Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 37 No. 30 - Beloved Jesus Christ - July 24, 1994


The Environment of the Soul
Building Community through Spiritual Mastery
Circles of Light
Prepare for the Three Anointings of the Holy Spirit
Trust the Breath of the Holy Spirit



Circles of light, circles of light, hoops of light around ye all, placed by my angels now. For they have heard and I have understood that you desire to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit through our Lord the Maha Chohan.

That day and that hour is nigh. Tarry, then, in the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, which is in the etheric octave <1> and yet so near and so much a part of all hearts who yearn to be in the heaven-world and still keep their feet planted firmly in the earth to make that mark of comfort, to give that joy of healing, to be my presence where they are.

Welcome to my heart, all ye who love the Holy Spirit. Welcome to my heart!  Now you yourselves must define that heart as that bright shining of the sun of Divine Love.

I come, therefore, to impart to you the washing of the waters by the Word, <2> a profound acceptance from my heart, giving unto you the true spirit of forgiveness—forgiveness as the open door of opportunity to correct the wrongs and to intensify the rights.

None of you here or anywhere on earth who knows the Way, the Truth and the Life <3> should ever doubt for a moment that forgiveness is forthcoming when you ask for it, when you repent of your misdoings, when you desire to be baptized not only with water but with the Holy Ghost and with fire. <4>  Let none dwell for a moment in the sense “My wrongs are so great I cannot seek forgiveness.”  This frame of mind smacks of spiritual pride, beloved.

Therefore, accept the need for forgiveness. Ask for it. Put sin and the sense of sin behind you and know that I AM truly with you always, <5> especially in your deepest moments of despair, in your deviations from your chosen path, whatever that path might be, beloved.

Trust the breath of the Holy Spirit. Be aware of the breathing in and the breathing out and know that it is the Holy Spirit that sustains this breath. And it is the Holy Spirit who will give you absolution. Therefore, beloved, move with the breath of the Holy Spirit and understand that the very breath itself is sacred fire, the fire breath of God—yes, the fire breath of God delivered to you through the Holy Spirit.

If the Holy Spirit is the one who ignites the threefold flame at the beginning of your life and extinguishes the candle at its end, will not that Holy Spirit bring to you forgiveness day upon day so long as you repent of your misdeeds and make the conscious choice to advance and advance again?

But should you slip and fall, blessed hearts, never, never fall for the lie that you cannot be forgiven. For as long as you continue to forsake whatever sin, whatever aberration you may have committed or you think you may have committed, our Father will forgive you. It is true that some, repeating the condemnations put upon them by authority figures, condemn themselves and accept that they have done wrong when they have done no wrong.

Therefore I, Jesus, come to you in this hour so that you may have the opportunity for full absorption in the Mind of God, full oneness with the comfort flame of the Maha Chohan. Thereby you may receive absolution from me and truly be a part of my Sacred Heart.

Gentleness, gentleness in all things is the way.

Conserve, then, thy life. Conserve, then, thy sacred fire. For fire for fire, you must meet the Holy Spirit. If you would receive the fire and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, you must bring the fire and the anointing that your soul has already received and internalized through the blessedness of Saint Germain’s gift of the violet flame.

You must bring to the Maha Chohan an offering of 10 percent of that which you expect to receive from him, for then you shall create a magnet that shall magnetize to you the polarity of this blessed one. As you know, to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, even the initial anointing, <6> you must first internalize the virtues of the gifts you would receive.

The Maha Chohan draws the line of self-discipline. He seeks the self-disciplined ones, as I do also. And we come to restore that Master-disciple relationship between the Blessed One, the Maha Chohan, and each one of you.

Make determined progress, then, on your way through the hours and the days. Write your letters to the Karmic Board. Let them be consecrated at the altar and put into the physical fire. Have nothing that you have not confessed to the Holy Spirit. Come now and understand the spiral staircase and the ascent of the anointings.

Many of you have toiled in this and other lifetimes. Many of you have sought God in a thousand ways. But the hunger and the thirsting of your souls after this righteousness <7> of oneness with the Holy Spirit is unequaled in all of your past yearnings.

You have come to that place where many saints have said: “I cannot take another step, another breath, eat another meal or do anything at all until I am purified, until I am able to come into that relationship wherein I receive the approbation of the Holy Spirit. For now all else is to me but outer darkness. I would leave that outer darkness forever. I would put aside forever the need for recognition or for another’s validation of my being. I desire only that divine approbation of the Holy Spirit and to be one with the heart of my Lord Jesus forever.” <8>

Blessed ones, when your mouth is dry and you pant for the Holy Spirit, <9> and the goal of your life is to receive the Holy Spirit, I tell you, it is possible unto you. It shall come to pass. Whatever you put your attention on, whatever is most important in your life, that you will achieve. And those of you who are aggressive achievers, both on the spiritual path and in the world, know very well that this is true. What you set your sights on, you will become, you will realize, you will have.

But if the time you spend with the Holy Spirit in prayer and on your knees before God is divided by twenty or forty or a thousand different distractions, well, beloved ones, you only prove to yourselves and the world that all you really want is a thimble cup of the Holy Spirit’s essence. And that may be all you will receive—or none at all. And so, you set your priorities.

As the Messenger has given to you examples of the Spirit moving through the centuries from Genesis to Revelation, so you have understood that the prerequisites to the Guru-chela relationship under the Holy Spirit are found in scripture, where you have seen them since childhood—in the Ten Commandments, in the pronouncements of the prophets, in the Sermon on the Mount and in the mysteries of the Book of Revelation. Combine these with the preachings of the apostles and the miracles that came to them and know, beloved, that neither Father-Mother God nor Holy Spirit nor the living Son of God, the Holy Christ Self of you, will deny you that which is the fullness of your cosmic purpose—and your cosmic desire.

The apostles received training from me for three years and then some in times ye know not of, but they are not unique and set apart. Simply put:  They were called. They answered.

I call you today, then, to tarry in the heaven-world of the Holy City while you are out of the body at night, to learn your lessons, to revisit the prophecy of Malachi, <10> to submit to the Refiner’s fire, <11> to walk in the footsteps of John the Baptist, to come to the hour and the moment of the Holy Spirit’s descent upon me when John baptized me in the river Jordan. <12>

Thus remember the Holy Spirit’s dove. Thus remember that any and all can walk through the gates of the Holy City who prepare themselves and make themselves ready.

Blessed hearts, it is a question of momentum, and I would speak to you of momentum. For you must let go of lesser momentums in order to gather the various streams of your consciousness into one mighty single-pointed, focused river—that river being the river of Life. <13>

You may have to swim many miles upstream, but I promise you that on a certain day and date in your life all of a sudden something will snap and you will no longer be pulling against the gravitational pull of earth and her evolutions. You will have cut yourself free. You will move upward and onward and into the heart of the Maha Chohan with no encumbrances, for you will have seen the utter futility of all that is below.

It is something like taking off in an airplane, going to thirty-three thousand feet and seeing how small everything looks below—relatively unimportant, only important when you are there. When you are free to move beyond the veil of the planetary human consciousness, you are in the proper perspective, and then you truly know that the momentum of the river of Life is what you want, is all you want.

And through getting what you want that is lawful, all other things will come into proper perspective, and a certain level of normalcy will come into your life and yet not as ever before. For the overriding purpose in your life will thereafter be the receiving, keeping and intensifying of the three anointings:  the leper’s anointing, the priestly anointing and the kingly anointing. And you will recognize that this is the path that my disciples and the disciples of Lord Gautama and all true devotees of earth have come to.

By any other name, it is the same path, beloved. All are given the same hurdles. None are the exception. There are no favorite sons, no favorite daughters, only the weighing and the gauging:  How much light and love will that one sustain?  How long will that one be tried and not be moved?  Will that one endure unto the end and receive the crown of Life? <14>  My apostle James wrote down my words:  “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation:  for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of Life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” <15>

There is much at stake, beloved. For when the Maha Chohan and I give you certain blessings of the Holy Spirit and take you to certain levels of attainment by merit, we desire to see them made permanent by you. We desire not to see anyone fail or to have to step down and lose an anointing he once merited. <16>

Therefore, the trials and testings must come, and they must come again and again. But fear not. Angels of the comfort flame of the Holy Spirit are there to console you, to counsel with you and to give you the understanding of who you are and what you are capable of achieving when all of your desiring is one-pointed. God will not withhold from you anything you need for fulfillment in life, but you must learn how to fulfill your needs within the context of the law of God.

There is no protection when you are outside of the Law. Therefore let the law of the shaft of the tube of light be always that wall of light that “keeps the city” as well as the citadel of your consciousness.

I, Jesus, come as the representative of all who embody the Christ and the Cosmic Christ. I come with my teaching to you, beloved, that you might know that as we enter this summer’s courses at Summit University, I shall be with you, continuing to reveal to you that which you must put aside for good and that which you must incorporate into your being.

Whether the process be slow, whether it be quick, know this, beloved:  if you remain steady, moving steadily to that mark of the high calling in my Sacred Heart, <17> you will win the anointings of the Holy Spirit, beginning with the first, the leper’s anointing. Call to me and the Maha Chohan daily and ask for this anointing, and if you have not yet received it, ask to be shown why you have not.

The Messenger has correctly taught you that the prerequisites for a close association with the Maha Chohan and for the bonding to my heart under the Aquarian dispensation are more difficult and precise than they are for those who are yet under the Piscean dispensation. Thus, as I have said and as it is written, to whom much is given, of him much shall be required. <18>  Much more is required of you who have the violet flame, who understand the dynamic decrees. And the “much more” is your taking responsibility to be your brother’s keeper <19>—on a world scale.

Those who sing the “new song” <20> are they who are able to give the fiery decrees that no one else can understand or repeat. As John wrote:  “They sung as it were a new song before the throne...and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.”  This passage from Revelation 14 I dictated to John. It is a direct reference to those of you who have moved forward into the Aquarian age by stepping into the very coils of the violet flame you invoke. Thus you are living in a future age before that age is fully rooted in the physical octave and in the consciousness of the people.

So, beloved, do not resent me or the Maha Chohan. We are indeed stern teachers. It is for a reason. You are among the ancient ones. Your souls are older than many. You must set an example of self-mastery rather than being dependent on me as a substitute for your own self-mastery. You must show that Christ Presence that is unmistakable, that none can deny, so that finally the evolutions of this earth may acknowledge that the goal of Christhood is open to all and that there is no single Christ but many Christs.

Therefore, let your Light shine! <21>  Let your Light shine, beloved!  For when people recognize the Christ in you and when they recognize that the anointing of the Holy Spirit is upon you, then and only then will they be liberated from the doctrine and dogma of the various religious institutions out of which they have come.

See, then, beloved, that only the example will suffice. Your time to preach will come, but the example must be there. Let all who see you be moved by your example and also be desirous of coming up higher because they see in you, and in the transformation of your life, that all things are indeed possible in God. <22>

Thus, rays of light come upon you from the Cosmic Christ and the lineage of Sanat Kumara, by which you are blessed. I meet you halfway, beloved. I meet you with the true standards of Christhood, of Buddhahood, that you might gain the anointings of the Maha Chohan. Meet me halfway. Then we shall set a day and date when you shall know the glory of the Holy Ghost through our Lord the Maha Chohan as you have not known it since prior golden ages.

Many of you have been away from the center of Life for so, so long that you have lost the thread of contact. I say, come Home, my beloved, all ye who were with me in the ancient days of other continents and civilizations not recorded in the history of the last five thousand years.

Come Home, my beloved!  You have tarried long enough outside the mighty ring of the consciousness of God. There is nothing left for you out there but outer darkness. Do not waste the remaining weeks and months and years of your lifetime in finding out what you already know but would prefer not to know.

Rejoice!  Rejoice!  Rejoice!  Reach for the crown of everlasting life. It is yours for the asking and for the becoming.

Therefore, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, who overshadow you now, I seal you in the perfect matrix of your own God-design. Fulfill it now, beloved, for it is the time and it is the hour.

I wish you Godspeed and I AM with you alway, even unto the end of the world of unreality.   [33-second standing ovation]


The ten-day conference FREEDOM 1994:  “The Environment of the Soul” was held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Throughout FREEDOM 1994, conferees were blessed by teachings and darshan from the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. (The Hindi word darshan comes from the Sanskrit darshana, meaning “seeing” or “looking at.”  According to the Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion, every encounter with a Guru or holy person can be regarded as darshan. The Ascended Masters teach that darshan is the holy sight of the Guru, through whom the light of God flows. It is communion with the Ascended Masters through the Messenger’s ‘mantle’, which brings blessings of holiness, purification, the transfer of Light and the initiation of spirals of God consciousness within the chakras. A dictation from an Ascended Master is the highest form of darshan.)  On Tuesday, June 28, 1994, the Messenger delivered “Lesson Two from the Holy Spirit:  The Prerequisites to a Master-Disciple Relationship with the Holy Spirit.”  On Thursday, June 30, 1994, she delivered “Lesson Three from the Holy Spirit:  The Anointings by the Holy Spirit” and this dictation by Jesus Christ, Representing the Cosmic Christ Consciousness of the Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. Dictations by the Maha Chohan and Mighty Victory followed. Lessons Two and Three from the Holy Spirit are each available on audiocassette:  Lesson Two: 2 cassettes, 3 hr. 2 min., B94087-88. Lesson Three: 1 cassette, 1 hr. 25 min., B94090. The dictation by Jesus Christ is available on both video- and audiocassette (includes the dictations by the Maha Chohan and Mighty Victory). Videocassette: total 1 hr. 24 min., HP94030. Audiocassette: total 1 hr. 24 min., B94089. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Jesus’ direction.]

1. Tarry in the Holy City. See Luke 24:49 and Rev. 21:1, 2, 10-27. The Holy City, the New Jerusalem, is the vast Retreat of the Divine Mother in the etheric octave above the Royal Teton Ranch.  (See Sanat Kumara, December 15, 1985, “The Retreat of the Divine Mother at the Royal Teton Ranch,” in 1986 PoW, vol. 29 no. 10, Book I, pp. 70-72; and John the Beloved, “The Great Mystery of the Christos:  The White Cube of the Holy City,” in 1990 PoW, vol. 33 no. 24, p. 308.)

2. Eph. 5:25-27.

3. John 14:6.

4. Baptism not only with water but with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Matt. 3:11, 12; Mark 1:7, 8; Luke 3:16, 17; Acts 1:5.

5. Matt. 28:20.

6. The anointings by the Holy Spirit. In “Lesson Three from the Holy Spirit:  The Anointings by the Holy Spirit,” the Messenger outlined the anointings of the Holy Spirit as recorded in the Old and New Testaments. The Messenger explained:  “The tradition of the anointing starts early in the Old Testament and ends in the Book of Revelation. Moses anointed Aaron and his sons as priests. Priests anointed lepers and others. High priests or prophets anointed kings. God, generally in the person of his Archangels, anointed the prophets. And Jesus and the Holy Spirit anointed the disciples. These are the anointings we seek. All of them are for some of us, and some of them are for all of us. It is up to you by the way you live your life, by what you place as the centerpiece of your life, which of these anointings you can and will receive.”

7. Matt. 5:6.

8. “Oh, Lord, I am so hungry for your Holy Spirit.” In “Lesson Two from the Holy Spirit:  The Prerequisites to a Master-Disciple Relationship with the Holy Spirit,” the Messenger read an excerpt from the book This Is That by Aimee Semple McPherson. Aimee recounts how she “stormed heaven” for the Holy Spirit, praying:  “Oh, Lord, I am so hungry for your Holy Spirit. You have told me that in the day when I seek with my whole heart you will be found of me. Now, Lord, I am going to stay right here until you pour out upon me the promise of the Holy Spirit for whom you commanded me to tarry, if I die of starvation. I am so hungry for Him I can’t wait another day. I will not eat another meal until you baptize me.”  See Aimee Semple McPherson, This Is That (Los Angeles:  Echo Park Evangelistic Association, 1923), p. 44.

9. Ps. 42:1, 2.

10.. Mal. 3:1-3.

11. Refiner’s fire. Zech. 13:8, 9; Mal. 3:1-3. See also Matt. 3:11, 12; Luke 3:16, 17; I Cor. 3:13-15; I Pet. 1:6, 7; 4:12, 13.

12. The Holy Spirit’s descent upon Jesus at his baptism. Matt. 3:16, 17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21, 22; John 1:32-34.

13. Rev. 22:1.

14. “I will give thee a crown of Life.” “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer:  behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days [i.e., ten cycles]:  be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of Life” (Rev. 2:10).

15. James 1:12.

16. As the Messenger discussed in “Lesson Three from the Holy Spirit:  The Anointings by the Holy Spirit,” Saul, the first king of Israel, lost the anointing of the Holy Spirit because of his disobedience. See I Sam. 13:11-14; 15:1-28; 16:13-15.

17. Phil. 3:14.

18. Luke 12:48.

19. Gen. 4:9.

20. Rev. 14:1-5.

21. Matt. 5:14-16.

22. “With God all things are possible.” Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; 18:27.