Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 36 No. 27 - I AM the Witness - July 4, 1993


I AM the Witness

“Thank You for Your Visit, Mother!”


Dear Mother,

I have so many things to thank you for, I don’t know where to begin. Please accept my apologies for not writing you sooner to tell you how blessed it was to receive you at the Washington, D.C. Teaching Center on March 17. The whole community was overjoyed by your visit, and I am personally especially grateful to have had the opportunity to spend so much time with you.

Thank you for being so kind and for putting me at ease. I always wondered if I would be nervous in your presence, but you made it easy for me. And you said so many kind and uplifting things to me. I will cherish those kind words especially because I have seen how unflinchingly honest you are, so I know that whatever you say, you mean. It is a wonderful experience to be in the presence of someone who is always truthful, always loving, always real. The only difficulty came in parting–I never wanted you to leave!  I felt that my human ego couldn’t come near me while I was near you; it was such a relief to have you here!

Your shining example will be a polestar to guide me to the end of my mission on earth. How can I ever express my gratitude for that? Well, I think I know what your answer would be–“Become my example and teach others as I have done”–and I pledge to you that I will do so with God’s help and yours, human ego notwithstanding.

Mother, the thoughts and the feelings I have to express to you of my deep and abiding love for you, your family, your staff, your chelas; of my gratitude for the great, great service you render, so little appreciated in this world; of my appreciation for the magnificent job you are doing and for the priceless jewels you have shared with us through the Teachings of the Ascended Masters–well, it would take a book the size of a novel to express it all.

Nevertheless, let me at least thank you for one specific thing. When I dropped you at your hotel the evening of your visit, you thanked me for being your good driver for the day and half jestingly said, “I wish I could have you be my driver at the ranch.”  In the same lighthearted spirit, I turned to you and said, “When do I start?” You paused, fixed me in your loving gaze and said, emphatically, “You’re needed here in Washington. You have a mission here, shepherding souls.”

I want to tell you, Mother, that I had a good cry on the way back to the Teaching Center over that one–and I hadn’t shed a tear through twenty years of my adult life, despite many heartaches. But these weren’t tears of heartache but of joy and of gratitude to God beyond expression. To think that I could be a shepherd to others, that I could be serving my God and his chelas, that I had a spiritual mission!

When I related this episode to my mother over the telephone, she wept for joy also. (This from a woman who used to think that she hated you!) She said, “It must have been for you almost as if God himself were affirming your mission!” Yes, God was speaking to me through his anointed Messenger. (Incidentally, for several months now my mother has been sponsoring your cable shows on her local channel!)

And then to top it all off, you sent me the warmest, most detailed thank-you letter I have ever read!  No courtesy was too small for you to remember and to give thanks for. As I read it, I kept thinking, “I’m the one who should be thanking you!”

Mother, I am enclosing a little book I discovered recently, Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie. You may have already seen it, since it’s on the New York Times best-seller list, but just in case you haven’t I’m forwarding this copy to you. It’s a lovely account of a near-death experience that I think conveys much of the essence of the Teachings in a way that is accessible to many people, even those who might not be ready for this Path.

Mother, you are always in my heart. I look forward to seeing you back in Washington, D.C. (hopefully, for a two-day seminar) in the very near future. Just let me know if you need a good driver!

With all the love in my heart,



“You Have Touched More Lives Than You Are Aware Of”

Dear Elizabeth C. Prophet,

I have been wanting to write to you for several years to try to express my gratefulness for you–one who brings Light to this confused world of illusion. I am not really even a member of your church body in a physical sense, but I share in my own way the search for Truth and Love and dearly want to bring healing to our sad earth.

At this time, especially prompted by the false and vicious assaults I have witnessed on TV, I want to let you know–or rather to reassure you–that you have touched more lives than you are aware of with your guided teachings. In the past I have purchased quite a few of your books and have enjoyed watching you on Channel 33 (Cox Cable) public access TV. Also, I pray for your protection and that of Church Universal and Triumphant.

I wish with all my heart that the general public would investigate for themselves instead of accepting, like a reckless flock of apathetic sheep, the garbage that the media/government gives out daily. All I can do is to continue to study the Law of the Universal Father, giving thanks and love in my daily life and, as often as I can, bring my consciousness to the I AM Presence.

I use the verses and prayers in the Heart, Head and Hand booklet and the “Watch With Me” Jesus’ Vigil of the Hours booklet. They have been a source of upliftment for me when I have been unable to pray. These prayers express so well what I want to send out on this earth and outward into our universe.

I know that you are busy being about your Father’s business so I will try not to be too wordy. It just saddens me so deeply to see those in such great spiritual need cast stones at the very thing they are in need of most–Truth and Light. I feel certain that you have seen into the future and know some of what to expect. It frightens me in a way to see just how savage ignorance and the mob mentality can be.

I have often told my husband that if I were in a position financially, I would definitely go to Montana to study. Maybe I will be able to do so in the future, but for the time being I feel most fortunate to be able to study for the ministry with a rare individual who has her feet securely planted on the Path. It is my sincerest desire after my ordination in four years to serve in whatever way I am able–I know Spirit will guide.

With love and prayers I leave you–Shalom.

May Christ consciousness return to earth.




Observations of a Summer in Kenya
by a Student of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Academy


Dear Mother,

My name is                . I went to Longfellow Academy for my eighth grade. I am presently in Nairobi, Kenya, spending my summer here and I wanted to tell you a little about it. I want to tell you because you gave me the opportunity to attend Longfellow and I was able to learn things that help me here and I can also see and understand things I never understood.

Kenya is one of the advanced third-world countries but it still needs a lot of help. Here if you are white, you have money and so in restaurants you are served first. I think this is very sad. Here if you are white, you also take black people in for work not because you can’t do it yourself but because this way you can help people in need. If you just give the money, it will probably be misused. Here the little street boys ask for money but this is not used for food but for glue. This glue is sniffed and it makes everything okay for a second. My aunt does not give them money but she does give them what they really need–food.

Being here has showed me that my life is almost perfect compared to the lives of the Kenyan people. I have seen the slums. The houses are made of iron and steel. The rich slums are worse than many people can imagine. People tell you to leave things like this alone. How people can do this I don’t know. I know I cannot, if I start imagining what my life would be like if I were one of those people. The saddest thing is that girls of seven or eight are living outside of good hotels because men in those hotels pay them to sleep with them. These girls are only left with scars and just enough to buy food.

Looking at the things that happen here I can see what the Masters mean. Our world is going down the drain. It is so easy to be grateful after this experience. I again want to thank you for everything that you have done. Thanks.