Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 34 No. 9 - I AM the Witness - March 3, 1991


I AM the Witness


My son was just 15 years young, trying as adolescents do to learn about life, when suddenly he was gone.

He and my daughter were driving home from a skiing trip at high noon on New Year’s Day when a car careening down the highway appeared to purposely cross the center line and crashed head-on into their car. There was no way to avoid the collision. My son died several hours later of massive head injuries and my daughter was severely injured with a fractured jaw and femur.

Several hundred miles away, I had been getting ready to go skiing myself that morning but was struggling with a strange and intense headache that had incapacitated me. Soon after I was notified by phone of the serious accident that had taken place, my headache disappeared and I went into immediate deep mourning even though I had not yet been informed of my son’s death.

Since I had just started my own search for a deeper meaning to life, I was aware of the Hindu teaching that cremation was necessary to assist the soul in leaving this earth plane. I also had an inner sense that it was important to transform the body’s organic substance into inorganic substance in order to release the bound energy and to facilitate the soul’s passage to a higher dimension of being.

My wife and I had some superficial understanding about earthbound spirits. We were deeply concerned lest our son should be confused by the great trauma of sudden untimely death and would be fearful of leaving the familiar. We sensed that he needed our support and instruction to leave his body, our family and the life he knew.

I felt a compelling need to talk to him and to give him what I understood of the meaning and purpose of life and of the presence of angels. I wanted so much to offer some of my energy to him in spite of my sorrow and loss, which I knew was his also. And this I did from my heart up to the start of the cremation.

All this took place at that point in my life when I had a limited outer understanding of esoteric teachings. Going on my intuition but with deep inner conviction, I insisted on cremation within 72 hours even though my son’s body would have to be inconveniently transported several hundred miles. I also knew I had to go to a high place and meditate during the actual time of cremation.

When it was time for the fire to start its transforming work, I said to him, “Goodbye...Go, my son,” and loudly cheered him on to leave his body and enter the realms of light. I felt immediate great relief. My deep mourning suddenly ceased; it was replaced with a sense of wondrous joy and intense peace as I meditated on the top of a nearby hill.

I was overwhelmed with the presence of a great energy, feeling as though my son’s energy had joined mine as a gift to me, rather than my energy being a gift to him.

I noticed all around me in the trees three dimensional globes radiating beautiful pastel bands of light of all colors. Each of these bands was expanding outward as one sees concentric rings expanding from a pebble thrown in the water. And streaming forth from the center of white light were rays, each moving faster than the bands.

For the next four hours I was transported into the highest peace I have ever known. In that state I could love every living thing.

One Sunday morning approximately three years later while sitting in the front row of the chapel of the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara (as I had been each weekend for the previous nine months), I suddenly opened my eyes and looked up at the Chart on the altar before me. I gasped as if I had never noticed it before. The Chart of the I AM Presence and Causal Body depicted that beautiful aura of rainbow spheres of light that I had seen during my son’s cremation, only then I had seen it in three-dimensional living color.

I immediately son and I have finally come Home.

Thank you, Mother, forever for the Masters and the Teachings.




Dear Friends,

This is my testimony of the Light of God that is conveyed by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. I am particularly pleased to give this witness since I am not a member of the Church or its associated fraternities yet I wish to recognize the intensity of God’s Light that is manifested.

In the mid-1980s Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave a lecture in Toronto. I was very interested, as I had just discovered the Summit Lighthouse. Despite the stump that she had just conducted in Europe, Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave an excellent and lengthy presentation, which was about to culminate in a blessing and sealing ceremony using an emerald crystal. I was with a friend and as we were both excited, we hurried to join the rapidly forming line of people in this large hall.

Suddenly we paused. I had felt a strong surge of Light while at the same instant my friend looked at the stage where Elizabeth was standing. He gasped as he saw a huge column of violet flame descend from above. We stood about 50 feet away at this time and shortly we proceeded to join the end of the long line of people.

We talked of this and I also kept feeling the cells of my body react to this intense Light as we gradually approached the stage area. When we were about 15 feet away I was immersed by this shower of violet flame. My body became cleansed and more ALIVE than I had ever felt before. Like everyone else, I was delighted to receive the blessing from Mother and also be immersed in violet flame.

We moved away to a quieter spot and I was fully aware and grateful of the intensity of God’s Light that accompanied this wonderful event. At the end of the activities the shower of violet flame ceased. We left to continue our lives but not unchanged.



Light!  Let there be Light!  How glorious is Light in all its aspects. Light is divine radiance. Light is spiritual ecstasy. Light is God-power.

My first experience with divine Light was during the 1975 Summit conference at Mount Shasta—my first conference. Mighty Cosmos was dictating and suddenly he gave us a “cosmic spanking.”  The whole tent became dark as though a dark cloud had rolled in. I knew it was the power of the Light of Cosmos flushing out the darkness of the human consciousness. It was an awe-inspiring experience.

Since then during peak moments in a dictation I have seen the whole platform including the high altar from which Mother is delivering the dictation become white with Light. I have seen this Light spread out into the congregation. I have sat there and experienced the ecstasy of the Light. The congregation has become like the negative of a photograph, for the Light is all around them.

Often when Mother is teaching and lovingly telling us her experiences, her aura becomes visible making everything on the platform and in the court bright and glowing. It seems to be a many-colored glow, which is sometimes steady and sometimes comes and goes. The focuses on the altar glow, the chairs and the lectern glow, the statues of Mother Mary and Kuan Yin are enveloped in the Light.

Recently, when Mother was giving a teaching on “Riches within Your Reach” from Robert Collier’s book, everything began to shine. This time it was a definite golden glow. I was in the back of the King Arthur’s Court and I could see everyone shining—not just Mother and the focuses on the altar, but everyone. There was a golden glow around every single person in the audience!

When I read in God and Goddess Meru’s Pearl of July 8, 1990, “The vision, then, is of a new age; and if you see it this night, you will see a great golden-age civilization with shafts upon shafts of golden illumination descending and everything bathed in that yellow hue,” I knew that is what I had been seeing.

In the same Pearl, Archeia Hope’s January 1987 dictation is quoted in the notes:  “O blessed hearts, do you know one thing that you have absolute and complete control over?  It is this—that the golden age can manifest in this hour where you are!”

The whole experience of sitting in the court in the golden Light brought a wonderful peace and joy. I didn’t want to move. I felt I could sit there forever.

A precious and profound understanding of Light is revealed by John the Beloved in the first chapter of his Gospel. In the first five verses he equates Light with Life—the same Life that was in the Word in the beginning with God. In the fourteenth verse he says, “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us,...full of grace and truth.”

John the Baptist came to bear witness of the Light. So do I also bear witness to the Light come in this last quarter of the twentieth century.




Beloved Mother,

How very wonderful to read testimonies of chelas in the “I AM the Witness” column of our Pearls of Wisdom!  When I first saw, through God’s grace, the Light in you, I attributed it to an overactive imagination and I thought that it was due to wishful thinking on my part. However, as the years have passed, I have seen the great Light that is in you, time after time after time.

Sometimes I have felt that I could just burst with wanting to share this experience with my fellow Lightbearers, but I would always decide that it was best to keep silent. I used to think that it was unnecessary to “preach to the converted”; however, I have come to realize that it is necessary to “preach to the converted” because it reinforces our faith, uplifts our souls and gives us all a common bond.

And so now it’s my turn. Following the dictation by the Beloved God and Goddess Meru at our Freedom conference last summer, I was standing before the altar with the other ushers as you gave the blessing for the love offering. As I looked up at you, there emanated from you a great golden-white Light that was so intense that it was almost blinding to behold.

The entire altar disappeared within this great Light and all that was visible was you, standing there emanating a great white Light. At the same time, you were bathed in a golden Light. Your skin was the color of molten gold. I was so enraptured that I could hardly hear your words of blessing upon the offering and the congregation.

As we retired from the altar,