Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 37 No. 39 - I AM the Witness - September 25, 1994


I AM the Witness

“I Cannot Be Silent before an Injustice”


Dear Friends,

I am writing because I cannot be silent before an injustice. I am referring specifically to a recently published book by a disgruntled former staff member which I received unexpectedly in the mail. I was asked by another member to comment on the veracity of the allegations made in the book against our Messengers.

After evaluating the contents of the book, I felt deep regret that this person, who has not been in the organization for over a decade, had chosen to so viciously attack Mark (Lanello) and Mother with such outlandish stories that are not a true rendition of what happened.

Then I realized that it was not just Mark, Mother and those specifically mentioned in the book (myself included) who were under attack but all of us who consider ourselves followers of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. That realization, as well as my concern that seeds of doubt might be planted in the minds of those who never worked directly with the Messengers, has prompted me to make a public statement.

I was on the staff when the author arrived and I lived those same moments in the earlier years of our church. Yet, I have a very different memory. I remember the “great drops of blood” that many in the membership, including our Messengers, shed to overcome their karma, and I remember the victories. I knew quite a few people in our movement in those years who are now Ascended Masters (and the ascensions continue).

While on the staff, I was with Mother and Mark, often daily, and witnessed many miracles of love. I also witnessed small mistakes and defeats, theirs, mine, and others’. Morya never promised us a rose garden. Mark and Elizabeth Prophet never professed to be perfect, but they did profess to have the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters. And their record overall was exemplary.

I consider the training I received from the Messengers in those and subsequent years to be pivotal in my understanding of my dharma and my karma. And in the passing twenty-five years, I have learned from the ascended and yet unascended staff and community members how to “stand and still stand” to make life count towards the ultimate victory.

Lest any of you who have seen or heard about this book feel shaken in your beliefs as a result of its contents, I would like to remind you of what I believe is the essence of the walk with God.

While you have tarried at the feet of the Masters, have your eyes not seen nor your ears heard that greater Love?

Have you not felt the power of Love moving in your life to lift you above your karma and rescue you from harm’s way?

When your karma could not be lifted, have you not felt God’s arm supporting you in your ordeal?

And in moments when the pressures of life could be forgotten, have you not dreamed beautiful dreams of God’s glory for your life, your community and the planet?

Would you have had those experiences if Mark (Lanello) and Mother had been the kind of people the author of this book falsely portrays them to be, if they had not overcome their human egos or had thrown in the towel, succumbed to their karma and lived a comfortable, normal life?

Do not let contrived stories like those in this book make you forget your personal experiences.

The Masters teach us how to find God, but we are the active finders. They do not teach us to practice idolatry toward the Messengers or any other personages.

Believe in your heart; your heart has not duped you.

Trust yourself and remember those sacrifices of the human consciousness that have given you those moments in the eternity of your Christhood.

We cannot judge each other. I have learned in my walk with God that life (karma balancing) is very complex but that we are ultimately accountable before God only for the condition of our own hearts and no one else’s.

To the fearful ones and idolators I’d like to say, the Messengers cannot be blamed if your loveless sacrifices do not bring you Love.

Only Love begets Love. Those who have only idolatry in their hearts toward the Messengers and the Ascended Masters will one day become disappointed and then want to cast down their idols, as the author of this book has done.

We in this community should be ever grateful that the love fires yet burn in the hearts of our Messengers. We must defend our right to love God acting through their witness to Truth and pray for those who do not have eyes to see nor ears to hear.

A friend of mercy,