Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 36 No. 7 - The Beloved Great Divine Director - February 14, 1993


The Dawning of Your God Reality

The Offering of Myself
Consecrate Your Life to Divine Direction
“I Have Raised Your Consciousness
to a New Level of Divine Awareness”


Now comes the light of divine direction shining from a star with no disruption, beloved ones. The night sky is cleared and the aura of a planet knows relief from a battle preordained.

The destiny was victory, but none could tell the end until by free will each one here made the decision to conquer self and bind the outer foe. For this, then, the Darjeeling Council, the Council of the Royal Teton and other councils of the Great White Brotherhood in the etheric octave do greet you and do give you a hearty round of applause. For [you have achieved] a victory that has made possible a future for this year and the remainder of the decade without those scoundrels who did attempt to snuff out the flame of this Community.

Much has been gained, beloved–not the least, confidence among Lightbearers in the earth and across the galaxies in many home stars. There is an awakening, there is a quickening as those who have been burdened for so long now see the star of hope and are ready to raise up their own Mother Light and to join you in the maintenance of freedom on this planet and in its conveyance [to all people] and in its bestowal on many other areas [of the cosmos].

So many reinforcements have come and this victory has been a sweet taste!  And it gives a taste for more victories, beloved ones, and a confidence in the Inner Brahman that this can be accomplished.

Thus, the saints truly go marching in, and you may truly walk from this conference in the stature of your Christ Self and maintain that state, beloved. For you know deep in your heart that God has needed you and you have contributed mightily. God has had a need and you have supplied it.

Thus, you are strengthened. You have received training, you have heard the wisdom of the Messenger and the Masters and you have seen the mighty fohat go forth from [the Messenger’s] mouth. You have seen the commands go forth from your own throat chakras. Yes, you have seen what it is like when a band of angels embodied and angels in the sky and children of the Sun and sons and daughters almost ready to take the next step in the ascension all come together in a united purpose.

So, blessed ones, I commend you to making a divine chart [as Benjamin Franklin did] <1> to help you summon a God-force that is equal to and greater [than that which you have summoned for this New Year’s labor. Thus, by that God-force, you will be able to] systematically do away with those schisms within your own psyche. [And by this I mean] all and anything that can pop up [from the subconscious] and come upon you at any moment as an undisciplined portion of self, as an ancient record, as a karmic condition, as an out-of-alignment state. So many are the causes for incompleteness!  So many are the causes for the out-of-control state!

I am certain that you desire that God-control. Helios and Vesta, therefore, stand with you, sons and daughters of the Most High, and angels from among the legions of Light who have also descended into embodiment. You have made your mark and you may come bearing that record on your resume as you stand before the Lords of Karma and carefully consider ahead of time what it is you truly desire to petition for <2>–that which is practical, that which is good for one and good for all, that which is good for Community and the expansion of the Church and that which can accomplish truly the forward march in the revolution in education that we seek in America [and the world].

Yes, beloved, when seeking grants and petitioning for them, maximize your effort and contemplate how that which you can do and the grant that you might receive for [yourself] can [by your prayers] bless so many others at the same time. And therefore, by multiplying the good graces you appeal for and receive, you can also make good karma for that multiplication [of blessings to all Lightbearers on earth]. For the fire that does dart across the mind, the mental belt, and anchor the Mind of God [can and does bless the many as well as the one, when you make the call].

Oh yes, beloved, the Chohans, my sons, greet you and so many of my sons and daughters whom I have trained in the path of true divine direction. You require direction in the heart and that divine direction, beloved, comes from your Mighty I AM Presence and those of us who reinforce it.

Forget not, then, the point of twenty-four–the twenty-four points on the circumference of the circle. This is the [twenty-four-pointed] star of the Great Divine Director [that focuses] twenty-four [key cosmic] elements [that I work with in the alchemy of precipitating divine direction to the evolutions of these lower worlds]. You can consider the yang and the yin of each line of the Clock. You can consider the position of Alpha and Omega in the heart of each Hierarchy of the [twelve] Suns. <3>

A plan for Community, a plan for building, a plan for securing the safety of the Lightbearers in the earth, a plan for educating the children, a plan in the heart of each one that is suited to his talent and training and to his desire and calling and, above all, to the fulfillment of his karma and his dharma. Let all things come into place. And as you feel my Causal Body, feel the neatness and tidiness of the Mind that contains the divine direction for many spheres. It is, of course, the Mind of God, for which I provide a chalice.

I invite you to also provide this chalice, beloved hearts. For I believe that every one of you knows that you require divine direction. And I believe that you also desire that the human direction that you take should be under the Polestar of your divinity, else what is the use, [since human life is] but [an endless] experimentation in the human equation?

Let the Divinity pass through you!  The Divinity will not imprison you but release you. It will release the full and fairest flower of your being. Divine direction is surely the mighty quality of the hierarchy of Capricorn and the crown chakra.

Thus, I come with [the attribute of] God-Power at my command, for I have long ago passed the initiation whereby the all-power of heaven and earth <4> was given unto me. [And so this initiation] is given unto the Sons of God one by one as they prove their competence and their trustworthiness in dealing with the power of God. [For that power is] the might of the will of God and the ultimate might of faith itself, the might of the spoken Word.

Yes, beloved, this is a year, as you have been taught and heard from the lips of the Messenger, once and for all to conquer ignorance, to conquer all seeds of criticism, condemnationand judgment. And to do this you must be rid of all self-condemnation, all putting down of the self and a certain [low-grade] angriness at [various] levels of the garment of being.

Yes, criticism, condemnation and judgment may be based on envy and jealousy or the desire for revenge. Whatever it is [based on], beloved hearts, this is the Evil, the Absolute Evil that you must root out as the archetypal pattern [of nihilism] in the unconscious.

When you are delivered, then, of this [misqualified] substance [because you deliver yourself of the nasty habit of criticizing, condemning and judging others]–and you deliver God from these vibrations that you have been imposing upon him–you shall truly know a new God-mastery. And this is that which we seek for you, for in so many [other] ways you are developing God-mastery in your field of service and in your professions.

Well, beloved ones, we consider you to be career sons and daughters of God and we desire to ratify your calling, even as you choose to ratify your calling. Therefore, know well how quickly there can come to you blessings and the opening of a reservoir of genius and creativity whereby you may surely fulfill your highest destiny.

Feel now the tingling of your crown chakra as golden illumination’s flame does touch you, each one. For I love you!  And I love you with a heart that burns with the fire of illumination, with the fire of adoration. For I AM [and I convey] the assimilation of the cosmic will and the cosmic love. And therefore I seek for you wise dominion and peace–peace in your resolution of the divinity within you, peace as I support you by the power of the violet flame and the Seventh Ray, which I also embody [specifically] for the trans-mutation of points of division [between individuals and nations].

Oh yes, my little ones–my little ones and so many hearts I love and have loved throughout the ages–you must know that the violet flame is the flame of ultimate love of God, God’s mercy and such justice!

Know, then, [that the violet flame as the love of God] is no secret. But the formula [for its alchemy] is itself a secret. It is the secret of surrender, beloved ones. Some see surrender as impossible. Others surrender when they have nothing [of worth] to surrender [at the altar of God] and therefore they cannot bring back from the altar that which could be a great God-portion of reality.

Do you see, beloved?  You must have some sense of self, some sense of self-worth, some sense of an integrated personality in God, in Brahman, in order to be able to surrender that self. [For the secret of surrender is that there can be no surrender until you have forged and won something of worth to lay on the altar of God.]

It is understandable, then, that you desire to put the pieces of the cosmic jigsaw puzzle together, even the Chinese puzzle, the puzzle of the Great Tao. [For this you do] in order that you might offer upon the altar of God the perfect matrix of yourself that is worthy of surrender, so that God may receive it [as the essence of yourself] and perfect it and multiply it and increase it. And, lo!  he gives back to you the identity of the God that is born in you, nevermore to be taken from you, for you have entered the Eye of God and you and the Eye are one.

So understand, beloved. Build up the citadel of being. Teach your children to build up the citadel of being–from the very moment of their first breath, from the very moment of their conception, as they have been taught from the moment of their conception in the Mind of God and their going forth with their twin flame.

Teach them to build a solid foundation. Give them that solid foundation!  Give them joy!  Give them hours of freedom, of creativity to invent, to ponder, to wonder, to be amazed, to be infilled with the joy of living!

Oh, the joie de vivre! Isn’t that the most fantastic quality of the child and the little child within you?

I say, take recourse in that joy!  And I say, build, then. Build, then, the dweller [who will dwell in] the temple of God. Build, then, the identity that you desire one day to place upon God’s altar and say:

Here I AM, Lord!  Here I AM, Lord!

You have called me forth long, long ago and I have made my rounds in the cosmos of these Matter spheres and I return now, for I have a worthy gift to offer you.

And that gift and that offering is of myself, for at last I AM at peace in thy love, in thy direction, in thy clear seeing and in thy wondrous creation of my being in thee.

I AM thine own because I AM thyself. I have realized thyself as myself and therefore I AM coming Home.

I AM coming Home.

This is the journey of many lifetimes, beloved.

How, then, shall you assess just how much of Brahman you are?  Brahman, the Father in the Beginning, who was with the Word. The Word, who is the Mother of creation.

Well, beloved, I do believe that one test [you can give yourself] to understand how much you are bonded to your God, and therefore how much you are your God, is to determine the level of peace that you carry [in your soul, in your heart and in your mind]. For those who are at peace in God and in their identity in God are simply not moved [either by the circumstances of their karma or by the antics of humans]. They are not moved, beloved, but they do take action and a proactive position to stake their claim to reality and then to defend it and to encircle it with a wall of light through which Light and Lightbearers may enter but through which none committed to Darkness may pass.

Yes, beloved, when you have not peace or the fullness of your joie de vivre, you must come to grips with a temporary reality that signifies the psyche in distress. [And, as you know,] all stress on the surface is [a signal that there is] distress beneath the surface.

I tell you, by your love, by your fixing that love upon God or the God within one of the great Gurus or the Ascended Masters, you can make such steady progress that even your face and your body shall be transformed. You shall be renewed by the transformation of your mind. Try it a little bit, beloved. Try it a little bit.

And so you need not give up self all at once; but little by little, as you become God, you will discard the outworn garments of self. You will say:

Day by day, I AM becoming more of God.

Day by day, I AM discarding the outworn garments of my former self.

Here, take them away!  I do not want them.

They no longer represent me.

I wore these when I was not the fullness of who I AM.

Therefore I put upon me new garments–new garments without [the stain of] transgression, garments that day by day are becoming seamless garments as one by one the scars are healed and disappear, as one by one the lines of old age are no more and my tender feet and my tender heart are renewed in the springtime of childhood and perfect Love.

Thus know the great love of the Father-Mother God and the freedom that is given to all. Thus know that this is the year to appeal to me and the hierarchy of Capricorn to [help you] plan each day, to make the most of it. And let your goal be the giving of the gift of reality to every soul on earth who has Light but does not know that that Light is Brahman nor that Brahman lives within him nor that that soul is [destined] ultimately [to be that] Brahman.

Therefore, plan ways and means to teach souls how to bond with the Lord, the Most High God, with the living Christ and the living Buddha. Let all of your doings, your thoughts, your dreams, your prayers, your hopes include rejoicing in the circle of family and Community, but [let your joy] embrace the larger circle of all Light-bearers upon earth. And then, with the expansion of the mind’s eye and the All-Seeing Eye of God, embrace all Lightbearers of the Matter cosmos. For they behold you now. They behold the shining ones and the victors, the warriors and those who have embodied the soul and heart of the Divine Mother, keeping the flame of the Word day in and day out.

O my precious ones, O my beloved ones, in the particular state of mind you are in, I understand that you think and know that you are not yet perfected in Christ. This is a realistic assessment as long as you remember when you say it that Christ is perfected in you.

And if that perfect Christ be in you and of you and if you prepare that temple of your being, sweep it clean for the coming of the Lord, you will soon know each little point of the perfecting of the self. You will observe it as though you were picking wildflowers in the field, one each day, collecting your bouquet. The perfecting process is ongoing and you are in the process of doing just this, not all at once, beloved, but day by day.

[And the key is to] love the self as Brahman.

Is this not the pastime of the Lord Krishna [as he communes] with the beautiful chelas? <*> [Is this not Krishna’s] loving of the God Self within [them and their loving of the God Self within him]?

Is this not [the Love that] every great Guru of all time and space has brought to his followers?

Is it not the Love of the flame of everlasting Life?

Yes, it is!  And that very flame becomes the stylus that you use to define the hours and the days of your service and calling.

Blessed ones, for all you do to help others, 50 percent of that should accrue to you [if you do it with a right spirit and a right heart]. For then it will come back to you to help you. And thus, you build identity in God as you enter a profession of service whereby whatever you do brings in some measure a blessing to life.

Let all of you take stock and consider that this day is the first day of the rest of your life and that you must consecrate it to divine direction in every aspect. Listen well. Study hard. Meditate deeply. Walk and talk with God. Make decisions systematically by calculating the pros and cons. And do not enter into commitments lightly, for your commitments must be carefully scrutinized so that you know you are giving the highest and best energy of which you are capable to the highest and best cause.

My beloved hearts, [as you are] seated in the aura [of my Great Blue Causal Body], so may you be seated there again each time you renew our tryst of this night by replaying my dictation. May you also know and find the great blue sphere of your own Causal Body and rest at peace in it until you can gather all of the pieces of self and put them back together in order. And when they are all put together, invoke the violet flame of the Seventh Ray and see how the pieces no longer show as pieces but become one true divine whole, the individed manifestation of God.

I have come to raise consciousness, as have we all at this conference. I have raised your consciousness to a new level of divine awareness of your crown chakra and all that it can open for you. The opening of the crown chakra is surely the ultimate expression of the love of the Father-Mother God, who attain union [within your heart chakra] when you raise the sacred fire from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown chakra.

In the white fire and the golden flame, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas salute you. Keep yourself in the Eye of God and soon you shall see that Eye, be that Eye and know a greater sensitivity in your third eye.

I AM the Great Divine Director. I place a clean white page before you. This is the first day of the rest of your life. Think carefully how you will write on this page and the succeeding pages of your book of life.

I AM the Great Divine Director, always available [to El Morya’s chelas]. Give my decree <5> and see how I will establish round about you a circle, as a hoop around your aura, [containing] the twenty-four-pointed star.

With all the love of my heart, I discipline you and chasten you daily that you might come up higher and shed a snakeskin or two each twenty-four hours. This you can do. I promise you.


This dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhold Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the January 3, 1993 Sunday evening servie during the five-day conference The Dawning of Your God Reality, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the Great Divine Director’s direction for clarity in the written word.]

* chela (from Sanskrit ceta, literally ‘slave’, ‘servant’):  disciple. The chelas are the gopis of

Krishna. In Hinduism, the gopis (Sanskrit, literally ‘cowherdesses’) are the playmates and

Krishna; they represent the soul’s intense love of God.

1. See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 94. Make a divine chart as Benjamin Franklin did. In her lecture “Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse,” delivered in five segments during this conference, the Messenger presented nine habits we should cultivate in order to break the habit of ignorance. In her discussion of habit 6–Engage in Self-Examination:  Root Out Your Flaws–she outlined ways to systematically overcome faults, including a method devised by Benjamin Franklin. As Franklin relates in his autobiography, he determined in his twenties that he “wished to live without committing any fault at any time.”  He made a list of thirteen moral virtues he desired to embody and kept a book of charts whereby he could daily evaluate himself on these virtues. Following are the thirteen virtues as listed in his autobiography:

1.      Temperance: Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

2.      Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.

3.      Order: Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.

4.      Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

5.      Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself, i.e., waste nothing.

6.      Industry: Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.

7.      Sincerity: Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly and, if you speak, speak accordingly.

8.      Justice: Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.

9.      Moderation: Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.

10. Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.

11. Tranquillity: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

12. Chastity: Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation.

13. Humility: Imitate Jesus and Socrates.
See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse,” Part IV (available soon on video- and audiocassette); and Benjamin Franklin:  The Autobiography and Other Writings (New York:  Viking Penguin, 1986), pp. 90-103, available through Summit University Press. Send for your own copy:

Benjamin Franklin:  The Autobiography and Other Writings


2. See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 94. Petitions to the Karmic Board. Biannually, at the turn of the year and at summer solstice, the Lords of Karma meet at the Royal Teton Retreat (in the heaven-world at the site of the Grand Teton near Jackson Hole, Wyoming) to review petitions from unascended devotees and to grant dispensations of sponsorship to worthy souls for constructive purposes. Traditionally, students of the Ascended Masters write personal petitions to the Karmic Board on New Year’s Eve and the Fourth of July. In handwritten, sealed letters that are consecrated at the altar and then burned, they offer their service upon the altar of God and ask for divine intercession in their personal lives, the Community of the Holy Spirit, the nation and the world. The letters are then delivered by angels to the Royal Teton Retreat, where they are read and acted on by the Lords of Karma. If you have not yet written your New Year’s petition to the Karmic Board, you still have the opportunity to do so. As recommended by the Great Divine Director in this dictation, you should carefully consider what you desire to petition for, keeping in mind “that which is practical, that which is good for one and good for all, that which is good for Community and the expansion of the Church and that which can accomplish truly the forward march in the revolution in education that we seek in America [and the world].”  After writing your letter, you can consecrate it at your altar and burn it in your fireplace or a safe receptacle. You may also want to keep a copy of your letter in your Bible for reference–to be sure you keep your promises to God and the Masters–and to use in daily decrees for your stated goals.

3. See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 95. Hierarchies of the twelve Suns. There are twelve signs of the zodiac:  Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Each year, as the Sun moves through the signs of the zodiac, it spends approximately one month (30 degrees) in each sign, entering a new sign around the twenty-first or twenty-second of the month. During the time the Sun is in Capricorn, we say we have “a Capricorn Sun”; during the time it is in Aquarius, we say we have “an Aquarius Sun”; during the time it is in Pisces, we say we have “a Pisces Sun,” and so on throughout the twelve signs. For each sign, there is a solar hierarchy, and for each hierarchy there is the focus of the Great Tao, symbolized in the yang and yin of the T’ai Chi. Likewise we see Alpha and Omega, our Father-Mother God, centered in the Suns of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Hence, through the yang and the yin the twelve becomes the twenty-four, marking the twenty-four points of the Great Divine Director’s twenty-four-pointed star.

4. See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 95. Matt. 28:18.

5. See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 100. Decree 10.08, “The Great Divine Director,” in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section I. This decree is also recorded on audiocassette both as a song and as a decree so that you can give it along with the tape. See “Divine Director, Come!”  on Save the World with Violet Flame!  by Saint Germain 4.

Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness Section I.

Save the World with Violet Flame!  by Saint Germain 4

93-min. audiocassette with accompanying booklet
