Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 35 No. 27 - I AM the Witness - July 5, 1992


I AM the Witness

“Jesus Loved the Little Children Most!”


My Dear Guru Master:

You have such a tender heart concerning children that I know this story will warm your heart. It happened only because of your devotion to your calling and your faithfulness to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

I now work as a volunteer in a hospital that treats children with cancer. My duty is to read to, rock, play with or hold the children–whatever seems needed at the time.

One little girl, Heather Elizabeth, was very dear to my heart. She was three years old, and I spent much extra time with her. She came from a Catholic home so knew a bit about Jesus and Mother Mary.

I would rock her and, as she lay on a contour pillow on my lap, I would tell her about Jesus and how he loved the little children and especially her. She never tired of hearing of Jesus and would ask over and over again for the story about the disciples telling the mothers not to bring the children to bother him. When I would get to the part where Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not,” she would finish the story every time in her own words, saying:  “Jesus loved the little children most!”  I did my best to make Jesus real to her.

Sometimes she would cry when I started to leave, and I would promise her that a special angel would come and be with her. I assured her angels were all around even if we couldn’t see them. Then I would say a simple prayer for the angels to watch over her and I could go.

We talked about God, Jesus, Mother Mary and the angels many times. One day I told her about Lady Master Nada, who especially loved children. I showed her Lady Master Nada’s picture and, oh, how she did love her!  I carefully explained that she could talk to Lady Master Nada or Jesus or Mother Mary anytime she wanted to–that they loved to have children talk to them.

She learned that she must call to the one she wanted by name. She understood. She was so trusting, and it was so sweet to hear her call the angels herself when it was time for me to leave her.

Last Wednesday she had a painful night, and when I saw her in the morning she looked so tired. I asked her if she called Lady Master Nada to come and help her and she said, “Yes, Lady Nada put her cool hands on my head and made me feel better and I went to sleep.”

I believe that with all my heart. I had taught her what the word “cool” meant, so she knew when something cool touched her.

She had sky blue eyes. I have no idea what color hair she would have had. She had none. Such a precious little one!  She would have been four on Valentine’s Day.

They called me this morning to tell me that Heather Elizabeth had left in her sleep to be with the angels sometime in the early evening. I am sure Lady Master Nada welcomed her.

If it had not been for your teachings, I would never have known about Lady Master Nada or the Masters or believed too much in angels. I will thank you in my heart forever.

You have given up your dreams this entire lifetime in service to others and had to battle your way much of the time, but it may make you feel happy to know that one little girl with sky blue eyes benefited greatly from your efforts.

Life is like the highway we drive our cars on–there are lines to guide us, boundaries to drive safely within. The lines and boundaries are like your teachings. We have guided boundaries so we don’t wander off the Path.

Someone must draw those lines and lay those boundaries or what a mess it would be. God chose you and, with the revelations from the Masters, what a great artist you are!  Not one line is crooked, not one boundary off center.

My heart is full today as again I realize what my life would be without you in it.

Great love to you as a prophet and as a person,



To Become the Bride of Christ

Beloved Mother,

So amazed and thrilled was I this evening to feel the nearness of the presence of Jesus that I found myself wanting to write to you right away so that I could share with your readers this almost inexpressible blessing.

It took place during our First Friday service for Keepers of the Flame. During the service, we gave the prayers from the booklet “Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”  I meditated on the heart of Jesus as I participated in the recitations and, having recently become inspired by the writings of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, I found myself contemplating what it means to prepare oneself to become the bride of Christ.

Knowing as little as I do of the life of Saint Thérèse and of her lifelong quest to be received by her Divine Spouse, I nonetheless was aware that this sacred calling was not an everyday occurrence. I reflected on my own lack of readiness for this bonding to Christ–my lack of surrender and sacrifice, my insufficiency of love–and yet I was at the same time aware of an even greater longing in my heart to be so received by him.

Was it really possible to become united with Jesus as Thérèse had? Or was this an experience reserved solely for the saints of old?

I recited together with the congregation:  “I take you, then, O Sacred Heart, to be the sole object of my love, the protector of my life, the pledge of my salvation, the remedy of my frailty and inconstancy, the repairer of all the defects of my life, and my secure refuge in the hour of death.”  I then reconfirmed in my heart that through the Sacred Heart of Jesus I could transcend all outer limitations, all sin and the sense of sin and be received by him in the alchemical marriage–if I but first gave myself to him.

This was my first step. Jesus stands ready to receive us, but we must do our part and move closer to him. It seems such a simple concept, but then why does he seem so distant from so many?  I determined with greater zeal to give my heart to Jesus and was instantaneously and profoundly comforted by an inner knowing that because I had done so, he would receive me.

The comfort and soul satisfaction of this simple realization alone would have been my sufficient reward during this evening service, and yet Jesus had not finished revealing to me the grace of his Presence. As I took Holy Communion and returned to my seat, I was immediately bathed in an indescribable essence, which I can only define as the Light and Love of Jesus. From head to toe I tingled. I felt purified and holy. I felt washed clean by his Body and Blood. For the first time I experienced transubstantiation, something I had only previously understood intellectually.

Never before had I felt such a nearness of Jesus’ Presence in the sacrament. I wondered for a moment why I felt it so tangibly this night. The answer was impressed upon my heart:  “Draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto you.”  I realized that because I had minutes before made my determination to move closer to Jesus’ Sacred Heart, Jesus in turn was able to step closer to me. I had expressed my willingness to receive him.

I looked at those around me in the Communion line and wondered, “Are they, too, experiencing this Light and the Presence of Jesus as they receive Holy Communion?  Are their hearts willing to receive him tonight?” 

It was hard to say. I decided that such an experience of the Presence of Jesus must be personal and individual to each one, for each in his own way and in his own measure draws nigh to Christ. I can only witness to the sacred experience when our blessed Saviour drew nigh unto me because I had opened my heart to him and bade him enter. It seems such a simple thing.

Thank you for setting the example,



Divine Love Heals the Anger of Separation from Our Source

 It’s been a year of psychology–psychology of self–and I’d like to share an initiation I had in the context of hope.

I was put in contact with a Keeper of the Flame whom I needed to work with. There was a problem!  Every time I got around this person I became irritated and wanted to argue. My thoughts were not of a kindly nature–and I indulged!  I found people who agreed with me about this person and one thing led to another. Yes, I was talking behind this person’s back in a fashion that could not be deemed Christlike.

Unfortunately, I carried on like this for about two weeks, but then a sudden awakening of my consciousness made me realize my mistake. My Holy Christ Self or an Ascended Master or angel must have enlightened me. I was truly horrified at my behavior and wondered how I could ever have behaved so viciously. I knew instantly that I had to make amends but that it would not be easy for me.

I called this person on the telephone and simply apologized for any behavior on my part that was not Christlike. (I realized this person had some of the same traits as my father, with whom I had not resolved my relationship.)

Even though I felt somewhat better, I felt things were still not resolved between us. I prayed and prayed for the God-solution. Within a few days, this person came to my house and out of the blue apologized to me!

At that very moment, a wave of love descended upon me, so encompassing that it instantly dissolved all my negative feelings towards this person. I emphatically knew that from that moment on, no matter what this person did or said, I would forever love the Christ within and never again be upset or disturbed by the human consciousness. This grace of God was so powerful and moving that I just sat there, unable to speak.

As God is my witness, I have not to this day been agitated in any way by this person’s behavior. I truly consider us friends on the Path.

I cannot express enough gratitude to Mother and the Masters for the Teachings and the Path. For with this knowledge, though I may stumble and fall, I can pick myself up and run through the obstacle courses of life. The Teachings of the Ascended Masters inspire you to deal with your karma–rather than run away from it.

I have learned that the fear of facing our trials cannot compare with the Love God blesses us with when we face and conquer them.

God loves us, each and every one–but how much more can be given to us when we but give to him!

In loving gratitude,