Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 37 No. 8 - I AM the Witness - February 20, 1994


I AM the Witness

The Pearls of Wisdom Are My Bread of Life


Dear Mother,

This morning I realized I could not continue to survive if it were not for the Pearls of Wisdom that I receive each week. They are indeed like food–oh, my goodness!–they are the Bread of Life.

So much of what I read in the Pearls these days continues to steer me to the renunciation of my former self and reminds me that eternal vigilance is required to keep the dweller-on-the-threshold away from the seat of authority in my being. Even as I write, I am made more sure of the blessedness of these recent teachings.

Coming and going, into and away from the Ascended Masters’ Teachings for so many years has been painful. The Lord Sanat Kumara recently spoke to us concerning this in his July 2, 1993 dictation (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 48). From his words, I received courage and strength when I needed it. Sanat Kumara said:


      I am here for one purpose:  it is to assemble those of you who have the sense of having had an almost indefinite past on Earth and who now have the deep desire to saturate the earth, and every footprint you have made upon it, with violet flame . . . .

      There is peace in the assurance that you all have–perhaps recognizing it, perhaps not–gentle, enfolding angel wings comforting you, leading you on and telling you again and again:  “Our God is worthy. Be ye therefore worthy unto him. Our God is worthy. He shall not forsake you.”

   I cannot find words to express the inner knowing I possess at this moment that I continue to have opportunity by God’s grace and only because of his grace.

I pray that I can continue to ride this wave of hope and that one day I will be able to visit you at the Royal Teton Ranch.

Thank you so much, Mother, for loving us as you always have and for helping me to find the forgiveness I need to express not only to myself but to one and all.

God bless you,