Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 36 No. 5 - I AM the Witness - January 31, 1993

I AM the Witness

Violent Death Takes a Holiday in New York City
Compliments of El Morya and His Chelas

It was “unprecedented,” reported New York Newsday in its story “Violent Death Takes a Holiday,” which appeared in the Saturday, February 6 edition. Between 7:00 a.m. Thursday, February 4, and 7:00 a.m. Friday, February 5, 1993, no major crimes were reported to the New York City police. The city had a 24-hour vacation from murder, violence and chaos.

Newsday staff writer Wendell Jamieson wrote:


Mayhem took a 24-hour vacation this week.

        In an unprecedented lull in murder, violence and chaos, no major crimes were reported to police between 7 a.m. Thursday and 7 a.m. yesterday.

        In a city with five or six homicides daily, the fact that all 7.3 million New Yorkers apparently survived a day and night unscathed raised the eyebrows of at least one veteran cop.

        “For a 24-hour period, that’s highly unusual,” said Det. Joseph McConville,  a spokesman who tallies the city’s toll of death and destruction for the media. “I don’t know why everybody was good. I can’t remember seeing this in 25 years.”

        Every morning, the operations unit of the city Police Department publishes a principal case sheet listing all the major crimes of the past 24 hours. The listing–which often runs two pages–provides the basic details of homicides, serious shootings, life-threatening stabbings, bank robberies, fatal fires, suspensions of Police Department employees and other wrongdoing.

        Yesterday’s sheet, number 35 for 1993, said only: “NO INCIDENTS TO REPORT.”

        That left police representatives in the department’s public information office with little to do. The exact time the quiet spell was broken will be known when the next principal case sheet is released today.

        McConville had only one possible reason for the day-long lack of crime, theorizing:  “Maybe everybody found religion.”

            For the Keeper of the Flame who first heard these crime statistics: Saturday night on the channel 11 news, the reason was no mystery. She knew who had been New York’s most illustrious visitor on February 4–our beloved El Morya, who had kept his promise to follow on the heels of Omri-Tas.

In his December 13, 1992 dictation (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 68), El Morya had announced to the Keepers of the Flame:


      I wish to...speak to you, then, of my desire to save the cities. You heard my dictation from New York [October 4, 1992] in which I stated that I would place my Electronic Presence there, everywhere in that entire city, for thirty-three days that the Keepers of the Flame in the metropolitan area might give their perpetual calls to me and we might see if I might be able to remain in that city.

      Well, beloved ones, these Keepers of the Flame in the greater metropolitan area did come together and they performed a mighty service. And during this period, they did also establish their own focus for their Teaching Center that the Messenger might enter the city again. Yes, they performed an excellent decree service, but their numbers are not enough. They are not enough to in fact hold me there for every day of the year.

      Thus, I made my commitment to them, and I make it this day, that I will be in New York the fourth of every month, following on the heels of beloved Omri-Tas. Thus, we will see what I can work for that city with the Keepers of the Flame in the area. [I am counting     on them, one and all, to keep a glorious vigil on each fourth. Won’t you join them and me?]

       I also made known to you at that time, beloved ones, that I would [place my Presence in any city] if a group of chelas would dedicate themselves to me and give my [blue-ray] decrees [as recorded] on the four “El Morya tapes” and sing my songs as a rosary to me....

      Therefore remember, wherever you are, wherever is your town or hamlet, wherever is your group of Keepers of the Flame, if you will petition me, if you will ask me to place my Electronic Presence with you, I will be there and I will remain and I will stay according to your numbers and according to the Light you invoke....

      I can place my Electronic Presence in every town. And when I do so, I place that Electronic Presence over and over and over again so that you may see literally ten thousand or ten million Moryas standing in the territory, the city limits, and holding the flame [of the     will of God for that town and the Lightbearers in it].

   In answer to this tremendous dispensation, we the students of El Morya in the New York City Community Teaching Center rallied to celebrate the Master’s coming. Besides dedicating the third of each month to Omri-Tas’ Violet Flame Day, we now also dedicate the fourth of each month to a vigil of prayers, decrees, songs and rosaries to our beloved El Morya.

The alchemy for the February 4 miracle really began at 12:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 3, when Keepers of the Flame began arriving in shifts to keep the Omri-Tas vigil at our new center. The violet flame decrees and songs continued unceasing throughout the next 24 hours.

At 12:00 a.m. on the fourth, the El Morya vigil began. The several Keepers who were present decreed and sang with the four El Morya tapes and the Hail to the Chief! song cassette. They offered specific invocations for the clearing of the city and also gave Archangel Michael’s Rosary. By 6:00 a.m. reinforcements arrived. Some who could not come to the center decreed in their homes.

During the day, local Keepers continued to arrive and join in the devotions to the will of God. Considerable numbers came in the evening for a special service from 7:00 p.m. to midnight–this in spite of the fact that many had to travel long distances on subways notorious for their danger. This finale of fiery decrees was our closing statement to El Morya of our trust in his power to save the city and rescue the Lightbearers.

We the Keepers of the Flame of New York are so very grateful in our hearts for the tangible expression of his presence: February 4, 1993, is a day we will always remember. Not only did we feel El Morya’s presence in the city, but many of us felt his direct intercession in our personal lives.

With beloved El Morya, we wish to encourage Keepers throughout the world to band together for the saving of the cities. As our beloved Master said in his December 13 dictation:


      [If there are not enough numbers in your town to keep me there full-time,] I may be able to come to you one day a month. I will report back to you if you will write to the Messenger and keep her posted as to what [decrees] you are doing, what is happening in your    city [with outreach] and who is decreeing.

      Take me up on this, beloved ones. For I know that the cities must be saved if the nations are to be saved, for what are the nations without cities?

   Now that we have a Teaching Center, we are finally able to begin a mighty outreach program. We await with great anticipation Mother’s upcoming visit on March 13 and 14 for 24 Hours with Elizabeth Clare Prophet in New York City.

We invite Keepers of the Flame to join us on Saturday, March 13, for the official dedication of our center at 1133 Broadway, Suite 204. At 9:00 a.m. we will begin the preparation of the sanctuary in the ritual of the violet flame. The dedication service conducted by the Messenger will begin at noon, followed by the dictations of the Goddess of Liberty and the Ascended Master El Morya. At 7:00 p.m. we will have our Saint Germain Service, welcoming Saint Germain for his dictation “I Release the Flame of Freedom for the Resurgence of New York.”

    A special event, open to the public, will be held the following day, Sunday, March 14, in the Astor Ballroom at the Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway. At 1:00 p.m. the Messenger will conduct a workshop on “How to Plug into God Every Day.” After the workshop, she will deliver a dictation from the Ascended Master Moses: “Tell Them: ‘I AM Hath Sent Me unto You’.”

    At 7:00 p.m. the Messenger will give teaching on “Meeting Daily Challenges through the Path of Divine Love as Taught by the Eastern Adepts” and then deliver a dictation by Lord Krishna: “On the Incarnation of God.”

We look forward to welcoming you!

Omri-Tas’ Day: A 48-Hour Opportunity

On October 14, 1991, at the Class of the Golden Cycle in New Orleans, Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet, announced a thirty-three-day dispensation in which he would remain on earth to give us “a boost” and multiply our decrees to the violet flame. Omri-Tas told us:

   It is a cycle, beloved, when you can so liberate your souls by the multiplication of my presence and my further multiplying of the violet flame that I daresay you should not miss a moment to recite a mantra even if it is between thoughts or steps or [devotional] songs you sing....

Yes, beloved, see that you do not make karma with me by failing to take advantage of my proffered gift to you. For I desire to have complete, independent freedom to be able to give to planet earth in dire moments those dispensations and transfusions of violet flame [that are so desperately needed]....

One hundred and forty-four thousand priests of the sacred fire from the Violet Planet have accompanied me for this thirty-three-day sojourn. May you know that we intend to make    our mark and to make a difference in the quality of life on earth....

This is an experiment. If you cooperate and take full advantage of it, we shall be able to immediately build upon it and increase and multiply again in the next thirty-three-day cycle.

On the final day of the dispensation, November 16, 1991, at the Messenger’s request, the chelas wrote letters to Omri-Tas imploring him to remain on planet earth and offering him pledges of daily violet flame decrees. In response, Omri-Tas said that he was profoundly moved by our offering but that he could not remain on earth full-time because there were many other planets at a similar crossroads to that of earth who were in great need of his presence. However, he was so touched by our pledges that he promised to return to earth once a month on the third day of the month to render service by his Great Causal Body.

The Messenger declared the third of each month to be Omri-Tas’ Violet Flame Day. She said: “That is the day when walls of violet flame can come down and we can be directly in the Electronic Presence of Omri-Tas. All of our burdens, our problems can be swept into the flame.”

Saint Germain has told us that Omri-Tas carries such an intensity of violet flame and of the Seventh Ray in his aura that it extends far beyond the actual size of the earth. Thus, in the monthly vigil that Omri-Tas keeps with the earth, his Causal Body occupies the entire planet. Calculating the 24 time zones on the planet, we see that the third of the month spans 48 hours. In other words, for a period of 48 hours, it is the third of the month in at least one time zone somewhere on the planet. Omri-Tas is thus present with us everywhere on earth each month for 48 hours! This affords us the opportunity to increase our Omri-Tas’ Violet Flame Day vigil from 24 to 48 hours.

To determine when the 48-hour Omri-Tas vigil begins and ends in your time zone, see the enclosed map and charttime_zone. We have numbered the zones from I to 24, moving in a westward direction from the International Date Line. The standard time in each successive zone is one hour earlier than in the zone just east of it. Omri-Tas arrives on the earth each month when the clock strikes 12:00 a.m. (standard time) on the third on the west side of the International Date Line. This corresponds to 12:00 a.m. on the third in zone I (New Zealand), 11:00 p.m. on the second in zone 2 (Wake Island), 10:00 p.m. on the second in zone 3 (eastern Australia), and so on through the rest of the zones.

Omri-Tas leaves earth 48 hours later, when the clock strikes midnight on the third on the east side of the Date Line. This corresponds to 1:00 a.m. on the fourth in zone 24 (Samoa), 2:00 a.m. on the fourth in zone 23 (Hawaii), and so on.

We have calculated the times for the Omri-Tas vigil in each time zone and listed them on the enclosed charttime_zone. Find the place where you live on the map and the corresponding zone number indicated at the bottom of the map. Then check the chart to see what beginning and ending times are listed for your zone. From the chart, you can see that at the Royal Teton Ranch (zone 20) the vigil begins at 5:00 a.m. on the second of the month and concludes at 5:00 a.m. on the fourth.

The times listed for each zone reflect standard time. If you are on daylight saving time for a portion of the year, during that time your vigil will begin and end one hour later by the clock. In other words, add one hour to the beginning and ending times. (Omri-Tas times his coming by the cycles of the sun, which do not change even though we set our clocks forward and back.)

Some places, such as India and central Australia, are in “irregular” time zones that are a half-hour off from other zones. On the map these are shown in gray and the zones are individually numbered. For example, India is in zone 71/2, which means the beginning and ending times for the vigil would be on the half-hour between the times for zones 7 and 8–i.e., 5:30 p.m. on the second to 5:30 p.m. on the fourth.

On December 31, 1992, Gautama Buddha urged us in his New Year’s Eve Address to make the most of our opportunity to invoke the violet flame in the aura of Omri-Tas. He announced that henceforth on the twenty-third of each month there would descend upon every creature on earth “a fine powder,...a dust of karma.” Gautama said that much of this could be transmuted by the violet flame and that “each and every third of the month is the opportunity for transmutation of the prior cycle of the descent of the dust [of karma] and for preparation for that which will come on the next twenty-third.”

The need for violet flame on earth is so great that the Messenger is suggesting that Keepers of the Flame hold a second 48-hour Omri-Tas vigil on the twenty-third, which is a key date because of the Dark Cycle. She would like to see if we can compel Omri-Tas to come to earth twice a month.

Because there is such a great blessing to be received from Omri-Tas’ presence with us, the Messenger recommends that, if necessary, you trade the time from your regular weekly services in order to devote the maximum time to the Omri-Tas vigils. If your group is not able to hold a second vigil on the twenty-third, she would like you to at least have an evening service, including two hours of violet flame, to get a head start on transmuting this karmic dust and to “help the planet deal with the descending Dark Cycle as it locks into a new level the twenty-third of each month.” <*>

In a dictation at the conclusion of the October 10, 1992 service at Voyages of Soul Discovery in Atlanta, Omri-Tas said:


      These days ahead are those of great cost [to the people] and great price [to the nations]. If there be a certain action of the violet flame carried out in daily decrees by students new and old, you can reach a crescendo–even a critical mass, as it were, of violet flame–whereby I may come, then, in answer to your call not merely on the third day of the month but on other days as well.

      It will be a question of “matching.” Whatever you put forth I will match again and that ten times, and I will match it also by the presence of great legions from the Violet Planet.

      All those who are the servants of the Seventh Ray–the priesthood of Melchizedek and of the Violet Planet, Zadkiel and Amethyst, Elohim, Saint Germain and Portia, all those who invoke the violet flame in all of cosmos who are serving on any of the rays, including yourselves–all of these, beloved, can provide, then, an action of multiplication.

      When the events of karma are about to descend and enter the physical plane, it is too late to turn them back. This is the [cosmic moment], then, of opportunity for transmutation before these cycles are due. And due they are in the coming years of this decade, make no mistake about it.

      You have been successful in pushing back their timetable, but it requires more than that. It requires their obliteration, as it were, by the violet fire. This service to the violet flame will only accrue good to your Causal Body, will only be the balancing of karma for you and your accelerated freedom that you might live to serve unencumbered.

   Each time we have a violet flame vigil we have the opportunity to access and maximize the tremendous violet flame dispensations that have been released over the years. We must remember Saint Germain’s words of May 1, 1991: “It is imperative, as nothing else you have ever heard, that you devote yourselves even for an hour or several hours a day to the action of the violet flame. I must have cups of light in concentration to bring to the Lords of Karma that I might have renewed and continuing dispensations for you.”

Below is a synopsis of major violet flame dispensations that you will want to invoke each time you hold a violet flame vigil. Remember that each decree you give is also multiplied by the “power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand,” according to the dispensation announced to us by Lord Maitreya on July 1, 1961. <**>

Multiplication of 15 Minutes of Violet Flame

Omri-Tas, July 7, 1984, the Heart of the Inner Retreat

“If in all reverence, with inner attunement, a sense of yourself in your Christ Self as priest or priestess of the sacred fire, if with all your heart and deep within your heart you will take, then, fifteen minutes each day to give profound and loving invocations to the violet flame in my name (and please remember to use my name, for I am the one from whose Causal Body this dispensation comes), then we will take that offering, measure for measure as it is devoted, as it is profound and sincere, the very weight of its power and light. Therefore, by the quality of it, quality for quality, it shall be multiplied in your life ten times!”

Violet Flame Reservoir over Europe

Omri-Tas, February 26, 1988, Lisbon, Portugal

“I, Omri-Tas,...have come in this hour to deliver the Lord’s dispensation of violet flame in the hour of the anniversary [of the ascension] of your beloved Messenger Mark Prophet.

“Thus, in this hour of his ascension, beloved, know well that by the mantle of his Causal Body which you may claim, there is now a multiplication of our release of violet flame. And this violet flame is positioned as a reservoir of light over central Europe. It is a very large reservoir of light as a sea in itself; and this [light], beloved, is there for you to invoke as a direct transfusion to all Lightbearers of Europe, Eastern Europe and the entire Soviet bloc....

“When you invoke the violet flame, it will draw forth the light of this reservoir and also maximize it, fortify it, multiply it by your own love and devotion; and therefore that light shall flow to every Lightbearer in these lands. And as it does flow to them it shall quicken them, it shall cut them free, it shall therefore transmute their spiritual and physical blindness as to those events coming....

“This reservoir is a certain dispensation. If those Keepers of the Flame in embodiment do not make the violet flame call daily, then this reservoir will come to be used up in its entirety, apportioned then among all Lightbearers. But if the call continues to be given, the reservoir shall be like the unfed flame. It shall not fail. It shall remain full and all that goes out of it shall be returned unto it multiplied by your call.”

The Outline of a Maltese Cross

Saint Germain, May 1, 1991, Portland, Oregon

“Wherever two or three gather in my name in any city or home upon the planet, there shall be formed–and it is now being formed by my angels of Light–the outline of a Maltese cross. It is an outline only, beloved. It is an outline that can be occupied by...priests of the Order of Melchizedek and violet flame angels of the Order of Zadkiel.

“It is an outline whereby, if you will call daily to the violet flame–not missing a day, beloved–if you will give your invocations, if you will use the tapes provided by the Messenger, therefore uniting your voices with many who have gathered in the Inner Retreat, therefore drawing that Inner Retreat to your place–you will know that one by one priests of the sacred fire of the Seventh Ray will come forth to fill in the outline of the Maltese cross. And if there be no violet flame invocations, then there shall be a disintegration of the outline [and its vacating by these beings of the Seventh Ray]....

“Let us see, then, what mark those who have been with me for thousands of years shall leave upon the decade. May it be a violet flame cross, a Maltese cross, over your home and city. And may it be filled in anew each day with violet flame as angels and priests and priestesses take up the holding of that focus.”

Violet Flame Sea in the Heart of the Earth

Omri-Tas, May 1, 1991, Portland, Oregon

“I deposit in the heart of the earth a dispensation immense of concentrated violet flame. It is an intercession of the quality of mercy. It is an intercession afforded to all those who serve the Light. And through your Holy Christ Self it shall be meted out as an unguent, as an elixir. May you drink of it in your hours of need and [in your hours of] strength and keep it replenished by new calls to the violet flame. It is a giant violet flame reservoir, as a sea of light pulsating.”

Additional Violet Flame Dispensations

For further dispensations and teachings on the violet flame, see 1991 Pearls of Wisdom, pp. 746-50, and “The Highest Gift of God to the Universe,” in The Science of the Spoken Word by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 150-94.

El Morya Vigil: A 24-Hour Thrust for a Purpose

In addition to our keeping the Omri-Tas vigil, El Morya has asked us to join the chelas of New York in keeping “a glorious vigil” with him on each fourth of the month. This vigil would not extend beyond 24 hours because El Morya has said only that he would place himself in any city where he is called and “where there is a quorum of hearts.” He has not said he would occupy the entire planet. Therefore in each time zone, the El Morya vigil would begin at 12:00 a.m. on the fourth and continue until midnight. (Keep in mind that having a vigil does not necessarily guarantee the Master’s Presence in your city. This is a dispensation that must be earned through exemplary effort.)

At the ranch, where the Omri-Tas vigil ends at 5:00 a.m. on the fourth, there will be a five-hour overlap with the El Morya vigil. Each time zone will have a different amount of overlap time. The Messenger suggests that during the overlap you “braid” violet flame and blue flame decrees. One effective action is to alternate decree 10.05, “O Hercules, Thou Elohim,” with decree 70.18, Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright,” giving each of these decrees in sets of 9, 12 or 18. Or you might prefer to divide into two groups, with one group giving violet flame decrees while the other concentrates on blue flame decrees.

The Messenger is encouraging all Keepers everywhere to participate in the El Morya vigil on the fourth of each month. By consecrating all our energies to the will of God on the same day, we will be able to offer El Morya a greater chalice of Light. Again, if necessary, you may trade time from other service days in order to keep this vigil.

The Messenger suggests that you evaluate how much time you are already committing to the Omri-Tas vigil on the third and how much you could realistically commit to on the fourth. She is asking that you convey this information to the leader of the Study Group or Teaching Center nearest you in your time zone. Also indicate if you have a preference for a day other than the fourth and specify the amount of time you are willing to pledge in decrees and devotions. You should include in your vigil the decrees and songs from the four El Morya tapes–El Morya, Lord of the First Ray: Dynamic Decrees with Prayers and Ballads for Chelas of the Will of God 1-4–and the Hail to the Chief! song cassette. You may also give the Archangel Michael Rosary, the Surrender Rosary, and Ashram Ritual 3: Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God’s Holy Will.

Study Group and Teaching Center leaders should collect the commitments from all chelas in their area and then coordinate with other group leaders in their time zone. Calculate your offering as one complete time zone from the North to the South Pole. Once you tally the total hours, send your zone’s commitment to the Office of Ministry at ranch headquarters.

Be sure to also include a list of the hours of commitment per city. The total commitment may not be enough to allow El Morya to cover your entire time zone, but he may be able to sponsor several cities within it. El Morya will observe how well you keep your commitment, and at a certain point he may commit to be in your city on the fourth or whatever day you hold your vigil. Remember that his commitment is sustained by the chelas’ commitment. If there is a lessening of fervor, El Morya will have less to work with to sustain his Presence in the city and you may eventually lose the dispensation. At the conclusion of each vigil, let each city send the tally of each person’s time given to the Office of Ministry.

If all the chelas in the same time zone will hold their vigil on the same day, the decree reinforcement will be extraordinary. This is especially true on the East and West Coasts, where there are greater concentrations of Keepers of the Flame. Whoever decrees in the same time zone as New York (zone 18 on the map) will have the multiplication factor of the Diamond Heart of El Morya because it is already established that El Morya is in New York City on the fourth. Since there really is no time or space, all chelas participating in the vigil at the same time are one in a mighty prayer force.

The Messenger would like to see the chelas in the New York time zone rally to demonstrate the “I AM the Guard” consciousness for the entire East Coast and the rest of their time zone, which stretches up into Canada and down into Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The West Coast chelas (zone 21) should likewise band together to establish a guardian action on the western seaboard.

The Messenger also recommends that all chelas in the same time zone as the Royal Teton Ranch (zone 20) hold their vigil on the same day in order to maximize the efforts. If all Keepers of the Flame worldwide will commit to the fourth, think of what we can accomplish! The possibilities are limitless.

Each of the 24 time zones would ultimately come to represent a wall of blue flame which can effectively block the momentum of evil as it moves around the planet. As evil comes to a time zone where there is an established dedication, it will hit a wall of fire and be arrested in its course. If it runs into wall after wall after wall, the acceleration of darkness in the earth will lose its momentum. This will in turn buy time for the Lightbearers.

The Messenger asks: “Do you think El Morya would go forth now with a thrust for a purpose to save the cities of the earth if it were not in he realm of the possible?” At a recent service, she spoke of El Morya’s February 4 miracle in New York City:


       I would like to testify before you how thrilled and profoundly moved I am. Just stop and contemplate how powerful a Master has to be to control every type of crime for 24 hours. What this means is crime cannot be committed in the presence of El Morya. There is no unascended master, with the possible exception of Babaji, who could equal that–who has the power to control crime amongst 7.3 million people and to do so with the small amount of chelas there are in New York. I think El Morya was sending us a strong message: “See what a small group of chelas could do. Pick a day and give me that day and if your momentum is great enough I will be there. I want to help you–just give me the energy I need.”

       I think we take El Morya for granted. We don’t think of him as the tremendous being and Master that he actually is. El Morya has the attainment of a Buddha. I believe that he can solve every problem we are dealing with–personal, organizational, national. I believe that whatever we’re handling in our psychology, whatever we’re wrestling with at any level of our beings, El Morya can heal us. Morya can do anything. If Morya can hold in abeyance all of Death and Hell for 24 hours in New York City, is there anything he cannot do?

       Well, of course there isn’t anything he can’t do. But as the Master told us in his October 4, 1992 dictation, “I am not unlimited, but I am limited in my actions and my offerings to you by your responses.” People must learn the lesson of what it takes. They have to have a sense of co-measurement–they have to know that they must give a certain amount of the fire of self in order to have the necessary ingredient for that tremendous relationship that El Morya is offering to each and every one of us.

   The Messenger has asked us to make our peace with God, with El Morya and with the will of God for our lives. She has explained that the will of God is the true will from the heart of our own Holy Christ Self. It is what we are and what we have been from the Beginning–our divine identity. We should not think that the will of God is at cross-purposes with our free will. If we surrender our human will and embrace God’s will, as we are able to digest it and affirm it and understand it, we will be much ahead of the game.

It is the Messenger’s desire that we participate in the vigil to beloved El Morya by our own free will, for El Morya is the champion of our free will. The Messenger says: “May your hearts so burn with such great love of his gift of the will of God that you will make your statement.”

With a handful of dedicated chelas, El Morya worked a miracle in New York. Let’s see what he can do when we work with him city by city on a planetary scale.

In closing, let us reflect on El Morya’s words of April 8, 1990:


      Let there then be no more separation between us, beloved, even though it be paper-thin or thinner. Where there is a cleavage in the rock so the fallen ones drive through, thereby toconvince the weak and the unbonded that we are not one; and therefore all manner of calamity may come upon you. And you look and you look and you say, “Where is Morya? Where is Morya?”

      Well, beloved, the hour has come when I would raise you up if you would pull me down. For we must be in the heart of the Lord Christ and the Blessed Mother. We must be that diamond together....

      Know this, beloved, that you must greet adversity and the adversary, welcoming the initiation and intensifying into it a release from your heart of sacred fire whereby you say:


Where I stand, there is Morya!
And in his name I say:
Thus far and no farther!
You shall not pass!
You shall not tread on holy ground!
You shall not enter this hallowed place!
You shall not come between me and my God!
My God is happiness this day.
My God is holiness.
My God is the divine wholeness of the Living One.
I and my Father Morya are one!


      ...Remember that I AM here. I do not leave you. Do not leave me in vibration.


* For more on the Dark cycle, see 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, p. 561 n. 3, 1989 Pearls of Wisdom, pp 205-6, and 1990 Pearls of Wisdom, pp. 71, 73-86, 120-21, 225-27.

** See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word, pp. 78-82.

N.B. Testimonies of disciples of Jesus Christ and the Ascended Masters stating their witness to the power of Truth in their lives will regularly appear in this column in the Pearls of Wisdom. if you would like to witness to the power of Truth in your life brought about through the Ascended Masters and their Messengers, we welcome your testimony for publication. Your letter will be kept on file in our archives but your name will be withheld from this page to protect your privacy and your progress on the Path.