Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 36 No. 8 - Beloved Lady Master Venus - February 21, 1993


The Dawning of Your God Reality
Courage Begets Courage
Many Souls of Light Will Embody on Earth
to Lay the Foundations of the Golden Age of Aquarius

Seek and Ye Shall Find the Peace of Inner Wholeness


My beloved ones, in your willingness to wage war against the forces dark, you have cleared the way for many souls of Venus to come to the etheric octave of earth and to assist millions of souls [on a planet in transition].

You have cleared inner space, as it were. You have cleared the way whereby many might join you, some to take incarnation in waiting homes through souls of Light and others to remain in the Retreat of the Divine Mother over this territory <1>or in other retreats of the Great White Brotherhood.

Many sons have come from Venus through the ages, and daughters wise. They have been leaders in the fields of religion and science, art, mathematics, industry, architecture and in laying the foundations of golden ages and civilizations. Some have built the etheric cities of Light that are a part of the earth in the etheric octave and others have taken embodiment and have built [cities of Light on earth] in golden ages past. Indeed, much of the inspiration that came upon Atlantis and has come again in this age has been the product of the sponsorship or the direct involvement of Venusians.

So you see, beloved, the book by Phylos the Tibetan <2> is pertinent to this hour, for [this is a time when] many souls can embody to fulfill their reason for being. And every one of you here knows that many souls are being kept out of embodiment simply because of the fad, of too-long standing, of aborting life in the womb.

Thus, you see, beloved, those who love and those who are receptive and those who would receive these souls of Light must take up spiritual arms again and in this very court, which, as you know, has the great cathedral [of illumination’s flame] superimposed upon it. <3> You must also make the calls that these individual lifestreams, now free, now released by Sanat Kumara to come here, may enter, may be loved, cherished, educated, supported and brought to the place of the divine mission.

Many, many souls are determined to see to it that the foundations of a golden age of Aquarius of Saint Germain and Portia are laid in the physical octave. They have the vision, and they hold it, of the great beauty that has been in past ages and that may come again. They are fully apprised and alert to all conditions of potential war and upheaval in the planet and yet they are unmoved. They are unmoved, beloved, because they have the peace of which the Great Divine Director spoke:  the peace of inner wholeness.

See how necessary it is, then, by whatever means it takes, for you to reach that point of equanimity so that you may receive into your life or family or Community a soul who is whole. [It requires] that you yourself or the collective Community have a chalice of relative wholeness–of maximum wholeness–so that children might not be set back by those who have up to this hour ignored the admonishments to tackle the sublevels of being. Precious ones, these souls can do much for this Community, for America and for every nation. They can do much for education and for children.

Treasure, then, this opportunity and even call that you might all be and remain watchmen on the wall of the Lord. Now that you have the thoughtform [for the year] of the All-Seeing Eye of God and all of God that comes with his All-Seeing Eye, may you watch and be observant for the protection of life and the minds of all people. May you gather in your separate committees and spheres of influence and arenas of talent and tackle one by one the problems [arising from] the saturation of the minds of the youth with all manner of dark forms.

There are mothers and families on Venus who in this hour find that some among their members will journey to earth for a considerable stay to assist you and the unfoldment of the next centuries. They are bidding one another farewell. Those remaining shall keep the flame and hold the balance for those who go forth to make a stupendous effort for a victory on earth. This is quite a scene, beloved, quite a scene indeed, for many thousands of families are involved.

Thus, know, even as your families here have trepidation when their sons or daughters go to war, so the separation of those on Venus is not without pain. These evolutions are high adepts, beings of great symmetry and light; they have demonstrated great talent in bringing forth the music of God. They are highly evolved and yet they have their mandalas, they have their schools and families. Some professors in the universities there will leave and others must rise to fill their places. These professors have been loved for many centuries, as time goes. And so, you see, attachments do form, [even in higher octaves].

But I can tell you one thing:  the greatest attachment of all of every son and daughter of Light on Venus is to Sanat Kumara himself, to his great love and his great sacrifice. And they see all that he has given to the evolutions of earth and to all of the sons and daughters of Venus that have come [to earth in past ages to sponsor the children of Light here]. <4> And they desire to see that this entire exercise that began so long ago for the restoration of the fire of the heart to the evolutions of earth shall not be incomplete, shall not be left undone.

And they are absolutely determined, especially before your own determination, to see to it that Sanat Kumara’s great experiment in freedom shall not be lost, nor that of Gautama Buddha nor that of all who came in their lineage, including all the Bodhisattvas who have risen from earth [who were originally of] the evolutions of Venus. Yes, they are absolutely determined that all that they have done and achieved and given to the world shall not be lost and that the children of the Light shall not be lost and that souls on the astral plane who might be lost (as Mother Mary in her wisdom has warned) might be saved.

Thus, beloved, see, then, how your courage begets courage and how that which you have become and sustained can draw to you greater and greater reinforcement, as brothers and sisters and friends of Light from many planetary spheres are determined to be here on earth now in this century and in centuries to come to make good all that was begun and to fight the battles to the finish against those who would take from Sanat Kumara his mighty due. <5>

O beloved, many hearts are singing, many minds are contemplating how best to meet the problems of earth!  This is why it is so very important that you think, that you study, that you do research and that you bring together documents that you can send to the Darjeeling Council for their planning. It is well to keep a copy on file also at the ranch, blessed hearts.

But I decree, in my office as Lady Venus, that the love of God and the creativity of God and the seraphim pure and the reinforcements who have come from cosmic heights to engage in this battle, who now have petitioned God to stay here, might surely right some wrongs. Yes, I decree that all of these put together in the presence of my sponsorship and my office might surely right some wrongs and make the difference and purge the earth of the deadly trafficking in drugs, [so burdening] the bodies of the youth.

Yes, beloved, everywhere you turn on the twenty-four lines marking the divine plan on the Great Divine Director’s clock, <6> there is another problem, another challenge, another seemingly impossible situation. Whether it is the plagues that are running rampant in the earth for the misuses of the life-force and the body temple [or the fighting in Sarajevo]–whatever it is, never believe that these problems are not surmountable.

They can be surmounted!

They can be challenged!

Believe in the sacred fire and let it accrue to your chakras until you yourselves, in the pursuit of your dharma and your karma, also obtain adeptship and the siddhis.

There is great love this night, great hope, great faith. Yes, beloved, I have come once again to supersaturate and charge this atmosphere, this retreat, this our home of Light away from home– that vast Retreat of the Divine Mother, which includes the Holy City itself. <7> I am determined, then, to create such an intensification of the love ray as to restore and elevate even the physical surroundings and the outer retreat with a new status, a new light and an empowerment to those who seek it diligently by personal discipleship.

Now in this hour, beloved, I am sealing this conference, I am sealing your third eye and I press upon it an imprint from the secret love star, the Causal Body of Venus. My hand touches each one now.      [pause]

So you have received my blessing and my love and something of my vision. May the door of God’s vision be opened unto you as you love to give your calls to Cyclopea. May the All-Seeing Eye of God be upon you and protect you and guard you and guide you and seal you in your divine plan!

Oh, how there is rejoicing!  How we move forward!

We are one, beloved. And the souls are beginning to arrive here and there in the earth. So welcome them, beloved, even as I take my leave of you until we meet again in the octaves of Light and the Retreat of the Divine Mother.

With Sanat Kumara we send you blessings and opportunity and strength for your victory.


This dictation by Lady Master Venus was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the January 3, 1993 Sunday evening service during the five-day conference The Dawning of Your God Reality, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Lady Master Venus’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. Retreat of the Divine Mother, occupying a vast territory over the Royal Teton Ranch and surrounding mountains and wilderness. See vol. 36, no. 1, p. 9 n. 6.

2. A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Tibetan. For price and ordering information, see vol. 36, no. 2, p. 26 n. 5. During the conference, the Messenger continued her lecture series on A Dweller on Two Planets, delivering her lecture “Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse” in five segments, January 1-3, 1993. In Part I, given January 1, her teaching focused specifically on the book A Dweller on Two Planets and the psychology and deeds of the key figures. See:

A Summit University Extension Course

On A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Tibetan

A Lecture Series by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

16 “Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse”

Part I:  “The Karma of Ignorance:  A Portrait of Zailm Numinos, the Saldees and the Suernis”

Videocassette: 1 cassette, 87 min., HP93004.

3. Cathedral of illumination’s flame. See vol. 36 no. 1, p. 9 n. 7.

4. For the story of Sanat Kumara and the sons and daughters of Venus who accompanied him to earth, see 1979 PoW, Book I, vol. 22, no. 14, pp. 82-86.

5. Friends of Light from many planetary spheres determined to be here on earth. In another dictation, given February 4, 1962, Lady Master Venus announced the birth on earth of many holy Christ children. She said these children, who would be born that very day, were avatars who in their maturity would “assist the mankind of earth to find their way back to the heart of God” and guide them in the great golden age. In a dictation given October 14, 1973, Lord Maitreya also announced the coming of avatars. He said:  “To you I make known this hour that the comet of the century [Kohoutek] comes to foretell the birth of many Christed ones, many souls who are to descend within the coming twelvemonth.”  (See 1984 PoW, Book II, vol. 27, no. 45  pp. 371-73.)

6. See vol. 36, nos. 7 and 8, pp. 95, 100, 107 n. 3.

7. See 1990 PoW, vol. 33, no. 24, p. 308, and 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 7, p. 96.