Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 37 No. 36 - I AM the Witness - September 4, 1994


I AM the Witness

Mother Mary Interceded to Save a Soul
From Compulsive Gambling


Dear Mother,

I would like to witness to the saving grace of God through our Blessed Mother Mary.

I was a compulsive gambler for most of my life. I began gambling at the age of six. I made my first football bet at the age of eleven. It became progressively worse over the years until no amount of money could satisfy me. In November ‘92, at the age of thirty-four, my gambling addiction brought me face to face with the Federal Bureau of Investigation because I had been involved in a scheme to embezzle $400,000 from a bank. It looked like I was on my way to a federal penitentiary, but little did I know our Blessed Mother had other plans for me.

The FBI had wiretapped the phone lines and intercepted and recovered the bank checks, so no money was actually ever lost. But the bank was determined to press charges and get a conviction. The FBI had a sworn statement from one of the guys involved in the scandal that implicated me. As I sat in the FBI office being interrogated, I couldn’t believe that my gambling addiction had brought me to this point. I had been in and out of Gamblers Anonymous for the past few years, and I knew the end result of compulsive gambling:  prison, insanity or death. I asked under my breath for God to help me. I told him I knew I didn’t deserve it but asked him to please give me one more chance.

I was released from questioning and was told to expect an indictment shortly. I drove to a friend’s house, a fellow who was a member of Gamblers Anonymous for almost thirty years. I said, “Charlie, I’m in big trouble this time,” and related my story to him. He left the room and returned with a little locket of Mother Mary. He said, “I know you’re not Catholic and you don’t believe in our Blessed Mother, but she can help you.”

I said, “How?  It’s too far gone and, besides, why should she help me?  I never believed in her and I used to laugh at people that prayed to her.”

He said, “That doesn’t matter. Just take it—you need a miracle.”  I took it. As he placed it in my hand, I felt a tremendous peace come over me. I thought to myself that I better come back down to reality, that my mind was playing tricks on me.

Three months went by and nothing happened. My job took me out of town. At the hotel I was staying at, I decided to strike up a conversation with the lady working at the front desk one night. I had just returned from a local bar and was smoking a cigarette. She started telling me how rock music was bringing the culture down. I was surprised to hear myself agreeing with her, but as soon as she spoke I knew that everything she was saying was true.

I felt something exciting was happening to me. Within a few minutes of our conversation, she handed me a picture of Mark Prophet and said, “He’s an Ascended Master. He can help you stop smoking.”  I said, “Please tell me more. I’ll pay you anything you want.”  Well, I could hardly take my eyes off that picture, but we talked until morning and she explained the Teachings to me.

I said, “How did I get here?”  She told me that she had asked Mother Mary to send her “a white fire core chela.”  She taught me how to pray, and so I prayed that morning and asked Mother Mary for her intercession in my legal problems, according to God’s will. Since no money had been lost, I believed that she could intercede for me. A short time later, I found out that the bank had decided not to press charges and the government wasn’t going to pursue the case either.

With about 90 percent of my being, I was sure that this was the result of Mother Mary’s intercession, but there was still about 10 percent of my logical mind that was telling me that it would have turned out like this anyway, even if I hadn’t asked for Mother Mary’s intercession.

I asked Mother Mary to confirm her intercession. I also asked her if I could see her. Two months later while I was at work I walked outside at 4 a.m., looked across the street, and there she was. Mother Mary had projected her image on a big window of an office building. It was clear and distinct:  her face, eyes, nose. She was life-size and wearing a white shawl over her head. I looked around for someone I could show it to, but there was no one. She stayed there for over an hour. Mother Mary had confirmed my miracle.

Since that time I’ve stopped gambling and have never had another urge to bet. My family, who are not in the Teachings, believe that it must be a miracle of God for me to have stopped gambling. I’ve also stopped smoking.

My first conference was July ‘93, and I have just completed Summit University Level I. With a heart of gratitude to Jesus and Mighty Victory, Lanello and especially to that miracle worker, our Blessed Mother Mary, who did much more than just save my life,

I thank you,