Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 33 No. 49 - I AM the Witness - December 16, 1990


I AM the Witness

 Christmas Eve is very special to me–not only for the birthday celebration of our beloved Jesus but also for the birth of another great soul on December twenty-four–Mark L. Prophet!

How did I come to know him?

It was in Washington, D.C., back in the years of World War II (1944-1945) that my husband and I were still searching for spiritual sustenance of a higher nature than we had found in the regular Christian churches.

He was very ill in a D.C. Veterans’ Hospital much of those years before he made his transition in December of 1945 at the early age of forty-seven.

Alone in the big city, without friends, working to support my family of two boys, seven and eleven years of age, I decided to look through a magazine of a national organization we belonged to and find some lady with whom I could converse on mutual topics of spiritual value.

Checking through the list of officers I liked the name Christel and decided to call her.

A lively little Aquarian, she became a very close friend to this Leo!  She told me of “this young man who was going to do wonders for the world.”  His name was Mark Prophet!

It was the beginning of my knowledge of blessed Mark. Christel told him about me when he came to see her in D.C. Of course I was working so could not meet him. Our first contact was through letters and small Webcor recordings.

From a child beloved Jesus had always seemed to be my guide but I was always eager to learn more. Many of my experiences were of a transcendental nature, but ministers I asked could not give me any knowledge I sought.

As a teacher I have always loved children but could never understand why one baby was born crippled while another was strong and healthy. Why should they come into the world so diverse in ability to cope with life?  The Christian church answer I received was, “It’s God’s will.”  Why would God have preferences as a loving father?  I wasn’t satisfied!

Through an unusual experience together, my husband and I began to realize the Bible in its pristine origin had been deprived of the key–reembodiment!

Mark Prophet not only had the answers but a great spiritual understanding of God’s Word. He also had the contact with the Ascended Masters. Now I could get the knowledge I was seeking!

After my husband’s transition in 1945, I moved to Oklahoma, where I worked as a music teacher and camp director at the Sand Springs Home near Tulsa. I later became supervisor of the home and was responsible for over 100 orphans.

During the fifties Mark guided many of us by the precious Ashram Notes–special rituals for developing our service to the Light!

Each Ashram was to have seven members if possible and serve as a prayer group. I liked to think of them all over the nation as little candles of God, dedicated as a beginning to enlighten the world as Christel had told me Mark was to do!

Mark sent messages to us with prayer directions to pray for various problems of the nation or individuals needing help. There was also the “Order of the Child” which he established and with my life dedicated to children I kept the pledge in my music studio and I still cherish being a member of the Order!

Up until this time we had not met personally–just many letters and small tape conversations.

Mark decided to make a nationwide tour that took him through Oklahoma. I arranged for a meeting in Tulsa at my friend’s home and for his stay at my cottage in Sand Springs.

Now it must be remembered that up to this time I had only seen a picture of Mark taken during his high school days.

One of the first questions he asked me was, “What do you think of me?”  It really was a similar question that Jesus asked his disciples, “Whom say ye that I am?”  Of course the final answer came from Peter, “Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God.”

After all the years of working with Mark and knowing his great spiritual devotion I should have sensed the deeper meaning of his question. I admit to the density of the human mind that blinds the spiritual!  I shall never forget his look of complete disappointment of my assessment of him when I answered, “I’m surprised you have some gray hair.”  Why, oh why, did my human take over when my soul knew he was the appointed Messenger of this age!

I say it now–“Mark, you are a special son of God!”

I remember his stature, his face with the long, firm chin, his eyes so direct and penetrating and the large, beautiful hands and their strong, friendly handshake.

At the Tulsa meeting I experienced his great enthusiasm for the Ascended Masters’ dictations that he had received. He not only played one but several and it was after midnight when he finished!  It was actually too much for the small group gathered that evening as they had never been introduced to the Ascended Masters before. However there was one who fully appreciated the dictations, my dear friend, Shirley, my only Ashram member!  We kept the vigil for that part of Oklahoma!

On a subsequent tour of the country he brought Elizabeth and baby Sean to Sand Springs where I lived. I had looked forward to the visit with great anticipation!  It was in 1964 during one of those typically hot Oklahoma summer days!  My morning was spent preparing a spotless house and making it as cool as possible.

My refrigerator was stocked with vegetables for a salad, and the very best steaks I could purchase, with milk for baby Sean!  (We had not yet changed our diets for better physical and spiritual attainment.) Shortly past mid-afternoon they arrived with Thomas. I became so absorbed in conversation with Mark that I even forgot to offer the accommodations of a restroom or anything to eat!  Mark never wanted for something to talk about!

Finally it grew late and he mentioned that they were getting hungry and where could they find a place to eat!  They had to be on their way!  Alas!  There was no time to prepare a meal so I took them to a cafeteria near by. It was as though their presence made me forget the mundane needs of the hour in preference to all the pleasure of a spiritual rapport!  Beloved Elizabeth with little Sean in her arms sat quietly while Mark did most of the talking, but my love for her was immediate and has continued throughout the years in sincerity and devotion.

One time after I sent a reel to Mark he phoned me and said something that pleased me no end. “We’re going to be working together later on, Ruth.”

In October 1964 there was a conference in Washington, D.C. It was held in a hotel near a railroad station. Possibly 25 or 30 attended. This was the first one I ever attended. Christel and I had planned to have dinner together when I arrived the day before the conference. When I reached D.C., Mark explained that she had been taken ill. She had refused to go to the hospital as he had advised her to do and had flown to Georgia to be with her daughter.

Late that night he called me and I went down from my hotel room to see him in his car and learned she had passed on and that she was in the Hall of Luxor with Serapis Bey. She did not make her ascension but reembodied to continue her mission into the New Age.

While at the conference I told Mark of my husband’s appearing to me after his transition. Mark questioned me. “How do you know it was Matt?”  “Well, I thought to myself, I guess I would know my own husband.”  But, I didn’t say anything. I’m sure Mark read my mind which he was very capable of doing. He then gave me a warning. “Be careful, Ruth, as the astral beings can imitate our relatives and friends and appear as the real person but it’s dangerous because you can get caught in the astral. So be careful!”

This advice was to hold me in good stead later on when I had an experience that made me glad that I remembered what he had said. One night it seemed that I was on the “other side” talking with my husband in a beautiful green meadow. He put his arms around me and said, “I want you to stay with me on this side.”  “Oh no! I can’t!  Remember I have the boys and I have to go back and I can’t stay.”  Then he pulled me toward him and I began to struggle to free myself and then I looked into his face!  Mark’s words came back to me to beware!  What was I looking into?  Not my husband’s face but a skull. I recognized it was an entity pulling me into the astral plane!  I fought and fought!  Finally when I came to, my heart was beating very fast and I feel sure, if I had not resisted, my children would have found me dead in the morning and the doctor would have pronounced the diagnosis as heart failure! 

I can never thank Mark enough for his warning!

In November of 1965 I phoned Mark and Elizabeth to tell them that I was retiring as supervisor of the Sand Springs Home after twenty years service with children. I asked them if they wanted me to join them in the east or wait and join them in Colorado Springs. We decided it would be best to go to Colorado Springs.

On January 2, 1966, I drove into the Springs and contacted Elizabeth, who had already arrived. I met her for breakfast at the Broadmoor Hotel. La Tourelle, our new headquarters, was not yet available to us and we stayed at a house next door on Beech Street, the former residence of President Chester A. Arthur. After the meal we went to look at the house. Not realizing it was a short distance from the hotel I recall that we got a taxi and were surprised it was such a short ride as it was only a short block.

The Beech Street house was completely empty so Elizabeth contacted a motel owner who graciously brought us a table, chairs, refrigerator, cots and bedding. Fortunately I had “Betsy Nash,” my faithful automobile of many years, so we were able to go about town.

I purchased some dishes and silverware at Woolworth’s so we could at least eat our breakfast at the house. The noon meal of the day we ate at different restaurants. At that time we were not vegetarians and I noticed an ad at one place “Prime Rib.”  I thought it would be very nice to treat Elizabeth and so we went in. Strangely there were no ladies there and I noticed that the men stared at us!  Later I found out it was one of “those places” on Nevada strip as Mark called it where ladies don’t go!  My apology to dear Mother!

Margaret joined us a day or so after I arrived. It was some days before Mark, baby Sean, Alexander, Anita, Thomas and the others came.

By that time the owner’s secretary had left so we could have access to La Tourelle, the lovely mansion with the “Little Tower.”  It was empty of course and one night Mark took me over to show me through the house. While we were on the second floor at the top of the circular staircase Mark said, “Do you know who is with us?”  and I said, “No.”  “El Morya is standing with us!”  Oh! Was that a surprise!  I couldn’t see him with my eyes but the vibrations of his presence were very evident. The place was so large we both agreed that we’d never be able to fill it!  But in a few months we were bulging at the seams.

I might say this about Mark in relation to the staff. His discipline was kind but strict. We had to carry a notebook at all times for any instructions he might give us as he passed through our department or in the halls. This was so he wouldn’t have to repeat an assignment. We were to take immediate action on the tasks he gave us and not put them off!

Mark expressed to me that he was under great pressure to train a strong staff that beloved Elizabeth could depend on before his transition, which he knew was not very far away.

One night I had an experience with the astral forces that was quite convincing!  I awoke–I mean fully awake–and found myself paralyzed with vibrations of a mechanical nature rippling through my body from toes to head. I felt as though they would cause me to actually disintegrate! I could also hear the astral machines producing the terrible effect. I realized then and there something of what Mark and Elizabeth had been experiencing. I struggled to turn on the light but I couldn’t move. I tried to call aloud to Jesus but I couldn’t speak. And then I mentally called over and over, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, come and help me,” and finally I was able to reach the bedside lamp. Once it was on, the spell was broken.

I told Mark about it the next morning. How he laughed that great big beautiful laugh and said I was beginning to learn about the astral plane!

Mark always brought all of the problems into the staff meetings. I recall one time when two of the ladies had had an altercation in the kitchen. He brought it right out into the open and asked, “Phoebe, why aren’t you speaking to Lola?”  Phoebe said, “If I don’t talk I won’t get into trouble.”  Mark replied, “There must be harmony in the kitchen!”  He explained how important it is to have the right vibrations around the food we eat.

At another staff meeting he was commending each one of us for the improvements we were making. He would take one at a time to illustrate–possibly this one was making progress in not criticizing, etc. He was always admonishing “no CCJ,” (criticism, condemnation and judgment). He said these were the very tools of destruction for many a church or family.

Another one he commended for better work organization, etc. Then he came to his secretary. Evidently she hadn’t figured she had any room for improvement, so she bristled at his remark to her and rose from her seat accompanied by her sister. They proceeded to the library door to leave the meeting!  Indignation was very evident in their attitude.

I shall never forget his firm command, “You come back here and sit down!”  There was something in his voice when he said it that they decided to return to their seats. Then we received quite a lesson on ego, pride, resentment and those characteristics that keep us from spiritual development and should not be tolerated in ourselves as staff members or chelas of the Masters!

Alex and I served in the mail room which was directly under Mark’s office. I had charge of the Pearls of Wisdom in a shoe box and Alexander had charge of the Keeper’s lessons. Sometimes we would get to talking and often we would have a good laugh together. There was something about Alexander that would always set me off into gales of laughter.

One day he was telling me about getting a speeding ticket. We laughed and laughed and finally he said, “Don’t tell Mark, will you?”  About that time Mark came down the stairs and asked me, “What are you laughing about, Ruth?”  “Well, I can’t tell you. Alexander told me not to tell.”  “Alexander!!” in a firm tone. So Alexander told him about the ticket. “Well now, I don’t think that’s any laughing matter,” was Mark’s quick evaluation.

He had been trying to take a dictation of a “Pearl” or Keepers’ lesson in his office. Attuned as he was to the Masters, you can see how in our ignorance the laughter was responsible for interfering with his concentration on taking the message.

There were nights in the kitchen with the “boys” when Mark and they would have long talks after decrees and often ended in wrestling bouts for fun. He thought of us as his family and was like a father to all of us!

The first year at La Tourelle I became ill with an unusual sore throat. I had checked with a specialist and taken medicine but I grew worse and worse. Finally I was bedridden and couldn’t work in the mail room. Mark came by to see me and did some powerful fiats. Would you believe it, but within the hour I was completely well and was working again!  He told me the negative forces had intended to take me out as they didn’t want me there to help!  You fooled them that time didn’t you, Mark!

While I was at the 1964 conference in Washington, Mark and I were discussing reincarnation, or reembodiment, and I told him that my husband could go over his embodiments like a moving picture and how he had been a priest in China. I said, “I don’t think I’ve ever been in China.”  “Oh yes you have,” Mark answered. “You were a teacher of writing there.”  He never told anyone about a past embodiment unless the Master allowed it. He felt it would help me to understand myself in this incarnation so he told me.

It correlated well with my aspirations in the seventh grade to become a penmanship teacher. I had won a button for handwriting by copying the whole Palmer Method book and was also awarded a teacher’s certificate for perfection at that time, had I been old enough to teach.

Later in life I had also taken a course in grapho-analysis so I did have a carryover of that Chinese embodiment. One day when I was eating dinner with Mark and Elizabeth, they both pointed to me and said at the same time, “She was a Quaker!”  (As you know, Quakers often worship in silence without a minister or spoken prayer.)  That explained why at the first conference I had absented myself from every decree session possible because I didn’t like the speaking aloud. So I arranged to visit the art museum, the wax museum, anything to avoid the decree sessions! 

Elizabeth asked me how I liked the conference. “Oh, I like the dictations. I really don’t care for the decrees.”  She said, “Remember, Ruth, it wasn’t until God spoke the Word that anything happened in creation.”  That made sense as I thought it over. The spoken Word must be very important. I can always thank Elizabeth for those words of wisdom as in my mind I had been thinking, “I wish they’d keep still so I can meditate to create the good!”

I recall a night before a performance of “A Visit to Grandfather’s Farm” which I was supervising for the Montessori School which beloved Elizabeth was sponsoring for better education of children at La Tourelle. One of the young men was in charge of making the scenery, which consisted of a Swiss-type house and a railroad station.  The farm house was finished except for putting tulips in the flower box but the station was not complete. It became evident the young man had suddenly taken off from the grounds without telling anyone as he was quite new to the teachings and he had had many pulls from acquaintances in town. Actually he was off to make a decision as to whether he wanted to stay or not.

I’ll never forget Mark’s fatherly concern for him and his relief when he returned and had come to a decision to stay. The project was finished and I might say the same young man is still with us, a real devotee of the Ascended Masters.

Mark was a stickler for detail so before one conference I wrote down all the questions and the answers I thought he would ask me concerning the mail department. Evidently my mind didn’t run in the same channels as Mark’s and the question he asked I couldn’t answer and so I said, “I don’t know.”  He seemed slightly irritated at the fact I didn’t have the figures available and he let me have it right then and there!  “Ruth, you never know anything!”  I’m sure that some would have thought, “He can’t talk to me that way in front of all these people. I won’t stand for it!  I’ll just show him. I’ll leave!”  However, I knew better!!  He always gave the admonishment when it was needed and when it would do the most good and sometimes I felt he deliberately did it to see what reaction he would get!

In my way of thinking he was the appointed Messenger and so I gave him the credit for knowing what he was doing, so to myself I said, “You’d better accept it as it may take care of a lot of karma you made in another incarnation–doing the same thing to someone else”–so I held absolutely no resentment.  Later he told me, “Ruth, I hate to chastise you because you always take it so well.” 

There was a lady in our art department who was getting a divorce from her husband and already had a man in mind to marry. Mark and Elizabeth had counseled with her and told her that if she married this man it would bring her great unhappiness. They asked her to wait on her decision until they returned from a trip abroad. She promised them and also made a vow to Saint Germain to hold off any marriage until their return. One day she came to the mail room waving some papers high above her head. “I have it, I have it!  I have my divorce!”  Shortly after, she married the man!  She had broken her promise to Mark and Elizabeth and her vow to Saint Germain. Interestingly they had in view her twin flame for marriage!  I might say here that when the Messengers gave a warning, as they did, it should have been heeded. Later on we found she was not even allowed to leave her home by a cruel husband and was practically a slave. Once she did manage to get to the center for a wedding of a friend. I remember when she came into the front hall how she threw herself weeping into my arms. That was the last time I saw her. She was learning a bitter lesson.

One day while going over some music in the sanctuary on the organ I sensed a beautiful soprano voice singing along toward the end of the piece that I was playing. When the last note was finished the voice continued to hold the tone somewhat longer and I looked around. No lady was in the room so I quickly went to the front hall, to the patio, to the library and then around the house to see who had been near the sanctuary. I accounted for all the ladies but none had been near.

When I returned to the sanctuary I noticed the recorder was on, so I found Al to turn it back so I could hear the music. Yes, the lovely voice was on the tape!  I hurried to Mark and Elizabeth and they came and listened. Mark verified that it was an angel singing and explained how the voice manifested in this plane. I do wish we had had his explanation on tape as it has slipped my memory.

One lady from Kansas asked Mark about automatic writing. She was very interested in it and wanted to try some. Mark warned her of its dangers and advised her not to do it. She did not heed him and although she seemed a very stable sort of person, she began to express a complete change from her usual self. In writing to the church her letters began to show that she was under the influence of some evil entity. They contained swear words and obscene language–no sense at all!  Eventually we heard from her pleading for help in a mental institution. Mark had warned her!  Sadly she did not heed him.

Over the years I have seen the wisdom of following the admonishments of the Messengers even to their advice to staff members when they felt a physical operation was necessary. I recall one lady doctor on the staff who found she had breast cancer. Beloved Elizabeth suggested she have an operation but she believed she could take care of it by her own decrees and prayers.

Not all of us are at that high state of spirituality where we can take care of such problems without some physical medical help. Therefore the dear lady died and I strongly feel that she might be here today had she heeded Elizabeth’s advice.

Over and over again I have seen that when the Messengers advise us it is best to heed their words. Those who have been told to have an operation, for example, and did are still with us!  Those who thought they could do without one have passed on!

Mark had a wonderful sense of humor. He enjoyed telling stories for some point he was trying to make. One of his favorites was about the rabbi, the priest and the Christian Scientist who died and went to hell. After they arrived they questioned each other as to the problem that had brought them to their destination. It seemed the rabbi had eaten some ham, the priest had eaten meat on Friday. All this he told with much elaboration. When it came to asking the Christian Scientist why he was there, his reply was, “I’m not here!” 

One thing Mark stressed with us was not to idolize him or Elizabeth. “As soon as you idolize us you will find some human trait that will knock us off the pedestal!”  Numbers of times he emphasized this.

Then came the sad day when Ruth tearfully told me that Mark had been taken to the hospital that very morning. It was his time for transition. He had prepared me for it and I realized that our beloved Elizabeth would be taking over the complete work of the Ascended Masters here on earth. He had put every effort into developing a dedicated staff for her support. His work on this plane was finished but his service to us was not and it continues from the higher realms to this very day.

I shall never forget beloved Elizabeth as she carried out the memorial service for him with such love and dignity. After the final service and cremation at the Chapel of Rest on Fountain Drive, I went back to the mail room that evening to sort out the mail and I thought, “Shall I put Mark’s mail in Elizabeth’s box?”  However I decided to put it in his box as usual. It had been his habit to check the mail daily and often he would reach into the middle of a stack and pull out a letter which had a problem such as a missing “Pearl” or Keepers’ lesson. Immediately it had to be traced for any error on the part of the mail room staff.

On this particular night as I was putting the mail in his box I sensed a strong fragrance of musk perfume that Mark sometimes used. It was so very powerful that I motioned to Peter on the other side of the room to join me. “Do you smell what I do, Peter?”  I asked. He shook his head, “Yes!” I said, “Mark is here!”  We held out our hands as the vibrations were so intense. Gradually six or seven staff members just happened to come into the room. They all stood with outstretched hands bathed in his presence. Then the fragrance moved and they followed him all through the house.

Mark was always so appreciative of music. I can hear his booming voice singing “How Great Thou Art.”  One day as he was passing through the sanctuary I was practicing on the organ. He stopped and with such tenderness told me, “Ruth, I always love to hear you play.”  It filled me with such joy that after his passing I promised, “I am going to play the organ for you on Christmas Eve” (which is his birthday).

It happened that there was no service that night and I suddenly became aware of my promise. I was living at the Cheyenne Motel at the time because my room at the center had been taken for an office. “What shall I do?”  I thought of going back to the church and then I remembered some organ music I had recorded on tape. I played it and sat back in my rocking chair and sensed Mark’s presence as I said, “This organ music is for you, Mark.” 

It was well-known that Mark was a master of the weather. My latest evidence of Mark’s assistance was during a severe storm. I was at the Safeway Store and it was just pouring rain in windy sheets. People had been waiting and waiting to get to their cars so I asked him for a “let up.”  It happened immediately so I could get to the car but when I arrived at La Tourelle with my pile of groceries, it was still pouring!  Once more I made my request for a clear path and he obliged. He had a wonderful affinity with the elementals so that again I had passage to the house without getting wet!

One of the greatest gifts to beginners on the path is the cassette series of lectures by Mark on Cosmic Law. They are so homey, down-to-earth and they explain so clearly the Law. They are also a good introduction to Mark as a person. I often think how wonderful it will be when those of us who knew him so well have to make our own transition, that we will meet him in the heavenly realm with those who have ascended from our midst and the Ascended Masters for that great reunion. What a glorious day to look forward to when we can experience our ascension in the Light!

I have served with beloved Mark and Mother for twenty-five years–the most satisfying and enlightening of my life. I witness to the fact that they are the true Messengers of the age, endowed with the Holy Spirit, refusing all idolatry of themselves–insisting we read, study and use the teachings as our guide.

I personally know of Mark’s fervor to create a well-trained spiritual staff for Mother’s service as a Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood before he made his transition.

Since Mark’s transition Mother has maintained a life of constancy to God’s word in the Bible and obedience to the Ascended Masters’ dictations for our spiritual understanding and self-discipline to overcome our negative karma and strive for the ultimate goal, the ascension. Such vast knowledge she feeds her “flock” makes me ask for more time to keep up with the acceleration of the teachings she releases.

“Read, study and apply the teachings” was Mark’s constant advice.

Grateful, grateful, grateful, am I for their love and devotion to mankind and the Ascended Masters. I have been so blessed to know them both and their sincere efforts for our spiritual progress.

To return to December 24, 1990, Happy Birthday, Mark!

                        Your loving chela,