Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 34 No. 51 - Beloved El Morya - October 23, 1991


Thirty-Third Anniversary of The Summit Lighthouse
Let the Word Go Forth!
Two-Thirds of the Original Purpose
of the Thirty-Three-Year Dispensation Has Been Accomplished
One-Third Remains to Be Fulfilled through the Delivery of the Word

Take Nothing for Granted


Evermore I AM your Morya El!  [38-second standing ovation]

Truly it is a day of righteousness. It is a day of returning to the law of God. And it is altogether fitting that you have come to Summit University this summer to be tutored of the World Teachers and so fitting that you have come willing to be chalices for the ministry of God in this age. <1>

I am gratified, gratified indeed!  And my gratitude is now a transmission of fire of the joy of the will of God to your heart. I transmit to you joy, beloved, a joy incomparable:  [it is the joy] of those who live to fulfill that will. Therefore be seated in this joyous flame.

Carrying the blue rose of Sirius on behalf of all who can receive it, I also reminisce with you this day upon those early beginnings. With a certain measure of heaviness on my heart and yet with a great lightness I did explain, [on August 7, 1958,] how difficult it was to secure the dispensation of The Summit Lighthouse from Helios and Vesta against the backdrop of the failures of many and the burdens that we the brothers in white had borne (and, for that matter, continue to bear) for faithless ones who could not carry the cup of Light.

So I did explain [at that board of directors meeting in Philadelphia] that I did commit on that occasion jewels and other momentums of attainment that I did not care to speak of. Great was the gift of my heart as collateral for that which was to be.

And, beloved, there were so few in the beginning, yet the promise was given for three and another three and a seventh. <2> Thus, there did come from the heart of Archangel Michael [the promise as well as] the protection of the seven below by the seven who spoke Above.

Now, beloved, we see the fruit of accomplishment. And you may recall that at various points in this movement’s history I have again come forth to pledge a certain diamond and a certain momentum  <3> that this activity might continue, even when in the dark hours of the storms of the astral sea the Lighthouse was all but overcome by the waves and the momentums of the dark ones.

The rejoicing I have this day is upon the great victory of many who have surely provided a compensation for my service and a response, who have gotten me benched and unbenched <4>and therefore allowed me to continue.

I can tell you surely, beloved, that when you see burdens continue or calamities in your life or things not moving at as great a speed as you would desire, you can know that I am reaching the limits, almost as though the sky were a canopy and I could not press beyond it. You can know that I have run out of the fire of your decree momentums to my heart and you are bearing a weight that is not necessary, one that I should desire to carry for you but cannot.

It does not matter what day of the week it is, though the Tuesday is preferred, beloved, but [for you] to consecrate a service to me means that not only I can assist you but others [of the ascended host] whom I may call upon [can also assist you]. For I give [the energy and the momentum of] your decrees to others in Hierarchy who also seek the dispensation to assist you. We are bound by the limits of the necessity for you to experience certain of your momentums of karma, certain of your momentums of neglect, but beyond that, beloved, we would bear for you much more than we are able, [given your present levels of application to my decrees]. <18>

I therefore return to the point of the discussion regarding individual Christhood. [And so we come to the] thirty-three-year [mark in our history]. It was expected and, in fact, required by Helios and Vesta that at the turning of the year thirty-three there should be found in this Community souls of Light embodying a certain portion of their Christhood–a portion that cannot be defined by me but may not necessarily be required to be the ultimate portion of the full incarnation of the Christ. I speak, then, of disciples well on their way to embodying that Christhood, having the cast of mind of Christ and of what Christ would do in each situation.

Beloved ones, I have sponsored souls in the past year who could fulfill this requirement, some of whom have come [to this activity of the Great White Brotherhood] with a goodly portion of their Christ-manifestation. This has indeed helped the record of the service of all who have been a part of this Community.

On the other side of the ledger, beloved, it is necessary, according to the grant of Helios and Vesta, that you make the call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of all who can swiftly realize their Christhood or a portion thereof and of all of those who have turned against their own Christ Self and therefore against the Messenger of that Christ. Thus, to clear the records of those who have come and gone and in their hatred of the Christ cursed the activity itself as well as the Messenger–this is an obligation that must be fulfilled, for it is a part of the requirement of the original dispensation.

As that dispensation came forth from Helios and Vesta and as the [thirty-third] anniversary did approach, so Helios did speak to you, did remain thirty-three days with Vesta in the earth. <5>They came also to secure the original dispensation that it could be renewed in this hour.

Take nothing for granted, beloved. The renewal in this hour had to be pondered, had to be deliberated, had to be agreed upon, this time not alone by Helios and Vesta but by the Four and Twenty Elders and Alpha and Omega.

Therefore, beloved, this celebration and these dictations are indeed a fact because those below, you yourselves and your fervent hearts, and those Above have worked together to see to it that they could be made possible. Therefore, this is our cause for celebration and congratulations to you and the Hierarchy of Light this day!  [30-second standing ovation]

You ought to know, beloved, that two-thirds of the purposes that were to be fulfilled in these thirty-three years have been accomplished. One-third remains, beloved, and therefore I trust you will see and understand, as the emphasis has come forth in the dictations and from the heart of the Messengers, that it is the outreach and the presentation of the Teachings in every form and in the media and by your heart-to-heart and person-to-person delivery of the Word that must give the increase, that must bring about the swelling of the ranks, that must spread abroad the true Christ consciousness that many may walk in.

Therefore, it is timely indeed for [you to have made] your commitment to be here at this time to take [the ministerial training] course. So many of you applied; and you who have been accepted have prepared yourselves and you have taken a stand with others who have come to Summit University this summer and with those of the staff and the children and the entire world of Keepers of the Flame. You have held steady your oar and kept to your rowing and continuous action. You have secured a foundation. [It is] a foundation that you have been preparing that this new thirty-three-tiered spiral might come forth.

You have done it, beloved. Now you must carry out that which must be brought into the physical. The conclusion of every cycle is the physical manifestation.

Therefore you have seen all hell break loose to oppose you through many interest groups and spiritual wickedness in high places  <6> to prevent the physical manifestation of the purposes of this ranch and of your properties in Glastonbury.

Yes, beloved, the physical battle is being waged. It is being waged psychically and at inner levels and by many individuals unknown [to you]. You must have the physical victory and you shall have it if you continue in your dynamic decrees and understand that this is a moment when you can fulfill that cycle, and its reason for being, of the first thirty-three [by the momentum that you have gained in your months and years of service]. And this [momentum] can overlap the beginning of the new. It is a physical challenge that does coincide with the Dark Cycle coming to the physical octave. <7>

All are being tested and have been tested throughout this year and the years past. Yet some have not returned to drink of our fount but have determined to go away in bitterness and in the gall of that bitterness. <8>

Let them be confronted!  Let them be turned back!  Let them choose to enter the glory and the joy of the new dispensation and to have the good karma of fulfilling the old in the physical plane, else let them go their way!

It is time for the lukewarm to not be present, beloved, for you must be hot or cold! <9>  And if you wax hot, you will have the power of the yin and the yang. And if you wax cold, you will have the power of the yin and the yang. But if you wax lukewarm, you shall have neither, for the polarity of being and the divine dance of Lord Shiva is based upon the T’ai Chi and only this.

Therefore, my beloved, let there be the pruning again [of the rose bush] <10> and let you go forth, <19> my beloved, to the four corners of the earth to be a beacon light of our Summit Lighthouse.

Yes, I have come. And I stand with the stalwart ones and I stand with the weak and the undecided. For at this moment of our anniversary I stand by all, the frail and those who God-identify.

I have come to help you and to give a final opportunity to those of you who are halfhearted. I, Morya, cannot carry you much longer. Therefore, repolarize yourselves to the magnet of Divine Love in my heart and know the renewal of your being. It is an hour of renewal by the Holy Spirit, by the Elohim of Peace, by the violet flame of Saint Germain, by the protection unending of Archangel Michael, who has delivered you personally and carried you in his arm so many times.

O beloved, is this, our Summit Lighthouse, not the love tryst of the ages where heaven and earth meet and you know the glow of a perpetual springtime of love even while the enemy rages?  [“Yes!”]

Yes, beloved, sing to the springtime of love!  Remember your youth and the Eternal Youth, Sanat Kumara, and his holy ones. Remember the fullness of the sacred fire in your temple. Remember to keep the Lord’s covenant and to keep it holy.

I have stood with Saint Germain at the Royal Teton Retreat and in counsel with the Lords of Karma, yes, beloved, and Mother Mary with us. We are deeply concerned as to the conditions in the world and have profound regret that though the Messengers have spoken, though we have spoken, the threat of Soviet Communism and the [intent of the] leadership of the Soviet Union has not been perceived [by the people or their leaders].

I reiterate the call for [you to give the decree for] the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of those of the I AM Race, those who are Americans [at heart] wherever they are on the face of the earth. <11>  Let them be cleared!  Let the fallen ones be bound!  And let this message pierce and penetrate!

Let the people dream the dreams of God and see reality in their sleep. Call that they might be shown in the Cave of Symbols and the Royal Teton Retreat what is the true equation. Call for the lightning of the Mind of God to pierce their density!  Let them be compelled by the Seven Archangels to see that reality in a glimpse and then again and again and again until Reality does haunt them and finally they embrace her as their deliverer.

God-Reality is profaned by those who abuse that sign of Libra in their treachery and in their intrigue and in their deception. <12>

Oh yes, beloved, the mission of The Summit Lighthouse was [and still is] to quicken the people of all nations [and to inform them] as to the intent of the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy. And as the Messenger has said, its message has made her and this activity unpopular.

Yet we must care for our own. We must reach out.

Do you regret that you have borne the embarrassment of your Messenger’s message, beloved?  [“No!”]

I thank you for this, for some would have surely preferred not to have their leader so maligned and ridiculed.

Yes, beloved, it has borne fruit, for the Lightbearers have come apart. They shall be saved. And this was the design of our dispensation.

Yet, beloved, [in unleashing the dispensation of The Summit Lighthouse] we desired more, even the quickening of the [entire] earth, and so did Helios and Vesta. And Helios came [to the July 1991 conference] with the express purpose of seeing why there has not been greater general acceptance [of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters through these Messengers and this activity].

His conclusion, which he has given to the Darjeeling and Indian Councils and at the Royal Teton Retreat, is that not enough preparatory work has been done by our shepherds and chelas in plowing the field of consciousness, in invoking the violet flame and making the calls again and again for the binding and setting aside of the carnal mind and the dweller-on-the-threshold [of the children of the Light and the sons and daughters of God]. Your calls preparing the way [for souls of Light to come into this activity] could have made the difference in [the response of] some individuals, [turning their negative to a positive].

Now you have that call <13> and a mighty momentum on it, and it does work more wonders than you dream of. Thus, Helios himself has determined to further endow that call and those who give it with his power of the sun and the power of his original dispensation of this Community.

For The Summit Lighthouse is more than an organization. It is the Community, the Sangha, of the Buddha. It is the Dharma of the Buddha. And it is the Buddha itself. These Three Jewels, <14> these three, take refuge in them, in the very person of the Buddha, the Buddha whom you see.

Whom do you see, beloved? 

Do you see Gautama?  Do you see Sanat Kumara, Maitreya?  Do you see your Christ Self?  Do you see the budding Buddha within you? 

Take refuge in the Buddha you can see, even as the Messenger has taken refuge in my heart and in the lineage of Hierarchy she represents. <15>  Yes, beloved, meditate upon the God whom you can see and you shall become that one.

Yes, this is The Summit Lighthouse. It is awareness by the three dots. <20> Now you know:  the three dots are the Sangha, the Dharma and the Buddha. I take my refuge in them, which means I take my refuge in your heart, beloved. Your heart is the place of the Inner Buddha, even as your I AM Presence is the Buddha.

I take refuge in the heart of my chela. Where else can I go in this world?  I tell you nowhere–nowhere but to the heart of the chela who does intone, “Not my will, not my will, not my will but thine be done!”–words of Christ, <16> words mocked in the media, as though this will could be the [human] will of the Messenger. It is the will of the Messenger in that it is the will [of God] that the Messenger does adore and seek to become.

It is only the will of God that guides this activity. And if you are concerned lest the will of God be not manifest in some corner of its operation, I say, call to me! 

Am I not concerned, as you are? 

Of course I am. You must be my eyes and ears. You must make the call. You must demand the exposure. You must be willing to tell the Messenger!  The Messenger’s bodies are fully occupied [with matters pertaining to] this octave; therefore sometimes things are not seen or noticed unless called to her attention.

It is well. It is well. It is well.

Many of those who were a part of the beginnings, those gray heads who came to me from other activities in those [bygone] days, have made the transition, have gone to etheric octaves, some taking their ascension, some returning. And I celebrate their rebirth in this Community with great rejoicing!  I am a grandfather and a great-great-great-great-grandfather many times over to the same souls, beloved!  And I enjoy it to the fullness of my office.

Now then, let the Word go forth, as it always has, without compromise. Let the Word go forth from the archives of the lectures of the Messengers!  Let souls qualify themselves as good editors, good writers, good compilers of information, whose work is sufficient and well done.

Yes, beloved, you who have drunk from the fount must pass to others that stream unending. Let the Word go forth, for this is part of the unfinished business. We cannot bury the Word in the napkin <17> of our filing cabinets and think that we do God service. Yes, all words that have been spoken are intended to be assimilated and heard and read as the Everlasting Gospel and to be the dividing of the way in society [in the midst] of those conditions which, when exposed and brought to the attention of many, will draw a certain action from below and Above.

Through all of this, beloved, I thank you. I am grateful this day that we are here together in one place in the harmony of God in the presence of the Holy Spirit, that we do have a new dispensation to go forward. I tell you, beloved, for this my God-gratitude is unending. And I only say to you, let the fount rise!  Let the Christhood descend!  And may you fulfill the fullest measure of the original dispensation that you might prosper and be rejuvenated and regenerated by the next.

I am with you always. May your call come to me, even as you have answered my call from the beginning.

Now, therefore, I, Morya, send forth the Call to all the earth, and by the shaft of light of the Summit beacon it reaches the hearts of all who are impelled this day to follow that light.      May you cut them free daily by your swords of blue flame!  This is my request as I bow to the Light within you and return to [Darjeeling] Council meetings regarding the serious state of world affairs.

[18-second standing ovation. Congregation gives the salutation:]

Hail, El Morya!  Hail, El Morya!  Hail, El Morya!

Hail, El Morya!  Hail, El Morya!  Hail, El Morya!...



The Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of the First Ray (blue ray) of God’s Will and Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. He is the founder of The Summit Lighthouse and the Guru and sponsor of the Messengers. The Master’s extraordinary devotion to God’s Word and Work is a powerful stream that has run throughout his incarnations on earth. Among his recent embodiments are the patriarch Abraham, Melchior (one of the three wise men), King Arthur, Thomas Becket, Thomas More, Akbar the Great, the Irish poet Thomas Moore and the Rajput prince El Morya Khan. El Morya is the hierarch of the Retreat of God’s Will in the etheric plane over the city of Darjeeling, India, in the foothills of the Himalayas. Together with members of the Darjeeling Council and the Brothers of the Diamond Heart, he assists sons and daughters of God in implementing the will of God as the blueprint of every project. Statesmen, executives, lawyers, teachers and leaders in all fields of endeavor are schooled at his retreat between embodiments and in their finer bodies during sleep. (See Lords of the Seven Rays, Book One, pp. 21-78, Book Two, pp. 7-64; glossary in Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 389-90, 391-92, 396-98; and the following works by El Morya:  The Chela and the Path, Morya:  The Darjeeling Master Speaks to His Chelas on the Quest for the Holy Grail, The Sacred Adventure, Ashram Notes.)

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, August 11, 1991, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, in celebration of the thirty-third anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse on August 7, 1958. The dictations of the seven Ascended Masters given at the thirty-third anniversary celebration are available on audiocassette (183 min., A91105). [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under El Morya’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. Summit University and ministerial training. An eight-week summer session of Summit University, Levels I and II, was held June 27 through August 25, 1991, at the Royal Teton Ranch. It was sponsored by Lord Maitreya and the World Teachers Jesus and Kuthumi with the Divine Mother and the Ascended Lady Masters. Concurrent with the Summit University session, a six-day ministerial training seminar was conducted August 8 through 13. Summit University Winter Quarter will be held January 2 through March 25, 1992. For information and application, write or call Summit University Office of Admissions and Records, Box A, Corwin Springs, MT 59021-0881, (406) 848-7441.

2. “Three and another three and a seventh.”  On August 7, 1958, three were present for the dictations of the seven Ascended Masters who released the dispensation for The Summit Lighthouse (see p. 537 note). In his dictation given that day, Archangel Michael announced that he had begun working with “the lifestreams who shall form the three points of the triangle of Light.”  He then promised that there would be three others who would “form the three points of a second triangle, making a six-pointed star,” and that he would also bring a seventh to “form the physical governing body of this organization.”

3. El Morya’s diamond and spiritual momentums pledged on the altar. On one occasion, July 3, 1965, El Morya announced that a giant transformer of God’s will was being built in the etheric plane to “radiate out to the entire world the good will of Almighty God as an intense and divine holy purpose.”  El Morya said, “I have taken out the large diamond which I wear in my turban and I have pledged it to the Lords of Creation, that I shall not wear it again until such a time as this activity of this forcefield of good will has accomplished at least 50 percent of the purpose for which it is brought into creation.”  Thirteen years later, on June 24, 1978, El Morya announced that 50 percent of the purpose to which the transformer was brought forth had been fulfilled. He said, “The Lord God has returned to me the diamond that I had treasured, given to me by my own Guru....You have won for me another opportunity to place the momentum of my Causal Body upon the altar of humanity.”  The Master also announced that he had established the transformer of God’s will congruent with the Ashram of the World Mother in the heart of Los Angeles:  “There it shall accomplish, it is my prayer, the balance of its purpose, which is to reinfuse the cities of America and every nation with the momentum from the Great Divine Director’s Causal Body of God-government and the inner blueprint of life.”  (See Morya:  The Darjeeling Master Speaks to His Chelas, pp. 298, 301-2; 1978 PoW, pp. 297-99; and El Morya, July 4, 1978, on 90-min. audiocassette B7879.) On another occasion, March 24, 1974, against the backdrop of the Watergate investigations, El Morya said:  “My turban is flying high and I say, I will unroll it as the scroll and the spiral of that Light which God has given me as the diamond. And I place as collateral that diamond of his will upon the altar of God until America is free once again to breathe the fiery air of the Holy Spirit.”  In a dictation given October 12, 1974, El Morya said, “I stand before you to pledge anew my Light and the diamond of my Light to Saint Germain, our commander of freedom.”

4. El Morya benched and unbenched. In his dictation on August 8, 1988, El Morya announced that there would be no new dispensations for his chelas or for his world service from the Lords of Karma. In short, he was “benched” until karma incurred by dispensations misappropriated or unappropriated by chelas and world servers might be sufficiently balanced. On August 8, 1989, following a year in which the Messenger and Keepers of the Flame worldwide joined together in an intense effort to balance this karma through decrees and service, El Morya made the announcement that he was “unbenched.”  This, the Master said, was by the grace and intercession of Mother Mary and Kuan Yin as well as the extraordinary devotion of the Messengers and the chelas. (See 1988 PoW, Book II, pp. 581-82, 583-84, 585, 586, 601, 619-20, 621-22; 1989 PoW, pp. 553-54, 473-86.)

5. Helios and Vesta’s thirty-three-day dispensation. See p. 474.

6. Eph. 6:12.

7. Dark Cycle in the physical octave. See 1990 PoW, pp. 71-86, 120-21, 225-27.

8. Acts 8:23.

9. Rev. 3:15, 16.

10. Pruning of the rose bush.  In a dictation given May 27, 1984, Elohim Purity and Astrea said:  “For the world change that is necessary we demand now the pruning of the rose bush!  We demand the pruning of the activity!  Let those who understand the mission, the true mission of the bodhisattva, stand up and be counted!  And those who do not understand it, let them go their way!”  (See 1989 PoW, pp. 110-14.)

11. See pp. 564, 567 n. 11.

12. On the Cosmic Clock, God-Reality is charted on the 9 o’clock line under the solar hierarchy of Libra. The perversions of God-Reality include dishonesty, intrigue, treachery and deception. (See p. 553 n. 3.)

13. “I Cast Out the Dweller-on-the-Threshold!” decree 20.09, and “I Ratify the Judgment of Helios Whereby the Plug Is Pulled on the Seed of the Wicked,” decree 20.12, in  Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section III.

14. In Buddhism, the Three Jewels in which the disciple takes refuge (i.e., turns to for protection and aid) are the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha. The Buddha is the Enlightened One; the Dharma, the Teaching of the Buddha; and the Sangha, the Community, the congregation of monks, nuns and lay devotees, the Buddha’s spiritual family. The Three Jewels are recited in a verbal formula, or mantra:  “I take refuge in the Buddha. I take refuge in the Dharma. I take refuge in the Sangha.”  (See pp. 272-74, this volume; 1988 PoW, Book II, p. 447 n. 9; 1984 PoW, Book II, Introduction, pp. 46-52.)

15. Lineage of Hierarchy. The order of Gurus in a lineal descent from Sanat Kumara is:  Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, Padma Sambhava. On July 2, 1977, Padma Sambhava bestowed the mantle of Guru upon the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. He said:  “The Ascended Masters come as a living witness to proclaim in this hour that the Guru-chela relationship can now be sustained in this octave through the flame of the heart of the Mother.”  (See pp. 2-3, this volume, and 1984 PoW, Book I, Introduction, pp. 66-73.)

16. “Not my will...” Luke 22:42; Matt. 26:39; Mark 14:36.

17. Luke 19:20.

18.”I AM God’s Will,” decree 10.03, and “El Morya, Thou Chohan of Power,” decree 10.09. See 1988 PoW, Book II, pp. 583, 584; 1990 PoW, pp. 367, 438-39, 469-70; and 1991 PoW, pp. 526-27, 531 n. 2, 532.

19. As noted in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, the use of let to form the second-person imperative is common in Ireland.

20. Often El Morya signs his name with a script letter M with three dots.