Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 35 No. 62 - I AM the Witness - December 8, 1992


I AM the Witness

My Journey on the Path of Chelaship


Beloved Mother,

This is my witness of my journey on the path of chelaship, which I hope others may find helpful.

My quest to find a meaning to life probably got its first big boost, in a sense quite literally, when my dad kicked me out of the house when I was fifteen years old. He didn’t kick me out for being a saint but quite the opposite–he got fed up with the drugs, the rock-and-roll music and the life-style that went with it.

I thought being on my own would have very distinct advantages, such as being able to do whatever I wanted when I wanted, with no one there to tell me I couldn’t. However, I soon found that most of the time what I wanted most was a decent meal. Drugs soon wore off their glamour and I came to the realization that I was using them as a crutch to try to find happiness. None was to be found. So one day I just quit–cold turkey.

Soon after, I made amends with my dad. I told him I quit drugs and wanted to come back home. He didn’t especially care for my long hair but consented to my coming back.

Home was stable but I still couldn’t find that inner happiness I was looking for. I grew up as a Catholic but knew that what I was looking for was not in the Catholic Church. Even when I was in eighth grade, I argued with the nuns over Church doctrine, especially because I did not believe Jesus was the only Son of God. I frequently went to a lake near our house and sometimes sat there for hours at a time just thinking, wondering if there really was a God. And if so, where was he?  And why was he so secretive?

I moped around the house in this limbo state for a couple of months. Then an uncle from Denver, Colorado, came for a visit. He was into metaphysics, the power of positive thinking and other “heady” stuff, most of which was over my head at the time. But he gave me a little book about the I AM THAT I AM. It explained how God as the I AM is in each of us.

When I read this, a wave of joy swelled within me. I dashed off to my favorite spot by the lake and shouted, “God, you were here all the time!  You are within me and I am in you!”  I couldn’t contain myself. I twirled, laughed and shouted praises continuously. I was flying!

When my uncle came around again, I wanted more. He told me and my older brother (who was also searching for a spiritual path at the time) that one of his friends in Denver was involved with an organization called The Summit Lighthouse, which had more of these teachings. We decided that we had to go meet this guy–which also happened to be his name (Guy)–and hitchhiked to Denver.

Once we got there, one of the first things he showed us was his decree room and how to decree. After doing a few decrees, my brother and I felt such an exuberance that we just started laughing. I’m sure Guy thought we were a little strange or “high” on something but he was undaunted and told us more about The Summit Lighthouse.

As it turned out, Guy had recently found out about the Summit at the state fair held in my hometown, Pueblo, Colorado. The Summit Lighthouse had a booth there, which Guy had found but which we probably had not noticed because we were far from ready at the time. Regardless, I still consider that that state fair booth was indirectly instrumental in my contacting the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

Guy told us we should write to a lady named Florence at the Summit (now the Ascended Lady Master Kristine) to get more information if we were still interested. It took my brother and me only about a month or so to write a three-sentence letter and I don’t know how much longer to send it. But it was quickly responded to with brochures and a schedule of the weekly services.

During this time other members of my family were getting interested in the Teachings. Eventually my whole family got involved–all fifteen of us, plus an uncle and an aunt. So on one of those hot, dry Colorado days in September 1970 my mother, brother, sister, aunt and I decided to make the trek to Colorado Springs and see what The Summit Lighthouse was all about.

As I had grown up in a lower-middle-class neighborhood, I was awestruck when we first pulled into the driveway of La Tourelle, The Summit Lighthouse headquarters. It was a beautiful mansion with big gates, huge doors and landscaped grounds in one of the nicest areas in Colorado Springs. Being a “totally hip” sixteen-year-old at the time, I knew I couldn’t let my wonderment show in any way and decided to keep a low profile and act “cool.”

A staff member greeted us at the door and we were invited in to listen to an introductory tape about the Chart of the Presence. Afterward, we were led into the chapel, where Mark Prophet was giving a lecture. There were only about thirty people in the room that night and we probably caused quite a commotion in everybody’s mind when we walked in!  I could almost hear them thinking, “Who are all these new people?”  But when I glanced at Mark, he didn’t look surprised but more as if to say, “What took you so long?”

I don’t remember much of the lecture, but loud bells and whistles must have been blaring inside of me because there were now some cracks in my hip, Chicano-revolutionary personality that were not there before. I guess Mark just did not fit any of my molds for members of the “older generation.”  His devotion and warm-heartedness radiated from his entire being and moved you, no matter how old or young you were.

When Mark would tell one of his jokes, my worldly personality would think it was corny as all heck but I would laugh with all the others because he would always end the joke with an ear-to-ear grin that just emanated joy. How could one help but laugh?

Even though I had been searching and knew within that these Teachings were the answer, my political inclinations at the time were beyond the left side of the spectrum, somewhere in the realm of radical. I had been indoctrinated to believe that the establishment was all-white, repressive, discriminatory and basically out to destroy my body, mind and soul. The only way I could see to correct the situation would be through some type of revolution. However, at the Summit everyone was pro-American, did the Pledge of Allegiance and even said, “America, I love you!”  This almost made me topple in my chair. It wasn’t until much later that someone told me that America stood for the “I AM Race.”

There had been a “warring in my members” on the road to The Summit Lighthouse but now the battle was fierce:  Should I pursue a spiritual path to change the world or a political one?

Since I am writing this witness today, I am sure it is obvious what side won. But it wasn’t one decisive battle that did the job. Every service I went to, every book I read was helping to mold me into a new person. I gradually let go of my political unrealities and immersed myself in studying the Teachings.

I was fascinated by the cosmic scheme of everything–angels, Masters, elementals, karma, reincarnation, et cetera. Everything was cosmic and esoteric. However, it didn’t take long for Mark to give me a little lesson on how my thoughts and feelings affect the ethers and are really quite physical.

One day my mom and I were waiting in the family room of La Tourelle for a big vegetarian lunch that was scheduled for after the lecture. We probably had been waiting for about five minutes (which seemed to a sixteen-year-old stomach like an eternity) when I put on my airs of deprivation and told my mom I was starving and maybe we should go someplace else. She, being more patient than I, wanted to wait. After another eternal five minutes I told her I was really starving. When were they going to let us have some lunch?  She just sat there, the epitome of patience, not saying a word.

After surviving another fifteen minutes of what I thought was death-threatening hunger–with constant complaining, of course–Mark walked into the room and then suddenly stopped as if he had hit a wall. He slowly looked around the room studying every face, then–bingo!–he saw me sitting on the floor next to my mom. He took a few steps toward me and said, “You’re hungry, aren’t you, young man?”

I, somewhat stunned that he actually knew what I had said, just meekly nodded. With a fatherly smile he said, “Lunch will be out in a few minutes!”  And indeed it was. This incident taught me not only to watch what I say but to control my stomach and my mind as well.

I am extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to “shake Lanello’s hand.”  One thing I immediately recognized about Mark’s character was that it didn’t matter whose hand he was shaking–a young boy’s, a long-haired teenager’s or a little old lady’s–everyone was treated with the same respect and love.

I had mixed feelings a few years later when I got the message while in college that Mark had made his ascension. I was sad that he was no longer here physically but happy that he would always be with us in spirit, the Ever-Present Guru.

After a couple of years of college, with nothing to show for it, I decided I had had enough of school. I just bummed around for a few months and then decided to catch a ride to Santa Barbara, California, with one of my sister’s friends. She was going to The Summit Lighthouse October conference, the Class of the Harvest Sun. It just so happened that the first quarter of the Ascended Master University, now called Summit University, was also in session.

When I saw some of my old friends there, I was flabbergasted. What had happened to these people?  They were beaming, buoyant and had a new sense of dedication. It only took me a few minutes to change my attitude about going to school again!  I had to be at Summit University and it had to be the next quarter, Winter Quarter 1974.

By much determination, some help from a dear uncle and aunt, and by God’s grace, I was able to scrape together just enough funds for the registration fees. Going to Summit University was akin to first contacting the Teachings of the Ascended Masters because everything seemed new and exciting. Even though I had read some of the books, I had never studied them. And how much more there was than I had ever realized!

After my quarter had ended, many of us were asked if we would like to work on staff and in what position we would like to serve. I picked every place but the kitchen. So where do you think I ended up?  The kitchen, of course!  I actually enjoyed working there but this was one of my first lessons in surrender.

After about six months of serving on staff at Santa Barbara, I came to a crossroad:  Do I want to continue working here?  Should I go back to college?  Get married?  Get a job and make more money?  I must have been in this state of mind for weeks until one day I went to the Will of God focus and started decreeing and praying to know my divine plan.

Being too restless, I went outside and started pacing back and forth. I don’t know how long I argued with myself or how deep of a rut I made in the grass, but suddenly I made a definite decision and said out loud, “Saint Germain, I will not leave you!  Through thick and thin and whatever else may come my way, I will not leave you!”

Having set the course of my sails, I marched back to the kitchen, where I had been working. Mother happened to be in the room at the time having some lunch. As soon as I walked in she took one look at me, called out my name and said, “Are you going to be with me for the next forty-five years?”  I said, “Yes!”  She then extended her hand and we shook on it.

Nothing else was said. Nothing else had to be said because I understood what that historical handshake meant. It was the beginning of an accelerated, karma-balancing journey–a journey that my soul was now ready to embark on.

I never did figure out why forty-five years. I reckoned it was the minimum amount of time I had to serve to balance some karma. At the time, forty-five years seemed somewhere close to eternity, but now, after having served eighteen years, I know that not only is it a reachable goal but I plan on being around much longer than that!

After serving in the kitchen a couple of years, I served in the Shipping Department, the Bookstore and the Purchasing Department. I also served as a Summit University Press salesman, went Stumping and then finally settled down in Accounting.

Since I really wanted to know the ins and outs of my accounting job, I decided that it was time to go back to school–that is, night school. It took some persistence on my part, but my department head and others in the decision-making process allowed me the time to get the training I needed.

It wasn’t easy to fulfill my full-time staff responsibilities, do all the homework and be ready for class, but somehow I managed and even made the dean’s list most every quarter. For my efforts, I was given a 6”9” piece of paper called a degree. They should also give out degrees for on-the-job training because I have found it to be just as beneficial, if not more so, than all the schooling I received.

Not to be outdone by the illumination angels who were giving me so much help at the time, some pink cherubim probably gave me a bop or two over the head to wake me up to take notice of a beautiful and wonderful lady I had worked with on staff on and off over the years. We soon got married and now have two precious children.

The Church has always provided my family with our fundamental needs. With my accounting training, I am able to make additional income for our other needs and activities. Granted, we don’t have a big house with two cars in the garage, but we also don’t have to worry about mortgage payments, car payments or household debts. We simply live comfortably and joyfully with less.

The teaching of Jesus, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you,” is apropos to my life. The things I was concerned about losing or missing out on during my first few months on staff have been added unto me and, in addition, I have received through the years a most cherished gift–the gift of the Guru-chela relationship.

It is always sad to hear when people leave staff or the organization for want of something. I wish I could shake them up and down and impart to them that God loves them. He will provide them with all of their needs if they will only let him pick the time. But free will is free will, and I hope they find the happiness they are looking for.

As for me, I am happy. This path is such a joyous one!  Sure, there are moments of karma and difficulty but even then there is joy in the process of overcoming. There is so much to be grateful for–new and enlightening teachings and dictations, a multifaceted community with fellow aspirants and, most of all, our beloved Messenger and Guru.

My cup runneth over with all of these blessings. My hope is that I will be around for decades upon decades upon decades to impart to all whom I meet the love, discipline, joy and wisdom one can expect when one pursues the path of chelaship.

Always victory. Always a chela–by God’s grace.



Archangel Michael Steps through the Veil

Dear Mother,

Now that I am a Keeper of the Flame, I would like to give my testimony of what a wonderful feeling of comfort Archangel Michael has given me. (In my heart, I know I have always been a Keeper of the Flame, but I did not know it at the time of this incident.)

One night while I was sleeping, I had a dream in which I was climbing a spiral staircase in a castle tower. As I was climbing, I felt a dark shadow following me. I was afraid but somewhere along the way I determined to stand and face my fear.

As I was about to turn around, a magnificent being of Light suddenly appeared. He raised his sword and, in a thundering voice, said:  “By the Power of God!”  The entire place where I stood lit up and the shadow disappeared!  I was so glad that this heavenly emissary had stepped through the veil and charged the atoms and molecules of my being!  For a brief moment, I felt that he and I were one.

You must realize that this happened before I came into the Teachings. Later I purchased some of your books from a local bookstore. When I was reading The Science of the Spoken Word and came to chapter 13 on “Calls to Archangel Michael for Protection,” I immediately recognized Archangel Michael as the one who had rescued me in my dream. I didn’t know I had met Archangel Michael but my soul did.

When we say our decrees to Archangel Michael and pray for the protection of all Lightbearers of the world, we can know that he truly does step through the veil to save souls.

I want to thank you all from the altar of my heart. I am so glad I can now return the favor by making the calls for others.

I am forever grateful for the Light!