Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 34 No. 2 - I AM the Witness - January 13, 1991


I AM the Witness


 When I first heard about the Ascended Masters in an organized form, it happened from three different sources at once, Church Universal and Triumphant and two ladies in my own country, who both claimed to receive messages from the Ascended Masters.

I bought books from all three sources and read them carefully. One of the ladies linked the Ascended Masters to UFOs and her writings had a distinct vibration of spiritual pride. The other lady used the Masters to say that if two people really loved each other, sex outside marriage was OK. Since I knew she had an affair with another man, it was easy to see the self-justification.

I had sufficient experience with New Age organizations to know that the human ego and spiritual progress are incompatible. I had enough problems with my own ego and the last thing I needed was to become a follower of someone else’s ego!

When I read the books from Church Universal and Triumphant, I immediately felt the difference in vibration. It was obvious that Mark and Elizabeth Prophet were Messengers, not editors, and that through them the Ascended Masters were talking to me in the most direct way possible in this world.

A couple of months after I had started using the decrees in a serious manner, I had the following experience. I had a special decree room with an altar and the pictures of the Presence, Saint Germain and Jesus. Saint Germain’s picture was very dear to me and I would often meditate on it. One evening I felt so uplifted and full of joy after my decree session that I didn’t feel like going to bed. I happened to look at Saint Germain’s picture and suddenly the entire room was filled with an intense white light.

The light vibrated and the vibrations looked like rings. These rings seemed to grow from behind me and gradually filled the room until the only thing I could see clearly was Saint Germain’s face on the picture. Then the rings closed in even more and I could only see the eyes.

In a flash the eyes of the picture disappeared and instead there appeared a pair of the most radiating eyes I have ever seen. They were filled with an expression of joy and the sense of humor that is so typical for Saint Germain in his dictations. I felt a beam of love for my soul shoot forth from the eyes and it was of an intensity way beyond anything I had ever experienced.

The vision itself lasted only a few seconds, but I was so filled with light that it took almost a half hour before I was able to go to bed. To this day I have no doubt that I looked directly into the eyes of the living Master and I know the meaning behind the expression “I shall pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

When I first entered the teachings I was extremely skeptical and evaluated everything I read very carefully. But I intuitively knew that the real test would be whether or not Mother was what she claims to be. And I felt this would be revealed to me as soon as I saw her in person.

The first time I saw her was in October of 1985 when she gave a lecture in Copenhagen. I was sitting in the first row and when she entered the stage, she paused for a moment to look over the audience before she began to speak. At that moment I felt my heart expand and in a split second, I saw Mother enveloped in a sphere of intense golden light. I instantly felt a great burden being lifted from me and I knew in my heart–at that point within that is beyond any doubt or interpretation by the outer self–that she is indeed a true Messenger and a true Guru.

During my work/study program at the ranch I happened to help decorate a new room for our group. I was looking through a stack of pictures and came across two pictures of Mother. One of them was ten years old, but the other one was recent. When I saw the two pictures side by side, it flashed in my mind that there was a tremendous difference in vibration. The old picture showed a mortal person, but the new one showed the embodied Christ!

I later remembered how Saint Germain in a dictation in 1985 described how Mother had gone through a direct confrontation with the forces of Death and Hell. He described this as the final initiation before a person has overcome the human and united with the Higher Self.

So, although the two pictures actually showed the same person, there was a tremendous difference in spiritual attainment. By God’s grace I was allowed to see this difference and it was a very startling experience. It greatly expanded my understanding of the teachings and gave me the most profound inspiration to come up higher on the path.

Since then I have often looked at Mother in person and have had numerous confirmations of my first observation. During live dictations I have had a couple of visions similar to my experience with Saint Germain’s picture. It is like the entire hall is filled with intense light, sometimes white, sometimes golden, and it focuses all attention directly on Mother’s face.

Looking into her eyes during a dictation gives me the feeling that I am looking directly into the eyes of the Master dictating. Thus I can honestly say that the light I see in Mother is the same light that was embodied by Jesus and all true saints through the ages. This is not something I believe, it is an inner knowing that is beyond doubt. It springs from that point in the heart where the outer conceptions of true and false have become obsolete.

This does not mean that I set Mother up as a god or that I compare her to Jesus. I simply see that she has followed the command to “let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”  Through her devotion and the diligence in her service, she has reached a point where she is able to embody in a mortal form the “Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”

Knowing Mother’s life story and knowing that she was not born as a unique being, but has worked her way to her present attainment, is the most profound comfort and inspiration I can imagine because it gives me the knowledge that I too can use the teachings of the Ascended Masters to win my personal victory. Not that I should copy Mother and live my life as she has done. I have my own personal path to follow and I must carve it out through trial and error just as Mother has done in her service.

Contemplating her example has made me realize the truth in the Master’s words, “What man has done, man can do,” and it has given my life the purpose and direction I have been searching for since my early childhood!

Looking at her and feeling the light she is radiating has also made me realize that El Morya is right when he says, “The trek upwards is worth the inconvenience,” because I would be willing to sacrifice anything of the outer world to attain the peace and love for God I sense in her.

Someone recently asked me what was the number one benefit I had experienced from the Ascended Masters’ teachings. The answer came to me instantly. But in order to explain it, I will have to give a little background information.

I grew up in a Protestant country with a state church which obviously has not been able to keep people’s religious interest alive. For most people in my country, religion is not a part of daily living, but is looked upon as a tradition which is tolerated as long as it doesn’t interfere with people’s lives. The majority of the population are very reluctant to talk about religious matters and “God” is almost a forbidden word.

In my early childhood I had a very clear feeling of having a Divine Presence with me always. I would spontaneously talk and pray to the Presence as to a good friend. When I reached my teenage years I had become so affected by the general attitude in my country that I had lost most of the contact with my “inner friend.”  I was in the peculiar situation of being a deeply religious person (for is a religious person not one for whom God is a living reality?) who was afraid to worship God through any outer activity!

The teachings I had received about Jesus had been instrumental in this. I knew God from my own inner experience, but I could see no link between this living reality and the picture of God and Jesus painted by the state church.

The idea that Jesus was the only son of God and that he was above and beyond all others never made sense to me. Instead it created a resentment in me. I could never understand why God would send Jesus into the world and say, “I send you my only son so that when you see his perfection, you will realize what terrible sinners you all are and how much you need to repent. But remember, no matter what you do, you can never become like him!”  Certainly the God I knew from within would never have done a thing like that.

I have no doubt that these very painful inner conflicts could have remained unresolved for a lifetime if it had not been for the Ascended Masters’ teachings. After having known and practiced the teachings for a few short years, the conflicts are gone and Jesus has taken on a new and meaningful place in my life.

I now realize that Jesus was not an exception but an example to follow. To me this is no degradation of Jesus or his mission. I honor Jesus as a unique being who set forth a magnificent example for us all that will always be the most profound inspiration imaginable. He truly is my Lord and Saviour.

To me his most important words were, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do....” This one sentence makes his message a personal inspiration for me by stating that I can walk the same path he walked and embody the same Light he embodied. This has made me realize the inner meaning of accepting Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Thus I can accept Jesus from a point of inner understanding rather than outer (blind) faith.

Another profound effect of the Ascended Masters’ teachings is the realization that Jesus did not die and vanish from the earth two thousand years ago as the church in my home country claims. He is very much alive today and more willing than ever to assist me on my path. This realization is not a matter of belief, but a result of direct experiences with the living Presence of Jesus. The most dramatic example is the following experience.

On the first day of the summer conference at the Royal Teton Ranch in July of 1989, I was sitting in the front row directly facing the big altar picture of Jesus. Mother was on stage giving a lecture and as I was looking at her I felt my heart expand and I very clearly experienced the intense light streaming forth from her Presence.

As I was taking in this light I realized that it was a universal light coming from a higher octave and that she did not produce it, but was the open door through which it was flowing. The thought came to me that it was the exact same light that was embodied by Jesus and I felt my attention being drawn towards his picture. Then the entire hall seemed filled with a light that was more white than white and all I could see was the face of the picture.

Suddenly the painted eyes disappeared and instead I felt I was looking directly into the eyes of the living Master himself. I was fully conscious and at first I began praying to Jesus to help me overcome problems in my outer situation as well as in my own psychology. I felt how a weight was gradually lifted from me and even my body seemed to be lighter.

Then my mind became more still and I felt Jesus was talking back to me, but not with words and to this day I am unable to put words on the experience. But I know I received directions, advice and comfort that was beyond what my outer mind could comprehend.

This communion lasted perhaps ten to fifteen minutes and I know that burdens were taken away from me and old habit patterns in my psychology disappeared and have not come back. But most important of all I felt the profound love of the Ascended Master Jesus Christ for my soul, and while I was enveloped in that love I remember feeling as if my entire being was centered in one point and from that point I cried out to Jesus, “Help me to love God as you love him!”

At that moment I felt a ray of light shooting forth from Jesus’ heart directly into my heart chakra and the last remnant of resentment towards God was melted away.

So the number-one benefit I have experienced from the Ascended Masters’ teachings is this:  the Masters have opened up my heart to God and have given me a childlike innocence in my relationship to God and Jesus Christ that is truly the greatest blessing I can imagine.