Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 33 No. 32 - I AM the Witness - August 19, 1990


I AM the Witness

Dear Mother,

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful comfort that you gave my family when my father passed on recently. It was a very sudden and sad occasion for us as we are a close family, but I wanted to tell you about the comforting presence that we all felt and the support of the entire community.

The Sunday service was particularly moving for me. It was three days after my father had passed on and we had planned the funeral for the afternoon, but we attended the Sunday morning service in the chapel and Jesus dictated. After the dictation communion was served and you sat in the chair beside Jesus’ picture on the altar and watched the congregation as they received communion.

I came forward with my family to take communion directly in front of you, and I experienced the great love and compassion of Jesus ministering very personally and lovingly to each one. I watched your face and eyes and could see the great, great love and tenderness that Jesus showed through you. It is hard to describe such tenderness and it brings tears to my eyes to even think of it now. When it came to my turn, I was not able to look into your eyes as I was afraid that my heart would burst and I would weep openly. I truly felt the great tenderness of the heart of Jesus in that experience and his love for each one personally as I saw it in your face that day and I shall not forget it. I really feel that the miracle of the change of heart is the greatest miracle there is, for truly that day I did experience the love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We had our own candlelight service at the funeral home after the Sunday service and it was the most joyous funeral I have ever been to. We reminisced, laughed, and remembered the good times. We spoke of my father and could feel his presence there and we know he loved it too, amongst all his friends. We could also feel your presence at the service, Mother. The lady who worked at the funeral home joined the service with us and said how much she was moved by it and how much she had enjoyed it also.

Finally I wanted to share that although my father’s health did not permit him to go to services he faithfully decreed at home for hours at a time. Not many months before he passed on he had a wonderful experience. It was a very busy time and my mother was not able to decree as much as usual and it bothered her and she mentioned it to him. Dad said, “Don’t worry, love, I’ll decree for both of us.”  Having said the words he saw a big white angel come and sit where my mother usually sat to do her decrees. He described the angel as having very big wings, white and majestic, and looking quite serious. The angel had his own decree book open and he sat with my father and gave decrees with him. I think he saw him for some weeks because he would say to my mother from time to time, “Your angel is still there.”

The night before he passed on he walked about the house telling the family members how much he loved and appreciated them and telling my mother how much he loved her and what a wonderful wife she had been. A few days earlier he had knelt before the picture of the Virgin Mary which is in our home, which was a very difficult thing for him as he could barely bend his knees or hips because of severe arthritis. He had told me many years ago that there was something that he had to do at the end of his life and that when the time came he would know what to do. I feel in my heart that kneeling before the Divine Mother was that final act, and your message to us after he passed on confirmed that for me.

I also wanted to share with you the following experience which occurred to me recently, when I was present at the occasion of the wedding of two members of your staff. It was a very happy time of course, entirely different to that of conferences or dictations–a very joyous family affair. The groomsmen looked wonderful, the bridesmaids were lovely, the families of the couple had come long distances from out of state and we were all waiting expectantly for the arrival of the bride, who was a little late as brides are wont to be.

You arrived with Edward and joined the gathering, talking and smiling and laughing with the family, making them feel at home, just generally being part of the crowd. All eyes were of course on the bride as soon as she arrived and she indeed looked a picture, radiant and white. The bridesmaids gathered around, fixing the veil to look “just right.”  I saw you take a few steps in my direction to take something from your purse and I happened to catch the look in your eyes as you glanced up and I was astounded to see that your eyes were no longer mortal eyes but the eyes of a divine being. They were a brilliant blue-green color unlike anything that I had seen before and not as your eyes usually look. They seemed to light up the whole room, being quite luminous and beautiful, full of light, compassion and love. I looked into them and felt as though I could look into eternity and remember thinking that this must be the way the eyes look in the ascended state, this is what painters try to portray yet I cannot even now describe them adequately.

It lasted only a short while. You took a little comb from your purse, turned and in a very motherly gesture, went over to the bride and proceeded to brush back a few stray wisps of hair as the other attendants made their finishing touches. The mother of the bride was there also, very happy and excited, taking a few final photographs before the wedding was to begin and ensuring that everything was just so. It was a touching family scene.

I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed those eyes but if they had, there was no indication of it. It occurred to me that I had seen a glimpse of the eyes of the Divine Mother, who rejoices with us at our soul’s union with the Blessed Holy Christ Self and who cares for us in a most tender and personal way, through both human and unseen angel hands. I must say that those eyes, although they radiated tremendous power and inspired devotion and reverence, were not alarming and did not leave one feeling unworthy or in awe. Instead they were familiar and comforting. I was left with the definite impression that this was something that we were all intended to become and that it was not that far from us. I have seen your eyes before but this was the first time in this life that I had seen those eyes shining through.

The next few days I thought about this experience, very personal and very profound, and realized that “yet in my flesh” did I see God in manifestation in his messenger and I wanted to bear witness to this fact.

The Divine Mother is coming to Summit University this Fall and the world has waited a long time for her coming. I wish that the world could see her Eyes as I saw her Eyes that day, for having seen them they would cease their wandering, embrace the homeward path and return to her waiting Heart.

Thank you for embracing the Path of the Ascended Masters so that the Children of the Divine Mother, who are just like me, can find their way home.