Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 38 No. 4 - I AM the Witness - January 22, 1995

I AM the Witness

Exposing the Sugar Entity

Dearest Mother,

I would like to witness to the Masters’ teaching concerning the use of sugar.

I have always had to struggle with my weight, and I still am in an ongoing battle to lose weight and maintain a right diet, as the Masters have encouraged us to do. I intend to be victorious over this problem and I decree often to that end.

About two years ago, when I was eating a very unhealthy diet of junk food, processed food, et cetera, I began to experience a personality change. Although I have always been an easygoing person, I would find myself in uncontrollable rages, crying jags and general nastiness. This was not like me!  I made many excuses—i.e., PMS, my children, my husband, my job—but of course nothing improved. I then went into what I consider a mild depressive state in which I was not able to push myself through a whole day without a good, long nap.

I became severely antisocial (which I thought was because of my overweight condition and my lack of self-esteem), could not accomplish very much of anything because of lethargy, and became an altogether different person than I had once been. All this time I knew my diet was dangerous and that I was consuming too much sugar. After reading so many times the Ascended Masters’ teachings concerning resolving our psychological problems, I decided it was time for me to visit a counselor.

I told my counselor that the reason I was seeing him was because of my depressive state due to my overweight condition and my inability to get this under control. After counseling me for about four months, he suggested that I see a nutritionist to set me on the right track with a personalized diet.

Well, what an eye-opener that consultation was!  After taking a personal history and a list of my problematic symptoms, the nutritionist announced that she believed my problem was hypoglycemia!  While this was a shock to me, it shouldn’t have been because this condition seems to run in my family. I believe that the sugar demon was blinding me to the real truth about my condition, but my decreeing paid off and the Lord led me to the person who could open my eyes.

I began to research hypoglycemia and discovered that it is an extremely insidious and phantomlike entity. It mirrors symptoms of many diseases and conditions. Many doctors do not even recognize it. (I believe this is because the only cure for hypoglycemia is through diet; no medication or surgery is required.)

I am writing this testimonial because I have come to believe that people suffer from many, many different maladies and conditions that are the direct result of the ingestion of cane sugar and not eating a whole-foods diet. A close friend of mine suffered for many years from severe migraine headaches, sometimes as frequent as twice a week and lasting for days at a time, causing her to become bedridden. After trudging from doctor to doctor, she came to believe that her migraines were due to allergies, as an allergy test had revealed she was allergic to many substances and foods.

Since we live on opposite sides of the country, we were not in touch on a day-to-day basis; therefore she was not immediately aware of my discovery. When I did inform her, she noted that many of her symptoms mirrored mine. (One of the strongest symptoms of hypoglycemia is severe migraines.) She is now in the process of correcting her diet, eliminating sugar and eating whole foods and has not had a migraine for weeks!

Mother, while many people would agree that sugar is no good for you, it has been my experience that they do not believe that it is actually a toxin. When friends and family members mention to me certain of their physical and emotional problems, I always suggest that they eliminate sugar from their diet. I am very sorry to say that most of them stare blankly at me when they hear this or vociferously deny that sugar could be the problem. I am saddened, as you must be, that their body temples are being slowly but surely destroyed by this horrible poison.

I am so very grateful that the Masters’ teachings led me to this most important personal discovery. I feel that I still have a long road ahead of me to fully recover from my addiction to sugar, but I will never give up.

I urge all who are suffering from symptoms and cannot find the cause to look first to the sugar in their diet. I have made many calls to cut myself, my family and all Lightbearers free from the sugar entity and I will continue to do so. I refuse to accept that the fallen angels will gain a victory by using this substance to destroy the Lightbearers of the world.

Thank you, Mother, for your complete devotion to your divine plan, which assists us day by day to gain our own victory in the Light. I think many of us just do not realize how instrumental you are on our path to the ascension. Without your focus and that of the Great White Brotherhood, I feel we would not be able to gain those day-to-day victories that will lead us to our union with the Lord God Almighty.

God bless you forever and ever!

With all my love,



My Doctor Said, “Let’s Try the Macrobiotic Diet”

The Masters and Mother Elizabeth have continuously expressed the importance of proper diet, especially the macrobiotic diet, for all associated with the Church. Here is my testimony.

At age 21, at 5’9,” I weighed my normal 138 pounds and was in excellent health. Then I went through a lifetime of off-and-on illness, varying in weight from 113 to 128 pounds. Four years ago, I was down again to my low of 113 pounds, and both my wife and my doctor thought I was dying.

The doctor was confused, as I had no fever and no heart problem. Suddenly he said, “Let’s try the macrobiotic diet.”  (Did my guardian angel or Mother Mary inspire him?) In three weeks, my weight was up to 128 pounds and my mind was again active and alert. In a couple of weeks more, my weight was back to my normal 138 pounds. Now, at 81 years of age, I am as healthy as at age 21.

I know of a man who weighed 240 pounds. He adopted the macrobiotic diet and steadily lost two to three pounds a week till returning to his ideal weight (for his bone and body structure) of 180 pounds. So if you are underweight, you can gain; or if overweight, you can lose.

My case is certainly unusual, but it does emphasize the importance to all of following the Masters’ instruction. If we take proper care of these “clay” bodies, it will mean a healthier, happier and longer life as we assist in laying the foundation of the coming golden age of Aquarius. And it will certainly assist us on our path to the ascension when our allotted time (which we can extend) expires.


P.S. Cut down on the quantity you eat!  Most in the U.S. eat more than the body requires. Save money and send it on to Alpha and Omega Trust. Earn some extra brownie points in heaven.



Three Angels Visited My Brother and Me at Our Cribs

Dear Mother,

I would like to share a cherished memory I have carried in my heart for forty-five years. It is miraculous that I can recall it at all because I was certainly less than three years old the afternoon it happened.

I was lying in my crib when three beautiful ladies came to visit. Two had blonde hair and stopped to look down on my infant brother as he was sleeping in his crib close by. Soon they joined the dark-haired lady who was standing beside my crib. They wore identical flowing white gowns sashed at the waist with silken cords. Diadems of gold encircled their heads and white feathered wings swept to their feet.

I wanted to call to Mama to come see my new friends, but the dark-haired lady placed her index finger to her lips and almost imperceptibly moved her head from side to side. She reached down and brushed my cheek with the back of her hand. Although I wanted to continue the visit, my eyelids grew heavy and I succumbed to sleep.

I offer this gift that was given to me, this memory, to you and to Keepers of the Flame in gratitude for the angels who guide, guard and protect us, who are unseen but very much loved.