Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 32 No. 62 - Beloved Cyclopea with Virginia - December 17, 1989


A Thanksgiving Retreat
The Placing of the Capstone on the Pyramid
of the United States of America
The Convergence of Heaven and Earth


Hail, O Light of the All-Seeing Eye of God!  I am in the physical form of my Messenger and chelas, and therefore the long-awaited event of my coming is here. And I am grateful for the wait, for in this hour I may bring an extraordinary weight of Light.

For by the momentum [of your service to this hour] and the [timing of the] moment, we may see heaven and earth meet in an extraordinary way, beloved. You have heard these words before, but I say to you, the convergence of heaven and earth in this hour is truly in the capstone that I now place on the pyramid of the United States of America at the etheric octave. [16-second applause]

O the wonders of the Love of the Chela unascended and the Guru ascended!  O the wonders of the Love of heaven and earth!  It is a Love story, beloved. For it has been the great desiring of those above to visit those below in this tangible way[–through the real “harmonic convergence”:  the meeting of souls ascended and unascended in the Eye of the capstone]!  And it is truly the desiring of those below to enter in to the hearts of the saints robed in white, the numberless numbers who gather round the throne of the Lamb and even those who are beneath the altar of God awaiting the victory of the saints in embodiment. <1>  [And their God-Harmony is found in their unity of perception and their singleness of purpose.]

Blessed ones, I unveil to you the true meaning of the All-Seeing Eye in the capstone. It is the place where those dwelling in the unascended state do meet those who come from the ascended octaves or etheric planes. It is the designated place, beloved. And thus America is the designated place for this convergence whereby there is no longer separation in the Mystical Body of God.

Beloved, the cumulative effect of all that has gone before in your sustaining of the momentum [of Light] in these prayer vigils and these labors [for the Lord] has brought [us to the] moment when the remnant of Lightbearers above and below could have that long-desired communion and that union. And so the prophecy of old and the writing in the great Book of the Law is this:  not until those below could reach that etheric level and that vibration (for heaven cannot descend any lower, beloved) could there come about the placing of the capstone on the pyramid of this civilization.

Blessed ones, it almost did not take place!  And this event is that which has been opposed since the inception of The Summit Lighthouse. For from the moment when the chela did meet the Guru, when Mark Prophet did meet El Morya, step-by-step that Messenger ascending the spiral staircase did narrow the distance between those above and those below. And with each Pearl dictation taken, transcribed and printed, there did occur in the lives of the recipients that closer proximity, that approximation, even if for seconds, to those octaves of Light.

Blessed ones, this is why we deem so important the publishing of the early Ashram Notes and the Pearls of Wisdom. For on [the foundation of] these teachings and in the footprints [of the Messenger who did] walk through them does rest that initial vibration whereby I did send forth the ray of my All-Seeing Eye of God to provide a beacon in the physical octave by which the Lightbearer could ascend to that place of [the capstone in] the Great Pyramid.

Thus, you see, that highway of our God and that ascent, even within the shaft of light, is a spiral. And the blessed Mark did pioneer the way.  Wherever he did walk, beloved, his footprints were the original ones in the sand and in the snow; and each and every one of you cycling upward [to the capstone] has placed your footprint in his. Blessed hearts, this is the accomplishment–this unification of heaven and earth [in the capstone] that has come about–that can make the difference in whether or not Saint Germain shall have his golden age of Aquarius.

And let us also praise the name of Micah, the Angel of Unity, <2> who has made it his mission since the very start [of “project America”] to unite that heaven and earth. So unity is a powerful flame and that flame does enable the full power of the faith of Archangel Michael to come into form.

Blessed ones, therefore let us understand that the placing of the capstone [on the pyramid of the United States of America] is the sign that in the etheric octave the remnant of Lightbearers have set the matrix for what that golden-age civilization can and ought to be. And those Lightbearers include the Ascended Masters, the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, the saints who are ascending from the etheric octave and even lifestreams from other solar systems.

Blessed ones, we hold dear the great commitment of Saint Germain, God of Freedom to the earth. We hold dear the great commitment of beloved Portia. And we see that in the days ahead you can strengthen, through their twin flames, this oneness [of ascended and unascended beings in the capstone]. Beloved, [to maintain the achievement of this oneness] does require the daily registering [of the highest vibration on the part] of a certain number of souls of Light who, in their meditations and their dynamic decrees, their very auras and their sustained consciousness of Love and Love and Love, [will be able to] reach [the focus of my All-Seeing Eye on the etheric] plane.

Thus, in your body temple, beloved, let the Light of the Divine Mother [raise up the soul]. Let it raise up the soul, and let [the soul, fully enveloped in that Light,] rise to that point of the All-Seeing Eye of God. For when the Light does quicken this third-eye chakra, then the soul is awakened, then the soul truly has awareness; [and then the soul begins her ascent within the pyramid of self]. But you have taken on that awareness in increments, dictation by dictation, Pearl by Pearl, decree by decree; [therefore you are also the ascending ones].

Blessed ones, this stepping up of the vibration of the soul of Light from the point of the seat-of-the-soul chakra to the point of the third eye, that the soul might be able to sustain the Christ presence at that level of the etheric octave, comes only after lifetimes of directing [one’s energy and attention] upward to God in Love. It is the quality of the heart that can sustain the attention at this level. It is the quality of Love that magnetizes the Wisdom and the Power. Thus, only those of profound devotion to God do become the components of the capstone, whom I have been drawing to the Inner Retreat for some years now since my dictation on that subject. <3>

Blessed hearts, know the wonders of Love, and know what wonders have been brought forth by your dedication. If you desire to continue in your labors [for the Lord] in [the arresting of the spirals of Darkness in] the Soviet Union and of the support [of World Communism by] Western capitalists and bankers, I say to you, we can provide the labors night after night. It is up to you.

But I wish to express to you just how much [your tackling of these labors] means to beloved El Morya and to the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. For you see, beloved, El Morya does have his plan in hand, which he has worked on for decades, [for God-government in] the golden-age civilization [envisioned by the Darjeeling Council]. It is a plan for the nations and for every nation upon earth as to how they shall evolve to that place [of participation from the Christ level]. And this plan truly depends on the fulfillment of the call and the calling of Gautama Buddha for true education and a curriculum that does cover the child’s development from birth to [full maturity at] age thirty-three. <4>

Blessed hearts, upon the foundation of your teaching the souls of Light whom we may soon send you–as you are establishing that curriculum and as you are showing yourselves able to transmit [human and divine knowledge] in Love–those other souls of Light [who are capable of transmitting the torch for a golden age of Aquarius] may also come into embodiment. And those souls of Light who have the karmic ties to all nations may begin to bring in that culture of the Divine Mother [and to restore] that culture of the Motherland. <5>

Therefore, although El Morya would not tell you just how much [these labors] mean to him, he does know that in this hour [your prayer vigils are] putting the brake on those who have camped in the Soviet Union. Not only [have they reincarnated] out of Death and Hell, the astral plane of this planetary body, but [they have also come] as aliens [in their spacecraft], intermingling with Soviet society. And they have come for one purpose:  to destroy the United States of America as that Place Prepared where heaven and earth should meet.

But, beloved, they have not met their timetable!  They have not prevented [this placing of the capstone on the pyramid of America]!  And therefore any holocaust or war that they should stage will not have been in time to prevent this manifestation!

Now I say, let [this victory of the Divine Union of heaven and earth] be sustained by all who have a realistic comprehension of just what [level of] dynamic decrees it takes to sustain the mind and the heart in this etheric octave of the clear vision, the immaculate vision of the Blessed Mother. By transmutation and violet flame saturation pressing down into the electronic belt, [i.e., the subconscious,] beloved, there is the natural rising of the Light that carries the soul aloft to the capstone. [And The Summit Lighthouse beacon ever lights the way for the wayfarer who must make his way through the astral plane.]

But every dictation on the Only Mark albums <6> from the beginning to the end [is a “land-Mark”] representing a single footstep of your beloved Mark clearing this pathway [for your souls to reach the All-Seeing Eye of God]. And, beloved hearts, [believe me,] he did meet much opposition, much adversity in that climb. He was the lone pioneer. And all who have followed after him have been able to arrive at that place [of the third eye].

And do you know, beloved, when you come to that place of the capstone, there you find your beloved Lanello, your beloved El Morya and so many of the Light greeting you and welcoming you. For you have arrived there not because you were carried by angels but because of the quantity of Light you have invoked and because of your decree momentum.

Let those who think that they have not participated sufficiently in this exercise to warrant this attainment know that by the momentum of Community you nevertheless share in this victory. And if you desire to make it fully your own by your own God Self-mastery, well then I say, you can follow in the footsteps of others [who have followed in the footsteps of Lanello before you]. And when all other [physical] preparations have been made [that were called for by Saint Germain] you will have your turn to come to the court, to come to your places of service and to fill in the gaps of your own decree application.

There is more than one way to the capstone, beloved, and the builders have found that that way does come to them also. Therefore you are builders. And we build a new civilization from the within out. We build from the Retreat of the Divine Mother. We build from that etheric retreat [positioned over the Royal Teton Ranch] because in this hour you find that you are entering there, [your soul clothed in your etheric body,] by the wings of Light that you have invoked, by the momentum of your upward movement.

The Lord Sanat Kumara is pleased. And yet, beloved, I also tell you that the effort made is the minimum requirement for this [placing of the capstone]. Thus, we would desire to see you meet the maximum requirement that there might be some [reserve momentum] when on certain days you are not able to fully sustain that line of contact and that line of energy flow [with the All-Seeing Eye of God]. Blessed ones, many conditions can change because of this; and that clear passageway from the physical octave to the heaven-world [at the Inner Retreat] can be kept open.

All of the Elohim rejoice in the creation of the crystal chalice in the Heart. <7>  And now you understand how that crystal chalice has taken another form in the Heart to be the stupa for the residence of body and soul, [from which Maitreya and Morya’s staff may] face that which may come upon the planetary body. Blessed hearts, [the same technique you applied] by the resurrection flame in your building [on the etheric plane] of that chalice, [which extends from the Heart of the Inner Retreat and embraces octaves of Light,] can be applied in this hour, as the resurrection flame may be used by you to sustain this contact [with the Eye in the capstone].

I tell you, beloved ones, there is great rejoicing in heaven in this hour that this [placing of the capstone on the pyramid of America] has been sealed!

Since you have understood the meaning of the November dates of the thirteenth and the twenty-sixth, you can understand that had there not been the mighty decree effort that has gone forth since February 13, 1988, <8> we might be witnessing here this evening an entirely different scenario and an alternate course in world events.

I tell you, beloved, this is the hour of mitigation, and the mitigation does come in the setting back of the timetables. It does not come in the averting of calamity; for there is too much personal and planetary karma involved that must be expiated and [there is] the necessity for the judgment of the fallen ones. It is hard to imagine that these things will come to pass without some upheaval [in society], some disturbance [in the earth], some of the manifestations that have been prophesied. Nevertheless, even the postponement does give day and hour and opportunity!  And see what we have done with it this day!  See what the Lord, with your hearts, has wrought!

I AM Cyclopea with Virginia, and my eye is only upon the All-Seeing Eye of God and only upon the capstone. May you walk about in the days ahead thinking upon this (until you may fairly ache in your third-eye chakra!), seeing the Eye in the capstone, seeing the pyramid of this American civilization, seeing yourselves as holding, truly, that immaculate matrix for the return of the mighty eagle of Sirius, for the return of those [elements of past golden ages], even at the [level of the] etheric octave. For because that octave is united to the physical through that capstone, it can [once again] begin to be lowered into the physical. And because you are in physical embodiment and may bring others into embodiment, there is hope.

Hope is the flame of fire, even ascension’s flame in the heart of this pyramid. For as the resurrection flame is a part of pyramids, so the pyramid of this civilization does have within it the ascension flame because, beloved, it is America’s destiny and the destiny of her people to ascend to the heart of God and to do so through this very passageway through the All-Seeing Eye.

I AM Cyclopea!  And I AM well pleased. I desire to see other Lightbearers cut free who could lighten your burden and strengthen your ranks. I desire to see it, beloved. And I commit to you that I shall use the maximum that the Great Law will allow me to use of your daily Cyclopeas <9> to fetch them to your hearts, to seal them where they are, to protect them.

Let the Divine Mother carry you and them in her arms. Let this moment and this hour be for your meditation in the heart chakra; for the heart chakra is the springboard to the victory of the Eye of God.

I desire to return to see what you shall have accomplished with Saint Germain’s Heart Meditations, that I might find those components of my capstone having the greater capacity to hold the Light of vision for a people blinded by their own lusts, their own self-deceptions and their own mourning for the loss of the Christ that they have never known.

In the words of Pelleur spoken long ago I say:

You are our hope!  You are our hope! You are our hope, beloved. <10>  And hope shines brightly in ascension’s flame for thee, for thee this night.

Manjushri and Maitreya, keep them till I return. In the name of the World Mother, I have come. In her name I shall return.


This dictation was delivered at the conclusion of the November 26, 1989 Sunday evening service held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

1. Rev. 6:9-11; 7:9-17.

2. Micah, Angel of Unity, appeared in George Washington’s vision of three great perils that would come upon the nation–the Revolutionary War, the War between the States, and a third world conflict. According to Anthony Sherman’s account, in Washington’s vision of the second peril he saw the inhabitants of America battling each other. Then an angel, wearing a crown on which shone the word Union, placed the American flag between the divided nation and said, “Remember ye are brethren!”  Instantly the inhabitants cast down their weapons and united once more around the flag. In Washington’s vision of the third peril, in which the whole country was devastated by vast armies, the same angel descended from heaven with a legion of “white spirits”; he bore the flag in one hand and a sword in the other. The inhabitants of the country, encouraged and strengthened, went on to win their battle. The Angel of Unity planted the flag in the midst of the victorious people and proclaimed:  “While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.”  See Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 142-51, or The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 118-23.

3. The components of the capstone. Cyclopea, March 23 and 30, 1980, 1980 PoW, Book I, vol. 23 no. 13, pp. 71-74. See also 1980 PoW, Book I, no. 34, p. 217; 1986 PoW, Book II, vol. 29 no. 46, pp. 425-26; 1988 PoW, Book I, vol. 31 no. 9, p. 97; no. 43, p. 343; 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 32, p. 469.

4. See vol. 32 no. 48, pp. 630, 631, 632, 633, 635-36.

5.”The Motherland” is a term used to refer to Lemuria, or Mu, the lost continent that once existed where the Pacific Ocean now is.

6. See vol. 32 no. 23, p. 257 n. 10. In his dictation given May 31, 1984, in the Heart of the Inner Retreat, Jesus announced the release of the Only Mark audiocassette series:  “We have charged the Messenger to release all of the dictations ever given by Mark Prophet that you might mount the stairway of his mantle, of his many incarnations in the exemplification of the God flame of Maitreya and myself, that you may enter the coil of the ascension flame with him in every dictation and in the Causal Body of every Ascended Master who has ever dictated through him” (1984 PoW, Book I, vol. 27 no. 36, p. 318).

7. See vol. 32 no. 8, p. 104 n. 18.

8. Prior to Cyclopea’s dictation the Messenger delivered the lecture “The Astrology of the United States and the Soviet Union:  Putting the Brakes on the Prophecies of Nuclear War and Economic Collapse” in which she interpreted the astrological configurations of November 13, 1989, a portent of major debt liquidation in the U.S., and November 26, 1989, an indicator of possible war between the two superpowers or other conditions nearly as severe as war (see vol. 32 no. 57, pp. 725-44). In her lecture “Saint Germain On Prophecy from 1988 through the 1990s–the Astrology of World Karma,” given February 13, 1988, the Messenger also analyzed these and other configurations, including the February 1988 conjunction of Neptune, Saturn, Uranus and Mars in Capricorn, which marked the starting point of a period of potential upheaval and change on the planet. She gave teachings on the mitigation of untoward prophecy through Divine Intervention and the science of the spoken Word and called for Keepers of the Flame worldwide to invoke the violet flame for the transmutation of negative planetary karma.

For the Messenger’s lectures on prophecy through astrology see:

“Prophecy for the 1990s III,” May 21, 1989 (see vol. 32 no. 32, p. 472 n. 8); 1989 PoW.

“A Prophecy of Karma as Seen in the Signs of the Skies 1988-1989,” August 24, 1988, 2 audiocassettes, A88131; 2 videocassettes, GP88083.

“The Astrology of Canada’s Destiny,” April 16, 1988, 3 audiocassettes, A88064; “Prophecy for the 1990s I,” 1988 PoW, Book I, hardbound volume, pp. 1-91.

“Saint Germain On Prophecy from 1988 through the 1990s–the Astrology of World Karma,” February 13, 1988, 3 audiocassettes, A88024; 2 videocassettes, GP88019; “Prophecy for the 1990s II,” 1988 PoW, Book II, hardbound volume, pp. 1-123.

“Hallowe’en Prophecy 1987,” October 31, 1987, 3 audiocassettes, A87079; 2 videocassettes, GP87063; also in three 1-hr. cable TV shows for home use:  “Prophecy:  The Astrology of World Karma,” HL87010; “On the Economy–The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” HL87011; “Fatima and Medjugorje,” HL87012.

9. Decree 50.05. See vol. 32 no. 60, pp. 776 n. 28; no. 61, p. 788.

10. On July 4, 1965, Pelleur, hierarch of the gnomes, said, “As I leave you tonight may I say to you that you and men like you are our hope. You are our hope!  You are our hope, even as we are yours.”