Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 37 No. 26 - I AM the Witness - June 26, 1994


I AM the Witness

The Power of Forgiveness


Dear Mother,

I would like to testify to the power of forgiveness. About three years ago, before I had learned about the Ascended Masters’ Teachings, I was working with a 12-step program designed by a Unity minister. The program focused on forgiveness as the way to come out from under our pain and to make contact with our God Presence.

The program stressed that if it were possible to ask for or to give forgiveness in person, with no harm, then that is what must be done, even if it be painful. I decided that one woman and I had a lot to work out. I knew that she was working at the grocery store where I shopped, so I went shopping. I saw her on her knees cleaning a lower shelf in the canned vegetables aisle. As I walked toward her, she stood up and faced me, probably expecting something less than wonderful.

I told her I was working with a 12-step program on forgiveness and I wanted to ask for forgiveness for my behavior in the past. She looked at me and I could see her relax and look softer. We forgave each other and got up to date on our lives and our children. We hugged and I did my shopping.

As I stood in line with my groceries, I was feeling very light and really quite wonderful. I was trying to pass my feelings along to the people around me. It felt like someone reached down inside my head and turned a dial just a little bit. I felt a surge of energy flow through me from the One above me, who turned the dial. This energy flowed through my being and out my heart, which seemed much bigger.

I felt a oneness with the energy and everyone and everything around me. It was as if I were a plug in the wall and God’s electricity was moving through me. This energy was feeling love for itself in everything—the cans, the counter, the people. It was everything and it loved everything. It loved the crying baby and the old man just as they were. It had no requirements, no needs. It was love and it was in them and it loved itself as them.

The baby stopped crying. The whole store got quieter and more peaceful and the people in front of me turned and smiled at me, only it wasn’t me they were really smiling at.

Since that moment—and even more so since finding the Teachings and learning about the violet flame—it has been easier to forgive.

Forgiveness really is a power, a very real power.

My goal is to be that Love all the time.

Your Servant,



The 5 a.m. Punch

Beloved Mother,

One Tuesday morning at 5:00 a.m. in July 1993, I was awakened by someone punching me on my left shoulder. I generally sleep on my right side, and when I felt this punch I awoke instantly. I felt a stab of pain in my left shoulder and immediately looked at my clock. I couldn’t understand what was going on, since I was the only one in my trailer. Although my shoulder continued to pain me, I returned to my rest.

It didn’t dawn on me at first why I was punched at 5:00 a.m. or rather why I was punched at all. I then began to realize that since it was Tuesday morning, I was supposed to be in King Arthur’s Court for morning decrees to El Morya. I don’t know if it was Morya himself or an angel he sent to punch and awaken me to the fact that I was to decree to him each Tuesday morning. In the ten months since, I have missed only one session and do not intend to miss any more.

By the way, the pain in my shoulder remained for a few days to prove to me the reality of the punch.

What a wonderful way for El Morya to choose a chela!  Thank you for choosing me as your chela, so El Morya could choose me as his.

Your loving chela for eternity,

The Messenger:

Let every Keeper of the Flame accept this experience as applying to himself. Morya’s initiations are a blessing to all who claim them as their own. No doubt El Morya knows just who will achieve his victory by diligence in his attendance in the 5:00 a.m. Tuesday vigils. To all chelas, let the punch to the wise be sufficient!



The Descent of an Increment of My Holy Christ Self

Dear Beloved Mother,

I have been aware of a few unusual happenings in my life, which I would like to share with you. These events occurred, not for my glory, but for the glory of God.

I have been on your staff for nine years and in this time I have watched a change of consciousness in me. When I joined staff, I was a typical ego-centered person who was terribly self-absorbed. Through the wonderful initiations of being at Maitreya’s Mystery School, many habits and prideful things were taken from me and surrendered. The light I gained was hard-won.

I had no idea what a grace it was to serve here and to be under the tutelage of the Ascended Masters in a modern-day Mystery School except in retrospect. Illusion and the scales of density were gradually being shed as I submitted to the path of karma yoga.

One morning last year I was walking to my office and I felt the descent of an increment of my Holy Christ Self. At that instant I was noticeably happier, lighter and I knew this had really happened. I did not expect this gift. I was unprepared for it, but I received a grace and integrated a portion of my soul with my Holy Christ Self. It was a joyous occasion.

I do not think I would have recognized this grace if I hadn’t been aware of the dictations and Pearls of Wisdom that have constantly entreated us to bond with our Holy Christ Self. This is possible. A portion of my soul bonded with my Holy Christ Self, and I gained a greater mastery and love for the Path and for all Life.

Since that time I have also been observing that my decrees are much more effective. My sister has many physical problems. She was a smoker for over twenty years but recently quit smoking. Her doctor told her last February that she had a spot on her lung that might indicate lung cancer. She went to see a specialist and was waiting for the diagnosis.

I started to make some calls for her. During the Saturday night decree service I really worked on healing her lung with the decree 7.05, “Reverse the Tide.”  Several days later my mom told me that the lung spot was not cancerous and the doctor was going to continue checking my sister’s lung in three months. So far there is no cancer.

I give glory to God for that victory. I believe my decrees tipped the scales in the outcome of that healing crisis by an increase in Christ’s light. I know that others had been praying for her too and this antahkarana weaved a healing web of love that cared for her.

Recently my husband was laid off from his job. He was despondent for a few days but started a new job even though the working conditions were not harmonious. Then we decided to do a novena to the Great Divine Director, giving decree 10.08 fourteen times for fourteen days, asking for the perfect new job and career to be made known to him.

Immediately after beginning this novena, my husband was called into his new boss’s office and told that he would have many opportunities for developing his talents and that there was no limit to his future with this company. Also the atmosphere in his office became significantly more harmonious and my husband really felt a great uplifting change occurring.

I am writing this witness to you to thank the Ascended Masters—especially beloved El Morya, who has kept me in line, and Lord Maitreya, who blessed and established a true Mystery School in the physical—and, of course, you, beloved Guru Ma, for being the point where heaven meets earth.

I send you all my love and thanks for showing us the way to a life of freedom, hope, joy and love.

The Messenger:

The Messenger bears witness to this spiritual initiation. It was revealed to her by the Holy Christ Self when this Keeper of the Flame received it.