Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 33 No. 48 - I AM the Witness - December 9, 1990


I AM the Witness

Dear Chelas on the Path of the Ascension,

It is with joy and fervor in my heart that I shall tell you the true story of my mother and her glorious day of overcoming. For what I have to recount is truly likened unto the miracle of the Divine Mother and her appearing in this age.

My mother was born with several holes in her heart and doctors told her parents that she would not reach the age of twenty-one and would certainly never have children. Well...what did they know anyway?  Not only did she produce three children and live to see her fifty-ninth birthday, but also she received from God the impartation of a Mighty Will and inner fortitude whereby she defied her physical condition throughout her life.

Upon doctors’ instruction she was forbidden to run and play as other children, to avoid placing undue strain on her heart. There was always the risk that she might go into heart failure. Instead she directed her attention to higher pursuits, namely a rigorous study of classical piano (which would eventually culminate in her attaining the Diploma of Music) and dedication to the Catholic faith. From the age of six she displayed an extraordinary devotion to Mother Mary and the Rosary. While her sisters played with dolls, she could be found kneeling by her bedside, quietly saying the Rosary.

At age eight, she received a visitation from Our Lady, who expressed her happiness and approval with her daily offerings to the Lord. She also impressed upon my mother’s soul the importance of daily recitation of the Rosary for World Peace. She appeared at the foot of her bed, smiling with a garland of pink roses around her head. As a teenager whilst she practiced the piano for hours each day, her younger sister would often hear her playing halt, and silence would pervade from the music room. Sometimes she would sneak up to the door, place her eye to the keyhole and to her surprise there my mother would be, with her Rosary beads, giving the Rosary.

After finding the teachings of the Ascended Masters in 1985, she experienced a gradual decline in her health with signs of weakness more evident. She suffered recurring fluid retention (mainly in her ankles) due to her heart condition, which in turn weakened her kidney function. But her faith and devotion to the Rosary was unremitting as she battled a frail body. One of her favorite sayings was “With God all things are possible.”

With her prayers she was as dependable as the sunrise. She would say, “My I AM Presence wakes me up each morning.”  As a child I have vivid recollections of times when I would be experiencing difficulties and I would ask her to include the matter in her novenas to Our Lady. Always the answer would be forthcoming.

In the summer of 1989, we attended Summit University, Lanto’s Quarter. During the twelve months prior to that time, my mother had been saying fourteen rosaries every day (the Child’s Rosary to Mother Mary) and without fail I might add!

But it was not until Christmas Day of 1989 that my mother began to suffer a serious relapse.

I returned home shortly after New Years and was shocked to see her. Her face was puffy and swollen, and from the hips downward her legs had blown up with fluid. We tried every natural remedy available to reduce her chronic dropsy–herbal teas, reflexology, acupuncture, massage, mineral supplements–en a visit to the osteopath. She was bedridden most of the time, ate very little and required constant care. Fortunately we were able to procure some fresh raw goat’s milk, which she practically lived on, and she said, “It is the only food I am able to enjoy.”  She also took great delight in our African violets which had burst into bloom.

Eventually she showed little sign of recovery and was too debilitated to even decree. She told me that one day she had almost drifted asleep while saying her “Michaels” and that she had heard Satan laughing at her.

She would walk half a dozen paces and be trembling and breathless. Although she was terrified about going into a hospital because she was highly allergic to drugs, finally we had no alternative. She suffered too much discomfort and distress.

My mother lasted three days in the hospital and passed away at 5:30 a.m. on the third morning, in her sleep, February 21, 1990.

However, greater things were in store for us all. I shall never forget the precious morning of her passing. I called to Mother Mary, said four rosaries consecrating her Victory and asked to be given a sign as to whether she had made the transition safely.

Shortly after 10:00 a.m., I walked out onto my balcony, looked up and, behold, directly above the hospital, high in the etheric formed out of strato-cirrus clouds, was my mother’s face. It was as though the heavens themselves had opened, such was the light released that morning.

The air was serene and crystal clear with white clouds resembling angel wings. There she was, suspended for all to see, perfectly etched out in ecstasy with an aura of radiance around her head. As though she had just awakened, the left side of her hair appeared flat where her head had been lying against the pillow. She looked very much as she did in her early twenties, pure and transfigured in her seamless wedding garment. I knew that I would never again speak with her in mortal tones, but to see her veiled in exquisite glory truly brought me to tears. ‘Twas such a moving experience.

She remained there for some twenty minutes while I ran for my camera. I managed to take a photograph...don’t ask me how, as I fumbled and fidgeted with the contraption.

And then, before my very eyes, another face began to emerge from the clouds. This time the face of a man whom I had never seen before, slightly above and to her right side. He was young, yet ancient and of noble countenance, wearing a more impersonal expression, neither smile nor frown.

It was her twin flame and he held his fingers above her head in a “V” for Victory. Then the breeze picked up with a whisper of a whistle and the whole cloud formation moved towards me. His face enlarged and became clearer until he was almost directly above me. My own mother’s face began to fade and in a commanding gesture he looked down upon me. He gazed deeply into my eyes, yet into my soul for several minutes. Then his image was swept back into the clouds. In that moment I knew that my mother was free in the Light of her Presence.

Several days later I picked up a Pearl of Wisdom I had just received. It was a dictation by beloved Jesus delivered through the Messenger, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Christmas Day 1989. The words seemed to leap at me from the page.


      Behold the Ascended Master Moses, whom you have called God Ling. Behold him in your midst this day, for he was once your deliverer and your saviour....

      Thus, going to the mountain, looking on the other side and seeing the Promised Land but not entering in, this was the fate of Moses. I say to you, beloved, you stand on the mountain and you look beyond. And somehow in the mists of the sky and the moment of dawn or dusk you see into the etheric octave, you see the Promised Land....

   It is true, no man knoweth his own measure, and it is well. For the suffering servant, the humble servant and the burden-bearer, surely does awake in the glory of the garments of the Son of God....

Praise be to God the Father, I AM THAT I AM, and to his Word Eternal.

For to you dear Mother, I AM the Witness.

Yours sincerely,