a lecture that night seemed more than she could handle. I let her know, with a truly heartfelt earnestness, that it was very important to me that she come. Then I asked my Stump team to make calls for her.

She arrived late and sat off to one side of the room, but she was there—she heard the teachings and she joined in on the decrees. Afterwards, still preoccupied with her weariness, she told me she was going to have to leave before the dictation. I was seeing her off near the door when the meditation music began, the lovely “Pie Jesu” from Requiem by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The music so captivated her that she suggested we sit down.

She stayed not only for the dictation but for thirty minutes more to chat with the Keepers and then joined us for a snack at the local diner. She was completely revitalized. Since that time, I have noticed a distinct difference in her level of understanding and openness whenever I speak of the Teachings. And I know that layers of media prejudice dropped off! It was a very personal victory for me.

Our Stump lectures were well attended, and the majority of people were new to the Teachings. I was thrilled with each person who walked through the door. One man got there because he stepped on a handbill advertising the lecture in a parking lot. Some angel was really working overtime!

Our Stump team worked very closely with the sponsoring Study Groups who supported our events. We provided them with a specific matrix outlining what we felt needed to happen to prepare for the event. They told us that this was very helpful; they didn’t need to spend their time deciding what to do. It was laid out for them, so everyone involved had a better experience.

I would like to be able to give much more to be the servant that I really want to be. So I am grateful to try my wings and to be at the Refiner’s mill at Maitreya’s Mystery School. Thank you, Mother, thank you, El Morya, for giving the staff the opportunity to stump.