Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 35 No. 65 - Beloved Saint Germain - December 13, 1992


Voyages of Soul Discovery
Discover the New World of Aquarius
I Release the Dispensation for the
Golden Age of Aquarius to Manifest

500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America
by Christopher Columbus



Compatriots of Cosmic Freedom, I offer you my heart and my hand and I welcome you to the eternal flame of Freedom by which all worlds are conquered!

O beloved, I rejoice to be in your midst in this city on this wondrous day of my discovery of the New World!   <1> [32-second ovation]

As I gaze upon your souls, I would bid you, O soul, rise to the seat of the threefold flame, which is the seat of authority of your own Christhood. Rise to that seat and merge with the dearly Beloved, the Real Self of each one.

Yes, beloved, you are worthy to be one with that Christ. Therefore I AM come to affirm by the fire of heaven and by the violet flame your right and your worthiness to be, here and now, the Son of God incarnate.

I have been the father of nations, the father of our Lord. <2>  I would be your father also, that you might know such a noble destiny as that which God has planned for you and how in that destiny he shall care for thee as he always and always has cared for me in all of my lifetimes of service and even to the present hour.

Praise God and his wondrous mercies to our cause!

May you be seated now.

Oh, how the Light does shine!

The place has been prepared for me by the noble Sanat Kumara and legions of Light and your precious selves.

I come, then, with the wonder of it all and all that has passed since this day five hundred years ago when we did place our feet on those shores. Good, good that you know the Real from the Unreal. Good that you expose history and take it away from the realm of a story to the reading of the akashic records.

Blessed ones, how many of you know [beforehand] in all levels of your being your exact destiny–where you shall go, what you shall be, what you shall do?

That is not the way of the Father-Mother God. They have not sent us [with foreknowledge, not in the outer mind, that is], for the mission in the earth is always an initiation of the soul. If all victories were foreknown, well, blessed hearts, few would make the effort to realize the victory themselves.

Thus, life is the great suspense. It’s the great mystery story. At the level of highest being there is the matrix of that absolute God-Victory, but at the level of the soul and the heart, the individual must come and do all these things for the mission and yet be burdened by his karma that he must balance, as you have been burdened, as the Messengers have been, as I have been and every Ascended Master has been.

So, beloved, there is a certain drama, a certain pathos, a certain unknowing and then a sure knowing. Oh yes, beloved. At what level of life do you probe and know the absolute end from the beginning?

Well, then, let us not speculate as to what I, [as Christopher Columbus,] knew and what I did not know. For, you see, at some level of being we are the All and we know the All. But, precious hearts, as you can understand that scene when I was hopeless before fatigue and storm and darkness, <3> you can know the anguish that I, a person like you, experienced–one human heart, one human being to whom the angel of the Lord came, even the Lord Christ himself, to comfort in such an hour.

Thereby understand that those of us who are sent into the [earth] plane [must maintain] a certain conformity to this octave and to the rules of the game. The suspense is necessary, else the fire of desire should not kindle the will that can galvanize a nation, as it did the monarchs of Spain, and accomplish all that must be undertaken.

The fire of the mind and heart sustained, even kindled by the breath of the Holy Spirit and multiplied many times over, must yet be the will and the doings and the honor and the very part of the heart that knows.

Therefore, I bow before the Lord Sanat Kumara this day not for the discovery itself but for the vision of the New Jerusalem <4> and [for the sheer joy] of touching that soil and feeling the electric spark flash cross the sky to quicken a continent for a future people.

And only five hundred years later, you are that people!

You are those who know the New Jerusalem, who have also gone to the New World, for you would be there for the placing of the capstone upon the pyramid of this civilization. You would be there for the establishment of the Retreat of the Divine Mother. You would be there to see the celestial City Foursquare in the etheric octave, so clearly present at the Royal Teton Retreat that, beloved hearts, even children can see the lights of the Holy City, can see the New Day, can see the alabaster buildings and the Temple Beautiful.

And so, beloved, build well. As I knew it then, so I know it now:  each soul is archetypically the New Jerusalem, the city of peace, the city of Light, the citadel of consciousness–New Jerusalem, the abiding place of all Lightbearers in the earth, all sons and daughters of Christ, even the Lord Christ Jesus, Lord Maitreya, Lord Gautama, Lord Sanat Kumara, Lord Padma Sambhava.

Know, O hearts of fire, that I come with rejoicing, for Sanat Kumara has given to me more than I could even pray for. He has given you to me and me to you and brought us together with such hosts of the Lord, beloved, that I could say you should fairly weep to behold their numberless numbers truly gathered, truly confident, truly so very pure that you could meditate upon their purity and follow it back to the heart of the Central Sun.

So the seraphim descend. So mighty cherubim, as earth has not seen in so many numbers in so many centuries, have come in answer to his call and now to yours.

I beg of you, beloved, if you shall remember one thing from this conference, it must be to remember not to forget, to remember not to forget–not to forget to assign the angels, not to forget to send them, to love them, to command them, to illumine them and be illumined by them, not to forget that you also tend altars of the Most High God.

My statement in this hour, beloved, is to remind you that I have received a cosmic grant and this grant, given to me from the Lords of Karma, from the Cosmic Council, is one that I would use judiciously, as I told you in my last dictation, given at the ranch. <5>

Yes, beloved, with a grant of so much violet flame and the capacity for sponsorship, I desire to sponsor those of you who will make it the centerpiece of your life to command angels and to determine how you will clock the hours to remind yourselves that each hour on the hour you may give a thirty-second call [in the name of Sanat Kumara] consisting of commands [to the legions of Light] for the liberation of the oppressed souls of an entire world.

O beloved hearts, I have explained how precious is this dispensation, how dear it is. Yes, beloved, I know that you are able to respond, but I also know that the forces of anti-Freedom would take from you, as has been said already in this conference, the memory itself of your having been summoned [by the Sponsors of Youth and Sanat Kumara] to save the youth of the world and [by Listening Angel] to minister with angels, that you yourselves might also rise in the ranks of the angelic kingdom. <6>  [It does not matter] whether you have descended from that kingdom or not, for you shall serve with angelic bands and they shall know you and call you as one of their own.

Thus, there is descended now a wall of purple fire round about the Messenger. And I place it there in her aura as a dispensary and that she might also know the grace of the violet flame, which grace she has earned.

Blessed ones, I place this fountain [in her aura] that you might have easy access to it by your own obedience in making the calls to the legions of angels on behalf of the youth of the world. <7>  I intend, then, to work a mighty work here and there across the earth.

Now then, I send forth fire!  As the Lord Christ said, “I AM come to send fire in the earth,” <8> so I send forth shooting flames of violet fire contacting very specific souls in all the earth who have the ancient momentum on the Seventh Ray, who have invoked that flame and have a momentum of keeping the spirit of Freedom in their auras.

Now I would like you to sing “The Flame of Freedom Speaks” that you also might now ensoul this fire and anchor it on behalf of those throughout the earth who have been with me in golden-age civilizations and have kept the flame of the Mighty I AM Presence.

Rise, beloved ones, and sing this song of Freedom.

The Flame of Freedom Speaks


The Flame of Freedom speaks–
The Flame of Freedom within each heart.
The Flame of Freedom saith unto all:
    Come apart now and be a separate and chosen people,
elect unto God–men who have chosen their election well,
who have determined to cast their lot in with the immortals.
These are they who have set their teeth with determination,
who have said:

I will never give up
I will never turn back
I will never submit
I will bear the Flame of Freedom unto my Vict’ry
I will bear this flame in honor
I will sustain the glory of Life within my nation
I will sustain the glory of Life within my being

I will win my ascension
I will forsake all idols and
I will forsake the idol of my outer self
I will have the glory of my immaculate divinely
  conceived Self manifesting within me

I AM Freedom and
I AM determined to be Freedom
I AM the Flame of Freedom and
I AM determined to bear it to all
I AM God’s Freedom and He is indeed free
I AM freed by his Power and his Power is supreme
I AM fulfilling the purposes of God’s kingdom

   Now is the hour. And apart from the [grant I announced on August 30], beloved, I now release from my Causal Body of Light to America and to the earth, for the keeping in the heart of the Goddess of Liberty, a dispensation of Light that is truly the dispensation for the golden age of Aquarius to manifest. I release this now, <*> for it is the hour. And the completion has come and the new beginning has come and you have come also.

Therefore, my God, therefore, my All:  let the Light go forth for the quenching of the Darkness and the dark ones!  And let the flame of Freedom ring out the New Day of sons and daughters of Liberty who will now go forth with confidence in God and in their mission and holy purpose to lay the foundations, to invoke the matrix of the golden-age civilization and to use every angel of cosmos (as the angels so desire to be used) to make this dream of God and man come true!

Thus it goes forth!  Thus it is done!

Now, beloved, be wise master builders. Fill in the great pyramid of the golden age and let the violet flame consume the rest!

I AM Saint Germain. I place my Electronic Presence now over every Lightbearer in the earth. Therefore there does press in upon you now, O ye Lightbearers, the etheric octave itself, the heaven-worlds, and you stand side by side with saints robed in white who press closer in vibration to earth for the coming of my violet flame and the dispensation of my Causal Body.

This civilization shall precipitate from the highest levels of the etheric on down until one day it shall be fully physical. All Bodhisattvas and Buddhas have gathered in support of this divine plan and geometry. I ask, therefore, your allegiance to God, to Freedom and to this golden age so that you and all posterity may either reincarnate in it or walk the earth as masters and adepts ascended.

 Blessed ones, I ask you to kneel in solemn convocation now.

I ask you to acknowledge your Great God Presence and the flame within your heart. I ask you to see yourself draped in the mantle of your own Christhood and, in this state of Divine Self-knowingness, to offer quietly your prayers to God for the instrumentation of your service to this one-pointed goal of the [building of the] golden age of Aquarius.

[Congregation kneels in prayer.]

As you kneel in prayer, the most beautiful angels you could ever imagine minister to you.

Blessed hearts, contrary to all prophecy of war and earth changes, I tell you the building of a golden age can proceed even in the very midst of cataclysm or the unthinkable war that is yet plotted by the fallen ones, for this golden age is being precipitated from the etheric octave.

It shall not be deterred!  It shall not be turned back!

And if, God forbid, those who have the torch of Freedom in the physical octave should fail, this which is abuilding here shall be transferred to another planetary home. For I tell you, the age of Aquarius must come!  The legions of Light must come closer to the earth octave and many souls must embody, including the remainder of the sixth and seventh root races.

Beloved hearts of Light, there are some things that are certain. I have determined, Sanat Kumara has determined, hosts of the Lord and yourselves at inner levels have determined that we shall do all in God’s power within us to fulfill this glorious manifestation.

Whether here or elsewhere, it shall be!  And you shall be known with Sanat Kumara once again as the inaugurators of an age when enlightenment shall be available and freedom, and technology shall be the servant of God and not the instrument of hell.

Yes, beloved ones, know that the grids of light and the geometry are set. Know also that the alternative could come to pass and pass away and yet it should not disturb this building in the etheric octave.

It is a long-term dispensation, beloved. Some of you will be Ascended Masters before it is entirely fulfilled. Others will have had a number of succeeding embodiments after this one. But mark me well. There is a consensus of all who have the God-Reality of this Spirit-Matter Cosmos that this earth belongs to the Lightbearers, beginning with the most recent Lightbearer of all in planet earth, Lord Sanat Kumara. <9>

The consensus of all and the manifest [decree] of all is that this earth does belong to the sons and daughters of the King of kings and the Lord of lords and, therefore, it shall be taken from those who have not the Spirit of the living God but deny that Spirit.

Now, beloved, find your precise niche and see to it that you take, if you will, from my humble example as Christopher Columbus that steely determination, that absolute surety of the mission, that absolute knowing of every step of your life until the finish.

I say to you:

Discover the New World of Aquarius!

Discover the New Jerusalem!

Name yourselves as the citizens of this world and let your Light shine!  Stand, then, and release the Light of your own Causal Body, of your own violet flame and say:


      In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence, let all the Light of my Causal Body of the Seventh Ray flash forth now with that of all Lightbearers connected to this system of worlds, piercing, then, all octaves of Darkness and the astral plane and giving the signal that this is the hour of a cosmic Declaration of Independence whereby we together shall enter the New Age! [45-second standing ovation]

   Now as the Light flashes forth from you, beloved, intone the Om and let it continue. For thereby you equate yourself with God, who is the Om, with Brahman in the Beginning with the Word, and you seal a pathway of Light, a channel of Light to that point of your origin whence you came and to which you shall return victorious.

Therefore sound it, beloved.

[Congregation joins Saint Germain in the sounding of the Om:]








All hail, the geometry of God!

[Congregation affirms with Saint Germain:]

All hail, the geometry of God!

All hail, the geometry of God!

All hail, the geometry of God!

I AM Sanctus Germanus with my beloved Portia. We place ourselves heart to heart with you, never to leave the Keeper of the Flame in this life and forever beyond.

I AM your Holy Brother, if you will have me, in this venture–this venture, beloved, whereby we not only dare to cross the sea of samsara but to cross the mighty cosmic sea of light to reach out and touch the hem of the garment of Alpha and Omega and to return dripping with the golden light of the Central Sun.

O ye bodhisattvas becoming Buddhas, ye are my own, I AM thine own. I AM Saint Germain.

[30-second standing ovation. Congregation gives the salutation:]

Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!

Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!

Hail, Saint Germain!  Hail, Saint Germain!  Hail, Saint Germain!

Hail, Saint Germain!  Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!


This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, October 12, 1992, during the five-day conference Voyages of Soul Discovery held at the Castlegate Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. The day marked the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture “Christopher Columbus:  The Man and the Myth.”  To enhance your understanding of Saint Germain’s dictation, you will want to hear this special lecture, available on both video- and audiocassette. Videocassette: 3 cassettes, total 174 min., GL92070. Audiocassette: 2 cassettes, total 173 min., B92081, B92082. Saint Germain’s dictation is also available on video- and audiocassette (the cassettes include the dictation of Jesus Christ, which followed). Videocassette: 1 cassette, 61 min., HP92089. Audiocassette: 1 cassette, 87 min., B92083. [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Saint Germain’s direction for clarity in the written word.]

*. 7:51 p.m. EDT

1. Saint Germain was embodied as Christopher Columbus. (Traditionally, Columbus is believed to have lived 1451 to 1506, but according to historian Andrés Bernáldez, he was born around 1436.)

2. Saint Germain was embodied as Saint Joseph, the father of Jesus. For more on Saint Germain’s embodiments, see Saint Germain On Prophecy, Book One, pp. 3-96; Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. vii-xxvii, 112-26, 137-38, 442-45; and Lords of the Seven Rays:  Mirror of Consciousness, Book One, pp. 237-75.

3. Columbus’s trial of faith. Saint Germain refers here to an experience recorded in Columbus’s journal. In her lecture, the Messenger told the story, reading from the journal as quoted in Björn Landström, Columbus (New York:  Macmillan Company, 1966), pp. 172-73.

4. The New Jerusalem. Rev. 3:12; 21:1, 2, 9-27; 22:1-5. As related by the Messenger in her lecture, Columbus believed that God had appointed him to be the messenger of the new heaven and the new earth, spoken of by John in the Apocalypse and prophesied by Isaiah. (See also Clements R. Markham, Life of Christopher Columbus [London:  George Philip and Son, 1892], pp. 207-8.) In discovering the New World, Columbus believed that he was the instrument whereby God would, as Isaiah recorded around 732 B.C., “recover the remnant of his people” and “assemble the outcasts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth” (Isa. 11:11, 12).

5. Saint Germain’s grant from the Lords of Karma and the Cosmic Council. On August 30, 1992, Saint Germain delivered a dictation at the Royal Teton Ranch in which he announced:  “Let there not be a cessation from your giving of yourselves to God, for as you experience the refinement of the spirit, beloved, know that I can match that. Yes, beloved, I am yet in the business of securing grants from the Karmic Board and the Cosmic Council, and I have secured a grant, beloved! Therefore, I am very, very happy this day!  You have been told that grants do not come easy to the Ascended Masters in this hour. And therefore it is considered a great boon by all of the Darjeeling Council, who are looking over my shoulder now, wondering what I will do with this grant!  Well, I can assure you, beloved ones, from our experience in recent and past history, that I shall not so liberally dispense the energies and the backing that come with this grant. But I want you to know that it is here and that it is here for those selected chelas who themselves select to walk the Path in an extraordinary devotion and who would seek, having had the disciplines of El Morya and desiring to continue in his disciplines, their own chelaship with me. Yes, beloved ones, I desire to take certain of you on as my own chelas and this shall be, of course, by that merit. You understand, beloved, that the standards I hold must of necessity be high for the very reason, so implied, that in the past when I have not held to that level many have misused my Light and my coat and my cane. Yes, beloved ones, they have misused me and I cannot allow it. For, you see, the hour comes down to certain opportunities, and when the door does close, I can tell you, it will swing shut and no one, ascended or unascended, will be able to open that door!  Therefore, I desire to see this grant stay and be replenished by those who receive a portion, multiply it and multiply it again and multiply it by the power of the ten and return that just portion [i.e., the tithe] to me....I appeal to you, then, and I tell you that I will have my angels, robed in the miracle fire of the violet flame, who shall come to you, who shall teach you, who shall test you, who shall observe you and who shall report back to me whether [you are eligible to receive a grant] and, if so, the hour when the grant may be conferred, however small or great, to assist you. Therefore, beloved ones, top on our agenda is the sending of the Messenger to you....It is a moment when we anticipate that we might deliver a tremendous message to the world, city by city....Let all know that there is almost no limit to the capacity of the chela who knows the fire of the heart, who will pace himself and work directly with me; for I will be there, I will empower and I will give my own graces.”  (See vol. 35 no. 45, pp. 561-64.)

6. Summons to save the youth of the world and to minister with angels.  See Sponsors of Youth from out the Great Central Sun, delivered at the conclusion of the October 8, 1992 service, vol. 35 no. 59, pp. 676, 677, 681, 682; Listening Angel, October 9, 1992, no. 60, pp. 688-89, 691-93; Sanat Kumara with the Seven Holy Kumaras, October 11, 1992, no. 49, pp. 619, 620-22, 624.

7. In a dictation delivered through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet on November 4, 1966, Saint Germain explained why there is such rebellion among the youth of the world against the codes of society. Saint Germain said:  “In the domain of the human family a fierce breed has arisen....Many of these young people...were actually, because of their corrupted nature, not permitted to embody for generations after generations but were held in what amounts to chambers of darkness, bound and prevented from manifestation upon the screen of life lest they should once again become bad apples in the barrel to spoil others. Now the law has been fulfilled and come full cycle, and therefore a whole crop has been dumped upon this generation....They are linking themselves together, encouraging corruption among others of the youth of the world and rebelling against that code of humanity which has become so very much a part of jurisprudence in the world of form.”

8. Luke 12:49.

9. Saint Germain refers here to Sanat Kumara as “the most recent Lightbearer of all in planet earth” in the sense that he is the most recent avatar who made the difference in the saving of earth. The Light of his Causal Body alone was and is great enough to hold the balance against the forces of Darkness that have invaded the earth. Anyone who bears the Light of God may be rightly called a “Lightbearer.”  But the one who can tip the scales of Darkness in favor of the Light is the original Saviour in whose lineage all other saviours come.