Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 37 No. 29 - The Beloved Great Divine Director - July 17, 1994


The Environment of the Soul
Building Community through Spiritual Mastery
I Come to Sound the Alarm:
Save Souls Who Will Be Lost
without Your Intercession



I come, the Great Divine Director, representing the seventh root race and all root races and Manus. I come to you because of the acceleration of certain members of the root races in embodiment on earth. <1>

Blessed ones, there is a segregation among the members of the root races. Some among the older root races who are more advanced on the spiritual path have long prepared to enter the age of Aquarius, to move with the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother in the earth to sponsor the children of younger root races. For the younger root races have not the breadth and depth of memory of ancient civilizations; they have not walked a path of self-mastery nor understood the full meaning of what it is to be a part of the Great White Brotherhood. Then there are those among all the root races on earth who have chosen to lag behind their classmates.

Thus, I inform you that the upper tenth of the members of all root races who have incarnated and those who are not of the root races but of the angelic kingdom who have taken incarnation in order to teach those root races—the upper tenth, then, began at summer solstice and at the commencement of the summer conference to attend an accelerated course at the etheric retreats of the Manus:  at my own retreat and the retreats of the God and Goddess Meru, Lord Himalaya and Vaivasvata Manu. <2>

Yes, the upper tenth of the fourth, fifth and sixth root races must accelerate further and pull themselves up to a new standard in order to set the proper example for the members of the sixth root race still to come and the seventh.

Blessed ones, there are some lifestreams on earth who have carried resentments and old hurts through the cycles of ages turning. These resentments and old hurts go back many, many thousands of years. You might say that some members of the oldest root races have become entrenched in their resentments. In some cases their twin flames have long ago ascended and now occupy positions in the hierarchy of the heavenly hosts, having progressed far beyond their counterparts, who have remained to lag behind. This, I tell you, is a deplorable situation, especially when you consider that Divine Love when called upon at any hour could have been the healing of the whole law of their karma.

You have heard that there are on earth remnants of laggard and alien races from other systems of worlds who were invited here by unsuspecting citizens of earth. They came and tarried here, bringing with them their momentums of materialism and their preoccupation with science and technology to the neglect of the threefold flame of the heart. And these laggards and alien races have succeeded in influencing both older and younger members of the fourth, fifth and sixth root races to support a status quo of materialism. It is almost as if they had been hypnotized to lag behind their own root races, so entranced have they become by the next technology and the next. For they no longer seek the watering of the soul by the waters of the Word. They no longer desire the Path or the ascension or a life that spiritually surpasses the norm on earth in this day.

Let us assume that the greater percentage of those here are of the upper 10 percent of the fourth, fifth and sixth root races, else angels who took embodiment to help those souls who were being opposed by the fallen angels. Now we say, come to the retreats of the Manus!  Come, beloved, and assist the tutoring of souls who are of your own root races or angels who came in positive formation but fell into negative manifestation.

Come and learn, and come and teach. Come and be God-taught that you might be leaders of souls and that you might show them the way out of the darkest and lowest levels of the astral plane. These levels mesh with the physical plane and draw individuals into meaningless existences or to the place of being absolutely insensate as they are inebriated by the very density of the planet they inhabit.

You see, beloved, there is a certain cause for concern among those of us who are the Manus or the hierarchs of angels embodied, for both the children of the Manus and the angels have lost their sense of direction, their inner compass. Therefore they need the example that you can and must set for them.

Some have been caught in religions that do not set forth the requirements for the soul’s eternal victory. Some are caught here and there in momentums of karma. Some have been depressed for lifetimes and are unable to lift themselves out of their depressions. This ought not to be. You who are of the older root races must support the younger souls of the sixth root race and prepare yourselves to set a Christlike example for the seventh root race when their time is come to incarnate.

The Lords of Karma, myself as one, are confronted with quite a dilemma when they review the records and see what percentages of the humanity of the earth have slipped down the ladder, the ascending ladder of being, and have fallen back many rungs with no liberators in sight to pull them up and show them what is the right way, what is the wrong way, what is the way of eternal life and how to walk in that way.

There are so many people on earth who do not even contemplate, much less desire, the path of eternal life!  The prevailing tendency on the part of earth’s evolutions to become accustomed to the things of this world can only lead to the cessation of opportunity for forward spiritual progress and ultimately to the death of the soul.

This condition of consciousness is brought on by the attitudes of parents and teachers or by tremendous travail and horrific suffering. The hopelessness that comes across the faces of abused children in every nation who become castaways tells a tale of the tragedy of souls. These are they, beloved, who do not have the spark of striving and do not believe in themselves. They do not believe that they can conquer the odds of life and karma or that they can get beyond their roots.

So I tell you, you need to pray for the souls who are the strongest that they will recognize the mission that is upon them. And pray for the souls who must follow them that they be delivered from the stupor they are in as a result of the media’s bombardment of their senses and as a result of the food they eat that destroys the potential of the human body to be a vessel for the flame of immortality.

I speak to you in terms of the global dimensions of the problem, beloved, for the earth is by no means representative of a homogenous population. The gaps between peoples are so great!  There are such differences between the races and the root races. What each of them has made of the religions founded by their Manus is a case in point. The eternal Truth of God that the Manus have vouchsafed to mankind has been watered down and altered to the point where it has no relevancy to the age of Aquarius. And the husks people are fed leave them wondering where is Truth and her spokesmen.

Then there are the false doctrines and dogmas of Christianity that bind people to no religion but to wolves in sheep’s clothing. People are bound because they somehow believe, without having given thought to it, that they must be subservient to the system, having been taught that only through this or that body or church or organization or individual can they have salvation.

You are the independent thinkers. You are here because you do not buy into something said simply because it was said by “a very important person,” to whom others think they must surrender their very minds. You have not left the world to come onto this path without having the strength of your convictions and without having transcended the desire to be thought well of by your fellowmen just for the sake of being thought well of. Thus, beloved, you in your own right are leaders midst the families and friends, communities and nations that you hail from. Remember this, beloved.

Many people will not step forward and state an opinion that is contrary to what is being discussed. To do so takes courage. It takes having the sacred fire in your chakras. It takes independence in God. It takes communion with God that is so great that nothing that anyone could ever say to you could make you waver from the truth, from the honor, from the inner knowing your soul had even in your mother’s womb and lifetimes ago.

When you have such strong convictions, go not the way of the world but be outspoken, put on your tube of light, use the whole armour of God. <3>  Do not be silenced!  For if you allow anyone to silence the voice of your conscience, you will come to the end of your present opportunity on earth and wonder why you did not speak out in defense of this one or that one and bring a bit of joy and hope to a hopeless, hapless, helpless life.

Yes, beloved, use that voice while you have it and do not withhold your disagreement with error or erroneous statements. Do not keep your peace when someone is uttering an untruth. Challenge it, beloved!  Do not fear to be unpopular with the world. For I tell you, when you do not fear the world or its rejection, you will find that though the world may reject you, the angels will not. And, likewise, you will be very popular with the saints in heaven. And we will help you, we will serve you.

Cowardice has no place in the heart of a chela of El Morya or the Maha Chohan. Therefore, do not be cowards!  And let your bodies be purified and strengthened so that you have the peace of communion with your own soul and your own God-free being.

We certainly do need those who are leaders. We also need those who are followers. But we also need a dividing of the way whereby those souls who have become gray ones floating in a nebulous cloud on the sea of life can be saved—if there be any life or quickening left in them—and whereby those who are simply idling, for they have lost their leaders and the vision of their leaders, might also be saved.

Yes, beloved ones, it is time for a massive campaign for the education of the heart and the mind and for the development of the true Mind of God in every person on earth. Education is waning at every level. Some universities ought not to be called universities. The courses they offer are watered-down gruel.

Blessed ones, education is fading. And if it fade any more, I tell you that the retreats of illumination of the God and Goddess Meru and other retreats such as the Royal Teton Retreat will find themselves receiving many who are so poorly trained and backward as to have to begin with the ABCs that should be being taught in the physical plane but are not. Thus, not only are souls illiterate in the things of the Spirit but they are illiterate in the things of the world because they cannot even read that which is prepared for them in the schoolrooms of earth, let alone in the higher octaves.

The alarm that is sounding across the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood in this day and in this hour concerns the education of people at all levels. People are losing the ability to speak their own languages, to formulate their own ideas, to enter into the logic of a Pythagoras, to come to an understanding of the basic concepts of the science of life or of music or of so many disciplines that allow the expansion of the chakras.

We are living in a time when ignorance is a plague. It is a plague in every household. And that ignorance must be wiped out by the absolute fire of creation, the fire of the Holy Ghost!

I tell you, when you have access to the Holy Ghost because you have put yourself in alignment with the law of the Holy Ghost, you will call down that fire of the Holy Ghost and you will demand that the five poisons, i.e., the five types of ignorance, be consumed in the fire of the five wisdoms. <4>  And you will see that whole cities may be liberated because you have kept the watch and been absolutely convinced that your fiat, in the name Jesus Christ, would be answered, and so it was.

This is the type of person your soul longs to be. Now you will receive the teachings on how to be that type of person, and the results will be up to you and your striving and your devotion.

But I tell you, beloved, a soul can be lost and yet still be alive in a body. A soul can be lost because of ignorance, for want of having had attention and devotion from the heart of mother, father, teacher, friend, which would have enabled that one to experience the blossoming of the lily of the heart.

I daresay, some of you could give this dictation yourselves in terms of what you know, what you see happening in the earth, what you observe of souls decelerating into the grayness of nothingness to be permanently lost. And this will continue unless  certain chelas make the call for the Archangels to descend into the astral plane to save them.

These are serious times, beloved!  And when Evil is exalted and Good is debased, you know that the world is upside down.

Yes, we are concerned. Therefore determine that your focus and point of service will from now on be the saving of souls through the dissemination of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. For this knowledge provides the option to every soul who receives it to choose Life, not Death. Through this service you will attain your own victory and assist others, perhaps millions, in attaining theirs.

I have come to sound the alarm, beloved. We the Manus are determined that souls of Light should not be lost, but we require laborers here below who will respond to this call and recognize that salvation [self-elevation] is the great need of the hour. We want to see the souls of the members of our root races—and the souls of those who are not natives of planet earth but who are yet working out their salvation and karma here on earth—accomplish their goal and graduate from earth’s schoolroom.

Now, beloved, take up your Archangel Michael swords and begin to cut these souls free. Engage in your labors in this regard, for we must not see the defeat of precious lifestreams who once had hope, who once had a vision of glory in their own purpose.

The fallen angels, who are rampant in the earth, will be bound by the hosts of the Lord in answer to your call. And you who gather here can join together in your decrees to see that they are bound and thereby liberate many who are in their clutches.

I seal you in the power of my Causal Body, that Great Blue Causal Body that I maintain in defense of your soul.

Beloved ones, I have defended you and rescued you from the jaws of Darkness. I ask you now to return in kind the favor and to save others who will be lost without your intercession.

In the name of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, I bow to the Light within you, to the conviction of your conscience to act and act today, and to your courage to set all life free.

I AM the Great Divine Director. I will not quit planet earth but continue to give you, and all, the divine direction that God has given to me for your salvation.



The ten-day conference FREEDOM 1994:  “The Environment of the Soul” was held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. On Sunday, June 26, 1994, following the dictation by the Maha Chohan, the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, delivered this dictation by the Great Divine Director, Representing the Manus and Their Root Races of All Systems of Worlds. The dictations by the Maha Chohan and the Great Divine Director are available on both video- and audiocassette:  Videocassette: total 1 hr. 11 min., HP94028. Audiocassette: total 1 hr. 18 min., B94082. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the Great Divine Director’s direction.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. A root race is a group of souls, or a lifewave, who embody together and have a unique archetypal pattern, divine plan and mission to fulfill on earth or on other systems of worlds. According to esoteric tradition, there are seven primary root races on earth. The Ascended Masters teach that the first three root races have won their immortal freedom and ascended from earth. The fourth, fifth and sixth root races (the latter not entirely descended into physical incarnation) remain in embodiment on earth. The seventh root race is destined to incarnate on the continent of South America in the Aquarian age. Each root race embodies under the aegis of a Manu (Sanskrit, “progenitor” or “lawgiver”), who embodies the Christic image for the race. Lord Himalaya and his divine complement are the Manus for the fourth root race; Vaivasvata Manu and his consort are the Manus for the fifth root race; the God and Goddess Meru are the Manus for the sixth root race; and the Great Divine Director and his divine complement are the Manus for the coming seventh root race. See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Climb the Highest Mountain, 2d ed., pp. 72-80, 84-87, 493-96; and glossary in Saint Germain On Alchemy, s.v. “Manu.”  Also, H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. II (Pasadena, Calif.:  Theosophical University Press).

2. Retreats of the Manus. The Great Divine Director maintains an etheric retreat in the heart of the Himalayas in India (the Cave of Light) and in the Carpathian mountains in Transylvania (the Rakoczy Mansion). The God and Goddess Meru maintain a retreat (the Temple of Illumination) in the etheric plane over Lake Titicaca, on the Peru-Bolivia border. Lord Himalaya maintains a retreat (the Retreat of the Blue Lotus) in the etheric plane over the Himalayas. The location of the retreat(s) of Vaivasvata Manu has not been revealed.

3. Eph. 6:11-17.

4. The five poisons. According to the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, there are “five poisons” that are of ultimate danger to the soul’s spiritual progress. These are counteracted by the wisdoms of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, who provide the antidote for each poison:  Ignorance, antidoted by Vairochana’s All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya. Anger, hate and hate creation, antidoted by Akshobhya’s Mirrorlike Wisdom. Spiritual, intellectual and human pride, antidoted by Ratnasambhava’s Wisdom of Equality. The passions—all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust—antidoted by Amitabha’s Discriminating Wisdom. Envy and jealousy, antidoted by Amoghasiddhi’s All-Accomplishing Wisdom, the Wisdom of Perfected Action. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 3, 1989, “Teachings of the Buddha:  The Five Dhyani Buddhas and the Five Poisons,” on 90-min. audiocassette, B89096; and “Introduction to the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Their Mandala,” pp. 13-26, no. 2, this volume. See also Vajrasattva, June 28, 1993, “Becoming the Gentle Ones:  Vials of Antidotes for the Five Poisons,” in 1993 PoW, vol. 36  no. 40, pp. 555-57.