Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 35 No. 60 - Beloved Listening Angel - December 4, 1992


Voyages of Soul Discovery
Teach the Children!
Help Them, Love Them!

Reach Out to Life with Your Heart
Receive Your Inner Child into Your Arms
Listen to the Prayers of Children
The Opening of the Retreats of the Seven Archangels


Gently, gently through the night, bands of Listening Angel tend the beds and cribs of children of all ages. And so we come, my legions and I, coming, then, with a listening ear to the hearts and minds and souls of children and of all people.

And what do the children ask when they see beyond the realm of sleep the angels tending their beds?  They say:


      O angels, listening angels, hear our prayer!  We pray for father and mother, for their love to one another and to us.

      We pray for love.

      O listening angels, fill our house with love!  We need love so much since we have left our home of Light.

      O listening angels, whisper into the ears of Daddy and Mommy that love is all we need and all we want.

      We pray also that we might learn, and learn what we must know, and know what we have known before but are soon forgetting.

      For we are now upon this lesser shore, where the light does not shine so brightly and we do not want to forget that realm of Light from whence we have come.

      Oh, teach us!  Teach us to know, teach us to discern, teach us the basics of life and our lessons–lessons from Sunday school, lessons we are not hearing that our former angel teachers taught us.

      O listening angels, tell the heart of our Father-Mother God that we would fly on Wisdom’s ray each night to go to the place where we can learn, for we are not learning here what we need to know.

      O listening angels, teach us, then, the law of God. Teach us the way in which we must walk.

      Teach us, O listening angels, and send us, by God’s own hand, teachers who will show us what is that holy will, what is the true way back Home and why we are here and what we are doing in this place, which is sometimes made so very, very dark by grown-ups when they in some thoughtlessness spread gloom and doom across the face of earth or surround us with so much of this world and the things of this world when we long, in fact, for our heavenly home.

      O listening angels, hear our prayers this night!  We pray for children everywhere who have less than we do and whose families and towns are burdened by war and loss of life.

      O listening angels, carry our prayers to God this night that he might have mercy upon all his servants and save poor sinners and bring all Home in the great convocation of Light of our true Lord and Saviour, the Cosmic Christ, Jesus our Lord, Gautama our Lord, sons and daughters of God, our brothers and sisters.

   And so you who gather here in Atlanta now have heard the semblance of prayers of children everywhere who long for love, who long to be God-taught and to know his will. Such simple longings of children!  Some who have no food pray for food, but their souls know enough to also pray for spiritual nourish-ment. Some who have nothing yet pray for nothing except to help others.

The prayers of children, as their hearts speak through their souls after they have left the body to sleep at night, are the most precious of prayers that we hear out of all the earth.

Children pray for graces, not for toys. Children remember God, for they are yet small and still can peep through the veil beyond the octaves to their Home of Light. Children come with a desire to console their parents, fully aware that their parents are burdened by many cares and concerns of the world.

Oh, what a blessing it is to nurture these fine sensitivities of children and their sense of being so close to God through angels!

I AM indeed your Listening Angel and I have numberless bands of angels who are listening not only to the prayers but to the many types of expressions of the people of earth–their frustrations, their angers, their self-pity, their feelings of aloneness in a wide, wide world where there is no real depth and no longer the capacity for intimacy in spiritual matters, in communion with God or with another heart. [And are not these prayers also?]

Many people on earth suffer, as you know, and they do not pray. Therefore we must listen to the expressions of the soul that may not be articulated, for their pain is so great.

Listening angels are there when people pass from life in agony and when there is the joyous birth of children.

Listening angels are there to comfort souls whose bodies are being aborted, and therefore whose missions are being aborted. Oh, we tend these souls with greatest care that they may not be scarred when they must enter once again [the womb of life] and perhaps make another try and another before someone will receive them instead of closing the door and snuffing out the breath of life.

Earth, then, and her people are dealing with more karma than they have dealt with in many centuries (if it were possible, and it is indeed possible that this is so) and therefore the weight that people feel in their bodies is a weight of anguish.

Some have accommodated themselves and created accommodations with life and therefore they consider themselves well-balanced, happy–having all that they want of creature comforts. Yet many of these have lost contact with their souls and they do not experience [God]. For they have cut off their soul faculties and, although they consider themselves rich and increased with goods and having no wants whatsoever, they do not know that their souls feel naked and without anything.

There are many who cut off not only their own soul but their own divine spark, their own reason for being, and they cut off the angels and God also. And they are very, very sure that they are right in every position they take–social, economic, political. All of their views are, of course, right.

Yes, beloved ones, so sure are so many who ought not to be sure at all, for they have not the real and living contact [with their own soul or with God].

So many facades, so many layers!  And when you go through them all, do you really find someone who is real?

Are you not all searching for reality?

Are you not all seeking that which is real?

Yes, it is true. All want to feel the tangibility of divine substance of something, even be it a beautiful pink rose or a lily or any of the multitude of flowers. Do they not bridge the gap from here to there?  Are they not some scent of heaven, some presence so rare?  Who can fashion a flower but angel devas?

And then, of course, the songs of the birds and of children and the voice of the young boy whom you just heard, <1> who came into this world that you might hear the clear voice of an angel. Such a young child, singing with such majesty!  You must know for certain, beloved, of the inner training of these little ones who bring such offerings of love and lay them upon the heart of God.

How many lifetimes has that one, a single angel, sung–sung as a voice of heaven heard on earth?

How rare are the gifts of God, yet how plentiful when you do not expect perfection in the human [psyche] and can rejoice in the heart’s offering, even if the offering itself is not perfect. Thus, by the quality of the heart, the wisdom of the heart and the great love of the heart does earth sustain a course.

So many millions of loving hearts and yet so many other millions of hearts that are bitter, gone sour, no longer an open door for the bird of happiness to fly in and out, no longer anopen door for the light of the sun to pass through.

The mighty Charity, Archeia of Chamuel, does enter this room now with her legions of Light. We are all serving on the Third Ray of Divine Love and of the Holy Spirit and of compassion. Surely this is an hour when you can fully become the comforter, when you can pray to us that we might send your prayers to the heart of the Spirit of the living God that you might give comfort to life.

How about it, beloved ones?

Will you not be the outer listening angel who listens to the cries of children, millions of children, and answers–answers in the confidence that you can set in motion those schools and courses, those opportunities and causes for rejoicing in the hearts of children so that they might have rekindled in their beings all that they once knew, and knew in many lifetimes of achievement, that they might bring to the fore and bring to this civilization yet in this age their mighty talents, their contributions of true God-solutions to the problems of the times?

Oh, there are many talented ones who wait in line knocking at the portals of birth!  But we say for those who have had the door opened, who have been admitted, we say for them–oh, on behalf of [and by way of answering] all of their collective prayers–help them, love them!

Do not allow them to become statistics upon statistics of an educational system that has failed, that is diabolical, that is the betrayal of the inner personhood of every child of God. That personhood has dignity and stature and honor.

Recognize the presence of your children. Recognize their presence of mind and of heart and of soul-quality, as they truly come trailing clouds of glory, as they have come from distant worlds and this and prior civilizations to finish what they have begun.

Oh, how you know the satisfaction of finishing what you have begun and of sensing that you will complete in this life that which you were sent to do!  Note how you feel almost depressed when you cannot complete your work or you do not have the tools or the funds, the education, the backing or the [uniting with] souls who are a part of your group, who must all work together for a common achievement and a shared glory in the Son of God.

Yes, beloved, reach out to life with your heart!  Have empathy, identify with those who are not able to get on with the cosmic business of living and serving to set life free.

Yes, we respond to your giving of the rosaries. We respond, blessed ones, to your recitation of prayers. And we give all of the devotion and the energy that you give to God to those who need it most–the little children of the world and child-man, who is right within you, yes, your inner child, who is your soul, and, yes, the mature part of you that is merging with your own Christ Self.

Oh, receive, then, your own inner child into your arms!  Let your child leap into your heart and [achieve union] in the fullness of that Christ Self. The little child longs to be bonded to her Lord through you. And through you, the loving parent, your child shall know the victory of the Manchild. The Manchild is the child who has the Holy Spirit in his or her mother’s womb, the child who has the gift of being able to approach the throne of Christ and whose heart qualities merge with the Sacred Heart of Christ.

Let all of the scattered parts of your being and life respond to the call and prayer of the child for balance in the threefold flame, balance in the experiencing of God as a practical, living reality who is making things happen and who is reaching out to those who suffer. [Yes, respond by] simply helping them without all of the complicated strategies of politicians and military experts, who finally conclude that there is nothing that they can really do to stop the slaughter of life in Yugoslavia or anywhere else in the earth.

Can you imagine, beloved hearts, that the greatest minds of a century, this century and this decade, cannot, will not, won’t figure out a way to rescue life and the lives of little children [in Yugoslavia]?

It is a sad saying for all of the armaments piled and stockpiled higher and higher–for what?  For a war someday, perhaps. Yet in all of the might and the money and the meetings, there is not the single individual of stature, of leadership who can lead the nations to the divine solution to a human problem that will not go away on its own.

These are the matters with which angels wrestle in council meetings in the great halls of the retreats of the Seven Archangels. You will continue to hear about these angels as the Messenger returns to the subject, for we are in earnest that you and all people will know us almost as people. We are a little bit different, being made of fire and love, being made of wisdom and “God stuff” and the very living presence of the Light itself. But we are also very much like you.

Some of our bands have embodied, served a mighty cause, opened doors for many and returned to our octaves with greater attainment and wisdom and experience. Many angels have gone forth from our bands to spend lifetimes upon earth and then to graduate, and they have returned with the benefit of having walked side by side with sons and daughters of God.

We have gone in the footsteps of Jesus and Gautama and Lao Tzu. We have gone in the footsteps of the great ones of all time. And we have allowed ourselves to take those initiations that the children of God have also taken, that we might experience exactly what it is to be in that position in the earth.

Therefore we understand profoundly the agony of life [on earth] and the ecstasy of love’s reunion in God. We have experienced the depths and the heights, those of us who have descended into mortal form. We have worked with elementals and nature spirits. And, as I have said, our councils are meeting one hour in the twenty-four concerning the problems of the world. The other twenty-three we serve tirelessly. And then there are rounds when we return to the Great Central Sun for a mighty repolarization and a recharging of our beings in the Light of God.

And so there are rituals in the heavens as there are rituals in the earth. But because of the dire times in which you live, we take very little spaces to come apart and to enter into the inner coil of being, into the realms of great Light, where there is surcease and stillness and re-creation and re-creation and re-creation in God.

Blessed hearts, you live in a decade that is now in the twilight of the eventide of this century. Many things must be fulfilled. Many karmas must be balanced.

[In consideration of this, I announce to you that] the doors of the retreats of the mighty Archangels are now open to those who are servants of the Light yet well guarded against those who would enter who are not of the Light. <2>

Won’t you pray, then (before you retire and perhaps after having given one of El Morya’s Ashram rituals), to be taken to one of our retreats and to meet in council with us so that you might begin to understand the complexities we must [unravel in order to] enter into the affairs of men, the complexities that must be understood in order [for us] to recommend real solutions to life’s problems?

We come up short on a regular basis when we look for volunteers in the earth who will stand for a position that is right and still stand, that we might move in and rally around that single person and give that one support and energy and the benefit of our legions, who will do battle with the forces of Antichrist and the adversary of the onward progress and march of civilization.

It is important that you understand the records of past ages as we flash them on the screen (the circular screen that we have in these retreats) when you come to our meetings. Instantly, we may show the records of many embodiments of an individual, even one such as yourself. And we will see from the decisions made and the stand taken or not taken whether that individual is a candidate to weather the opposition to a position that must be held if the world is to be held congruent with the mighty grid of light that is the inner blueprint for planet earth and her evolutions.

I know that all of you would find this interesting to observe, especially at the retreat of Archangel Jophiel. Therefore I welcome you to that retreat. It is indeed near the Great Wall of China.

And so, beloved, with that thoughtform and visualization, go and study with Jophiel!

Go and study, as Jophiel Archangel, with the beloved mighty one Christine, [his complement on the Second Ray,] does prepare many legions of Light and volunteers from earth to go forward in bands to tackle the problems of the youth that you have enumerated last evening.

Yes, beloved ones, when you have heard all of the profiles of the Archangels and their respective services, choose one and then ask to be taken to that [Archangel’s] retreat nightly.

Choose one and know that you may move up the ranks with other angels and find yourself on the front lines doing battle against drugs or even the drug czars, doing battle against those who would control medications, control the way disease is treated and limit the options to those of the medical profession to the exclusion of those who come with the alternatives. These alternatives involve many ancient methods that are being brought back again from the days of Atlantis, from the healing temples, from times past when there were cures for many of the diseases that have returned to plague the earth.

Yes, beloved ones, there are causes that will be lost tomorrow and the next day if you do not engage in this battle [today]. You have two choices–either to be asleep or to be awake, totally asleep or fully awake. Being somewhere in the middle is dangerous–[as they say, “A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing”]. For [when you are half asleep (or half awake), you can get into the habit of not using] the certain amount of knowledge [you do have. By not using what you know, you incur] the karma of denying what you know. [But if you used the knowledge you have,] you would know exactly what you must do.

I say be fully awake!  Otherwise [when you do wake up], you will find that while you were asleep your ears were plugged and you did not hear the cries of the little ones or of the people of all ages, of mothers who were losing their children and of people who would never be cured of terminal illnesses because, beloved ones, the proper medications, the proper cures were denied them.

I ask you, then, to listen well to the offices of the Archangels and what their assignments are, to pick one and to become an angel’s helper. And by and by you will become the cohort of an angel and perhaps the servant of an Archangel.

It is good to start, beloved, for there are great needs and many, many empty seats in the halls of the Archangels. For there are many in the earth who never make it to these planes of Light and these etheric retreats because they spend their days in the astral plane. And so how can they spend their nights anywhere else?

It takes conscious effort, the invoking of the Light of your Mighty I AM Presence, the giving of the violet flame, the giving of the very decrees that are in your angel booklets. <3>  We are grateful that you have these and that the Mother of the Flame, which is the title of your Messenger, has made them available to you so that you might [use them to] now elevate your consciousness, elevate your vibration, and thereby change your diets and find yourselves in holy places, places of Light, while your body sleeps.

Now in some parts of the world children are rubbing their eyes as the first rays of the sun come peeping through beneath their shades into their little beds. Yes, beloved ones, children all over the world are awakening to the circumstance of their life, their karma, the karma of their parents, each one in a unique situation. Pray for them as the angels of the dawn travel around the earth greeting the children with the opportunity of a new day.

Therefore I, Listening Angel, answer now your prayers to me with one word:  Opportunity. My answer to all of your prayers and those of all the Lightbearers of the world is to give you the opportunity to serve with the mighty Archangels and in so doing to learn the lessons of love and sacrifice and service, the lessons of karma and the balancing of your karma, even on a world scale, so that you might, in the end, liberate yourselves even as you shall have liberated thousands and tens of thousands.

I bid you take the path of ministration and service and of bhakti, of devotion to God, and see how you will be a cohort of angels and perhaps discover somewhere in the pages of your book of life that once you, too, served as an angel and volunteered to come and teach the children.

Now then, beloved ones, establish your schools and teach the children well; for they shall indeed, as has been said, for all time and throughout all generations call you blessed. <4>

I AM Listening Angel. My Electronic Presence will be at your side this night. May you breathe a prayer to me and also tell me if you think that this opportunity of the opening of those mighty doors of the Archangels’ retreats is not the answer, in a collective way, to all of the various matters that burden you.

Loose yourselves!  And lose yourselves in service. This is the advice of one who serves. I love to serve. I live to serve.

I AM forever your servant, Listening Angel.


This dictation by Listening Angel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, October 9, 1992, during the five-day conference Voyages of Soul Discovery held at the Castlegate Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture “How to Contact Angels–Your Guides, Guardians and Friends.”  [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Listening Angel’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. A recording of “Pie Jesu” from Requiem by Andrew Lloyd Webber was played as the meditation music prior to the dictation. The piece was sung by a young boy.

2. The opening of the doors of the retreats of the Archangels. In a dictation given May 28, 1987, Jesus Christ spoke of the Archangels as “teachers of Christhood par excellence.”  He said:  “When you have done visiting even the retreats of the Lords of the Seven Rays may you perchance be invited to a series of studies in the retreats of the Archangels. This, beloved, is my prayer unto the Father, who has responded by saying, ‘My Son, let them prove themselves with thy brothers, the Seven Masters of Light, and then they shall truly know the divine interchange with Archangels.’ So, beloved, rejoice that not alone Archangel Michael, who has called you in his service, but all of the Seven may one day host you in their retreats for the accelerated initiations of Life unto eternity” (1987 PoW, vol. 30 no. 27, p. 270). On February 27, 1988, Archangel Raphael announced that he and Mother Mary, Archangels of the Fifth Ray, were presenting to the world the opening of the doors of their temple “as the first opening in general of a retreat of the Archangels to those [who have passed] beyond [the levels of] the mystery schools [of the Lords of the Seven Rays]” (1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 35, Book I, p. 263).

3. Angels booklet. A color-coded booklet of 81 prayers, decrees, affirmations, hymns and mantras dedicated to the Seven Archangels. Also includes bhajans and devotions to Lord Krishna. The Messenger says, “Everyone should have one!–because it’s a handy booklet containing all you need to keep you in close touch with your Mighty I AM Presence. And it’s perfect for new students of the Ascended Masters.”

4. See vol. 35 no. 59, p. 679.