Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 34 No. 9 - Beloved Serapis Bey - March 3, 1991


Mighty Possibilities for the Victory
A Destiny of Fire


In the invincible Light of cosmic freedom, I descend into this place and I disperse all Darkness. Let the Light rush in as a mighty sea of Light caressing the shore of each one’s own God-Identity!

May you also be pillars of fire in the very midst of the people Israel. <1> May you clear the way for their connection with the Great White Brotherhood. And may you yourself see how long you have awaited this moment when I might speak to you in person to reconnect your heart and heart flame to the blessed tie that binds you to the goal and the path of your ascension in the Light!

To this end were you born and for this cause did you come into the world:  to unite with consummate Reality and Truth and to walk in the halls of Luxor until you should be prepared to enter the fire–even fire for fire.

Indeed, if you would be a candidate for the ascension in this Light, you must bank the fires of the chakras of all of the seven rays that they might be accelerated to the white light. You must come prepared, as increments of fire are added unto you daily.

But that transfer of the sacred fire to you from my heart must be preceded by the saturation of your four lower bodies with violet flame. The gentleness of transmutation of violet flame does clear the cells and atoms of being, the organs of the body and the four sides of the pyramid <14> that you might receive the more intense sacred fire that is the ascension flame.

May you walk from this hour in the sense of dignity that I, Serapis, have spoken to you and that you are worthy to be received in the temples of God. If you believe you are not worthy, then I say cast the sin, the wrong thought, the wrong feeling, the wrong act into the violet flame, call upon the law of forgiveness and move on in the cycles of being.

Accept not the condemnation of this world!  It has been upon every Christ and avatar, every Buddha, every saint from the beginning.

Therefore friendship with this world, with this astral plane, with the lower levels of the communications of lower spirits is not for thee, beloved. For out of that potpourri of the astral plane does emerge condemnation for those who would walk as beings of Light.

Therefore establish this day friendship with the living Christ Jesus and the Christ of yourself. Establish a co-measurement!  See the fire of your Holy Christ Self entering the heart of Jesus and the fire of Jesus entering the heart of your Holy Christ Self.

Know this communion!  Know this meditation!  Know that God in you is worthy!  Your soul may prove herself worthy day by day. And in any case, that fiery stuff of which you have been made and in which you find yourself fully endowed–that, beloved, that Light/Energy/Consciousness of God which is the very root of your being, that substance of Alpha and Omega does establish your worthiness to be tried in the fires of ascension’s flame.

Beloved ones, you will hear in this seminar the teachings on the trial by fire, but I have come to prepare you before this seminar that you might know that there must be a certain element of that light and fire within you as you approach that lecture and dictation. I prepare you also for the beloved Helios, [who comes] from out the sun of this system of worlds, who shall also speak to you with fire.

Therefore I, Serapis, would not have you enter this seminar as shorn lambs but I would have you enter, beloved, clothed upon with Light, <15> whereby you may receive more Light than you perhaps anticipated would be possible.

Fear not, then, for the living friendship that you have with Jesus Christ will be enmity with the world. <2> Who in the folly of their minds would accept the friendship of this world, fickle as it is, [in place of] the friendship of Jesus Christ?  Blessed hearts, reject, then, that which is illusory, that which is mutable and know that the upward path does require the firm footstep and that the rarefied air does require the expanded lung and heart capacity.

Even so, take, then, the scepter of your Christ Self and step-by-step move up the mountain of God. The mountain of God is your I AM Presence. And therefore the pilgrim’s progress higher and higher is in a spiral that mounts from the seat-of-the-soul chakra to your heart, to your Christ Self until finally you attain the summit of being.

If you do not take at least one step daily, my beloved, how can you mark a forward progress?  A step of progress means that you put behind you some element of weakness, some element of the undeveloped character in Christ and replace it by a most positive footstep, which means right action, right disciplining of the mind and the will after the image of Gautama Buddha.

Know the precepts of all avatars, for they contribute to the confluent stream which focuses, as it merges in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to deliver the blessings of the lineage of all of the Buddhas who have preceded him.

Therefore, let not your hearts be troubled, for God has set before you a destiny of fire, a purpose in the earth and a mounting mental capacity to embrace the continents of the air, thus to establish that coequation with the Mind of God in Christ Jesus.

Let that mind be in you! <3> The fiat has gone forth.

It is almost as simple as allowing the breath to enter without inbreathing, simply by emptying [the lungs]. Thus the self-emptying creates the vacuum whereby the wind of the Holy Spirit rushes in and the sacred fire breath travels through the pores, through the blood vessels, through all of the interconnecting arteries and the central nervous system. Thus does the breath move through the Body of God upon earth. Thus are ye the lively and the enlivened ones.

Thus, beloved, seraphim gather to rescue souls of Light in this City of the Angels who have become enthralled with the astral plane, ensnared and entrapped by it, entertained by all of that stuff, beloved. Yet [they shall] walk away from it and enter the single flame that is the living fire of God.

All prophets who have gone before you have acknowledged God as the consuming fire. Therefore desire to have all else consumed and cease being fickle and going after the spirits that “mutter and peep” <4>with their entertaining messages. But they have not told you that they are barred from Luxor and Serapis Bey’s retreat.

They are not candidates for the ascension. They have forfeited their tie to that Light. Thus, they must get it another way and thus they entrap silly people who will come and sit to hear them speak through this or that one. And in that attention-getting session, that astral entity, claiming to be a wise one, is simply siphoning off the light of the hearers who attend.

Know, then, beloved, that in that séance those entities are attempting to deprive you of your own victory by establishing a personality cult. Go not after them!

Seek the living God, your own Mighty I AM Presence!  Contemplate the mighty spheres of Light above you, seven rings, seven spheres of your heaven-world. You can meditate upon your God and enter these realms of Light.

Mansion upon mansion upon mansion of the house of the Father-Mother God is above you, surrounding the monad of the I AM THAT I AM. Enter into these gates with thanksgiving and into these courts with praise, <5>for this is the true heaven-world.

You have descended from that abode [to be in incarnation on earth] and if you would ascend to that abode at the conclusion of this life, even prior to your ascension, you must reject the lower levels of the astral plane even while you walk in physical embodiment.

It is interesting to note, as my angels have reported to me the watch they have kept at this Whole Life Expo, observing lifestreams who live solidly in the astral plane:  so tied are they to that plane that they cannot see the Light <16>when the Light walks by. They cannot see the Light in our chelas or our Messenger, for they are far below that frequency in consciousness and though they may behold you face-to-face, they do not read well.

Thus they do not run well toward the magnificent source of the stream of everlasting Life. They do not read who are the true disciples of the ascended ones and chase after them, for they are still chasing silly ghosts–silly ghosts, beloved.

Thus you have a lifetime and before you stands the hourglass. Do you know how many grains of sand are left to you, beloved, to make your peace with the Infinite One, to cleanse your temple that the Limitless One might take up his abode within you?

Would you know the Ancient of Days as Daniel the prophet knew him? <6> Then I say, walk in the footsteps of Daniel and know the discipline that he exerted upon himself in order to find favor with God. <17>

There are many misconceptions in the New Age movement. The [real] goal of the New Age is the breakthrough of the soul passing through the strata of the rock and the atmosphere and arriving at that plane where the Buddhas abide, where the Bodhisattvas gather.

To enter into these octaves of Light, beloved, means that you must call upon the Lord and the angels of God to mend your tattered garments. When I speak of your garments, I speak of the many filigreed layers of the aura and of the interconnecting four lower bodies. In many ways in many lifetimes you have torn these garments, thus making yourselves vulnerable to lower forms of consciousness and a plaguing of the mind.

And some have serious problems in their psychology because they do not know the difference between the voice of inner conscience, or the Holy Christ Self, and the voices of those spirits that would impel individuals to do those things [that are anti that Christ] because of a distorted and fragmented psyche.

Now, beloved, the misconception [that I would define this night] is that the New Age is a horizontal experience and that the more individuals can interact and embrace and know the depths of their human love, the more they will gain a certain spirituality. Surely compassion and comfort and loving one another is a part of the Path but let the channels be cleared for Divine Love to pour through you, Love that heals and makes whole rather than making another dependent upon oneself or wallowing in the emotions and the records of the past [become the present].

Thus Divine Love is cleansing, it is scouring, it is healing and it brings the joy of reconnection with souls of Light moving on in cities of Light, in universities of the Spirit [that are located] in just the next octave of the etheric plane. There you may go while your body does sleep at night but, beloved, you must prepare the soul to take flight.

If you let yourself get caught up in too much TV and violence, in the dissonance of rock music and all things that bombard the senses, if you let yourself be pulled down by war and the rumors of war, <7>then you will not be ready to take flight when eventide comes and the evening star beckons and Hesperus does cast her glance upon you that you might know that the evolutions of Venus, your sister star, are so very near in consciousness.

They have the attainment to be very near; yet even though they should make their bed with you, they could not transfer to you the glory of the art, the creativity and the science of Venus [unless you were prepared to receive it].

May your receptivity increase as you are in my presence. May your capacity for the taking of the Great Inbreath begin a spiral infolding itself that draws to you from stars and worlds without end that energy of Life.

Life, beloved!  Life, beloved!  This is the goal of the age of Aquarius:  to experience and appreciate Life in all of its dimensions, in all of its planes in the Matter universe, to come and go from the heaven-world, to seek to find that which is lost and to go after it without losing your moorings in the higher octaves.

Behold, to follow Serapis and Holy Justinius and seraphic bands into the astral plane for the rescue of souls, this requires the armour of God, the armour of seraphim, the armour of right consciousness, right mindfulness, right action, right love. <8>

Let your love be pure and self-giving but not self-denying. Therefore love yourself in God and give yourself the appreciation whereby you may maintain through the white light a keen sensitivity to the needs of others, giving of your cup but not depleting yourself in the process, emptying the cup that it might be refilled but not depleting your reserves.

Understand that in the service of God you must be strong and strong enough at any moment to deal with any form of adversary or attack upon your mission or your chosen path. And remember the words of Jesus, “Thy enemies shall be they of thine own household,” <9> the household of the subconscious, the household of karmic relationships, the household of those whom you love most and therefore to whom you have the greatest vulnerability.

Aye, Serapis Bey does teach you much about your psychology. But I will tell you one thing, the healing of that does come with the affirmation of Jesus Christ:

Lo!  I AM Alpha and Omega in the white fire core of being! That core of being is at the solar plexus, the place of the sun, the point of the desirings and the desire body.

I AM Alpha and Omega in the white fire core of being!

I AM Alpha and Omega in the fire infolding itself!

Thus as the fiery spiral turns and draws into itself the Light of far-off worlds, the exact vibrations of cosmic energies needed to make you whole, so know, beloved, that when you are about this you must retain, you must maintain, you must be still and know that I AM God. <10>

When Alpha and Omega are envisioned by you as a great white sphere of Light superimposed over you as though you were in the cosmic womb [of the Mother] and in the embrace of the Father, so know, beloved, that you can no longer be fragmented but you are in a mantra and in the giving of that mantra that does produce wholeness and healing.

I AM Alpha and Omega in the white fire core of being!

Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever <11>

  in Alpha and Omega in the white fire core of being!

If this Son of God has maintained the reality of Godhood from the beginning unto the ending, you can do the same. You were destined to be Christs, to walk the earth as Christed ones, anointed by the Light of God through the heart of Jesus, your Saviour.

Therefore let no man, no woman take thy crown. <12>  Endure to the end. Fear not to suffer or to know pain, for the other side of suffering and pain is the bliss of Divine Love. And you will not make it on the Path unless you have profound love for God, for his individualized Presence I AM THAT I AM with you, for the presence of the Christ above you, merging with you in moments of meditation.

The goal of Oneness is before you. Do not underestimate the forces of Darkness who have moved against you personally for generations and tens of thousands of years to thwart your one-pointed path in the Light.

Perhaps you say, “I have attachments to earth. I like it here. I want to be born again.”  Well, beloved, if that is your choice, then do it. But I say, become the master of your world and yourself. Prepare for the ultimate victory so that if you should change your mind [about being born again], you have not closed your options to the ascension spiral.

If you desire to be in the earth, would you not rather be in the earth as a master than as a slave?  Today you are the slave of your karma, your untransmuted desires. Tomorrow you can be master of both of these. It is a question of attitude, of how you posture yourself and how you set your priorities.

May you think well upon the opportunity of life that remains to you in this embodiment, for the body you wear is finite but the soul has infinite possibilities and the Spirit remains birthless, deathless forever. Do not count, then, on future incarnations but do all you can now.

I, Serapis, behold the future. Some of it I may relate to you and some of it I may not, but what you should assume is that before this life is through you will have difficult turnings and challenges. Therefore [know that] to prepare, to set the jaw as a winner and the gleam of the eye on the goal is the hallmark of the chelas of Serapis at Luxor.

May you let all other things be blown away by the wind of the Holy Spirit. Let go of them!  They are entanglements. And observe with keen insight how forces unseen use people, circumstances, job, home, social life and all aspects of your living to take from you the one-pointedness that you have in this hour–one-pointedness as opportunity to score a mighty victory and to be able to turn and serve those whom you love most, for you have rooted your foundations in the Infinite and pulled up stakes from mortality.

Withdraw, then, your dependence upon that which is ephemeral and those things that pass away, as the grass in the morning and the grass in the evening pass through the cycles of birth and death. Ye are immortals!  I tell it. Ye are fiery ones!

I, Serapis, have come to quicken you, to marshal your forces and to say, if you are to win in a planetary Armageddon, you must first win in that warfare of the spirit being waged within your very breast and heart and soul, and triumph over all negative influences until you can invite your Lord, your Holy Christ Self, to occupy the unconscious and the subconscious, no longer to find there the records of the astral plane.

I AM Serapis Soleil. I come for the harvest of souls and I announce to you in Archangel Gabriel’s name:  You all have mighty possibilities for the victory of the ascension in this life. May you waste not another moment in getting on with your Victory!

I repeat, let no man, no woman take thy crown. Respond to the voice within and follow it.

I receive you now in Saint Germain’s name for the transfer of light to the third eye. <13>  Will you not come with rejoicing and resoluteness as to what your course shall be?


This dictation by Serapis Bey was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, February 16, 1991, at the Whole Life Expo in Los Angeles at the Pasadena Convention Center. The dictation followed the Messenger’s lectures “A Vision of Wholeness for the New Age:  How to Heal Yourself and Planet Earth” and “Middle East Update, February 16, 1991.”  In “A Vision of Wholeness for the New Age,” the Messenger presented teaching on the Chart of Your Divine Self, reincarnation and karma and the true meaning of the grace of Jesus Christ. She gave teaching on the power of the violet flame to mitigate or transmute karmic conditions before they become physical and on the importance of visualization when practicing the science of the spoken Word. In “Middle East Update,” the Messenger discussed the war in the Persian Gulf, the U.S. history of “winning the war and losing the peace,” the Soviet Union’s support of Iraq and the Soviets’ and George Bush’s hidden agendas. The lecture “A Vision of Wholeness for the New Age” and Serapis Bey’s dictation are available on videocassette (105 min., HP91031) and on audiocassette (186 min., A91040). The audiocassettes include the “Middle East Update,” as well as “The Messenger’s Teaching on How to Free the Soul Imprisoned by the Intellect,” given March 2, 1991.

1. The “people Israel” refers to the ten lost tribes of Israel, who reincarnated in the European nations, the United States of America, the British Isles and the Commonwealth nations, and Kashmir. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin and some Levites make up the “people of Judah,” who also reincarnated in Europe and America. Both peoples eventually migrated and reincarnated throughout the world. Generally, the ten lost tribes reincarnated among the Gentiles, while the tribes of Judah and Benjamin are the modern-day Jews. The twelve sons of Jacob are the progenitors of the twelve tribes of Israel. See Gen. 49:2-28.

2. James 4:4; John 15:18-21.

3. Phil. 2:5.

4. Isa. 8:19.

5. Ps. 100:4.

6. Dan. 7:9, 10, 13, 21, 22.

7. Matt. 24:6; Mark 13:7.

8. Eph. 6:11-17. Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration are the precepts of the Eightfold Path taught by Gautama Buddha (see 1989 PoW, pp. 446-50; 1983 PoW, pp. 166-67).

9. Matt. 10:36.

10. Ps. 46:10.

11. Heb. 13:8.

12. II Tim. 4:5-8; James 1:12; I Pet. 5:4; Re