Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 34 No. 16 - Beloved Hercules - April 21, 1991


Class of the Resurrection Lightning
The Hour of Noncompromise
Make an About-Face!
Blue Lightning from out the Mind of God
The Shield of the Almighty One and the Burden of the Lord


Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there am I in Liberty’s flame.   <1>  And we are twin flames of Light, Hercules and Amazonia. Our twin pillars are the living flames of our oneness and therefore we come once again to address the disciples of the living God.

We come forth and before us there does move the shield of the Almighty One. Let the shield of the Almighty One be upon those who do embody and nourish and adore the God Flame!

Not all of you have placed that God Flame first in your life. May you take the sign of Helios and Vesta, the sign of the central sun of being, as [the sign that this is] the hour and the day to set aside once and for all that human ego, that carnal-mindedness and that pride and conceit of the same. <2>

These are the moments and the hours of the testing of the soul. May you be found in the garment of humility and may you bow before the Lord your God [in gratitude for] the opportunity to be chelas of the Ascended Master El Morya, the one of the Buddhic flame who does nurture this Community.

Blessed ones, there is no greater gift than [the opportunity] you have been offered to become a chela of the Chohan of the First Ray. May you understand that this opportunity to be bonded to the heart of El Morya through the Messenger was given to you some time ago, <3>yet not all have pursued it.

I, Hercules, therefore, release blue lightning from out the Mind of God to shake you awake, you who have gone your own diverse ways in your pride and conceit, thinking that graces and talents and gifts of the Holy Spirit are of yourself!  [Such a course] will lead to the shipwreck of life as it has for you in many prior embodiments.

May you know that as the sun shines through the lens of the hierarchy of Aries, so one and all connected with this Community are being tested [to determine] whether they shall have that internal alertness to set aside the willfulness and the arrogance of the fallen ones, even [that of] Lucifer himself, who fell under this sign of Aries, thinking that he himself was greater than God.

Blessed ones, you may not articulate in your own mind that you think thus, but I tell you, your actions tell the true story of nonrecognition of God as the giver of all that you have. Thus, some will leave and go their way, thinking that they can do better with their lives than through the path of chelaship under El Morya.

I tell you, beloved, if I could read to you the record from the Keeper of the Scrolls of each one of your lifestreams, there would not be one among you who would not fall to your knees in this moment in gratitude for God, for his mercy and grace, in love for his sending his Son Jesus Christ to save you for this path of discipleship and to be your Lord and your Master.

Blessed hearts, we do not reveal all of these things, for faith is the requirement of the hour. It is the virtue of the First Ray and of the first sign of the hierarchies of heaven. Let the power of faith give you the God-control to order your life, to center your being, to know the desiring to be a humble servant and to be among the nameless ones until you have truly earned the name, even the new name that God does give, as Lanello has pronounced it. <4>

Blessed ones, many who come to drink at this fount who have been raised up beyond the level of their own attainment and held there by the sponsorship of the Master and the Messenger find themselves unable to equate with those rarefied heights. And therefore they would seek once again the pathway of the world and neglect the greatest opportunity to be in the diamond-shining Mind of God:  Vajra!  Vajra!  Vajra! <14>

O beloved, we will not stand in your way. We may not speak, our Messenger may not speak; for you have heard the Word from the altar and you, even you, must make your choices.

Yet, great legions of Light and teams of great conquerors, legions of the Central Sun do gather. For [there is one thing] we may do and that is to release bolts of blue lightning from the Mind of God upon you that your mind might be quickened, that you might see clearly again and know that the path of karma yoga <5>is indeed a yoke about your neck and it will not disappear except by the labor of the heart, by the sign of Agni, by the sign of fire and the determination to walk directly into the storm, into the very face of it, for that storm is your own returning human creation.

And simply because you know the Law and you bask in the light of our Presence does not signify that your karma has been set aside or [that] your need for the tightly held Guru-chela relationship that you enjoy [is not ongoing].

Blessed ones, I tell you, some of you will be let go of in the sense that our sponsorship of you cannot continue; for you are dishonest in that deceit that comes with conceit. This is the hour and the moment of your year, your lifetime and tens of thousands of incarnations to recognize that all glory that descends upon this flesh, upon this heart is the glory of God and not the glory of your own works or of the praise of the world for those works.

Those who expect that praise, beloved–let them go their way and receive it!  For this is Maitreya’s Mystery School and we shall continue to run our school in the traditions of the lineage of the Lord Sanat Kumara, who did pass the mantle to the Lord Gautama Buddha, who did pass the mantle to the Lord Maitreya, who did pass the mantle to the Lord Jesus Christ, who did pass the mantle to the Lord Padma Sambhava. And thereby there is the continuity [through your Messenger] <6>of that tie to the Hierarchy of Light and to the Ancient of Days, who is indeed your Sanat Kumara, who has sponsored this earth and her evolutions.

Therefore we shall not be moved by the times nor shall we be moved by the childishness of those who will not forsake that human psychology, will not forsake their petulance and their complaining and their whining and their criticism of fellow servants on the Path.

Blessed ones, unless we shall maintain the standards of the Mystery School, even if but one Chela with a capital C remain, you shall see that without that standard and without that school, there shall not be the opportunity for the path of discipleship unto God in this hour.

I come in the joy of the Mind of God and I tell you, you are being pelleted with that power of the blue lightning of the Mind of God!  You are receiving [that power], beloved ones, and it is descending as [the blue lightning] comes upon you.

Therefore you have placed yourselves in my aura, and I AM Hercules and the weight of my Causal Body and the weight of that Causal Body of Amazonia is present. Therefore know the meaning of the “burden of the LORD” <7>and know that one must carry it in your midst and one does carry it.

Therefore know that you carry the burden of your karma, and as you transmute it daily you may be able to bear some portion, even the rim perhaps, of my Causal Body [or even your own Causal Body]. That you might know that the burden of the Lord is the Light of the Lord–the Energy and Consciousness, the very Cosmos of the Lord your God–and that those who walk the earth as servants of the Most High God might begin to bear a portion of that [burden of Light], we come. Even if it be a thimbleful, beloved, [when you bear a portion] it is as though the whole weight were present.

Know that this Presence of the Lord God comes into the earth as though a giant planet were descending, pressing close. Therefore a giant blue sphere of the mighty power of the blue ray in the deepest shades of indigo and in the richest shades of all of the blues of cosmos is pressing in upon this earth.

It is a spiritual body of Light. It is a Presence, beloved, whereby those who understand it and know it as the shield of the Lord, [who understand and] know it as the Mind of God in Christ Jesus, will begin to assimilate it. They will begin to breathe in that light, that blue fire, that essence of the universal will of God that permeates all time and space and eternity.

Contemplate the First Ray, which did inaugurate the cycle of your birth in every lifetime and your going forth from the Great Central Sun. Contemplate, then, the power of movement and of the will of God and respect the presence of that will. Respect the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM with you. Know that hierarchs of Light abound around you, yet you could be a million light-years from them in your denial of that Presence and that Glory.

If you are not content to be a shaft of light from the heart of Elohim, then, beloved, I say depart from me!  For we are Elohim, builders of form, creators of Matter cosmos. We have invited you to be our chelas. We do so in this hour and we say to you:  those who would be our chelas must know the meaning of self-effacement and service where service ought to be rendered to the Mystical Body of God on earth and in heaven.

Our gift is offered. May you earn it. May you know the meaning of walking in our giant steps. You can do it, beloved, but you will leave behind all those things.  May you count them until there are none more to be counted. May you cast them on the scrap heap and know that only the soul does ascend to God, not the physical four lower bodies; nothing else that you have but Light internalized [does ascend to God].

May you understand and know opportunity when you see it. May you fear not, for our God is all Love and that all-Love is the consuming fire that begets love even as it consumes [all unlike itself] and is the fire infolding itself.

Yes, let bolts of blue lightning descend out of the Mind of God upon you!  Let you be shaken awake in this hour!  My legions move with you and they are ready to pluck you out of those matrices that come under the perversion of the God-quality of the hierarchy of Aries–that power of God-control, beloved, that is yours when you forsake that separate identity.

You ought to desire it, for God desires it for you. God desires to give you all God-control. I tell you, you must be able to look at your own human creation and another’s and to simply say, “No! I will have none of it!  For I have my priorities set for this life and all lifetimes to come in octaves of Light.”

Blessed ones, if you do not set your agenda and set it well, the fallen ones will come along and set it for you. If you do not order your day, it will be disordered by the fallen ones. Either you send forth the positive thrust of the power of Hercules and Amazonia, of Archangel Michael, of El Morya, of Lanello and of this Messenger, or you do not!  It is simply one way or the other.

You thrust forth the fire of the blue ray, the blue lightning comes forth out of the mouth of the Two Witnesses, and you set the order of what will come forth and what you will accomplish and what you will and will not do. Otherwise there are many lesser minds than yours, weaker minds, who will take advantage of that state of the idle mind and the idling mind. See that you have no part of this.

Let there be the fire of the heart, the fire of the mind!  Let yourself be ready to receive the blue lightning without need of cushioning, for you are become that blue lightning. And why not?  Is it not a ray of God, sheathed in white fire, whose center is the ray of fiery ruby and pink that is the Ruby Ray, which does restore wholeness?

Blessed ones, would you not like to try out Elohim to see, even to see, beloved, what you can make of this life?  You can be anything you want to be in God, for God and by God. But I tell you, if you set your sights on human glory, you will have it but there will be no halo with it.

Human glory you may have. That is your choice. And you may even use God’s light to gain it, but one day you will pay the price, every last farthing, beloved. For the glory is God’s. The glory is God’s and it is unto him and it is unto his manifestation within you.

Therefore come forth, hosts of the Lord and legions of Astrea!  Come forth, Amazonia!  These who have given us themselves in this hour, let them let go, if they will, of the entire momentum of substance and discarnates and entities that they have carried as baggage, thinking these were their own identity.

I tell you, beloved, if you would be stripped this night, we are equal to the task. And if you would not be [stripped], then you have but to say so. For I tell you, beloved, there are some here who have been devotees long in this life and many incarnations and they are fed up with that human creation, their own and anyone else’s that has been put upon them!  They have decided no longer to be a doormat for the planetary sinister force or for those of the Twelfth Planet. And they have called and we have answered and we are here!

Therefore our legions move among you. May you stand in honor of their presence. [Congregation rises.]  They shall not touch a hair of your head if you desire to retain your present identity. But if you would surely move forward with the thrust of the power of this spring equinox past and of Helios and Vesta, then this is truly that moment and that hour [to do so].

Therefore, blue lightning from out the Mind of God, descend now and let these know what can be done [in order for them] to be made and made again and remade in the image and likeness of God!  Let the cosmic mirror reveal it!

I, Hercules, decree it, that you shall know this night [what can be done]–as you stand before the cosmic mirror that is maintained in the Grand Teton Retreat, as you stand before that mirror and view your entire past since you left the octaves of perfection–if you will and if you dare!  And you may therefore gain a great sense of co-measurement of the work that remains for you to do and the opportunity that you can surely take, that you might fulfill your ascension in this life.

I pray you desire a path that is not one of sorrow, that is not one of crying, of pain and suffering. This is the path of the false martyrs. Let those who are the true ones know that the true sacrifice is the letting go of the human consciousness and knowing thereby its replacement by that Christ descending.  This is the hour of the resurrection of your soul. This is the hour of the resurrection of the divine image in which you were made.

I tell you, I AM come, for I have been sent by Almighty God. And I AM that God-will in manifestation and I AM the turning of worlds and the turning of cycles for you. The power that can be bestowed upon you is limitless but you must toe the line. You must be in alignment with God’s will. You must pass the test of vainglory and your pride and your sense of self-importance. All those rags and layers of skins upon skins can be shed now!

May you understand opportunity that comes once in ten thousand years from Elohim. May you understand and hear. May you be able to take that leap and set that old self aside.

Some may walk slowly step-by-step and others may take two [steps] at a time. Let those of you who skip steps know that there is no real skipping of steps, that each step must be a solid leap because you have determined to enter the heart of the will of God and by discipline outpicture it without having to pass through the woe, the woe, the woe of the darkness of karma and the darkness of the dark night of the soul.

Yes, beloved, these can be circumvented but it does require that strict Guru-chela relationship, being obedient in little things, not rationalizing and not departing to this rung and the next rung and the next rung until you are almost in outer space, so far have you removed yourself from the central sun of being, your own Mighty I AM Presence. Therefore, if there be glorying, let it be in the Presence of God, Elohim, your Mighty I AM Presence!

O beloved, this action does take place in this moment and there do descend now sheets of white fire and blue lightning. May the violet flame angels help you, I pray, in the transmutation of that which can go.

We desire, we have long desired, we have come again and again, this and that emissary of God–we have all desired to give you more than you have earned. And few have been capable of the devotion, the gratitude and the vision that are necessary to receive more now and then “pay as you go” day by day with service [rendered] for the precious gifts [advanced].

I trust that so many who have come to hear our lectures at Summit University may now grasp the deeper meaning of my message. For I have come to speak to you and I have come to reward you, each man and woman and child, according to that which each has given and placed upon the altar of God. May you receive it!  May you also receive that mantle of Saint Germain that is given to you. <8>

Blessed hearts, some receive it, some do not. Some receive more, some receive less. Yes, the universe does run on free will and the “free enterprise” system. And those who are enterprising chelas may find themselves with a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow of their Causal Bodies, and others who have given nothing shall receive nothing until they understand this law. <9> The Law requires the giving of self.

The whole will of God can be yours, beloved!  May you cherish it more than money, more than fame, more than your own separate identity.

I tell you, not a few but millions upon this planet have failed on the First Ray under First-Ray Masters and under the sign of Aries. They have complained; for they have been “bruised,” they have been “beaten,” they have been “disciplined” and they have not understood the power of the Zen whereby all human mind and mentality is proven to be naught but human reason. And human reason is not a door but a barrier, a total barrier to entering into the logic of the Mind of God. Thus understand the real meaning of the discipline that must take place.

Some [staff or chelas] say, “Oh, we would not cause pain to the staff, to the Masters’ chelas. We would not bruise them,” not understanding the great purging fire that does allow healing to take place only through pain and only through suffering. And I speak of the suffering of the soul as well as the body, of the heart as well as the mind.

Some seek only to have surcease from suffering. This is not our path, beloved. The path of bliss is the pain process whereby you shed the snakeskins one by one and go through those experiences that will wean you from your desires [to experience] bliss through the human consciousness or the human path.  You will not find it. You have searched for it for tens of thousands of years in the wrong place, which is why you have embodied again.

I pray you will wake up!  But I do not pray only. I release again bolts of blue lightning from the Mind of God!  Yes, the Mind of God is able to penetrate your mind to free you of the fat of that human consciousness. Oh yes, beloved, the mind becomes dull. May you know the lean way.

Yes, this is the hour of Victory. You will not go forward without being wed to the will of God. You will not go forward without the mercy of God. And you will not take one step if you do not see to it that you cast into the fire all fear and doubt and human questioning and all of your records of death!

Yes, beloved, those who fear do not have the love of God in them and their anxiety that becomes an “imperil” <10> is surely a block in this Community. And thus it is one of the most deadly of sins. For the fear of the Guru or of God or of one another or of one’s own Mighty I AM Presence or of the Law itself shows an absence of trust, an absence of love, and it is the state of those who cannot enter in. <11>

May you cast out fear, for fear is your anger and hatred against God and it does not serve you well and it does not serve this Community well. And therefore those who retain those blocks and will not fearlessly run into the sun of Aries, into the sun of Helios, those who do not run into the arms of God, knowing that from those arms may come forth knives that will puncture unreality, knowing that they may be bruised by that mighty Love–those who cannot run freely into the arms of the everlasting law of the Almighty One do not have the true love of God!

Let them prate about their loves!  We of the First Ray are on the march and we are marching throughout this planet round and round and round again. And we shall do this until we have given every last individual in embodiment and due to be in embodiment on this planet the opportunity of the centuries and of the millennia to choose God and his will and to live and to enter the path of the Life everlasting.

We come on a mission. We are serious, beloved. We are determined. We are sent by God. And those who have failed their tests under Archangel Michael and El Morya and all of the Manus of the First Ray, they must make their choices in this hour!

There are days and hours and times when choices must be made. And you, the firstfruits of the Ascended Masters’ calling in this the second half of the twentieth century–you, beloved, must make your choices. The will of God is set plainly before you. We will therefore not allow our Messenger to have a direct heart-tie to those who yet compromise the will of God and wish to bend it to their own devices by their own pride.

Let it be known, beloved, the Messenger will not cut the tie. God will cut the tie. Therefore it is not the decision of this lifestream, who acts only according to our calling and behest. This lifestream, who is your Messenger, will not compromise the cosmic honor flame in any regard, for to do so would be to compromise this Community and the opportunity it affords lifestreams from all over this world and in every octave to accelerate and to make their ascension in the Light.

This is the most valuable place you can be, beloved. Do not be moved by the world and its human consciousness and sympathy and pulls. When it is time to be here, then be here and be uncompromising!

I, Hercules, may raise now the power of a staff of blue flame that I will allow, as a magnet, to magnetize along your spine a greater energy of fire. For we desire to hear the expression of fire go forth from those who lead and give decrees! 

Those of you who listen to the Messenger decree and then go about your way, not endowing your words with fire, you are not taking the greatest opportunity that you may have in this life to learn from Lanello and Mother how to truly give your decrees. And if you will not take the fire of the Kundalini and put it into those cups, those worded cups that can liberate a world, I tell you, [one day] you will be, oh, so sorry to see the opportunity you have lost.

Therefore learn by example and know that if you would ascend in this life, you must be willing to expend the fire of the heart and to know that as that fire is expended there is a spending of life!  And life must be spent, life must be laid down that you might take it up again. <12>

Receive, then, the cosmic cycles of renewal, fire for fire. Give fire and receive it and be ready for your fiery trial, <13> for no man shall know the day or the night of the coming of the Lord without that fiery trial. And if you withhold that effort and that pressing out of the light of your chakras and if you fail to raise up that sacred fire, you will be as foolish virgins and you will not be able to greet the Manus of the Law and the great Lawgivers of the First Ray [when they come].

After all, this organization was founded by the Lord of the First Ray and he is truly a Buddha incarnate in your midst. Make not light of it, beloved. The opportunity to be a chela of El Morya is afforded you, and El Morya has placed his Messenger between himself and you for good reason!  For he may not take on such as you and [thereby] compromise what he may do for the planet. Therefore, the Messenger does take you on.

Therefore heed well, beloved, for it is the opportunity to make right all compromise of your obedience to the Law of Life from the beginning. This is what got you into trouble from the beginning and [this is what] has got you into trouble unto the ending even in this life.

Now I say, make an about-face!  Turn around!  Go back!  Retrieve all of those turning asides from the Law and let your life be a pillar of blue flame. Let your life be a pillar of Hercules and a pillar of Amazonia!  This I wish upon you and your twin flame. May it be so!  May it be done!

And may you observe that the fire of God can be released in this octave and I could have spoken to you with that fire this entire dictation as I am speaking to you now. I am waiting for the fire of your being to reach me in my natural octave of Light!

And when you do not put forth the fire, the astral plane comes along, beloved, and creates a great gulf between you and me. How can you stand it?  I myself cannot stand it and yet you live with it day in, day out, knowing I am there, knowing I have offered to help you!

May you reason with God and his Word and his Logos. May you understand that this is the day and the hour of noncompromise!  May you hold a standard wherever you are while all the world moves downward in the mud slide of coming earth changes.

I beseech you, I implore you and I, Hercules, command you:  fly right and fly into the arms of God!  Stay there for this lifetime!

Then when you can look back on your achievement, you will be able to make the objective decision as to whether or not you desire to go back and fulfill all those human desires. And at that moment, beloved, having stood fast for a lifetime, I guarantee you, you will make the right decision and that right decision will be based upon your manifest God-control.

I commend you to El Morya, himself a hierarch of Aries!

[53-second standing ovation]


This dictation by Hercules was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, March 28, 1991, during the five-day Class of the Resurrection Lightning held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.  The Hercules dictation is available with that of Holy Justinius on videocassette (100 min., HP91046) and on audiocassette (92 min., B91057). [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Hercules’ direction for clarity in the written word.]  Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. Isa. 61:1, 2; II Cor. 3:17.

2. On March 20, 1991, the sun entered the sign of Aries. On the Cosmic Clock the solar hierarchy of Aries is charted on the 3 o’clock line. The initiator on this line is Helios, who initiates our souls in the divine quality of God-Control. The perversions of God-Control include conceit, deceit, arrogance, intellectual and spiritual pride, and the outpicturing of the human ego in place of the divine. For additional teachings on the Aries line, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 12, 1990, “Teachings of the Divine Mother,” on 90-min. audiocassette, B91019. For more on the Cosmic Clock, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 173-206. The ABC’s of Your Psychology on the Cosmic Clock, 8-audiocassette album, 12 lectures, 12 hr., A85056. “Seminar on the Cosmic Clock:  Charting the Cycles of Your Karma, Psychology and Spiritual Powers on the Cosmic Clock,” 4 audiocassettes, 6 hr., A88087A; accompanying packet of study materials, #2368.

3. See El Morya, April 8, 1990, “Bonded to the Lord of the First Ray,” in 1990 PoW, pp. 203-9, 213.

4. See pp. 205, 215.

5. Karma yoga. According to Hinduism, karma yoga is one of four principle paths to union with God. It is the path of selfless action. The devotee aspires to offer every action as a sacrifice to God, free from all attachment to results or rewards. The Ascended Masters teach that karma yoga is the path of balancing karma, the causes and effects set in motion in this and previous lives, through service to God and all life on earth as well as through invocation of the sacred fire in the science of the spoken Word and decrees to the violet flame. Saint Germain has sponsored the dispensation of the violet flame as the key to balancing our karma in this age. The path of karma yoga leads to reunion with God, the Mighty I AM Presence, in the ritual of the ascension.

6. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 1984 PoW, Introduction I, Book I, pp. 66-73.

7. The burden of the Lord is his Dharma, his Light, his Power, Wisdom and Love, his Prophecy, and his I AM Presence and Causal Body. See Hab. 1:1; Zech. 9:1; 12:1; Mal. 1:1; 1990 PoW, p. 267. False burdens of the false prophets: Jer. 23:32-40; Lam. 2:14.

8. Traditionally at the conclusion of Summit University Level I, Saint Germain, Gautama Buddha, one of the Ascended Masters or their angels place a mantle upon each student, signifying the completion of the Summit University course.  The mantle is sometimes gold and sometimes violet. On December 15, 1978, Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst spoke of the golden cape placed upon the students during their dictation:  “It is the sign of your being on the path of wisdom, attending the university of the Spirit and being a part of those who follow Kuthumi in the Order of the Brothers of the Golden Robe.  And that beautiful golden cape that is placed upon you now bears upon it the mighty five-pointed violet star upon the right collar. And unto those who complete the service of their invocations, dynamic decrees and all assignments that are given, that star is made permanent.”  Those who attend second and third levels receive additional stars, which are made permanent upon the completion of all assignments.

9. Matt. 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27.

10. imperil (noun):  the poison that results from fear, anxiety, anguish and irritability, all of which assume many forms. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Imperil:  A Commanding Danger!  What It Is–What It Does–and What You Can Do About It, 2-audiocassette album, 150 min., A8174.

11. Rev. 21:7, 8.

12. John 10:17, 18.

13. I Cor. 3:13-15.

14. Vajra is a Sanskrit word rendered as thunderbolt or diamond; adamantine; that which is hard, impenetrable; that which destroys but is itself indestructible. It is also a scepterlike symbol of the thunderbolt, representing the adamantine nature of Truth. It is taught that the vajra cleaves through ignorance and therefore symbolizes the indestructible nature of the Buddha’s wisdom and the victory of knowledge over illusion.