Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 33 No. 25 - Beloved Theosophia, the Goddess of Wisdom - July 1, 1990


“A New Heaven and a New Earth”
Signs of the Soul’s Longing for Christ
The Living Flame of Love Would Have You unto Itself


Have you heard the song of the soul in this octave, how God has caressed those who have come to bring even the message of the arcing of the soul’s longing unto the heart of God?  Have you heard your own soul’s longing, singing unto her Lord as you have heard this one sing?  <1>

Indeed you have, beloved. And each one of us in our own time and space has come to the place where God has allowed us to experience an aloneness. And this aloneness is made plain even by the heart that yearns for only one company, her Lord. And though she may seek company with many and in many places, yet the soul is not satisfied and longs for that one who is the Christ. For only the Christ can bring to one the twin flame and the consummate union, ultimately, in the white fire body.

Therefore, beloved, I come to you, the Almighty having called me to bear the office and mantle of Goddess of Wisdom. And I come to show you signs of the soul’s longing for her Christ that are not always self-evident. It may be in the sickness of the mind or the body. It may be in a state of mourning or depression. It may be in a sense of some sadness that something is missing in one’s life and all too often one may think it is human companionship. But in reality this sadness and this longing is so loud that it tells one that one has already discovered in many lifetimes that human companionship at its best still leaves something wanting.

There are those who cover this longing with addictions that allow escape–alcohol or drugs or endless noise or endless preoccupations. There are all manner of byways that the soul may take, even entering a roller coaster that goes only down and not up again.

There are peoples all over the world today who long for this union of Love with Christ, yet they know not how to break the bread of Life. They do not understand the Word or the Work of the Lord. And in many, many cases, even if they did understand, they would not be prepared for a path of sacrifice. They would not be prepared to be called by Jesus or Maitreya to undergo the rigors of undoing the old self, peeling away the layers of snakeskins and finally arriving at the place where one may put on the wedding garment, the bridal veil, one may be received by her Lord.

To this end Jesus inspired upon the Messenger to teach the way of Saint John of the Cross in the living flame of Love <2> to show that all saints have gone through the trial and the testing of feeling worthless, feeling rejected by that Lord and by that Christ but often imagining that that rejection or injustice or put-down has come from this or that person.

But, beloved, when you bring yourself nearer and nearer to the living flame of Love, that Flame, because it is Love, because it is the Holy Spirit, because it is the intense fire of a ruby itself, must show you those things which must needs be corrected, transmuted, refined, balanced, resolved ere you may enter in. You can think of the living flame of Love as the doorkeeper who loves you so much that the Flame itself will not allow the door to be opened until you are fully prepared, thus sparing you the rejection by the Lord Christ.

The living flame of Love will lick away at your wounds. And if you enter into the Flame and into the wounds, you will know the Refiner’s fire, <3> you will know the sting from which the little child cries out when knees are scraped and must be dressed. Thus, beloved, [as] you comfort the child, [so] the living flame of Love does comfort you.

Instead of wallowing in your sense of absence of self-worth or citing the neglect by God or the neglect by El Morya or the neglect by the Messenger of your lifestream, rather understand that this aloneness goes far beyond anything in the immediate interchanges of day-to-day life. It is, as you would call it, a syndrome and [one] symptomatic of the very necessary malaise that precedes the quickening, the awakening and the path to the resurrection.

We have brought to this conference many statements and teachings that, when put together and assimilated, can solve many a seeming impasse in your own soul. The soul that would fly must oftentimes learn to crawl and walk, and walk the karmic path.

I come to bring you the wisdom of God and the promise that is always kept that you can fulfill all things in Christ. <4>  And the day of your passing through the fiery trial need not be long, perhaps only a few hours or, out of the reckoning of time, as a bad dream [that] may seem eternal but take only seconds. [But] it [requires] the preparedness of the heart, the cast of the mind and a will and a willingness to have a heart for anything that you are called upon to do, having as a foundation and knowing that this Light, which is God, is Love and [that] this Love is truly Love and will deal with you lovingly in all things.

If you have sent forth anti-Love, you might be required to feel the sting of anti-Love before it pass into the Flame, else how can you have the lesson?  Can you not wager that those things you experience when you have a sense of injustice toward someone may be [given to you] that you might learn to develop a sensitivity toward life where you yourself have been insensitive?

If you would be sensitive to the flame of Love and to the Christ, you must also be sensitive to every part of life and lesser creature. You must be able to enter the heart of the bird, the deer, all creatures and the brethren and sisters.

The living flame of Love would have you unto itself. But, beloved, most do not desire it without some period, not measured by time, in that state of aloneness until they come to the day of knowing that nothing in the whole wide Matter cosmos will suffice to remove this pain of soul aloneness.

When all other things in your life that are not going right come into focus as that particular problem of the soul, then, beloved, you cry out and the Christ does enter, and you transcend the sense of a material universe. You walk in spiritual octaves while fulfilling every requirement of your embodiment in the physical [octave]. You have new strength, new fire, new determination. This world holds nothing for you and yet you are ready to endow this very world with all of the God of Love and to reach out to those who have not come to this point of realization.

And now you become a Mother even as you are Father, Son and Holy Spirit in some aspect of being. And you learn exactly what to feed the little birds that have not yet flown. You learn what to give them, what not to give them, what they can assimilate, what they can take in, what makes them sing.

Yes, beloved, you begin to be so concerned [that you will] be able to give to everyone whom you meet exactly the alchemical formula that is taken always from the flame of Love, that this is now what consumes you–not your aloneness, for you are becoming “all one” in God, but concern for others’ aloneness, others’ ignorance, others’ insensitivity to what are the exigencies of the hour, to what a lifestream must accomplish in a given span to move on in the grand and noble coursings of this cosmos.

Yes, I did sit at the feet of Jesus as Mary [of Bethany]. <5> And in my soul and in my Christ Flame I took in and recorded, as on thread of gold, those words, those sayings, those mysteries.

There came a time when Jesus took the inner circle of holy women and disciples into another octave, even out of the body, and did show us how the entire Matter universe is as a scroll–[how] it is [as] a compartment of time and space [unrolled] and a relationship of stars and bodies and planets and individuals who must have and do require some physical existence and experience and a passage through a place such as earth.

[The Master] showed us that all of this is thus created for souls not yet fulfilled in Christ, not yet wed, not [yet] inseparably bound to him. And he did also show us how this Matter universe, when no longer needed, is rolled up as a scroll <6> and put to the torch and is no more. You might say that he showed us that the Matter universe in its entirety is but a reference point for the soul in the state of becoming who has not yet the gossamer veil and the web of Light and the Deathless Solar Body to penetrate the Spirit cosmos.

It was then that I had impressed upon my being the nonpermanence, the nonpermanence and hence the nonreality, of matter in one sense of the word. For unto those who have transcended it, it is as a dreamworld. But to those who are locked into its spirals by karma, it is concrete and very real. Yet as soon as you mount the stars to another octave, to the etheric plane, and wear the garment of that octave, this world does appear as a dream.

Thus in my final incarnation <7> when I took the dictation from Jesus and Mother Mary and the Ascended Master Hilarion (who had been the apostle Paul) to write down these truths, I so inscribed Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other writings whereby those souls in transition who could equate both with the unreality of matter and with the necessity for a concrete existence might find the door and the way out.

I can tell you, beloved, these writings, like many other teachings and expressions of the mysteries of God that have been categorized as metaphysics, have surely opened doors to those of a spiritual consciousness who did have within themselves the gift of Christhood and a threefold flame and who were at that place of longing that precedes the soul’s transiting <8>beyond these material spheres.

But in the hands of those of only a physical awareness, this teaching has become an orthodoxy shrouded in the limitations of their own minds. Therefore it has become a dogma. And it has become a prison house for some. And those without the Holy Spirit have not been able to succeed in applying this truth to the victory of their souls but, in fact, in its misapplication have made serious karma as they have denied medical assistance and care to those in need. Thus the dilemma, beloved, of being a scribe for God and a reformer and of bringing to the forefront truths with which the many are ill-equipped to deal.

Not so [with] my sister Martha, who stands before you. For she did receive this word even at the same level in which I received it when I wrote it, when she began to read this textbook at the age of nine. And therefore she could be God-taught by Jesus in these mysteries and encompass and understand even the heavenly hosts and reincarnation and karma and what was really [meant] when I wrote, “There is no life, truth, intelligence nor substance in matter...” <9>

And thus, by and by her inner walk with me (as I was then ascended), and with Jesus and Mary and Paul, brought her to the conclusion that those who in this world [and] in this life controlled the spreading abroad of Christian Science, the publication of what I gave forth, did not have a chalice big enough to hold what these truths hold.

Thus I remained to comfort and to teach her, not without hope that one day she could bring forth the true understanding of these mysteries. For in their true understanding, beloved, they have also given to her strength and vision and the absolute belief in the absolute God. The faith you have seen in this Messenger, then, is based on the knowledge within of the inner geometry of God and the inner science of Being.

When you have the conviction of the Divine Science and of cosmic law that assures and governs all things, you can truly, as I wrote, quoting Jesus, say to this mountain of karma, this mountain of trouble, this mountain of illness:  Be thou removed! <10> And believing, and not only believing [but] having faith, and not only having faith but having internalized the scientific principles of the Word and Work of Christ, you can know that it is done! For you have applied principles that are unerring when they are applied through the Holy Spirit and not through a mental science that uses only the mental body and only the mental body’s logic.

Thus I would read to you from my writings, as did John the Beloved [from his]; for I would like to make clear the intent so that you might also understand how misinterpretations have led this

movement and its followers far afield from the true spirituality of the Word incarnate.

I wrote the question:

 What is the scientific statement of being?

And the answer:

 There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual. <11>

This is a formula of healing that is complete when understood. But when not understood, it becomes a denial of the very physical existence and the platform of material evolution that is indeed necessary to the soul and is indeed “real” <12>so long as the soul requires this wavelength, this vibration.

Thus, [some] Christian Science practitioners have used this almost in a mental malpractice, denying that anything imperfect [has existence at all], denying that matter itself [has existence], with the result that by their will they have prevented karma [i.e., imperfection] from manifesting and unwittingly postponed the day of the soul’s dealing with that karma, [that imperfection]; [moreover, they have] denied the necessity of pain [and they have] denied the necessity of suffering, and therefore [they have] denied pain and suffering itself as a condition of matter.

Thus goes the circular logic, [which, alas,] never ends. And these so-called Scientists, without the Holy Spirit, have found themselves denying angels and Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings [even] when they have seen them face-to-face [after] having [themselves] departed this world.

Therefore to understand this [scientific statement of being] does require the true spiritualization of consciousness. It is simply the absolute and ultimate statement of the Law that when one is wholly God-identified, the life, truth, intelligence and substance of one’s being cannot be confined to matter or to a limited wavelength or to the conditions of mortality or [to] that condition of sin of which John spoke <13> that is even a very part of the condition of this octave.

In the universal sense, then, Mind is All. Mind is God and synonymous with God and contains all and is the All-in-all. And this allness of God does endow the Matter universe and the materialization, or the “Mother-realization,” of form wherewith the Divine Mother clothes the naked soul.

And so, as long as souls must abide in a temporal universe, the infinite Mind of God will place a portion of that Mind and of its Light in that dimension, thereby giving truly a temporal reality to matter, to physics, to molecules; so, [you see,] one cannot whisk away the universe, [as some attempt to do by mental willing or wishful thinking,] so long as one is locked into the spirals of karma.

But God has said, “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you.” <14>  Therefore the Mind of God, the Person of God, the Presence of God, does descend even to this lowly estate.

Therefore, Jesus Christ was that Word incarnate. And before he agreed to embody, the Light shown in the Darkness of materiality and the Darkness of materiality comprehended it not. <15> And therefore we had to behold his glory, even “the glory as of the only begotten Son of God, full of grace and truth,” <16> in the flesh, in the human body, in that manifestation.

And I tell you, the matter body of Jesus Christ was real [in its time] and you are real!  And yet you are finding day by day new wavelengths of reality until the passage of the soul from the Matter cosmos to the Spirit [cosmos] “in the twinkling of an eye” shall be hardly noticed. <17> For it [shall be for you but] an infinitesimal increment of vibration from the one to the next.

Thus it is said that “Spirit is immortal Truth.”  And you can affirm that the Spirit of the I AM THAT I AM with you is immortal Truth, is the Light endowing every cell of your being with some portion of that Spirit cosmos that you can contain, thus enlivening and quickening the matter molecule until for this moment, this twinkling of the eye of God in eternity in matter, it is real.

“Matter is mortal error” when it contains mortal error by vibration, by endowment, by misqualification. But in and of itself, matter, being the substance of God, is neither sin nor the sinner.

So you understand that even matter at its low vibrating wavelength is the Light of God coalesced to “comfort ye my people,” <18> who need this arena of life. Yet, for the purposes of divine healing, it is good to know that matter only has the power you give it to entrap the soul to be diseased or to succumb to death.

Taking care to call for the violet flame to transmute all that you have superimposed upon matter, you can then lawfully say, “It is not real.”  For anything that is karma-less and karma-free that has to do with matter can definitely be cast into the sacred fire and no longer be an encumbrance. Thus in a given lifetime you rise and pass through many levels of density unto less density, unto Light.

Truly “Spirit is God...” And truly you are made in “His image and likeness.”  You are indeed spiritual beings, but the patterns made in the heavens <19> are intended to be stamped upon this matter manifestation. And even unascended evolutions of a place like Venus take on a much greater symmetry and quality of beauty and Light in their so-called material forms. But these “material forms” are so far above the wavelength of your present forms that you would say they are not matter, and yet they are of matter and in the Matter cosmos and therefore most real for the duration of this span.

It is true that you are “not material” in the ultimate sense of the word. It is true, however, that you have material thoughts, carnal thoughts and material vibrations, [carnal vibrations]. And insofar as you do, you endow them with reality by the Light that flows over your crystal cord, even making a god of them, of your possessions or of yourself. And this you can do. For it is written, “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are sons of the most High.” <20> You are “God” in the sense that you have free will to qualify God’s energy. And if you wish to create a memorial of yourself in matter, you can give semi-permanence to anything.

And there are those who use this Science, even “Christian” Science, to maintain a material status quo of riches and of health–using this Science, [that is,] misusing it, to deny their karma and [to] effectively dodge it. But unknowingly they only postpone the day of reckoning when they must reincarnate and hopefully be placed by the Lords of Karma in another type of environment where they no longer must grapple with the misuses of the Divine Science that Jesus taught and that is a part of his doctrine.

Thus, you see, beloved, I may wear the mantle of Goddess of Wisdom, but I yet retain karma with earth’s evolution for their willful misunderstanding of this very textbook of Science and Health and other writings. And I remain to serve with earth and her evolutions until every last Christian Scientist, so-called, is liberated from his own misconceptions and spiritual-material blindness.

Blessed hearts, I am grateful that you allow me to speak on these things. For though I have spoken of them before, <21> I would come again that you might know how [the] many phases and manifestations [of] religion [on earth today], though not being that far off the mark, may be to those who misunderstand and misapply [them] truly a prison house.

I ask, then, that you see how important it is for the Divine Doctrine [of Jesus Christ], now made perfectly plain through this Community and Church, to be spread abroad as far and as wide as you can spread it. For you will assist many reformers [of the past, such as myself,] who were not able to give the whole Truth, for the dispensation for the whole Truth [to be delivered to mankind] had not yet come [from God]. You will be able to give such reformers and scribes, [who are either ascended or in higher octaves or perhaps reembodied,] the opportunity to balance this karma [they incurred for the error that crept into their belief systems] and to lead their flocks home to the Mighty I AM Presence.

There are any number of embodiments that I had between that two thousand years from the time of Mary of Bethany to the time of Mary Baker Eddy. And during these centuries I myself passed through the initiations with the saints in the Church and even in the East and did study under the great Lights [as I] prepared for this mission.

Therefore, beloved, I studied under those who gave me the teachings of the control of Nature and natural forces. And I was gifted, by the grace of God, whereby through this teaching and writing [of Christian Science] many were healed. But it was truly by the grace of God and my oneness with Christ Jesus, even as the beloved Aimee Semple McPherson was the instrument of Jesus’ healing and his Holy Spirit. <22>  Though neither one of us had the full outer understanding of what was taking place as he healed through us, yet many were converted to our respective churches and faith and remain there to this day.

They must be liberated into the higher walk with God. Yet these above all do resist this Path and Truth. May you pray therefore for the binding of all erroneous misinterpretations of Christ’s true doctrine. And may you call for the binding of the planetary dweller-on-the-threshold that affects all churches and all churchgoers.

My presence with you today is that I might transfer to you at the soul level and at the level of your Holy Christ Self this cube of Light that contains the understanding of the science of Truth and the true Divine Science, which, when you have it at inner levels, becomes a profound strength and foundation for all that you are carrying forward. And the teaching in this activity is, of course, a science in itself.

I come with a comforting rod of Wisdom, which I offer to John the Beloved, that Love and Wisdom might assist you as you must come now to the place, each and every one, [of] facing your Atlantean karma and [dealing] with the [karmic] cycles of April 23; <23> [in order to be successful, you must] directly challenge all misuses of Power. With Wisdom and with Love you can do this, beloved.

May you understand that in the past many have had Power and have abused it and therefore [they] must submit in time and in some sense of the word to those who may yet be abusing Power [in order] to learn the lessons of being on the receiving end [of such abuses] and then to work together [with them] in Love and Mercy and Divine Justice and Wisdom for the true [and righteous] exercise of authority when it is given.

All organizations and institutions must have individuals with varying levels of authority, beloved. El Morya has stated wisely that there are no perfect leaders. Many may be tyrants. The perfect leader is no longer found in this world, for the perfect leader is truly Christ the Lord. And when the leader becomes that Christ, that leader is not long for this world except by very special dispensation.

Thus, beloved, whether or not this Church Universal and Triumphant, [including] its branches in Teaching Centers and Study Groups, does continue to thrive and to grow and to expand depends on [an] enlightened leadership that is full of compassion and the Holy Spirit and that is careful before the power and the authority that is given not to abuse it and not to crush new souls on the Path.

I pray that you pray for the leader within you to rise up and take dominion and that you surrender to that leader and to that law and to the justice, which is absolute and unerring, of your own karmic condition.

I pray that you study the profiles of many [successful leaders in every field] and [the books and courses of] those who are professional teachers in these subjects [today on] how to be a good leader, a good administrator, [and] how to be the servant of all if you would be great among men. <24> The true leader is first and foremost the servant who humbly remembers at all times that he is actually the employee of the Christ of the ones whom he must lead.

Therefore, beloved, let us see and study and come to the gentleness of heart. So, the gentle Spirit most holy shall impart a power not of this world and a fire to consume all temporal power and tyranny and totalitarian regimes.

If there is to be leadership and the shepherding of souls and true ministers of the Word, there must be those who will be sensitive not to hurt any “one of these little ones” <25> and who will always remember:  Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these little ones, even unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me, Christ Jesus. <26>  I think, beloved, [that it is wise] before addressing anyone [to take that] very simple pause to remember that [although] that one you are speaking to may be a soul bereft of Christhood yet [that one is] still that potential Christ, that potential God.

May you find the profound love of John the Beloved that is great enough to overcome this insensitivity to others, this abuse of Power that results in idolatry, [the personality cult] and so forth. And may you find in the wisdom of the Divine Science, which your Messenger is so capable of teaching you, the wise dominion over self whereby you will never trample upon another. If each one does make himself/herself the committee of one to see to it that this is done, you will see the dream, even the childhood dream of the Messenger, come true.

How oft has she recited the mantra and repeated in her heart, “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God, as the waters cover the sea.” <27>  It is the dream of all the saints in heaven. It is the dream of your hearts. It is the longing and the fervor of your souls that not one shall be lost. <28>  And you see [now] such a short time [allotted for their deliverance] and you see such a clenched grip of orthodoxy upon the people of all nations and you cry out to God [for their deliverance].

Well, beloved, balance the threefold flame. Become shepherds, truly understanding the mantle of leader, and it shall be accomplished.

Therefore we have contributed our flames this day to the blessed El Morya, the blessed and most beloved one whom we all adore.

Surely he is the example of enlightened leadership. May you resist not his rules of order but remember that you did ask to be part of the highest and the greatest spiritual community that exists on the face of the earth today. By your example this can live forever; for that is its Divine Plan, undergirded by this Divine Science of Love and Wisdom and ultimately of Power.

I withdraw now into the Mother Flame of Wisdom to comfort life by teaching, ever teaching wise dominion.

When you determine to be self-disciplined, I am there affirming the Truth, the immortal Truth of your being, and affirming this scientific statement of being whereby you may be clad in the matrix held for you in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother.

I am never far from you and here to see to it that this Church shall remain an open door for higher and higher Truth and shall build no fences against Truth or against the entering in of all nations, kindreds, tongues and peoples who are of the Light.

I thank you for your patient attention and your Love.

I am your sister on the Path.


This dictation by Theosophia, the Goddess of Wisdom, was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet following John the Beloved’s dictation on Sunday, July 1, 1990, during the twelve-day conference FREEDOM 1990:  “A New Heaven and a New Earth” held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the Goddess of Wisdom’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. A recording of “Pie Jesu” from Requiem by Andrew Lloyd Webber was played as the meditation music prior to the dictation.

2. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Living Flame of Love, 8-audiocassette album, 12-1/2 hr., A85044. In this series of Summit University lectures, the Messenger offers an in-depth study of the “Living Flame of Love” and other selected works of the sixteenth-century mystic Saint John of the Cross. Includes teachings on the soul’s mystical experience in Christ through the initiation of the dark night leading to the alchemical marriage.

3. Zech. 13:8, 9; Mal. 3:1-3; Matt. 3:11, 12; Luke 3:16, 17.

4. Phil. 4:13.

5. Theosophia, the Goddess of Wisdom, was embodied at the time of Jesus as Mary of Bethany. The Messenger was embodied as her sister, Martha. See Matt. 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-45; 12:1-3; Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 46, 229, 230, 247-48; Archangel Raphael, October 12, 1985, 1985 PoW, Book II, p. 581; 1988 PoW, Book I, pp. 340-41.

6. Isa. 34:4; Rev. 6:14; Gospel of Thomas, logion 111.

7. In her final incarnation, Theosophia was embodied as Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910), founder of Christian Science in the latter nineteenth century.

8. transitioning

9. Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Boston:  First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1875), p. 468.

10. “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”  Mark 11:22-24. See also Matt. 17:20; 21:21.

11. Eddy, Science and Health, p. 468.

12. i.e., it has a quasi-reality

13. See pp. 319-21.

14. John 14:18.

15. John 1:5.

16. John 1:14.

17. I Cor. 15:51-53.

18. Isa. 40:1.

19. Heb. 9:23.

20. Ps. 82:6; John 10:34.

21. See the Goddess of Wisdom, January 16, 1977, 1977 PoW, Book I, pp. 33-40.

22. Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944), evangelist who founded the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. See Magda and Jesus, April 9, 1982, 1982 PoW, Book I, pp. 247-48, 250, 252, 257 n. 5; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 7, 1985, 1985 PoW, Book II, pp. 453, 454-60.

23. See pp. 302-3, 306 n. 18.

24. Matt. 20:26-28; 23:11; Mark 9:35; 10:43-45.

25. Matt. 18:6, 10; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:1, 2.

26. Matt. 25:40.

27. Hab. 2:14; Isa. 11:9.

28. Matt. 18:11-14; Luke 15; 19:10; John 17:12; 18:9.