Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 36 No. 32 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - August 8, 1993


Healing the Earth
The Power Whereby Worlds Can Be Transformed
A Time for Singleness of Purpose
How Free Are You to Love?


This is the day when America must know that the initiations of the Holy Spirit must be met and met head-on.

Some of you have heard of the arrest in New York of individuals who were ready to bomb the United Nations, the FBI building, the Holland and Lincoln tunnels. Thus, the people of New York and America must now face the point of vulnerability that comes when a nation does not cleave unto her God but is the slave of the money beast and of all manner of indulgences and inordinate desire.

What will you do, America?  You are confronted by the initiation that at any time, anywhere, individuals who have a distorted understanding of Allah and of the God Principle within and of America herself and all that she stands for may appear here and there. For America is the open door of liberty to all who come to her shores seeking a way of life for their families whereby they might prosper in the spirit and in their material well-being in the heart of this grand dispensation of Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty.

Know, then, ye who are counted as the capstone of the pyramid that is the symbol of America, that you must provide the balance almost by an overcompensation of calls to the sacred fire and the All-Seeing Eye of God to expose the treachery and intrigue of those individuals who perhaps count themselves as religious zealots or as the disenfranchised, those who have not that which appears to be the reality of the American dream.

Blessed hearts, it is time now to take out the Ritual of Exorcism, given to you by the Holy Spirit, given to you by Sanat Kumara and the Ruby Ray Buddhas. For this Ritual of Exorcism, when acted upon and pronounced by you in this tabernacle <1> of the LORD, can avail much in purging the earth of those infesting demons and discarnates that take hold of the minds of those who are not centered in the law of God, whatever their religion may be.

Those who conspired to bomb New York have a fanaticism that descends from many past embodiments and antedates their embracing of the religion of Mohammed. They come into incarnation with fanaticism. Fanaticism has no part with real religion or true government under God. It can never prosper, for ultimately it is based upon hatred and spiritual blindness and an absence of the true and living Spirit of the Lord.

Thus I say to you, if you would heal the earth and heal America, then call for the binding of fallen angels in your midst and in embodiment who move against all of the principles given by God in the Ten Commandments and in the codes of the world’s major religions.

You must understand that insanity enters the brain and the being of individuals by many routes. So, across the miles, individuals have distorted minds. Perhaps it is drugs. Perhaps it is the food they eat. Perhaps it is their karma. Perhaps they are vulnerable by the very fanaticism that causes them to become houses filled with spirits who are not just and who embody that hatred of all that America stands for as the last best hope of the world, as imperfect as she is.

So, beloved, you should consider these reports in the perspective of world history, the history of this century and the history that is projected from 1990 for this twelve-year cycle of the descent of karma. See, then, that these conditions can either be kept under control by law-enforcement agencies, by community action groups and by the prayers of the righteous or be allowed to mushroom.

We have seen Keepers of the Flame rally in New York and other cities throughout this nation and the earth to give calls to the Ascended Master El Morya. If ever there were a time, beloved, when your calls were needed, it is in this hour!  International terrorism must stop. For these things ought not to be, and they will continue unless you stop them through your dynamic decrees. For even if some fanatics are imprisoned, others will come forth to take their place, carrying the same malintent to destroy the cities of America, until only the very living Spirit of the Holy Ghost upon the people en masse will be the defense of the cities of this nation and the cities of the earth.

Each day decisions are being made and you are walking forward, marching on the time line of the decade unto the year 2002. You must see that at every hand those things that come upon the people as karma can either be turned back and cast into the sacred fire and consumed, such as the last plagues, such as AIDS, or be allowed to continue to mushroom until these plagues shall not escape a single household!

All of you must understand the equation of life:  that the flame that burns within your heart is the Holy Spirit, is the Father-Mother God, is the living Christ, is the seed of the Buddha, is the Atman, focus of Brahman. So, beloved, know that that potential of God within you, that one manifestation of that tiny flame, is able, as in the heart of David, to slay the Goliath of teams of fallen ones who would destroy all that is good and holy and righteous, all that is free and that embraces the flame of liberty upon earth.

There are many, many conflicts in the earth. There is much karma descending and elemental life is burdened. Praise God that the Darjeeling Council has chosen to dedicate this conference to the healing of the earth.

Consider, therefore, all levels of the earth and the records of mankind’s karma that are layered there. Consider that people who are in Europe and on other continents are walking on the records of ancient bloodbaths where wars have been fought down the centuries again and again and again until the earth is literally layered with the akashic records of conflict.

Know, then, that one of the keys to the spirit of freedom and the spirit of brotherhood that you find in America is that this land has not had bloodbaths as recently as the European nations and other nations of the earth. For before the colonists settled America (aside from the wars of the native Americans) and since the Civil War, this soil has been virtually free of military conflict. ~Because the records of this soil were relatively clear, Saint Germain could act to sponsor the Lightbearers so that civilization might begin anew in this land and that you might write a new history, a new statement of purpose of freedom for every man, woman and child upon this planet.

Whether or not you realize it, you are now at the crossroads determining whether that freedom shall be guaranteed to every child in America and to every child that is born upon this planet. If you do not decide to so guarantee the freedom of the souls who inhabit this continent and this planet, there may well be a reverting to dark ages where freedom herself is no longer free because of such upheaval, even in this society and in this civilization of America. And there could be such threats to this civilization that more and more government controls will be accepted until you move from democracy to socialism and finally to dictatorship for fear of the inability of the people, the self-government of the people, by the people, and for the people to hold the reins of Darkness that threaten to control that which is America.

Why, beloved ones, everywhere you turn you see children of younger and younger age having guns, killing one another, killing their teachers, killing their parents. Each day it continues in the streets of the major cities. Those who do not live in the major cities, you who are blessed to live here on the border of America’s wilderness lands and in the northern Rockies are not dealing head-on with the issue of children and teen gangs carrying weapons in the streets of the major cities. But ultimately no town or city may be free of this plague of murder and mayhem amongst the youth.

Understand that people become accustomed to violence. They become accustomed to upheaval. And they gradually adapt to new levels of terror, terrorism and the violence that is portrayed on television and in the films produced by the motion picture industry.

Blessed hearts, these things ought not to be!  And individual by individual, those who make decisions for art, for music, for government, for the economy, for the care of the sick, for the education of the children and what their children shall see and hear are also facing the initiation of the Holy Spirit.

I ask you to turn your attention to your beloved Thomas More. When he had to decide whether it was worth perjuring his soul to agree with Henry VIII and thereby gain his life or it was worth giving up his life to stand for Christ Truth, there was no question in his mind. He determined that he would take his stand for Truth and know eternal life rather than take his stand for a lie that would result in the compromise of his soul.

Would to God that all people on earth were such men and women for all seasons as was Thomas More!  Yes, beloved, you are his disciples and therefore you can draw the line in your own life:

You can wipe out cowardice. You can wipe out your reticence to speak out in defense of what is right in society, and you can take your stand for the living Christ who lives in every child of God. You can take your stand for the Holy Spirit’s descent into your temple. And you can recognize that if you are to be a walking instrument of the Holy Spirit as the ancient prophets were, as they were the mouthpiece even of the mighty Archangels, you cannot enter into compromise of any kind. You cannot say, “I will not get involved. I will not attach my name to this unpopular cause even though it be right.”

Blessed ones, the sands in the hourglass do run out. And this is your moment and your hour. Look around your neighborhoods. Look into your schoolhouses. Look into your Scout troops. Look into your civic organizations. And look to your community responsibility.

Take a stand for Truth and stand by those who stand for Truth by going into your closet to pray, <2> to give your decrees and to give the calls to God and the heavenly hosts whereby you take the right action and set the example by defending causes that should be defended by all. Support all constructive lifestreams and make the calls for the binding of the forces of Darkness that move unseen on the astral plane to tempt even the best of the sons and daughters of God away from the Lord’s table at the Last Supper.

Yes, that table is prepared for you in this wilderness. Yes, the Lord Christ does come, and in his name I serve you Holy Communion this day. For I would break the bread and I would pass the cup of wine that you might understand that you can take Communion daily and experience the miracle of the Eucharist, even as you have seen on film the great miracles of the Eucharist that have occurred in recent centuries proving that the Host itself does become the actual Body of Christ and that the wine itself does become his Blood. <3> This process of transmutation by spiritual alchemy is known as transubstantiation. <4>

Yes, beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ has manifested himself in the Eucharist. May you partake of Holy Communion, and do so daily if you so desire, with the acceptance that as you partake of the Body and Blood of Christ your soul is being bonded to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. So may your words and works be consistent with those of one who would put on and be part of that Mystical Body of the Lord.

Yes, beloved ones, as this Messenger observed over thirty years ago, the problems of this world are not solved by the United Nations. They are solved by the individual united with God. Believe me, this is true. One individual who is united with God can be the igniting of a world and the upliftment of a world.

So aspire to that goal and then work in any profession or calling you feel compelled to follow. But first and foremost, always know that if you are not plugged in to God and plugged in through the Holy Spirit to your Mighty I AM Presence every day and every hour of the day, you as an individual will not be able to stand up against the planetary forces of Darkness.

Who has called you to do so, you say. Well, I say I, for one, the Maha Chohan, have called you to do this, for I recognize that God in you is the all-power of God. Whether his power be in you who are imperfect and not fully tutored or trained or developed in your self-mastery, it matters not, because God is the allness of you and in you when you determine to turn your life over to him, to turn your body temple over to him, to receive the Holy Ghost, to receive the living Christ and to know that you walk the path of the Bodhisattvas.

This is a time for singleness of purpose, for understanding that when the Lord God lets his mantle descend upon you, when your great I AM Presence descends upon you, you then have the empowerment of God to challenge the forces of Evil, beginning with those you have allowed to lodge within yourself and moving on to those that prey upon those nearest you. Thus you may assist your loved ones, reinforcing them with the strength you have because you daily commune in prayer, in love and in service with your God.

So understand that when King David determined to number the Israelites, God punished Israel with a pestilence that killed seventy thousand. <5> But when the Israelites relied upon the LORD and were not concerned with numbers but only concerned that they were right with God, they prospered and were victorious in battle. As Jonathan said before the battle of Michmash, “There is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.” <6>

To this I call you, America!  To this I call you, people of the world who are of God!  Understand that wherever you live, in whatever city, you are a pillar of fire! You are the representative of the Holy Spirit where you are so long as you keep the commandments of God and shun all fanaticism and come to love the very heart and soul of everyone, even if that one is your worst enemy.

There is a seed of God in all. Tie into it. Attach yourself to it and let the Light flow through you, for the Light is greater than the Darkness. And as the Light flows through you and goes into an individual because you refuse to focus upon his negatives, you refuse to tie into his argument or even his war, but you remain steadfast, anchoring your love in the point of Light that is God in that individual, beloved ones, that Light will swallow up the Darkness. And you will see by your heart and flame that people have been converted by the Holy Spirit because you have dared to wear my mantle, to walk with me, to know the Lord, to know the Holy Spirit and to recognize that that is the empowerment that God gave to Jesus Christ and that he desires to give to you.

Be not afraid to qualify yourself to receive that Light and that Power!  Be not afraid to change–to change your habits, change your life-style, change what is important to you. I tell you, a world is hanging in the balance!  And only a very small percentage of the people of this world have even the slightest understanding of the commitment necessary to be a bearer of the Light twenty-four hours a day–yes, to have that fountain rising within them so that if one comes and asks for water, they will have the water of everlasting life stored in their ‘pitchers’ <*> so that they can give a message of love and hope that is charged with the Holy Spirit, that is transforming to the one who receives it.

Do not look at your sins and say, “I am not worthy, for I have sinned.”  I say, God in you is worthy!  God in you is able to forgive you in this moment and in this hour. And for that reason I have come to serve you Holy Communion, and I desire that before you partake of it you shall confess your sins to your Holy Christ Self and cast them into the sacred fire and be not too proud to receive the forgiveness of God.

When you receive the forgiveness of God and you have that absolution, beloved ones, what happens?  What happens is that you are free!  You have wiped the slate clean. God has wiped the slate clean. You have promised your Holy Christ Self before the altar of God to go and sin no more. You are free once again to be a servant of God.

Well, note the psychology of the carnal mind, beloved ones. It says to you:  “You cannot be forgiven and God is not willing to forgive you. And even if he were, you would not allow him to forgive you, so you will remain forever a sinner sitting on a heap of sins and refusing to budge from where you are in consciousness. And in that frame of mind you will not be able to make a move to the right, to the left, forward or backwards, for you are stuck!  You are a miserable sinner.”

Well, beloved ones, if you do not wish to make progress on the Path, then your own carnal mind has given you a very good excuse as to why you can’t go forward in any direction.

So you see, it takes courage and it takes the binding of all cowardice to receive God’s forgiveness and then to defy the Tempter who comes along and tells you, “Aha!  aha!  You have committed this sin twenty-four years ago and God will never forgive you. And therefore you, being a miserable sinner, cannot come along and preach to the multitudes and tell them what standards they must hold when you yourself have not kept your standards.”

Beloved hearts, you can go round and round on this merry- go-round for lifetime after lifetime. If you are willing to be God’s representative in your family, then you must be willing to forgive, to receive forgiveness, to put your sins into the violet flame of the Holy Spirit and to start the new day saying:


God has washed me clean.
God has baptized me with his Light.
The Holy Spirit has come into my room.
And I have received the forgiveness of God.
And therefore in that forgiveness of my Lord and Saviour,

 Jesus Christ, I will go forward this day!
I will not remember the sin of another.
I will not remember my own sin, save as a reminder that

 I shall not sin again.
And I will not hold against anyone anything that he has

 done to me in our entire existence.
And I pray that those against whom I have sinned will not

 hold my sins against me.

   By your resolution to forgive, and to forgive “seventy times seven” as Jesus taught, <7> you cut yourself free from those who hold grudges against you and you send them love, love, love that pours forth perpetually!

Remind yourself of love by playing the love songs that we have recorded for you, <8> those mystical songs of Divine Love that bring you back to the realization that your only reason for being is to love and to love wisely, to love with the knowledge of the will of God and the laws of God and the laws of man, to love with the intelligence to know that some laws of man must be taken down and others must be put in their place–to love with the dedication to live in a free world where you can make the difference, you can run for office, you can write articles for a newspaper, you can do anything you want to get out your message so long as it is within the law of God and you do it on the foundation of the flame of the Holy Spirit that yet burns on the altar of your heart.

I transmit to you now an intensity of ruby fire from my heart through the Messenger’s heart. And this ruby fire is so intense, beloved, that it does cause the Messenger’s physical heart to pound in the very presence of this love.

Now I apportion it unto you, heart by heart by heart, that you might know what it is to walk with the flame of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ your Lord burning within your breast and know that he has called you to be like him and not to remain miserable sinners. And therefore you can walk not with your head in the sky but level, observing both the earth and the heavens and being practical in ways in which you can make a difference, such as turning back terrorism or contemplated terrorism and defending children from the harm that befalls them every day on their playgrounds and in the streets of the cities of this nation.

Blessed ones, I tell you, the measure of your service, the measure of your discipleship will always be how free you are to love. Free up the fires of love in your own being!

I have given you a transfusion of love out of the fire of my heart, but you must keep that fire banked with good works and love repeated again and again that multiplies again and again. Understand, beloved, that this love in your heart is the real power whereby worlds can be transformed and those things that look dark upon the horizon can be dissipated as easily as the wind dissipates the clouds.

Yes, beloved, love does not appear to be the easy solution when you look at the challenges faced by the people of every nation today. But I tell you, the most difficult way to solve human problems is through the human consciousness. Human problems defy solutions. Wherever you go you hear people say:  “How can we solve this problem?  We can’t solve it this way and we can’t solve it that way. We can’t solve the problem of the deficit. We can’t solve the problem of health care. We can’t solve the problem of the North American Free Trade Agreement or this or that or the next thing.”

The problems of the nations defy solution because they appear to be bigger than anyone or any group of human beings can resolve. But any group of angels of God and ascended hosts and all elemental life working together with sincere good folk on earth can bring about planetary transformation through the violet transmuting flame. I ask you to be that spark of the Holy Spirit that ignites a world with the violet flame and ignites you for the victory of your ascension.

I seal you in the heart of God. May you also seal God in your heart.

I AM the Maha Chohan, so very close to you. Remember, I am as close as the very breath of life and the flame upon the altar of being. I have come to ignite you. Guard the flame!


This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, June 25, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993:  “Healing the Earth,” held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Prior to the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture “Teachings of the Maha Chohan on the Initiations of the Holy Spirit for Those Who Would Become Keepers of the Flame of Life.”  The lecture and dictation are available on audiocassette (also includes the June 25 dictation by Paul the Venetian):  3 cassettes, 4 hr. 15 min., A93056. Also available separately:  Lecture, 2 cassettes, 2 hr. 45 min., B93056, B93057. Dictations, 1 cassette, 90 min., B93058. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the Maha Chohan’s direction.]

* chakras

1. Tabernacle [from Latin tabernaculum ‘tent’]:  The tabernacle of the Lord (also called the “tent of the congregation”) was the portable sanctuary constructed by the Israelites at God’s behest to house the ark of the covenant (see Exod. 25-27). FREEDOM 1993:  “Healing the Earth” was held in a huge tent, or ‘tabernacle’, in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch.

2. Matt. 6:6.

3. This Is My Body, This Is My Blood:  Miracles of the Eucharist. A moving film on the presence and power of Christ in the Eucharist. Narrators Bob and Penny Lord take the viewer to the sites of Eucharistic miracles that occurred hundreds of years ago in Italy. Available through Summit University Press: <#>3060.

4. Transubstantiation is defined in Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, as “the miraculous change by which...the Eucharistic elements at their consecration become the Body and Blood of Christ while keeping only the appearances of bread and wine.”

5. II Sam. 24:1-16; I Chron. 21:1-15.

6. I Sam. 14:6.

7. Matt. 18:21, 22.

8. Mystical songs of Divine Love. For a selection of these, order your copy of The Crowning Rose:  Songs of Love for All Seasons, sung by Excelsior. Includes the classics “Ah!  Sweet Mystery of Life,” “Because,” “I Love You Truly,” “And This Is My Beloved,” “Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms” and “The Harp That Once through Tara’s Halls” as well as original compositions. Twelve songs recorded on 45-min. audiocassette, B8213.