Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 37 No. 28 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - July 10, 1994


The Environment of the Soul
Building Community through Spiritual Mastery
The Journey of a Lifetime
A New Life in the Holy Spirit



My beloved, I would speak to you of the journey of a lifetime. I begin as my angels attend me, joined by the angels of Gabriel and Hope and the seraphim of Justinius.

They come now to anchor a filigree thread of light in your heart and to weave that thread so that at the conclusion of this dictation it might be anchored in my heart. It is a strong thread but a fine thread. Honor this thread. With it I make contact with your heart so that you might strengthen that contact and strengthen your resolve not to do anything that should break the tie. From this conference forward, this tie may be sustained throughout the journey of your lifetime.

Take, then, this day as the beginning of a new life—a life in the Holy Spirit, a life in the profound ecstasy of Divine Love that shapes and apportions all human relationships. So I come to establish your oneness with my heart that you might decide that this is a natal day for you, as you are being born again in the Holy Spirit—not of the flesh but of the Spirit, <1> as John wrote.

I invite you to take up a new life in the Holy Spirit, to cultivate the gifts of the Spirit that you might lay upon the altar of humanity. Thus may you be the instrument for the elevation of civilization and those of all equations who come to the crossroads of planet earth.

Mark well this day and date, beloved. Set your sights on immediate goals, intermediate goals and long-range goals. Remove from life the nonessentials, but remove not the essence of Love. Remove yourself from the dallying in the human consciousness, the wasting of time and space and energy. For these resources are all you have as a crucible for the alchemy of self-transformation and world transformation.

I would suggest that your first goal be the saving of your soul. “Ah,” you say, “my soul is saved.”  But I say your soul is neither saved nor safe until she is bonded to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Thus, beloved, to know that the soul is not immortal until the soul becomes, through the Holy Spirit, one with the Son of God is to understand that the soul can be lost. <2>  Scriptures record it—”the soul that sinneth, it shall die,” Ezek. 18:4—but many are not aware that there is a price to be paid whereby the soul that is yet mortal might put on the bridal veil of her immortality. <3>

Children come to take First Holy Communion that they might be brides of Christ. It is their first step in this life whereby they publicly affirm their avowed purpose to seek the bonding of their souls to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This they vow to accomplish through grace and mercy and good works and the application of the laws of God day by day, day by day. Thus each crumb of Life is restored as they are restored to the whole loaf of their immortality through Christ Jesus.

Think of it, beloved!  Your ascension day will be the final day of your life in mortal form!  In that natal day when you are born of the Spirit and of the God-flame, you will have the full awareness that had your soul remained separated from her Bridegroom, she could not have entered the spiral of the ascension flame nor ascended in this life. For that which is mortal is mortal; that which is immortal is immortal.

Thus, bonding to the Lord gains you the initial status of immortality. But you must increase rings of fire round about the soul as impervious armour, as impenetrability, and yet be able to easily send forth rays of light and love through the many auric sheaths you establish as veils upon veils of light around the soul.

Thus, speak to your soul and say:  This is a new day and a new birth!  This day art thou begotten of God!  This day begin the climb to your immortality and cast off the fears and doubts of your mortality. Death has no power over you except you give it power, nor does hell nor do the fallen angels. Therefore, let the great fire of the Holy Spirit into your heart and intensify the walk with God whereby you put on daily that seamless garment of your immortality.

Immortality must be won!  It is not accorded merely for an expression of faith or because you acknowledge salvation through one individual, namely Jesus Christ. Immortality is won as hand in hand with your Holy Christ Self (who is of course one with Jesus) you internalize—as the fire infolding itself—the magnificence of God-free being!  Thus, it does take many hours and many days and, for some, many centuries to weave the plumes of the threefold flame into this gift, this bridal garment of immortality.

Let the goal of your immortality, then, be the major goal you shall have accomplished by the conclusion of your life. You see, it is possible for you to neglect the health of the soul, the vibrancy of the soul and the discipline of the soul. And if you do, the soul will not know how to enter the spirals of self-transcendence. If you do not direct your soul to take the steps that are indispensable to the self-transcendence that must come ere you have your victory, surely, surely you will not have the wherewithal to bond with me.

O my soul, O my soul—one soul, many souls—I greet you, then, for you have welcomed me to this Place of Great Encounters. And I am here to see to it that you experience great encounters with yourself, with your I AM Presence, with me, with all those who will address you, and with one another.

Now then, beloved, plotting the course of your life, seek correct livelihood. Seek a path whereby you may accomplish a number of things, including providing for your family, for your daily bread, for your education, for all that you must accomplish according to your dharma. And I define dharma as your calling to fulfill at a certain level the law of God for you that comes out of the great Dharmakaya, your Causal Body.

You see, beloved, all things can work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose, <4> called and appointed—called, yes, and anointed.

So the richness of your life from sunrise to sunset can be in the balancing of karma and the acquiring of more talents in the service of your God. And you can rejoice in God’s happiness when you are surrounded by and move with those who understand the cosmic honor flame, who may honor that flame even before they have begun to honor God. So some saints have said that to love the honor of God is ultimately to love God as the personification of that honor. <5>

Honor and integrity are the virtues of which immortality is made. Integrity refers to your “integral integration” in your I AM Presence. When you have honor and integrity, you weave strong ties to the infinite, to the immortal realms of life. When you have no honor and no integrity, beloved, you are like the shifting sands. You are double-minded and therefore unstable in all your ways, <6> and you can accomplish nothing.

It is not simply honor and integrity toward one’s fellowmen of which I speak, but honor and integrity toward God himself.  When you align yourself with the first commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” you place God first. After that there are descending hierarchies in your life to which you assign greater and lesser importance.

When you make it your duty each morning to put God first, to honor his flame in your loved ones and to consecrate all your enterprises to him, then all goes well. The key is to put God first in the day and last in the day and to rehearse throughout the day the magnificence of the beauty of life he has given you.

To this I call you. I call you as newborn souls beginning a walk with me that will conclude in your victorious ascension in the Light. To that end I invite you to take training from me at my retreat in Ceylon. I will begin with a full house but, alas, as is often the case, I may end with less than a full house.

Yes, beloved, for during the course you may have to step down from your seat and study at one of the retreats of the Chohans [the Lords of the Seven Rays] to master a certain untoward condition within your soul. Do not think that you are being demoted but rather that you are being sent to a place where you may fortify the weakest link in your being. Having so fortified it, you will be able once again to make good progress in my retreat.

Many of you have familiarized yourselves with my sons, the Seven Chohans, and you have practiced the disciplines of the Chohans whom you recognized and with whom you identified. You have heard the teaching that if you apprentice yourself to any three of the Chohans and take their disciplines, you may thereby qualify to enter my retreat and to remain there under my tutelage so long as you uphold the standards I have set.

But in this journey of a lifetime a portion of your hours will be spent in the etheric octaves in the retreats and universities of the Spirit, and another portion of your hours will be occupied fully with the responsibilities of your family, household and career, as well as with that descending karma that descends daily, hourly as sands in the hourglass. Thus you are reminded that your sojourn on planet earth has a tenure, that the sands do fall and when the top of the glass is empty you must turn the hourglass over again and again until the hours of your fulfillment have come.

Some of you sense you are in a race for the prize of your high calling in Christ Jesus. <7>  And you are in a race. It is a race for victory but it is also a race to balance karma. You have only so much time each day to invoke the violet flame to consume and transmute that karma so that you will not have to wrestle with it. You have two choices:  you can wrestle with your karma year in, year out, or you can cast your karma into the violet flame each day and have a clean white page to write on before sundown.

Some among you are busy, waking and sleeping, in and out of the body. Yes, that Universal Mind that they possess never slumbers, never sleeps. And so they have the inner sense that the hourglass of life is marking the hours of opportunity, and they know that when the final hour draws to a close, the door of opportunity to balance karma and outpicture their dharma on the physical plane will shut until the next embodiment.

These have looked at the opportunity for another lifetime and they have looked at the opportunity for their ascension and they have said:  “This is my time. I see the timetable, and this is the life in which I would make my ascension and thereby attain union with God, my Mighty I AM Presence.”

All of you can recognize such souls in your midst. Their peers do not always approve of them. They are one-pointed, fierce and unwilling to be interrupted in their work or set aside from their course.

Most of you are old souls, and by that I mean you have been on earth a long, long time. Some of you have grown, I would say, too much accustomed to the earth. You have become too comfortable here, having forgot your true home of Light and the etheric octaves. <8>

If you wish to journey to the familiar yet distant places of your origin, simply make the call and I will take you there, to the golden-age cities that you once knew. Such a journey is important for comparison’s sake. For it is very easy to get lost in the ways of this world and to think you have forever to decide to retreat to your home of Light in eternity.

Thus it is good that the Archangels escort millions of souls to etheric retreats where they may be liberated from the false doctrines and dogmas of the religions of the world. For thereby they are spared a wasted lifetime of not understanding the Teachings of the Ascended Masters or what is the true Path or what is the responsibility of the individual on that Path.

I bid you, then, plan every day of the rest of your life so that you may have your victory, so that you may be unencumbered by the karmas of this world, so that you may master the layers of patine coating the psyche, the very soul herself, who has taken on the patterns of parents and other authority figures as well as the mass consciousness of the entire planetary system and its weight of karma. <9>

If seeking and finding the ascension is too great a challenge for you, I ask that you at least set as your goal the total liberation of your soul. Think again how the soul is tormented by records of the past and therefore not truly liberated. Believe in the violet flame and use it, and prove to yourself how those records can be consumed and how you can be in the joy of the Holy Spirit through God’s gift of the violet flame.

I work with the violet flame. I work with the sacred fire, the white fire of the Divine Mother, which is sealed in the base-of-the-spine chakra. And I work with the comfort flame (a pink flame with fiery white center and golden aura) for your consolation as I teach you the path of Love. I work with the fire of the sun for your enlightenment through the crown chakra. And of course, as the Mentor of the Seven Chohans, I work with all of the rays for the alignment of your chakras.

But, beloved, you need to rock the child of your soul in your arms. Yes, rock and comfort your inner child. And let this child trustingly embrace the loving adult within you—loving because Christ has healed him, for you have gathered the fragmented parts of your psyche to the center of your being. Having restored your wholeness through Christ, you will be one with all aspects of being, and the stitches that held together the fragmented parts will no longer be seen.

No longer, no longer, for you will be wearing your seamless garment. And the divisions within and without shall all pass away, “and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying,” but only eternal life. <10>

Plan the life eternal. Live in the life eternal here and now! Be productive. Leave works that others may find in the field of your calling and expertise. Just remember, beloved, sooner or later if you follow this Path, you will be an Ascended Master. And then you will look back and say:  “What have I left as footprints in the sand that others may walk in and so that those who have known me will recognize me as an Ascended Master and be able to receive my assistance?”

We do not want you to be the nameless ones in heaven—no, not the “no-names,” but those who have a name that will be remembered. Yet do not seek to be remembered as the Nephilim gods of old sought to be remembered. Seek names of virtue for virtue’s sake, not notoriety for evil deeds.

Yes, beloved, and plant your ties deeply in the earth so that your children and your children’s children and the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh and all the tribes in the earth who serve the Faithful and True might have a link to you. They will have it because you have accomplished your mission of preaching or writing down the Word or some other mission whereby you have made your stamp on civilization. And in future centuries, all may say:  “I would follow that one on the path of his victory. For, having walked in his footsteps, I understand and I am grateful for and I value the process, and I see that humanity has been blessed for the work of that one.”

Keeping ties to the most highly evolved among earth’s evolutions while you are on the earth can only strengthen your calling and purify your motives. And maintaining ties with the Lightbearers gives you that entrée into their world that every Ascended Master who may not have those ties wishes he had.

Nevertheless, as the ages pass and continents rise and fall, people forget the names of the Lightbearers who left their mark on Atlantis or Lemuria and in prior golden ages. Although the identity of the great lights of antiquity may not be remembered, their positive influence becomes the collective inheritance of the race.

I, then, say to you, you can fulfill lawful desire. And it is most necessary to fulfill lawful desire; for, as you know, the lowest common denominator of your desire will magnetize you to that level again in your next embodiment, and the next and the next, until you have satisfied it.

There are wholesome and constructive ways of satisfying every desire that is right in the Mind of God. Therefore if you have desires that are pure and holy, constructive for humanity, I say go for them, pursue them, because you must arrive at the gate of your transition from this to the next life without feeling that you have missed out on this or that.

It is sometimes easy and sometimes hard to sublimate even right desires, but when your heart is one-pointed in God things fall into place in the order of their importance. When you make known to God that you have a need to create something, to accomplish something, to rise to a certain level of self-mastery (and of course God knows your need before you ask), he will accord you the opportunity to fulfill these goals if they are based on pure desire. God allows you to fulfill your desires because when you do, you become desireless.

In other words, by fulfilling rightful desire you neutralize the desire. In the case of wrong desire, it is never satiated. Thus people repeatedly indulge wrong desire, and they become addicted to wrong desire.

Think, then, about which desires you can cast into the violet flame. Then think about other desires that are constructive in the work of the Great White Brotherhood and to civilization. Pursue those desires that are deep and lawful and that pertain to your mission, for in fulfilling them you may raise civilization and affect millions with positive good by your service.

Contemplate this carefully and do not be deceived by wrong desire that does take you from the course of the plan the Lords of Karma outlined for you before you took embodiment. It is not necessary that you do or experience all things that you desire. And those things that are necessary are so, beloved, not merely because you desire them but because they are a part of the blueprint of the entire planetary evolution.

I show you now planet earth. I show you the nations. I focus in on cities and homes and families and individuals, those who have not fulfilled their reason for being.

Do you know, beloved, that everyone desires to fulfill his reason for being?  And that is lawful. Yet you may become aware of many people, as you survey the planet and as our angels take you this night on a tour of certain areas, who cannot fulfill their reason for being for want of education, for want of a proper and loving upbringing, which has caused them to have low self-esteem and to be dysfunctional in social situations.

There are gaping holes in the many auric sheaths of the earth, gaping holes that mark the place where souls of Light have come and gone. For one reason or another, because they did not believe in God or in themselves, they left their appointed work undone. But they shall return to take it up and complete it, for that burning desire will ultimately surface. It will ultimately win out. It will ultimately take over the soul and the soul will be in the ecstasy of the divine union, wherein her desire to fulfill her reason for being here below will merge as one with the desire of God above.

If things do not go right in a project or business venture you have undertaken, if everything goes wrong and things get too complicated, you should know that you are most likely on the wrong track. But when everything comes together and things go smoothly and you are on course and life unfolds as it should, you feel the winds of the Holy Spirit in your sails and you know you are on course. And by the very verification daily of the constructive nature of your work, you know that you are fulfilling something you must do that you left off doing long ago, something that you must perfect, internalize, become and then register as attainment in your Causal Body to the benefit of civilization.

I believe in planning. I teach the law of planning in the retreats. Some of you have been to my retreat and you have seen that this is the first order of the day:  to plan what you will accomplish from this hour to the fulfillment of this life and to be certain you do not come to the conclusion of this life (whether on schedule or in an untimely manner due to world conditions, physical illness or your karma) without having realized what you came to do.

If you do not accomplish what you set forth to do in this life and if you do not do it according to the highest awareness of the Holy Spirit that you receive from the Lords of Karma, I can tell you that the last day of your life will be one of the saddest days in your entire history. It is indeed very sad to realize in retrospect that you wasted the gift of life, that you squandered your time and your money and did not take the opportunity God gave you.

For the Lords of Karma will review your life before your Holy Christ Self, who is your advocate before the Lords of Karma, and you will find yourself begging for another opportunity to go back and make things right, to erase the record and rewrite it by doing what you should have done, what you might have done, in the first place.

Value, then, that precious life energy that flows over your crystal cord. Value that energy. It is your river of life. You can widen it, expand it, accelerate its flow by building reservoirs of light in the chakras. And when you shall have fulfilled God’s desire for you, then, as it is written, “out of thy belly shall flow rivers of living water.” <11>

So know, beloved, that you and you alone are responsible for the decisions you make. Do not make them by happenstance. And do not let others deter you from centering yourself in that inner point of God-Reality, which by its intensity propels you to the fulfillment of your goal.

One way to accomplish what you want to do is to set milestones, to say to yourself, for example, “When I am at the five-mile marker, I must have accomplished this, this and this.”  So you set markers, visualizing them before you in an infinite line.

Life on earth is linear. Life in heaven is spherical. You must visualize yourself having accomplished your ultimate goal and then focus on it now and then throughout the day until you fulfill it. By this, beloved, you will not miss the mark of your victory nor your opportunity to be a God-free being in any octave you choose to be in.

These are my thoughts, beloved. They are most important. I think there is not one of you who has not known of the untimely death of this or that one whose opportunity was cut off by his own doings, by his own karma and because he did not know the true teachings of the Law and did not realize the necessity of giving obedience to God and placing God at the center and the circumference of his life.

How often do you say, “What a pity, a life is snuffed out!” Yet you do not know but what that individual’s karma required him to pay the price of that karma with his life, only to obtain a better resurrection <12> and a better return to a new embodiment where he might move on without that burden and record of sin.

And so, there are many causes that you do not see that produce the effects that you do see. But I tell you, many, many, many, many people on earth do not apprise themselves of the basic laws of the chemistry of life that they need to follow in order to preserve their souls and their bodies for ultimate service.

May you seek service. May you understand when it is time to surrender to your highest destiny and to not let go of your Mighty I AM Presence. Know when it is time, beloved, to be in the mode of each of God’s virtues.

Now the action is accomplished. There is a filigree thread of light that the angels have woven from your heart to my heart. Strengthen it with love. Curb the passions. Do not indulge in rage or anger. Do not vex the Holy Spirit. Do not quench the Holy Spirit. <13>  And do not, by discord or darkness erupting within, snuff out the candle of your divine spark. Guard well the portion of yourself that is immortal, for that gift of immortality is all you have that ties you to your I AM Presence.

God has placed himself as the Atman in your heart. Cherish that Atman. Nourish the divine spark. Let no man take that spark from you. Let no man violate your crown chakra or any of your chakras. But say unto God, as the priesthood of Israel did say:  Holiness unto the LORD!  Holiness unto the LORD!  Holiness unto the LORD! <14>

Each time you recite the mantra “Holiness unto the Lord,” you weave a stronger tie to the Lord God, confirming his holiness where you are, sending to him that holiness which he has given to you, multiplied many times over.

I am your loyal friend. Friends are loyal not only in good times but in adversity. Friends are loyal when their friends fall and stumble or stray from the Path. Be the Friend, beloved. Be the Friend with a capital F and know that in that friendship you have established the means whereby God himself will befriend you. For, beloved, within everyone upon earth is the portion of God.

Seek me and find me in the flame of perpetual love and true sacrifice.

I bow to the Light within you. And with great joy I am come to this conclave that I might greet you with the hope that God shall raise up legions of Light, even your very selves, in the service of humanity.


The ten-day conference FREEDOM 1994:  “The Environment of the Soul” was held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. On Sunday, June 26, 1994, the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, gave a special presentation, “Teachings and Darshan from the Messenger:  Lesson One from the Holy Spirit:  Who and What Is the Holy Spirit?”  Following this presentation, she delivered this dictation by the Maha Chohan, Representative of the Holy Spirit. “Teachings and Darshan from the Messenger:  Lesson One from the Holy Spirit” is available on audiocassette:  2 cassettes, 2 hr. 30 min., B94080-81. The dictation by the Maha Chohan is available on both video- and audiocassette (includes the dictation by the Great Divine Director, which followed). Videocassette: total 1 hr. 11 min., HP94028. Audiocassette: total 1 hr. 18 min., B94082. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the Maha Chohan’s direction.]

1. John 3:5-8.

2. The soul can be lost. Ezek. 18:4, 20; Matt. 16:26; Mark 8:36, 37; Rev. 20:11-15.

3. I Cor. 15:50-54.

4. Rom.  8:28.

5. To love the honor of God. As recorded in the British film Becket, when Henry II, king of England, asked Thomas Becket, “Did you start to love God?”  Becket responded, “I started to love the honor of God.”  (The film, produced by Shepperton Studios, was based on the 1959 play Becket, or The Honour of God, by Jean Anouilh.)

6. James 1:8.

7. I Cor. 9:24; Phil. 3:14.

8. Heb. 13:14.

9. Buddhism teaches that there are five skandhas (Sanskrit, attributes or components) that constitute an individual’s personality and experience as well as cosmic existence. These form the basis of the personality from incarnation to incarnation. The five skandhas are:  consciousness, form, feeling, perception, and volition. The Five Dhyani Buddhas personify the five skandhas in their purified state. (See chart on p. 24, no. 2, this volume.)

10.. Rev. 21:4.

11.. John 7:38.

12. Heb. 11:35.

13. Eph. 4:30; I Thess. 5:19.

14. “Holiness unto the Lord!” Exod. 28:36; 39:30; Jer. 2:3; Zech. 14:20, 21.