Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 34 No. 10 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - March 10, 1991


The Path of the Fiery Trial
A Daily Pentecost


Come recently from the Central Sun, I am here with seraphim of God and cherubim for the redeeming of souls gone astray in this city and across the earth.

Los Angeles is indeed the soul of America; therefore all souls of this world identify with this City of Angels. And through this soul chakra of a nation, beloved, I may call Home many who are magnetized by angels and repolarized by seraphim of God to the Magnet of the Central Sun, the source of Life, the I AM Presence.

The Spirit of the Lord be upon you as you are able to receive it. This Spirit is the essence, the fire and the heart of God. Drop by drop and increment by increment, so does this Spirit come upon you. And as you imbibe it, so it becomes a part of you.

And then the question remains, so asked by the soul, whether you are able to retain [this essence, this fire, this heart of God] and build upon the foundation [of the transfer of Light] or whether you will lose it for the many holes you have allowed to become a part of your garment.

Let there be the shoring up of individual identity!  Let there be the calling upon the LORD! <1>  Welcome the fire of God!  For as you call to seraphim, to me and to others of heavenly bands for that fire, know that the Cosmic Christ through the Sacred Heart of Jesus does temper that fire and does see to it that you do not receive more than you are able to keep as a flame of comfort upon the altar of your heart.

The flame of the Holy Spirit is a flame of comfort, a flame of enlightenment, truly a flame of great power and great light. Those who desire this flame must desire it with all desiring and therefore let other wants and fears and doubts be consumed by it.

This fire is the pearl of great price. <2>  To receive it you must appreciate its value and therefore be willing to part with many things of this life so that you might enter in. Precious hearts of fire, I breathe upon you the breath of the Holy Ghost that I might fan this fire.

As you have heard the teaching that one and all shall receive the trial by fire, I urge you to understand how this does take place in daily life. Once you enter the path of service, a true and profound heartfelt service to all life whereby you sense yourself the Servant, the Helper, the Intercessor on behalf of all you meet, and you leave aside for a season private interests, private loves that are not shared with the many, then it is that you embark upon the path of the fiery trial. <3>

Life accelerates. There is much, much more to do in the twenty-four hours than you feel capable of doing. You look around you and it seems you are the only one who is there to do the task.

Where are all the others?  Where have they gone?  You stand alone with God and eternity and you determine, because you see the vision of your mission, to intensify the release of fire for the fulfillment of holy purpose.

Sometimes the flesh is weak and the spirit strong <4> and you keep on. In other hours you rest in the arms of Divine Love for surcease and the recharging of your forms in needed and sensible rest. Your waking moments are filled with the desire to impart to His own the fire that God has given you that they might be quickened and no longer dulled, dulled of [spiritual] senses to the presence of so many angels and co-workers of Light invisible.

I AM the Maha Chohan. I have brought initiation to those who have called it forth. Now I would warn you. Some, whose parents in this life and other embodiments have not prepared them for a role of sacrifice, desire to run from this place when they feel the intensity [of the Light] mounting. But, beloved, it is well in that moment not to run but to step aside, even apart from oneself, to be an observer.

See how the fire brings you nose to nose with challenges, trial, adversity. See how your sword is sharpened by seraphim!  See how you become the master of moments, how you learn to overcome aggravations and the subtle draining of your Light. See how the intensity of service is the Refiner’s fire prophesied by Malachi. <5>

Surely, who shall stand in the day of the Lord’s messenger when that fire descends?  You shall, beloved!  For you shall know the end from the beginning. You shall know that the fire is the [essential] part of the process whereby you put on immortality and shed the skins of mortality. You shall understand that without fire there is no re-creation, no ascent to higher octaves.

Those, then, who resist the fire, the stress, the impelling, the acceleration lose their momentum [on the spiritual path]; for they consider that they might not be quite in their right minds as they see all others taking it easy on a schedule of a forty-hour week, et cetera, or not working at all.

Yes, some have found the means to beat this game of life and to do it with the least amount of effort. They have no fuel in their rockets!  They are not supercharged with a Light that will carry them beyond the astral plane, whether at night or in the transition of death.

You are building momentum for the challenges of today and the future. Therefore, do not measure yourself against your fellows. Had any avatar or saint done this, he should have disqualified himself from the running and moved again with the sea of cattle, the mass consciousness.

When you are passing through the trial by fire, loved ones and even those on the Path may not sympathize with you. It is the path of the lonely ones. But that great company of saints in heaven have all gone through it and now they are in the company of the great multitude of the heavenly hosts.

Thus, beloved, I give you tips for this experience:  [The key is] not to be overcome no matter what is asked of you, not to lose the smile of good cheer, not to be bowed down but to take respites that are needed and to truly know how to draw upon and pull down the fire of your I AM Presence. You may assist yourself in doing this by touching the crown of the head and calling to God to let that Life flow through you that is limitless, that is the Infinite One and the stream of Divine Reality.

Do not attempt to make it through the trial by fire on the batteries of the lower self. They cannot contain the fire necessary for the fusion of soul with Spirit of God. Therefore you surely must open the arteries, open wide the crystal cord and let your life function, then, on the perpetual flowing stream of God’s Life in you, God’s Mind in you.

Establishing the connection tighter and tighter, you shall pass through. You shall know the fierceness, the ferociousness of dark forces pounding against you, attempting to move you to destroy yourself, to cast yourself down, to demand miracles of God that are not possible–as when Satan told Jesus, “Command these stones be made bread” and “cast thyself down, for surely He shall give his angels charge over thee.”  In all of the testings of the soul

to use the powers of God for human ends, Jesus spoke with the fierceness of the Son of God, “Get thee behind me, Satan!” <6>

Therefore you will not be tempted into suicide or self-defilement. You will not be taunted by demons who lure you here and there to pollute the stream of your blood with substances not of God but of the fallen angels. You will have a mind of your own. You will know you are about the business of your Father-Mother God. You will never again seek to impress other parts of life with your bravado or being one of the crowd, yet you will be with all your fellows a presence of joy and love that is irresistible.

Let your fiery trial be an inner experience as you seek to hold the harmony of God on the surface, as you are not moved by outer conditions, as you do not respond to the taunts of devils speaking through men and others untethered to the Light.

Yes, beloved, when you call to me for assistance and initiation and I give it to you, do not forget you have called, do not back away from the very fire that will implement and be the implementation of your Victory. Yes, beloved, remember you have called and do not fear the intensity of the Immensity. You shall pass through if you have heart.

Decide in this moment that the mind that is you, which is the Mind that is God, which is one Above and below, is greater than any mind of Darkness that would tempt [you in order] to divert you into lower streams that flow into the astral plane and will take you with them. When you decide that your mind one with God is the strongest and most powerful mind in cosmos, I say, you shall not be moved again!

Now, use this Mind of God that is in you because it was in Christ Jesus <7>to determine your destiny, to decide your direction, to keep your decision to walk with your God and never again compromise your honor, your principles, your Godhood.

Do this, beloved, and you will find your feet stepping in the footprints of a Thomas Becket or a Thomas More or the many saints who have gone before. Do this, beloved, and no mind shall be able to influence you, to take you away from your altar’s vows or your prayers in the heart of the Blessed Mother. Let your resolve be firm and you shall pass through the fiery furnace.

Inasmuch as these initiations shall become widespread, the Darjeeling Council upon the direction of Helios and Vesta, God Parents of this solar system, have determined to bring to your attention that you [are called] to live the life of one whose path has become the path of Agni Yoga, the yoga of fire. Thereby you will be an example as well as hold the balance for others who may be taken by surprise, may be swept out of the way by storm or flood or tornado–whose karma does come upon them, for the [garnering of the] fire [of the heart] did not precede that descent of karma.

Speaking of the rim and the initiations of the rim, <8>stay with them, beloved. You shall pass through.

Long ago in [her] previous lifetimes, I communicated to this Messenger the secret of a pilgrim’s victory. It is this, beloved:  place one foot before the other and keep on keeping on!  Let thy footsteps weave a spiral round the Mount Olympus as you rise level upon level and reach the goal of Christ. When all else threatens to overcome you, remember:  place one foot before the other and nothing in heaven or hell will be able to stop you from your Victory.

Keep on keeping on, O souls of Light. For some are nigh being fused to the Holy Christ Self, to the heart of Jesus Christ.

Keep on, beloved. You bear burdens of world karma for the Lord as the Lord bears burdens for you. I speak of the Lord, the Holy Spirit. You bear the burden of the Holy Spirit itself, beloved, which is an equivalency whereby you may balance and be able to deal with world karma.

Now, if you run from the Holy Spirit and resist that sacred fire, which you imagine incurs obligation, then you run into the arms of hell without being clothed upon with the very fierceness of the fire of God’s heart that would enable you to conquer Death and Hell.

Thus, when it is your time, beloved, seek God in his holy mountain. Go forth endued with fire and fear not the world or anything in it nor the astral plane nor death nor darkness nor dying.

Clothed with the Holy Spirit, you will meet challenges and have joyous victories and spread a Light that all shall see. Without it, you may find yourself a naked soul cast into outer darkness, for you have refused the wedding garment. <9>

Truly it is the hour of a daily Pentecost, of cloven tongues of fire descending upon you. Receive them. Let them quicken the tongue, the breath, the mind, the heart, the soul, the spirit.

I AM the Maha Chohan. I walk with you as long as you remain true to the calling of the Holy Spirit.

May you abide in peace, the peace that passeth understanding, <10> knowing that your Lord and your Lord’s angels are with you always. My beloved, go with God, for God is going with you this day.


This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 17, 1991, at the Los Angeles Hilton and Towers. The dictation followed the Messenger’s lecture “The Phoenix Mystery:  Karma and Reincarnation.”  In it she taught on the legend and spiritual symbolism of the mythical phoenix. She discussed Agni Yoga, the yoga of sacred fire, and read from the works of Helena Roerich. In extensive teaching on the initiation of the trial by fire, the Messenger included examples from the Bible, the Hindu epic the Ramayana, and the writings of Saint John of the Cross. She also gave examples from the lives of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Thomas Becket and Thomas More. The Messenger discussed the violet flame and how it works and explained it as the key to successfully passing through the trial by fire. She also gave teaching on the “etheric double,” a layer of energy that surrounds the physical body. Using “Seraphic Song” (or “Rêve angélique”) from Kamennoi-Ostrov by Anton Rubinstein, the Messenger led the audience in the Seraphic Meditations of Serapis Bey and Justinius from Dossier on the Ascension.  The lecture, Seraphic Meditations, and the Maha Chohan’s dictation are available on videocassette (218 min., GP91032) and on audiocassette (226 min., A91042). [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the Maha Chohan’s direction for clarity in the written word.]

1. Calling upon the Lord. Gen. 4:26; 12:7, 8; 21:33; 26:24, 25; II Sam. 22:4, 7; I Kings 18:24, 36-38; II Kings 5:10, 11; I Chron. 16:8; 21:26; Pss. 18:3, 6; 50:15; 55:16-19; 91:14-16; 99:5, 6; 105:1; 116:1-6, 13, 17; 145:18; Lam. 3:55-57; Joel 2:30-32; Zech. 13:9; Rom. 10:13.

2. Matt. 13:45, 46.

3. The fiery trial. I Cor. 3:11-17; I Pet. 1:6, 7; 4:12, 13; Dan. 3:1-28; Zech. 13:9; Mal. 3:1-6; Matt. 3:11, 12; Luke 3:16, 17.

4. Matt. 26:41; Mark 14:38.

5. Mal. 3:1-6.

6. Matt. 4:1-11 Luke 4:1-13.

7. Phil. 2:5.

8. Initiations of the rim. Helena Roerich in her book Agni Yoga writes:  “Not ascetics, not fanatics, not the superstitious, but those who know the Yoga of Fire are the ones who will not abandon the rudders of life. Truly their sacrifice will be great. They will be constantly on the rim of explosions although they could have calmly continued their existence. But rest is not a property of fire. For fire constantly destroys something in order to create. Such fiery strivings test the sensations as in a crucible....Pure striving will produce the flashes of fire....The Teaching of Agni Yoga demands continuous ardor.”  (Agni Yoga, 5th ed., rev. [New York:  Agni Yoga Society, 1980], pp. 183-84, 264-65.)

9. Matt. 22:1-14.

10. Phil. 4:7.