Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 35 No. 21 - I AM the Witness - May 24, 1992


I AM the Witness

The Memory and Fulfillment of Community

Beloved Mother,

As I have a few days and hours to rest and meditate during my vacation, I want to reflect on the joy and gratitude in my heart to you, the Ascended Masters, our community and friends of Light throughout the world for all the blessings I’ve received.

Many years ago when I was in the ninth grade, after having been introduced to reembodiment and karma through the Edgar Cayce readings, I felt that there existed somewhere a community of believers that I would be a part of one day. It would uphold the highest standards of spirituality and discipline but not lack in the joy and love of daily service. It would consist of those with the highest ideals, who could outpicture them in a practical way–living in the world but not of it.

I dreamt that we would have the purest organic food, a wonderful educational system (a “universe-city” as I penned it in a poem) and craftsmen of every sort who would strive for perfection in their lives through the loving work of their hands. It would truly be a Christian community in the truest sense of the word–just as in the early days after Jesus’ ministry.

My search for this community had begun and I read every book on spiritual subjects I could find, from The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran to The Impersonal Life to The Essene Gospel of Peace to Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. I retreated from the outer life I could have enjoyed through my talents in sports, music, math and science, searching instead for the Truth I knew I would one day find.

Then one day, shortly after Easter in 1974 during my senior year in high school, a friend returned from a year’s work in the Los Angeles area to tell me of a conference he had attended there. He said that he’d found a teaching and an organization that outpictured everything we had been searching for. He sold me one of the first hardbound issues of Climb the Highest Mountain, which I began reading while riding to and from school on a bus. The joys of rediscovering truths I had known within but had never read greeted me whenever I dipped into that book–even amidst the raucous behavior of my fellow busmates.

 Within a fortnight of graduation, my thoughts returned to my friend and the teachings he had introduced to me. That night I spoke to him in my mind and tried to telepathically elicit a response, as I didn’t know his address or phone number. To my amazement, the next morning he called me and asked if I wanted to attend a conference in Spokane that he was going to drive to. I jumped at the offer and rode a train 300 miles the next day to meet him. We drove straight to Spokane with a brief respite in the Wyoming wilds. I attended my first conference and knew that my search for Truth had ended and had also begun anew.

As I pore over the memories of seventeen years in the Teachings, Summit University, and fifteen years on staff, I am awed at the wonderment of it all. Although I sacrificed my college education to serve, the higher education I’ve received has far surpassed my dreams. The Utopia I had been searching for is being daily won through the hearts of love I serve with.

Though I have experienced many trials, failed tests and had temporary setbacks, one thing stands above all:  the love and faith I have in my Guru–our beloved Messenger–and in the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, the highest truth I know that exists on earth today. Many have joined the bandwagon for a ride only to discover that the Path was strewn with hardships they dared not endure. Yet the unceasing blessings we receive pale the specters of human concerns into nothingnesses.

Sure, the life on staff is not easy; it requires diligence, fortitude and one-pointedness. But the rewards of service–the daily fellowship with kindred souls of Light, the inner growth that is won through striving, and the awe of hearing, reading and living the true teachings of Christ–are worth any seeming sacrifice one makes.

The Masters have sent forth the clarion call for more students of Light to serve with us. Those who have answered the call are here. Our dreams far outweigh our ability to realize them, though if you’d ask, all of us would serve longer and harder if we could.

We need recruits to fill our ranks. We need the courageous, the spiritfilled ones who can help in the Lord’s work. The fields are surely white to the harvest and the laborers are few. I would ask those of you who read this and know you should be here to please leave the nets that bind you to the world and come and serve with us.


A humble fellow student of Light