Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 37 No. 31 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - July 31, 1994


The Environment of the Soul
Building Community through Spiritual Mastery
I Am Impatient!
Welcome to the Path of the Disciplines of the Holy Spirit
By Your Commitment to Me
You Shall Receive the Holy Spirit


I AM the Maha Chohan.

I have ever been the Maha Chohan and ever shall be.

So is immortal life vouchsafed to you.

So is your identity sealed in God.

The question is:  Will the identity be sealed with your soul left on the outside of the sealing or will your soul be tucked inside, secure in the flame of the Holy Spirit?

“To be or not to be?”  has been a question long before Francis Bacon penned the words. Indeed it is the question. <1>

Desiring to be or not to be is sobering. For, beloved, you may cease to be or you may live forever in the consciousness of God. While you are yet in this vale of time and space (and truly it is a thick veil), I say to you, the decision has not been made. Only the final breath tells the tale.

In the meantime, build your Tree of Life, increase its rings, as you now have circles of light placed around you by the angels of Jesus. <2>  Secure the Tree of Life that is illustrated in the Chart of Your Divine Presence. And see that all the elements of the Chart represent your soul’s potential for eternal life, whereas what you have here below is nonpermanent being. This state of being you and you alone can make permanent.

Do not postpone to the morrow, then, the decisions of today. For postponement involves a complicated setting aside of cycles, which inevitably results in opportunities missed. Everyone here remembers an opportunity missed in this life and perhaps many lives. Everyone remembers a sin they would rather not have committed.

Yet I tell you, beloved, it is the hour when you can forge and win the permanent atom of being in a manner that was not possible to you in the past because you did not have the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters. Today the sponsorship is there. And yet you must pay the price, for we do not give loans to nonpermanent beings, beloved, for obvious reasons.

Thus, I bid you welcome to the path of the disciplines of the Holy Spirit. And those disciplines, beloved, are filled with joy. You may have pain, you may have suffering, you may have deep sorrow, but all the while you are putting on the compassionate Christ.

There are reasons for sorrow in the earth, such as karma and soul testing and the work of naughty devils. But you are able!  Indeed you are able to meet every foe, to set aside every obstruction to your doing what you believe in and you know is right. I ask you to set the sails of your ship toward permanent reality and keep on course. Keep on course, beloved, and do not stop.

When you accomplish all things by your own self-mastery, then I, the Lord Maha Chohan, will have great need of you to succor those who suffer and do not understand why. I need you as ministering servants. You cannot afford the delay. I cannot afford the delay. For each and every day suffering humanity gives its last breath; and then opportunity is not, and the string on the light bulb is pulled and darkness covers the soul.

We do not desire to see this. We do not desire to see souls fall through the grate, fall through the cracks and go to the places of the lower astral plane, where they require heroic efforts on the part of unascended beings and Ascended Masters to rescue them from falling deeper and deeper into the underworld.

So, beloved, it is high time that you understood your history and the history of Mark Prophet, whose entire pursuit as a child and a young man was to be one with me. He had had that oneness lifetime after lifetime. And so as a teenager he again received the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, was endued with that Holy Spirit, became a vessel of the Holy Spirit. As it has been said, this movement could not have taken off as it did without its founder having received the Holy Spirit—the anointings as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Some of you who have known him or heard of him have also heard of his imperfections. Blessed ones, imperfections are necessary chinks in the armour. And each time you look at that chink, that mark you made so long ago, you remember well what price you paid for indulging that imperfection.

So know that your founder and Messenger under El Morya was surely cognizant of any and all faults that he carried. But I tell you, beloved, all in heaven who knew him then, and those of you who also knew him then and who had eyes to see, recognized his purity of heart. Thus understand that karma, psychology, past lives, parental relationships and all experiences have a bearing on what will be the makeup, the character and the personality of an individual. It is so of you; it was so of Mark.

Perhaps the difference between you and Mark is that he knew all of this so well and you do not. He strove hard to pummel the human self and he kept the anointings, he kept the gifts and had them to the end of his life. Now, then, is the hour when Mark, as an Ascended Master, steps forward representing the Holy Spirit that he internalized:  the magnanimous heart, profound compassion and pity for all life. He, then, may pass the torch to you of the anointings he received from me, or we may come together when you least expect us.

But I tell you, beloved, the greatest mistake you could ever make in life is to fault yourself for your sins and not realize that your sins are not what I am looking at. I am looking at the quality of the heart, the purity of the mind, the devotion, the path. I am looking for what counts and not for a human being in a straitjacket who is always materially perfect but misses the mark of spiritual perfection for want of seeing clearly.

Therefore, get on with plucking out the tares from your consciousness, the tares of gossip and criticism and condemnation and judgment and faultfinding with yourself and others. These have all been put upon you by others, or sometimes by your own karma returning to teach you a lesson (or two or three) of the consequences of pride in your human perfection. Pride is a most dangerous state of consciousness. I will shun it. I will run from it. I will not be solicitous of you until you recognize your pride through and through.

As I have said, if you have pride without the gifts and the anointings, what then shall be your pride when you have the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the anointings?  Why, you should probably build a tower to the sky such as Nimrod built, <3> so engulfed in human pride, spiritual pride should you become.

So, then, remember the mantra. Remember the mantra that Jesus gave to your Catherine of Siena. <4>  And Catherine repeated it and said to Jesus, “Thou the All; I the nothing. Thou the All; I the nothing.”  And each time she said, “I the nothing,” she would be emptied and then emptied again and again until her entire vessel was a fitting habitation for me and for Jesus. This is the formula, beloved. Know it well. Know it well.

I come for a certain pummeling to make you tough—tough to endure whatever chastening. Would you not rather receive it from your Messenger than from me?

If you do not know which is better, I will tell you. It is far better to receive it from the Messenger. For if you receive it from me, beloved, then, you see, it will be much more severe and you will find yourself mortified and inconsolable that an Ascended Master has had to rebuke you because you did deny the mouthpiece we have sent.

It is always better to make karma with unascended beings than with ascended ones. Such is the grace of having unascended Messengers.

So, then, beloved, as I come to you in this hour, I point out to you that the prerequisites for the anointings have been set forth. You have heard the teaching. <5>  It is your will, your desire and your goal and goal-fittedness that will determine what you achieve from our presence with you at this conference.

It is a good idea to turn your life around, shake it upside down and turn it inside out. And when you shake and shake a little more, see what falls to the earth out of the bag of human possessions—not necessarily physical possessions but possessions that lurk in the mind as anything to which you are unlawfully attached.

How unattached can you become between now and the hour when I recall the breath of life from you and you move on to other octaves where karma balancing is much more difficult?

I suggest that you simply give yourself to the test and see how you fare, walking in another’s moccasins and not depending on the accumulations of wealth and wisdom that you have built unto yourself or on preoccupations of this or that. I suggest that without delay and during this retreat here at the Place of Great Encounters you make a list of those things that you can set aside for this one goal:  empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Why, beloved ones, black magicians in the East seek those powers called the siddhis. <6>  They go after them, they practice them, they exercise them, yet they do not have the Holy Spirit. Having those powers without the initiation and sponsorship of the Holy Spirit is surely not the answer. Yet when the black magicians demonstrate those powers, the ignorant and the silly ones surely do come along and admire them. They attend their schools. They follow in their footsteps. They abide by their false interpretations of the Eastern scriptures.

O beloved, if ye seek first the kingdom of God that is within you and all of his righteousness, then any and all powers you need will be added unto you. <7>  You have but to look in the scriptures to see what powers the apostles had—real powers, powers whereby they could tell their Lord:  “Even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.” <8>  Yet Jesus told them there were yet higher powers that they might receive through his name.

Would you have all devils be subject unto you?  Begin with your own devils. Begin with your own household. Begin with your own consciousness. Exercise your authority over your devils and dismiss them. Dismiss them, I say, beloved!

Some of you are too namby-pamby in your decrees. You are not fierce in your use of the sacred fire of ascension’s flame or in your calls to Serapis Bey or me. You must be far more fierce!  And you must challenge larger and more powerful demons until you are using that mighty sword of blue flame of Archangel Michael to challenge and overcome mass entities and discarnates; for there are swarms of them that attack innocent life like swarms of wasps or killer bees, causing murder and mayhem and all kinds of upset in the consciousness of people.

Yes, beloved, you can easily master the binding of lesser demons, but it will take your oneness with the power of Elohim and the Holy Spirit to challenge those who are wreaking havoc with the entire world civilization.

Am I fierce?  Do I contain the wrath of God?

Indeed I am. Indeed I do. And I tell you so!

And you must understand that with all the death and sorrow I see that is unnecessary, completely unnecessary, I am impatient. I am impatient with the chelas of the age of Aquarius who dally in all sorts of things, not recognizing (1) their self-worth and (2) all that is accessible to them in the teachings of Saint Germain and through his gift of the science of the spoken Word. I am impatient because life is suffering, life is being snuffed out.

Have you not seen it ad nauseam and read about it ad nauseam right in this very day, right in this very decade?  Are you not fed up with leaders who do not espouse the cause of motherhood but openly pronounce that abortion is the way?

How can you go on with such leaders?

Blessed hearts, I tell you, it is an outrage to see the leadership of this nation being “pro-choice,” as they say, which allows women to deny life to their unborn children!  You know this, beloved. And if you cannot join this or that movement in protest, then go to your altar and, with the fierceness and the fire of Serapis and me, go after the slothful, putrid consciousness that prevails in the earth that legalizes abortion and affects future generations.

Blessed ones, understand, then, why I have a right to expect much of all of you. I have a right to expect the highest because you know and you know better. You know the Law and you know the timetables and you know of the conclusion of the age of Pisces and of the Dark Cycle yet becoming darker before it becomes light again.

Why, blessed ones, I must call you to an accounting this day. You must be accountable for the knowledge you have been given. There is no turning back. You cannot go back to a state of slothful ignorance and say, “I did not know better.”  You do know better. And therefore I will receive you or not receive you as my chelas accordingly.

I say, do not compare yourselves to any other group, to any other church, for you have the Law and you know the Law and you know the Law of Love. And you know upon whom you can call for intercession, for assistance, when you have to challenge Darkness and the dark ones.

I say to you, beloved, these are the days come again which were before the flood of Noah, when the wickedness of the earth rose to intolerable heights. And in those days who was found to be righteous but Noah and his family?  And all the earth was flooded and God did declare he would not flood the earth again <9> but if the earth were to be destroyed, it would be by fire. <10>

Now you have seen that fire in nuclear weapons. Now you have seen that fire in the wrath of individuals and in their returning karma and in the descent of the wrath of God in judgment of the nations.

These are indeed perilous times. It is as though you were walking on a two-edged sword. Which way shall this earth turn?  Which way shall the Lightbearers go who have the dispensation to save the earth and the age for Saint Germain?  And how will they approach the challenge on a massive scale?

I will tell you, beloved, it can only be done by the Holy Spirit—and through you by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit!  Therefore, seek it early. Set aside all those other things. For if you win this battle for me and for the Lord and you yet desire to be in embodiment, I can assure you that there are better planets to be embodied on. And if that is what you seek, I will accord you that privilege. You don’t have to experience everything here and now before you get on with the service of God for the saving of a planet.

Yes, beloved, this is the hour to get the Holy Spirit. By no other power but the Holy Spirit—multiplied by your I AM Presence, multiplied by the Son of God within you—will you achieve your goal of stopping the downward trends that gain momentum daily.

I say to you, beloved, hear me!  I am as close to you as the breath of life. I am as close to you as your inbreathing and your outbreathing every moment of your being in life on earth, waking or sleeping. I shall reward you if you make my calling your calling until we see earth’s victory won. Yes, I shall reward you if you do not again allow yourself to be pulled this way and that.

In fact, beloved, I give you this option:  Take out your journal or your daily planner this day and write to me the things you would like to have and do once this battle is won. And I promise you that inasmuch as what you ask for is within the parameters of the will of God, I will return to you that time and that momentum that you spent in the battle. And by this, beloved—by your commitment to me—you shall indeed receive the Holy Spirit.

I bow to the Light within you and I breathe upon you a certain breath to fan that fire. Now go, multiply it!  Bring it back to me so that I may lawfully, according to God’s will, anoint you.

[42-second standing ovation]


The ten-day conference FREEDOM 1994:  “The Environment of the Soul” was held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. On Thursday, June 30, 1994, following the dictation by Jesus Christ, the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, delivered this dictation by the Maha Chohan, Representative of the Holy Spirit. Mighty Victory’s dictation followed. The three dictations are available together on video- and audiocassette. Videocassette: total 1 hr. 24 min., HP94030. Audiocassette: total 1 hr. 24 min., B94089. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the Maha Chohan’s direction.]

1. “To be or not to be:  that is the question.” Francis Bacon (attributed to William Shakespeare), Hamlet, act 3, scene 1, line 56.

2. “Circles of light placed around you by the angels of Jesus.” See Jesus Christ, June 30, 1994, vol. 36 no. 30, p. 351.

3. Gen. 10:8-10; 11:1-9.

4. “Thou the All; I the nothing.” Jesus once appeared to Catherine of Siena as she was praying and said:  “Do you know, daughter, who you are and who I am?  If you knew these two things, you would be blessed. You are that which is not; I am He who is. If you have this knowledge in your soul, the enemy can never deceive you; you will escape all his snares; you will never consent to anything contrary to my commandments; and without difficulty you will acquire every grace, every truth, every light.”  Biographer Igino Giordani records that “with that lesson Catherine became fundamentally learned:  she was founded upon a rock; there were no more shadows. I, nothing; God, All. I, nonbeing; God, Being.” See Igino Giordani, Saint Catherine of Siena—Doctor of the Church, trans. Thomas J. Tobin (Boston:  Daughters of St. Paul, St. Paul Editions, 1975), pp. 35, 36.

5. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, June 28, 1994, “Lesson Two from the Holy Spirit:  The Prerequisites to a Master-Disciple Relationship with the Holy Spirit” (2 audiocassettes, 3 hr. 2 min., B94087-88) and June 30, 1994, “Lesson Three from the Holy Spirit:  The Anointings by the Holy Spirit” (1 audiocassette, 1 hr. 25 min., B94090).

6. siddhis. See vol. 36 no. 15, p. 156 n. 4.

7. Matt. 6:33; Luke 12:31.

8. Luke 10:17, 19.

9. Gen. 8:20-22; 9:11-17.

10. II Pet. 3:5-12. See also Zeph. 3:8; Rev. 8:7-11.