Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 37 No. 40 - Beloved El Morya - October 2, 1994


The Call of Padma Sambhava
Padma Sambhava Calls Home His Tertöns
Penetrate! Activate!
Walk the Earth As Living Saviours:  That Is the Calling
I Place My Electronic Presence
over the Lightbearers of the World


Hail to the chelas of the sacred fire!

Hail to the chelas of the Great Lord, the Maha Chohan!

Hail to the chelas of Almighty God!

[Congregation gives the salutation:]

Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya!

[16-second standing ovation]

So I say:

Penetrate!  Activate!

Penetrate!  Activate!

Penetrate!  Activate!  (And now be seated.)

Penetrate the deeper levels of your own God-free being, then activate that reflection of the divine spark that you discover at the very core of every atom and cell of your very life and blueprint.

Penetrate deeper into the mysteries of God, then activate the mysteries as practical solutions in your life.

Penetrate the old karmic debris that lies as dead leaves at the bottom of your electronic belt, then activate the sacred fire to consume it.

Let the fire descend, propelled by the fervor of your heart!  Consume, then!  Consume, then!  those ashes of mortality. Consume them and let lilies spring forth from the base chakra of being.

Now to you and you and you who have been chelas and staff members for so long, I say:  It is time! It is time that you come into a rapprochement with me and my Messenger, that you cast into the fire all blame, all burden and all self-justification or non-self-justification. Some of you need liberation as liberation can be and has never been before for you.

I so desire it and I send forth the blue lightning of the Mind of God from the sefirot <1>—yes, from the Tree of Life, yes, from your Mighty I AM Presence!  Bolts of blue lightning descend now into your being. Resist them not!  For if you resist them, they then become deadly. Let them pass through the wide-open spaces of the molecules of your being. Yes, let the blue lightning of the Mind of God descend to purge and purify!

And I say, no lukewarm chelas anymore!  No lukewarm chelas anymore!  Come into the fire of the will of God!  Come into the joy of the great freedom of the Messenger, the great freedom of the Ascended Masters.

One Hundred Forty-Four Members of the Darjeeling
Council Attend El Morya’s Dictation and Are
Introduced as Surprise Guests

And now I say to you, I will introduce to you this night not one but many surprise guests. <2>  The first group of surprise guests are all members of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. Our membership is made up of untold numbers, beloved, but I shall give you the first wave—one hundred and forty-four, twelve on each of the twelve lines of the Cosmic Clock.

So receive these members of the Darjeeling Council. For they are aware of Omri-Tas’ “Message of Urgency.”

[25-second standing ovation]

Thank you, beloved.

There are, then, one hundred and forty-four sealed members of the Darjeeling Council. And there are other members and members’ assistants whom we hold in high esteem who serve with the one hundred and forty-four and whose numbers extend beyond that circle. Many of these are attaches, research assistants and those who move with us to search the files of akasha so that we may lead this civilization to the advancements that have not been made in previous civilizations because of the blindness of the people or their selfishness or their karma.

Thus, beloved, you recognize the names of certain ones who are part of the inner circle of the one hundred and forty-four—the Great Divine Director, the blessed Mother Mary, Mighty Victory, your own beloved Lanello, those who have come from the Chohans’ retreats and the Chohans themselves. There are also Archangels who serve on the Council.

And this body, as each member multiplies his or her Electronic Presence, does reach out and touch the souls of earth—each soul in her time and in her due. And those who do not respond to our touch are left to ripen for some time—sometimes for decades, sometimes for centuries and sometimes longer.

Note well that the opening of the door to a soul of Light to be a chela of mine, having a flow of light to my heart as a figure-eight, is a great opportunity. And I extend that opportunity with regularity. But if it is shunned, if it is abused, if it is trampled upon by a would-be devotee, then, beloved, it becomes a karma-making situation for that soul; and by cosmic law I must withdraw lest she make grave karma.

Therefore believe me when I say that I am not the only one who flies from Darjeeling with my turban unfurled because I have not had time to fasten it. I tell you, many of us are shooting here and there like rockets as we deal with terrible situations nation by nation. Especially are we concerned with this generation of children, with the newborn babes and those who are coming of age and rising to levels of responsibility in their nations. Beloved, earth is a major challenge for us and for you. (Therefore now be seated.)


Ascended-Master Friends of the Ages

One challenge in which we enlist your aid involves the contacting of those individuals in embodiment who can respond to us because they have known us in past lives. The hundred and forty-four members who form the nucleus of the Darjeeling Council have contacts with many souls on earth, and this is a major reason for their having been selected to be on the Council. Prior to their ascension, these Ascended Masters and angelic beings had personal contact, sustained over the centuries, with individuals who are still in embodiment, many of whom are now ready to take responsibility for the fate of earth’s evolutions. Not only do these contacts recognize our members but they trust them.

And you can see the parallel in your own lives. When you make a major contribution to society, you become well known. Then by and by when you take your ascension, you will have many friends on earth through whom you can work. But this does not discount those who do not make a name for themselves yet are the constant servers of the Light. When they take their ascension, they too may contact kindred souls on earth, but as the nameless ones.

So whether or not you have name recognition, beloved, you have the opportunity to reach millions. I ask you to consider this because Ascended Masters who have not balanced their karma must work through unascended lifestreams, and preferably through those who recognize them.

You yourselves have had instant recognition of certain of the Ascended Masters as you have listened to our discourses through the Messenger, and for this very reason we have given you our names. We have maintained strong ties with millions of souls who were embodied on Atlantis and Lemuria and in previous ages.

Understand, then, that each and every one of you who has been drawn into this activity of Light has that connection to the Great White Brotherhood through one Ascended Master who has followed you throughout the ages and kept in contact with you. And you have grown accustomed to the very presence of that great one, not even realizing that a part of your aura and being is become the extension of that one.

Yes, beloved, by this means the Path has been opened to you. Your Ascended Master sponsor has protected you with his mantle because you have merit. And that friend whom you befriended long ago, to whom you rendered an invaluable service, will render unto you great blessings; for we never forget a favor proffered on behalf of the Light.

Thus, whether or not you already have Ascended Master friends at the court of King Arthur or at the Court of the Sacred Fire, you can make friends with the Ascended Masters by attaching yourselves to those who have received you royally at the Grand Teton Retreat when your souls have journeyed there in your etheric bodies. The Masters you have met there have come from near and far systems of worlds. And in their fiery determination, as though cloaked in the fires of the seraphim, they have spoken to you, they have reached out to you, and out of their eyes has come forth that violet-purple-blue light for the quickening of your souls. And in that light, beloved, you have been saved from the momentums of your own downward spirals and raised to a higher level of consciousness.

Tending the Flocks of the Lord

I speak to you, then, of the sponsorship by the Darjeeling Council of individuals who are in leadership positions in their nations, whether in government, the economy, education or the arts and sciences. We have many, many representatives, beloved, and we also count you among them.

We ask you to come to Darjeeling and to knock on the door of our Darjeeling retreat this night, to present yourselves and make known to us your professions, your callings and how you will lend your talents to this endeavor. For there are five and a half billion souls, more or less, in embodiment and many out of embodiment seeking entrée into this world. And we must tend them as we would tend the flocks of the Lord.

Therefore, we would deal with you according to your abilities and we would advance you in those disciplines in which you have already qualified yourselves, having concentrated in certain areas of life for thousands of years. Each one has a great contribution to make; and if you decide to make that contribution, you shall earn your ascension in the Light.

Think of it, beloved!  All that you have banked on the altar of the heart during past ages is coming together now. And you can use your spiritual momentum as well as your physical momentum, as we have told you before, for a tremendous victory in this hour.

You have but to give recognition to the Lord Maha Chohan’s invitation to you to come to his retreat at Ceylon, to study there and in the retreats of the Seven Chohans as well, <3> to master the facets of your God-Reality. Thereby you may have the Holy Spirit with you and upon you as you detain that Holy Spirit and nurture that Holy Spirit daily.

Yes, in addition to your Holy Christ Self and the Lord Jesus Christ, you may have the Holy Spirit walking and talking with you daily as your companion on the Path as though he were your shadow. But this shadow, as you will discover, is the shadow of Light. It is the outline of the form of the Paraclete that is borne in the heart of our Lord the Maha Chohan—praise be his blessed name.

Resentment:  The Most Sinful Act

You Can Commit against the Law

So you see, beloved, some of you have not stepped forward and said, “I can be this chalice of the Holy Spirit. I have taken my lessons from the Mother this summer, and I recognize that I must come into a love alignment with all people. I must forgive all and I must understand that if I find it difficult to forgive this one and that one for grievous wrongs, I can call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of those who have wronged me, thereby rendering them a great service, and I can forgive their souls. <4>  In the words of Jesus, I can say, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’” <5>

Some have blamed God for the karmic circumstances of their lives. If you are among them, I ask you to call upon the law of forgiveness for having so cast the blame for your karma on your heavenly Father. And then I ask you to forgive God for the circumstances of your life, for you know full well that your karma is your karma. I ask you to forgive the Ascended Masters. I ask you to forgive the Archangels. I ask you to forgive the Messenger. I ask you to forgive one another and yourselves and, in so doing, to say:  “Father, forgive me, for I knew not what I did.”

Many have done unto Jesus Christ in a state of ignorance what they would not do to him in an enlightened state. And I tell you, beloved, there are still many among you who do those things that you know you should not do. And you do not do them ignorantly but you do them knowingly, simply because you will not say die to the resentment, to the hostility, to this and that shadowed form that lurks in your body temple, that lurks in the garments of your etheric, mental or astral sheath.

Where do you think the cancers come from?

Where do you think the diseases come from?

You throw off all disease when you internalize the Light. Nothing can harm you. But I tell you, beloved, when you internalize resentment, when you internalize that ragged, jagged energy that ties up and blocks the flow of Light within you, then you are certainly a candidate for diseases that may very well take you out of embodiment.

It is absolutely imperative, beloved, that you let go of all sense of criticism, condemnation and judgment, of being incensed that this or that wrong has been done unto you. I tell you, beloved, if you do not do this, it would be better for you to go out from the Great White Brotherhood and separate yourselves from it. For not to forgive, not to make things right with a brother, a sister, with this one or that one could produce the greatest setback to your victory and to your participating in our program at Darjeeling for members-in-training under our Council.

Think of this, beloved. Some of you have allowed lingering resentments to go unchecked. This is notably the most sinful act that can be committed by one who knows the Law. I desire you to consider in this hour just what is your responsibility in light of your knowledge of the Law. Once you have that knowledge and you know the truth and you are no longer ignorant, you have far heavier karma in allowing resentments to smolder than when you were totally ignorant, even in this life.

So you see, beloved, some of you do not recognize that the great wisdom imparted to you through the Messenger by the members of our bands does place upon you a major responsibility to change your life, change your consciousness, to turn around and shed the cocoon of the old self, become Light and let that Light propel you into a service of joy and love whereby you find fulfillment in yourselves and facilitate the fulfillment of others.

Make the Trek to Darjeeling Nightly

for a Nine-Month Course of Study

This conference is a major turning point. For I have come. I AM El Morya. I speak to you. And inasmuch as I have spoken, I do not wish to see any not heed my word. For, beloved ones, the Karmic Board is strict with us, very strict. And when we receive a dispensation to speak to you and you do not heed the words of that dictation as a dispensation granted in your behalf, then at a future date when I or other Masters go back to the Karmic Board requesting to deliver a dictation, the Lords of Karma say, “Not until the students of long standing and even the new students will put into practice that which we have given, for we will not give a teaching that is not used.”

So understand it, beloved. Come forward!  Recognize the tremendous import of the message of Omri-Tas and the great need of Saint Germain to have Keepers of the Flame who will be at this altar on Saturday nights come what may.

Blessed hearts, you must take this announcement <6> seriously for the reasons that I have just stated. At this time and place in earth’s cycles, some are evolving downward, some are evolving upward. Therefore it is time that you affiliate with the Darjeeling Council and make your trek to our retreat to take a nine-month course of study. It will be a full school year of training on the outer and on the inner.

Thus I have spoken, beloved. For the sake of your souls you must come. You must build upon the foundations of learning you have had in past ages and ancient civilizations. And you must bring to focus in the physical octave the ingenuity and know-how you have applied to your vocations and avocations in previous lives. You may need to take night courses to bring to the fore of your memory past attainments that you can apply to current world needs as you serve in your communities.

It is important, beloved, that you perfect your talents insofar as you are able to perfect them. It is important that you make a statement in your time, in your century to further science and invention with your skills and to make a difference with the Light and with the Holy Spirit. Develop your skills, beloved, for advanced degrees and hands-on experience put you in very important positions where you can, in light, assist your co-workers and be key representatives of the Darjeeling Council in your field, thereby affecting millions of souls for the good.

I tell you, beloved, if you will apply to me and tell me what service you desire to perform and if you will come nightly with diligence to our chambers, you will have our support; and the pages who serve us in Darjeeling will serve you also. They will assist you with the research necessary for you to accomplish your dharma. They will assist you in accelerating the faculties of your mind. They will teach you how to retain information and to receive the gift of discernment of spirits so that you may understand what is really happening around the globe. You have the technology, you have satellite communications, you have computers, you have access via the Internet <7> to the latest advancements in your field.

We Must Begin with America Because
It Is Sponsored by Saint Germain

I tell you, beloved, we must begin with this nation because this nation is sponsored by Saint Germain. Whether you hail from abroad, whether or not you have made your home here, you must understand that if America goes down because of the chicanery of the top leadership of the nation, Saint Germain’s sponsorship may well be lost. And if it is lost, no other nation will have it or hope to have it. And the great dream of America held in the heart of the Goddess of Liberty, the sacred freedoms and all that America has stood for in the founding principles of this nation will be for naught.

This is the turning point, beloved. And the Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America tell you this day that we must have the support of our students!  We must get out the message of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, for we see the dark lines of karma that are converging. Great darkness is converging upon the people, and the minds of the people are absorbing darkness like a sponge. Great darkness covers the land, covers the minds, the chakras and the souls of the people.

Therefore let us saturate this nation with the Teachings through satellite communication before it is too late, before there is the settling in upon a people of a heavy weight of karma, which the people in turn will not transmute.

Do you understand, beloved?  There comes a moment every 25,800 years <8> when the entire world balance of negative karma descends upon a people and their world. And this karma will be descending with increasing intensity. And if it continues to descend without the people having the knowledge of the violet flame, then I tell you, how great will be the fall of this people, how great will be the fall of this age, of this nation and the nations and the continents of the earth!  Yet there are wondrous souls of Light almost everywhere on this planet.

I tell you, you who were born on this soil were born with a calling from the Darjeeling Council to take your place, whether in leadership roles or in rank-and-file roles, whether as masters or servants, and to fill your niche—yes, fill your niche and accomplish your assignment!

The Upsweep of Souls Drawn Up
by the Draft of the Holy Spirit
Sending Out the Ascended Masters’ Teachings via Satellite

This is the hour when all the telling shall be told!  This is the hour when all the work of the Ascended Masters shall come to fruition. And our work goes back to the days of Atlantis and to the days of Lemuria, where ascended beings whose names you have not heard did strive even as they continue to strive for the victory of Light. Yes, they have served, they have brought forward unto the present hour the technology needed for the liberation of the people from drudgery.

Yes, beloved ones, it is these remaining years of the century and then some that will tell all. And you will see whether there will be the transformation, the etherealization, the spiritualization whereby all the good of humanity and all the good of the nations combined will bring the upsweep.

I speak of the upsweep of souls drawn up by the draft of the Holy Spirit. And we are counting on you to embody that Holy Spirit, for as the Lord said, “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” <9>  When all good is drawn up and all of the people are drawn up with it, then you will see that Lord Maitreya, that the Maha Chohan, that beings of Light may open the door to the golden age.

Blessed ones, it is the vast upsweep that we require. We must have it!  We must have it and we must contact far greater numbers. There is no better means than by the international communications systems that are already in place via satellite.

Now, all must consider:  How will you put together the plan and the funds to make this a reality and make it a reality quickly?

This effort must become nothing less than a saturation of the nation, beloved, with the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. For we who have met in council at Darjeeling do not consider any other solution to be as effective as your pulling together the supply, decreeing for that supply and determining with all your heart and mind and soul that these messages and these teachings will go forth. Blessed ones, this Community must have standing as a major force and a major religion on the world scene because that is exactly what it is!  [35-second standing ovation]

I Place My Electronic Presence over Each One

Beloved, I thank you. I thank you for the fervor of your hearts. And now I would tell you just how close I am to you. (So be seated.)

I am as close as heartbeat—my heartbeat and your heartbeat one in the rhythm of the Central Sun. This oneness I shall seal this night. This I shall do, beloved. Please do not take my gift lightly.

This night I place my Electronic Presence over you each one, over each one in the world who calls himself a Keeper of the Flame and who is a Keeper of the Flame, each one who may read our books, who may read our Pearls, those affiliated and those not affiliated. You see, there are many bright and fiery blue-flame souls in the world, beloved, and I place my Electronic Presence over them also. Yet in your knowledge of cosmic law you have an advantage over others who know me not nor know this path yet are fiery souls.

You will sustain my Presence by your calls to me, by your calls to the will of God and by giving the decrees in the First Ray (blue) section of your decree book. Beloved hearts, you may have my Electronic Presence over you for the balance of this incarnation if you will give me your decrees daily with fervor and heart and intensity and great love for my mission.

I know you have great love for my mission, beloved, for that is why you are here. That is why you allow yourselves to be inconvenienced. As I said at one time, “The trek upward is worth the inconvenience.” <10>

You have inconvenienced yourselves in many ways. You have sacrificed in many ways. But I am offering you a bargain in the “coin” of the heavenly realm, and it is this:  I will maintain my Presence over you that we may be one, if you will sustain in your aura and in your four lower bodies the vibration of the will of God, the call to the will of God and the decrees to the will of God.

Forsake me not. Do not set this bargain aside and do not forget about it, beloved, because it is a onetime offer that I make, having pleaded before the Lords of Karma and the great God Surya for this opportunity and this dispensation.

My aura around you will intensify as you give my decrees as well as the calls to Archangel Michael, the blue-ray Masters and Mighty Astrea. My aura around you will dissipate, even as the clouds in the sky dissipate, if you neglect to continuously anchor the flame of the will of God not only through decrees but through obedience to all that I have taught you.

It may sound as if this would be difficult, beloved. It is not difficult for you who are the true chelas, for the will of God is your daily desire. The will of God is your daily service. If you notice you are getting out of sorts, quickly call upon the law of forgiveness, invoke the violet flame, erase your out-of-alignment state and reestablish your tie to my heart, even my Diamond Heart.

Yes, beloved, we can do this. We can enter this partnership. I can empower you, strengthen you and even heal your diseases if you will let go of their causes and cores.

Yes, beloved, I commend you for your study of psychology and for entering therapy where needed. I commend you for your pursuit of wholeness and your taking responsibility for the burdens of your life. For whatever your dissatisfactions are, they are not the fault of God, of Morya, of the Messenger, of this or that brother or sister or spouse.

Beloved ones, your problems are your own. They are the fruit of your tree of life. Make your peace with them. Cast out the bad fruit and harvest the good, but do not blame others for your fateful fruit. For you will waste a lifetime pointing the finger at this one and that one instead of pointing it at yourselves—and furthermore, you will lose my Electronic Presence with you.

Now, beloved, the hundred and forty-four members of the Darjeeling Council form over this place a vast mandala. You can attach yourselves to any of us as you are called and as you are appointed to serve in a specific capacity. And the mark that you make in this life will be far greater than it would have been had I not given you my Electronic Presence.

Why would I do this, beloved?  Why would I do it?

I do it because I bring you a message of urgency and because it is also an hour of urgency. And I desire to rev you up!  And I desire for you to call to me and to make your fiats for the will of God to be the quickening power for good in all people.

Do Not Dilute Your Path:
We Have Given You the Keys to Your Ascension

Many dictations have you heard and much water has gone over the dam. Understand my words, beloved. The waters that descend in the words of the dictations must not be lost!  And you must not go hither and thither and this way and that way seeking this and that and the next book that comes out of the East. You must reread your Pearls. You must digest them. For you are candidates for the ascension.

And I tell you, the major world religions this day are still dallying in the old dispensations that preceded the coming of Saint Germain and the violet flame, that preceded the coming of Padma Sambhava and his advancing of the teachings of the Buddha for the New Age, which he gave to the teachers (tertöns) that he sent forth to deliver the centuries. <11>

Beloved ones, there are those who maintain their spiritual pride and their orthodoxy and who will not be moved from the old dispensations that have been surpassed by the new. They will not budge to the right or to the left and are not willing to receive Saint Germain or his teachings, especially not through a woman, namely the Messenger. Until these are willing to bend the knee and open their hearts to their founders, who today are the Ascended Masters, they will not have the violet flame or the dispensations of the New Age.

Beloved, they are left behind in the dust. For the dear followers of God who have light, whose hearts are ignited by their contact with the living Word, who are a part of the Great White Brotherhood, even if they know it not, they move on!  They move on, beloved!  They do not stay in the stultification of old doctrine and dogma, no matter what world religion they are tied to. They walk out of the musty halls into the sunshine of a new day.

Understand this, then, beloved. The souls of Light who are moving forward are those who have stripped themselves of their spiritual pride and who have with great courage stepped out of the old ways and entered the path of the ascension. You are on that path!  Therefore, learn what you can concerning the world’s religions from the ancient texts as well as from today’s leaders but recognize that the human hierarchy that upholds these religions today cannot carry you to your ascension or even to the foot of the mountain. And if you follow these leaders who maintain the status quo and will not move forward into the dawning day of Aquarius, you will lose the opportunity for your ascension.

When you give your violet flame decrees in concentration for many hours, the violet flame and the Seventh-Ray Masters will take from you many burdens. I tell you, beloved, if you were to look at all of the communities of the faithful on earth, including those who are the true mystics and who embody the fire of their origins and their founders, you would find that none have the same fire of the eye or glow of the aura that you who use the violet flame have.

The violet flame cleanses you of sin, of sickness, and it shines through the eyes and the orifices of the chakras, enabling you to then send light rays from your own I AM Presence to help those who come to you, even to heal the sick and to elevate many.

Know this, beloved, and do not dilute your path, going this way and that way, thinking you will find keys that are not given to you here. We have given you the keys to the shortest distance between your karmic condition, as it was when we found you sitting on the curb of life, and the springboard from which you shall take your ascension into the arms of God.

This Teaching and this Path can deliver what we promise. But those teachings that are of the old dispensation, beloved, will not suffice, simply because those who promote the “old-time gospel” of the world’s religions have to this day truly not accepted the dispensation of the age of Aquarius. And the violet flame is indispensable to anyone’s ascension! And it is indispensable because it is the gift of the Holy Spirit given to you by Saint Germain so that you may meet the pivotal requirement of all who would ascend to heaven:  the balancing of at least 51 percent of your karma.

A Last-Ditch Attempt to Turn Around the World Situation

So understand, beloved, that my appeal to you is almost a last-ditch attempt to turn around the world situation. For the karma of the age continues to descend day after day after day before a helpless populace, a helpless leadership and a helpless government. People do not know what to do with the economy, with children whose minds are controlled through violence on TV and in the movie houses, with gang warfare in the streets of the major cities, with crime and with the all-pervasive drug problem. Many may know what ought to be done but they do not have the courage to stand and still stand as you have had that courage, as your Messenger has had that courage, as your loved ones who follow this path have had that courage.

Beloved, consider the blasphemous actions and the blasphemous state of consciousness of the majority of the leadership of this and every nation!  Where will we find the leadership of Light?  Where will we find it?

We shall find it in you, in your Holy Christ Self, in your children and in those who are coming into this Community. Blessed ones, there must be a standard somewhere. And this is where we call our chelas to hold high that standard—right here at the Western Shamballa in the northern Rockies, which so resemble the mountains of Tibet in terms of vibration and in terms of the light that is focused in them.

I Offer You My Body and My Blood

So, beloved, I have spoken to you of your opportunity. I have spoken to you of my promise. I pray that, whether you be handicapped in your body or in your psychology, whether you be whole or not whole, you will be who you are but advance from there. I say, strive. Strive along with me and do not let go of my Electronic Presence, for we are determined. We the members of the Darjeeling Council are determined to assist you.

Therefore I offer you my Body and my Blood, just as Jesus Christ, your Lord and Saviour (whom, of course, I do not displace in the matter of the Eucharist), has given his life to you for tens of thousands of years and not merely since the Last Supper two thousand years ago. <12>

I give you my Body and my Blood, beloved. I give you my Light essence and I give you my Electronic Presence. But I must tell you, I will not allow you to slow me down. You must begin to move and vibrate at least partially at my pace. And you must put these first things first.

I have spoken to some of you heart to heart, one on one, yet still you do not change your ways. You do not wrestle with your bad habits. You do not regularly dedicate time to the giving of these marvelous decrees that can save a planet—and in the process save your souls.

I urge you and I plead with you to hear me as you have never heard me before, to listen to my voice in the depths of your souls, to make your peace with all people as if the morrow were your ascension day or the day of your transition. Beloved hearts, make your peace with God and walk the earth as living saviours. That is the calling.

Our Singular Surprise Guest:
The Ascended Master Bodhidharma

Now, beloved, I introduce to you our singular surprise guest. The one whom I present to you this night is your beloved friend, the Ascended Master Bodhidharma. [22-second standing ovation] Look again, beloved. For this surprise guest, the Ascended Master Bodhidharma, is none other than your beloved Lanello!  [17-second standing ovation]

Inasmuch as you are students of Lanello, you now provide the blessed Bodhidharma with quite a few more students than he had in his lifetime. <13>  Blessed ones, understand, then, that we are Zen Masters. And Lanello comes to you often with the terse comment or merely a look of his eyes. ‘Tis then that you see the eyes of Bodhidharma, which had no eyelids, for he cut them off to stay awake that he might sustain unbroken communion with God.

This blessed one taught you through the Messenger at the conclusion of Summit University this summer. <14>  These are teachings you must ponder, beloved. You may not find the solutions to the koans overnight, but the Messenger has given you many keys that will unlock many doors.

I announce this so that you will understand what sort of Masters we are—Zen, terse, concise, humble, truly not making much of the ego of the self but embracing the cosmos and the great T’ai Chi. As we embrace the Great Causal Body of God and enter into the Dharmakaya, we show you how to enter your Mighty I AM Presence and Causal Body, ring upon ring of attainment on the spiritual path which day by day you are making your own.

Blessed hearts, when you have the gentleness of one who is truly humble and truly meek, then you discover that you have an empowerment from the T’ai Chi and you may be the instrument of many miracles, even without the knowledge or realization that you have been touched by an Ascended Master.

When you call upon a saint, you are perhaps calling upon only one incarnation of that lifestream, who is now an Ascended Master. Take, for example, Mark Prophet. Mark was embodied as Saint Bonaventure, but he was also embodied as Saint Mark, the author of the Gospel of Mark, and as Ikhnaton, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Bodhidharma. So, beloved, when you appeal to the spheres of the Causal Body of a particular saint, you receive the blessing and benediction of that Ascended Master’s attainment and calling in that particular incarnation.

When you seek the wisdom of the Zen Masters, you call upon Bodhidharma. When you call to the Ascended Master Bodhidharma, you are focusing on Mark’s incarnation as Bodhidharma and you are applying to access the great wisdom stored in the Second Ray band of his Causal Body and his momentum of service on the yellow ray.

When you seek to write poetry, you call upon Longfellow. When you seek sainthood, you call upon Saint Bonaventure. When you seek direct communion with the one God, you call upon Ikhnaton. When you desire to know the mysteries taught by Christ, you call upon Saint Mark, et cetera, et cetera.

So know this, beloved. Some saints whom you thought to be different lifestreams are all one; others are indeed identified one by one as separate individuals. And if you will call upon the entire Causal Body of an Ascended Master, such as Lanello, you will benefit from the attainment of that one’s entire lifestream, lifetime after lifetime.

The Style of the Zen Masters

We the members of the Darjeeling Council think it is time you understood the fierceness that could come forth from a Mark Prophet and likewise from his twin flame. That fierceness, that directness and that intensity, beloved, characterize the style of the Zen Masters. Their demeanor is the mark of their training in the East and their centeredness in the five secret rays. It is also a sign of the release of fohat through their chakras.

And therefore, the sacred fire goes forth from their throat chakras and is amplified by the First Ray momentum of the Messengers. It goes forth from the Divine Father as Alpha and from the Divine Mother as Omega, and it is released to your Messengers so they may have the energy that is necessary in order to give you our correction.

Those of you who bore lasting resentment over spankings from your parents or correction from your teachers and were not respectful or humble before your elders may have a difficult time in dealing with our disciplines, meted out not only by the Messengers but by any Ascended Master. Beloved ones, I counsel you therefore to seek the great humility of nonbeing and enter thereby into Being, having divested yourselves of the accoutrements of the human ego.

You can learn much from Taoism and the teachings of the Great Tao the Messenger has given you. You can learn much from the disciples and the masters of the Far East, beloved. But always maintain your perspective, centered in the heart of Saint Germain, that it is the violet flame that is your salvation. For the violet flame is the elixir of Life poured out to you from the Maha Chohan in his role as representative of the Holy Spirit. Therefore do not deprive yourselves of so great an alchemy but use it liberally.

Call for the Judgment of the Corrupt Leaders of the Nations

I, Morya, have spoken to you. I ask you to give your decrees for the purging of corruption in the governments of the nations at the highest levels. Call to Almighty God for the exposure and binding of the corrupt ones in every nation upon earth at the point of the leadership, at the point of the control of the military establishment, at the point of the control of the economy.

Blessed hearts, your calls are vitally needed!  It is absolutely vital that the corrupt ones in positions of power be bound and judged!  You must give your calls daily so that we may answer them daily in full force.

And I tell you, with Archangel Uriel at my side this night, that this Angel of the Lord’s Judgment has presented his report to us in our council meeting. He has stated that once again at the turning of the cycles in this decade many rebels against God have been given notice at inner levels that their time is up. Thus, it is time to call for the judgment of the corrupt leaders of the nations and for the cutting free of souls of Light who can fill those positions now being vacated.

Beloved ones, if there are vacancies in the offices of the governments of the nations because fallen angels incarnate are judged, then I say, do not leave that vacuum a vacuum!  Step into it, even if you think you are not qualified. You can study until you become qualified. You are still young enough to earn academic credentials even if you are at the midpoint of life.

Yes, you can study and you can fill the offices occupied most recently by the fallen ones. I ask you to consider this calling in light of your ability, your training and your experience. Then be realistic about what it really takes to hold an elected or appointed office in government.

Beloved ones, I ask you to pray that the leadership of this nation will be founded upon the principles of honor, integrity and selfless public service, such qualities that you recognize as emanating from the Mighty I AM Presence in the white fire core of being and from the Divine Mother. In addition, you may demand the resignation of those who are not serving the people and not serving Almighty God but are only serving themselves.

What can we do, beloved ones, when the fallen ones are in power?  We can affirm with Uriel that their day is done and that it is the day of the rise of the Lightbearers!  Therefore, we look to the Lightbearers who, on the light side, are equally accomplished and talented as those on the dark side in the fields of government and law, business and industry, communication and education.

Understand this, beloved. You must have attainment equal to and greater than that of the fallen ones whom you would displace. I am fully confident, as I AM El Morya, that my Presence over you will make the difference.

I Step into Your Aura Now

So, beloved, in profound humility before the God-flame within you, I step into your aura now if you will have me. Receive me, beloved, for I come in profoundest love. I thank you for providing the vessel and the chalice of your four lower bodies to me in my daily service with you to the will of God.

To all chelas of the world, to all Lightbearers, I give my Electronic Presence. I place that Presence over you now.

I place my heart over your heart.

I place my crown chakra over your crown chakra.

I place my third eye over your third eye.

I place my throat chakra over your throat chakra.

Heart upon heart, solar plexus upon solar plexus, seat of the soul upon seat of the soul, base of the spine upon base of the spine. And the secret chamber of my heart, sealed in the Eighth-Ray chakra, I place upon your heart.

I bless all who have blessed God and blessed me in this service. Now the garments of my being, by light rays of my blue robe, are cleansing and aligning your four lower bodies. Now I place the blueprint of the Tree of Life and the sefirot upon you. It is the blueprint of the original Adam Kadmon. <15>

Thus, you have opportunity through the etheric level, the mental level, through the desire body and the physical plane to become myself in form.


Smile, beloved, for we are winning!

[18-second standing ovation]



The four-day conference The Call of Padma Sambhava:  Padma Sambhava Calls Home His Tertöns was held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. On Saturday, October 8, 1994, the Messenger read and gave teaching on Matthew 24 and delivered this dictation by El Morya, Lord of the First Ray and Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. The Messenger’s teaching and El Morya’s dictation are available on video- and audiocassette. Videocassette: 1 cassette, total 1 hr. 30 min., HP94055. Audiocassette: 2 cassettes, total 3 hr., A94104. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under El Morya’s direction.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. The sefirot and the Tree of Life. In the Kabbalah, the sefirot are the ten aspects of God’s being that manifest from Ein Sof (“the Infinite”). Kabbalists’ diagram of the sefirot, called the Tree of Life, is a blueprint for the inner workings of God and the inner workings of the soul. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35 no. 59, p. 683 n. 2, and 1994 PoW, vol. 37 no. 17, p. 180 n. 12.

2. The program for this conference announced that El Morya would introduce a surprise guest during his dictation.

3. The Maha Chohan’s invitation to study in his retreat and the retreats of the Seven Chohans. See vol. 37 no. 28, p. 323.

4. The Messenger’s key to forgiveness. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35 no. 47, p. 598 n. 13.

5. Luke 23:34.

6. Saint Germain’s great need for Keepers of the Flame to be at the altar. See vol. 37 no. 39, pp. 450, 458, 460, 463 n. 16.

7. The Internet is a worldwide computer network that enables subscribers to access by modem vast amounts of information on science, medicine, art, religion, politics and hundreds of other subjects. See “Hooked Up to the Max,” Time, 26 September 1994, pp. 58-60.

8. Karma of 25,800 years. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 4, 1993, “Meeting the Challenge of World Karma on the Cusp of the Twenty-First Century,” in 1993 PoW, vol. 36 no. 43, pp. 585-86, 597 n. 5.

9. John 8:32.

10. “The trek upward is worth the inconvenience.” El Morya, Keepers of the Flame Lesson 3, p. 7.

11. The mission of Padma Sambhava’s tertöns to deliver the centuries. In the ninth century, Padma Sambhava’s foremost disciple, Lady Yeshe Tsogyal, recorded his oral instructions and concealed them as “treasure teachings” to be revealed in later centuries. Padma Sambhava prophesied that his close disciples would reembody as tertöns, who would reveal these hidden teachings. (Tertön means “a revealer of hidden treasures.”) He predicted the names and times of arrival of 108 tertöns. The teachings they would receive, either in physical documents or in visions, would be the specific teachings needed to liberate those of their generation and century. See Dakini Teachings:  Padmasambhava’s Oral Instructions to Lady Tsogyal, trans. Erik Pema Kunsang (Boston:  Shambhala, 1990), pp. ix, xxvi-xxvii.

12. “This is my Body....This is my Blood.”Matt. 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19, 20; I Cor. 11:23-25.

13. Bodhidharma’s students. According to Zen scholars, Bodhidharma (c. 440-528) traveled from southern India to teach in China but found only two worthy disciples there, Hui-k’o and Tao-yu. (See the lectures and books listed in note 14 below.)

14. The Messenger’s lectures on Bodhidharma. On August 21 and 28, at the conclusion of Summit University Summer Session 1994, the Messenger delivered a series of five lectures on Bodhidharma:  “The Life of Bodhidharma with an Introduction to Zen Buddhism,” “Outline of Practice,” “Bloodstream Sermon,” “Bodhidharma’s Wake-Up Sermon” and “Bodhidharma’s Breakthrough Sermon.”  During The Call of Padma Sambhava, the congregation viewed these lectures on videotape. The lectures included quotes and readings from The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma, trans. Red Pine (San Francisco:  North Point Press, 1987); and Zen Dawn, trans. J. C. Cleary (Boston:  Shambhala, 1986).

15. Adam Kadmon (Primordial Man). In the Kabbalah, Adam Kadmon is the original archetype of man—an ideal conception of man, the first to be created and the model for all future humanity. He is the spiritual man, the heavenly man, who contains in perfect form all the divine attributes.