Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 35 No. 4 - I AM the Witness - January 26, 1992


I AM the Witness
Praise the Lord for Archangel Michael!


Dear Mother:

I want to witness to several miracles that occurred in my life before and after I became a Keeper of the Flame. I am grateful to beloved Archangel Michael. Praise the Lord for his protection always!

I was born in the Ukraine in a small village called Michajlovka, which means “Michael’s.”  I call it St. Michael’s.

In 1941, when the Germans started bombing our village, we didn’t know how to protect ourselves, so men from the village dug up a trench and covered it with dirt, creating a makeshift bunker. When the bombing raids came, we ran into the bunker and sat on the floor. During one such raid, a bomb that exploded close by collapsed our bunker and buried us there. The neighbors came running and quickly dug us out. Praise the Lord for Archangel Michael!

The Germans came in 1941 and stayed until 1943. When they left, they took us along with them to the concentration camps in Austria as a labor force. We traveled overland by wagon train for about two months to connect to a train that took us to Austria.

When we arrived at the Dnieper River in the Ukraine, we camped for the night. That evening, an announcement was made that two wagons could cross the river now and the rest would cross tomorrow. My mother jumped up and said to my stepfather, “We are going to cross the river tonight!”  My stepfather didn’t want to, so she grabbed him by the neck with such force that thereafter he wore a scar.

She again said desperately, “We have to cross tonight!”  The poor man was very tired but he pulled the wagon and managed to get to the barge. We crossed the river safely and camped for the night. In the morning we heard that the Russian partisans attacked the camp overnight and killed many Germans and Russians. The partisans believed that fellow Russians would prefer to die rather than go to a foreign land. Again, we were spared. Praise the Lord for Archangel Michael!

We were then packed in a cargo train and taken to Linz, Austria. En route we endured one night of heavy bombing at the Vienna train station. By God’s grace and Archangel Michael, we were saved!  Near Linz, the women and children were put in a concentration camp in a town called Grunberg. The men were put in a separate camp. The men worked as a rescue squad, digging through rubble after bombing raids.

My mother became pregnant just before entering the camp. At her seven-month point of pregnancy, she became sick and received the camp director’s permission to stay home the next day from her job at the camp bakery. That next day, a bomb fell on the bakery and killed everyone inside. My mother and sister were saved!  Praise the Lord for Archangel Michael!

A few months after my sister was born, an air-raid siren sounded in the camp. My mother (carrying the baby) and I ran to look for someplace to hide. I was seven years old and pulling my three-year-old sister along by the hand. Two other young girls were running nearby. My mother yelled at the two girls to come with us as we entered an empty building. The girls ignored her and ran to another building further down the road. Sadly, a bomb fell on that building and killed them. We were saved again by God’s grace.

Praise the Lord for Archangel Michael!  If it weren’t for Archangel Michael, we would not have made it through the two and a half years at the concentration camp and the running for our lives.

After the war concluded, we lived in Austria for five years before being allowed to emigrate to Sao Paulo, Brazil. There, we waited ten years for permission to emigrate to America. On February 26, 1959, we entered this country. Since then, I have always waited for something to happen each February 26.

In February of 1975, an older gentleman whom I met on a bus gave me a Pearl of Wisdom by Lanello. I didn’t know who Lanello was, but I loved the Pearl.  This gentleman also gave me a gift subscription to the Pearls of Wisdom.  The first Pearls I received from my subscription were by beloved El Morya–“The Chela and the Path” series. I knew El Morya from the Rosicrucian teachings. It was a joy to my heart to read these Pearls.

In October of the same year, I received a flier with Mother’s picture that announced a three-day conference in Washington, D.C. When I saw her face, I knew that I had to see her. As I walked to the registration desk, a young man handed me an application for membership in the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. I took it without question and felt that I had to become a member of this wonderful organization, which I knew nothing about.

When I learned that Archangel Michael was real, I cried from happiness. I realized that he was the one standing by my family during all the trials of World War II. I am so grateful that tears roll down my cheeks whenever I think of it.

On August 26, 1986, I was taking my sick stepfather to the hospital for an X ray when I was struck from behind by a car on the highway. This caused my car to spin and swerve into the oncoming four-lane traffic. All I could do was to call to Archangel Michael as the car crashed into a heavy concrete partition. I was knocked unconscious for a moment and my stepfather’s head went through the windshield.

As I awoke, I found the traffic stopped and my car pushed to the side. My stepfather was standing beside the car with a bleeding forehead. By the time the paramedics arrived, he was gasping for air, and he died en route to the hospital. I had received bruises and stayed only one day in the hospital because my mother needed care at home. I was spared again by God’s grace and Archangel Michael. Praise the Lord for Archangel Michael!

Dear Mother and Lanello, accept my heartfelt gratitude for your bringing to us the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. I didn’t mind the crossing of the “bitter sea” to get here to find this precious gift.

Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM!

- Always Victory!!!



A Religious Experience

In order for you to understand what a remarkable experience my brother and I had during a conference in California, I must describe my brother a bit first.

My brother is an honest, loving soul who decided, when he was studying physics in college, to be what I call a “scientific materialist.”  He felt that any experience such as a vision that couldn’t be independently verified by other people was essentially worthless. He was particularly skeptical of so-called “religious experiences.”  He and I had many arguments over the matter but finally agreed to disagree.

Years later I was introduced to the Teachings and moved near Camelot in California to be on staff part-time. On March 30, 1983, at the Conclave of the Friends of Christ, Archangel Gabriel gave a powerful dictation in which he declared war on drugs. In his dictation, Archangel Gabriel said:


       I am speaking now in those cells that have been afflicted by the chemical substance of marijuana. I am speaking right to that substance. I AM the binding of its consciousness. I AM the flushing out, by Light, of the residual substance in the astral body, the etheric body and the mental body and in the chakras and in the delicate nerve cells and in the brain cells!

      I am speaking to it. I am driving the power of Light into every Lightbearer on earth who has ever partaken of these substances!

   The next morning, I received a phone call from my brother, who was living in Texas at the time. My brother said he had called to tell me that the night before he had had what he could only describe as a “religious experience.”  He said he hadn’t been able to sleep and at around 2 a.m. he had an incredibly intense experience in which he realized that any use of marijuana at all was not worth the risk of negatively influencing his young sons, should they ever see him use it. He said he had determined to give up marijuana permanently.

You can imagine his surprise when I informed him that Archangel Gabriel had declared war on drugs in a dictation the same night he had his experience. I told him he most assuredly had been visited by an angel.

A Grateful Chela



If you or a loved one needs a miracle to be cut free from any kind of drug dependency, send for the audiocassette of Archangel Gabriel’s dictation. You can play the tape and repeat the words with the Archangel. Whenever a recording of a dictation is played, the Electronic Presence of the Master is present, and that action can be invoked and accepted on behalf of oneself or loved ones who need intercession. Archangel Gabriel, March 30, 1983, on 90-min. audiocassette from Conclave of the Friends of Christ album, $6.50 plus $.52 postage, B83066.



“O Lord, Please Help Me through This!”

Dear Mother, Dear Hearts,

I was urged by a dear friend to write this testimony and in doing so I only hope I can do justice to the loving mercy and awesome power of our dear Father-Mother God.

I found the Teachings in 1988 when I moved to London. For the previous nine years my life had been going through a rather intense dark cycle, which resulted, thank God, in my being able to set aside my ego for long enough to listen to my soul. Having walked on the verge of madness for years and after trying every available sort of help I could uncover, I finally bent the knee and turned back to God, actually to God the Divine Mother.

As a child who had wandered far away from home and gotten completely out of her depth, I started to cry for my Mother. Having been brought up a Catholic, I searched out my grandmother’s rosary beads and carried them with me always. To stop the plague of my thoughts, I kept one thought in my head at all times and repeated it over and over again: “O Lord, please help me through this!”

So, newly arrived in London, I stayed with my brother. I confessed to him that things had gotten so bad that I was praying. He answered that this was an interesting coincidence because he had just discovered the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. He handed me a booklet of decrees, stressing that I must read them out loud at least once a day. After I had gotten over my initial British reserve for doing anything out loud, the decrees began to work in my life.

I had had systemic lupus for nine years. Besides being thought of as incurable by the doctors, it is a depressive illness. I did the violet flame decrees because they made me feel happy–for no other reason. After a while I found myself sneaking away from my desk at work to do the decrees.

At the same time my brother (praise God for his sweet soul) told me about the macrobiotic diet and offered to pay for me to go and see a consultant. When I told the consultant about the diet I had been eating, he managed to keep some semblance of composure but I suspect it was a struggle. So, armed with a new diet sheet, I stocked myself up with lots of food, half of which I could hardly pronounce–let alone cook–and that night I set to work to cook my first macrobiotic meal.

At the time, I was living with a flat mate who had shelves stacked with “goodies” and for a moment I felt quite downhearted as I prepared my millet. (“That’s what birds eat, isn’t it?”)  However, the elementals must have been lending a hand because when I tasted the food, it was delicious and I could feel my body breathe a huge sigh of relief. Heaven knows how many embodiments it had waited for this!

Within three days my life was transformed. I used to be so tired after work that I could hardly walk and would cry with fatigue. Now I was bouncing all over the place. I won’t say it was all such a love story–seaweed took quite a bit of getting used to!–but now I have reached the stage where I actually prefer this food to any other. Praise God.

As I write this three years later, the illness has fallen from me, whereas once I was racked with pain. And my face wears a smile, whereas once I had forgotten how to laugh. I would never have dared to hope that this could be. Indeed, I never even thought to ask God for this, as the illness seemed so vast in my mind that I thought it would be with me always.

Sweet ones, I hope this story has given you even just a little glimpse of God’s love and mercy, which, I know, is ready to shower down over each and every one of us.

Your friend,




The Opening of the Scriptures

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness...” was a verse that came often to mind. As years passed, the hunger in my soul became more intense. The churches and religious school I had attended did not fill that void.

One course in school was the “Life of Christ.”  Everyone seemed to laud that class. So there I sat waiting for that special something, but it didn’t happen. What was wrong with me?  The miracles seemed only a reiteration of what was already obvious.

Then came that still small voice:  “Miracles are based on scientific law. If you knew this law, you could work this miracle too.”  Wow!  Too bad I didn’t pursue it then, but I kept feeling there was more to the Bible than we were being taught.

I never could accept the idea that we wouldn’t be able to understand the Bible until we passed away. I reasoned that if that were so, then why were we given the Bible in the first place?

After praying and reading scripture almost daily, I didn’t seem to be making much headway spiritually. This concerned me. I asked myself:  “If Jesus is coming soon, am I ready?”  I knew I needed changing and so did the world. The thought persisted that God could teach me.

There came a time when I felt I had suffered all that one soul could. I had often called for truth and help but saw little response, at least in the manner I wanted to see it. Then came a biggie–an old flame showed up at the door. Now I was sure I had missed the boat. It compounded my problems and I spent two more weeks in sheer misery and emptiness, but it acted as a catalyst.

To find some measure of hope and sanity, I turned to God. I called loud and clear for clarification of certain passages in scripture that had puzzled me for years. I was determined to understand.

Suddenly it seemed that the top of my head opened (I didn’t know then about the crown chakra) and I knew angels were rushing to do my bidding. My answers came and much more. Revelations of what certain verses meant poured in as fast as my questions were formed.

The peace I had always longed for filled the hollows in my soul, and joy that knew no bounds came in billows that rolled over my heart. All the turmoil left and in its place was deep gratitude for all the suffering and heartache.

This gratitude seemed to intensify the wonderful feelings, which were far beyond what I could have ever imagined. The next two weeks especially, I remained alert for the voice within and kept asking questions. All my household chores were done quickly and smoothly. The babies napped together for the first time while I kept tuned to heaven.

Within two weeks I had sloughed off so much former doctrine that I knew I could never be satisfied in the old mold, nor could I ever turn back. This continued in greater or lesser degree for five years but I wondered who else knew these truths and who taught them.

One day something came from somewhere advertising Saint Germain’s Studies in Alchemy.  I had to have these lessons!  A burst of joy swept through me and I sent for them. Enter The Summit Lighthouse. My name was added to the cards in the shoe box!  That was 1966.

Prior to this time, I had felt keenly I was to help heal the nations–but how?  What a joy to learn there was a way and the violet flame could do it!  I was learning to think differently and pray differently but the decrees really began to make the difference in me.

The verification of all I had learned was found in the Pearls of Wisdom and the Keepers of the Flame Lessons. I cried, I hugged them to me and kissed them. How wonderful to have the tools, a source from which I could be fed and have progressive revelation–and the details that I wanted and needed!

After many years I still find so much that expands my understanding of all phases of the Teachings. Much that is given transcends what I have learned, which keeps me reading and rereading to make sure I have not missed or forgotten a key or not fulfilled some request.

The blessings continue and there is no question in this mind and heart that the Messengers are who they say they are. Long ago I knew there would be a message and a Messenger for these days, and no one fits that picture like Mother.

Thank you so much, Ascended Masters, for the awareness of your presence–and, Mother, for your courage to continue in spite of all. And thank you, Staff–your perfection in transcribing never ceases to amaze me.

With all my love,