Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 32 No. 50 - Beloved Listening Angel - November 6, 1989


The 12 Labors of Hercules
The Listening Ear of God
On Listening and Being Listened To


Beloved ones, I am the listening ear of God. My angels are numberless numbers. And the listening ear is our gift to the evolutions of earth. We always hear, beloved, and in hearing we also transmit.

Some of you who have been impressed with advances in communications in this century would be quite impressed to know just how vast is a cosmic science. Why, beloved, it is possible to beam off the moon or any planet or the sun by a simple beam of light the words that are being spoken. Therefore the dictations that have been delivered by these Messengers throughout their career have been beamed to other worlds and octaves where there have been lifestreams who have had the listening ear <1> and who have desired to hear the messages from higher octaves.

Communication, therefore, across the vast systems of worlds is indeed vast, complex, highly precise. Then, of course, there are thought beams and feelings that travel with great intensity long distances. Therefore you can imagine the entire Matter cosmos as [a] crisscrossing of lines of communication.

Knowing this, you can see yourselves as recipients of the entire gamut of vibration from the lowest to the highest. Thus there must be a screening process and that comes from the domain of your Holy Christ Self. The tube of light screens out more than mere physical danger or burdens of this world. It allows the penetration of only the highest and the best [vibrations], except, of course, when you have receiving stations in the subconscious that allow other elements to come through.

But when you call, especially in the name of your Christhood, for the sealing of that tube of light and your being, regardless of the imperfect state you may retain [at the level of the human consciousness], <2> it is a call of reinforcement whereby you acknowledge to Almighty God that by no means will you allow even that which is at subconscious levels of awareness and that which is in the unconscious to be a receiving station for those [worldly] vibrations of like condition.

Of course there is also the sealing and the binding of the electronic belt <3> and [of] those forces [of the unconscious], which you may call for daily. And you are also blessed by calling to Oromasis and Diana to walk through your electronic belt and your four lower bodies daily <4> to so deliver you of the magnet <5> [of the human consciousness] that attracts to yourself in polarity whatever you are or whatever you are manifesting.

Thus our angels attend every lifestream upon earth. In this capacity we serve, of course, the Keeper of the Scrolls. For as we listen we also transmit to the Mighty I AM Presence, to the Father-Mother God. Our transmittals become the source [material] for the scribes, the angels of the Keeper of the Scrolls, who must keep the record in the Book of Life.

Therefore it is not only the words that you speak that we [must] listen to–your prayers, your questions, your burdens and your problems [for which we] attempt to be the instrument of some healing, some understanding, as God does send it through us and through the various angels of the seven rays–but [it is] also the vibrations of [your] desires [that] we must listen [to].

For desire is a prayer, beloved.

The desire of the heart–may it be pure. The desire of the soul and the mind–may it be for goals sublime. But where the recordings yet send forth the frequencies of old desires, perhaps forgotten yet not discarded, these are written down also. And so you will discover that when God answers prayer, he must answer all of the communications [of your sendings] and not merely those that you consciously choose to direct to him.

When you ask for gifts that you think you ought to have, even spiritual gifts, God responds by helping you [learn lessons] in the greatest area of need, needs that you may not know you have but [that] God knows. Therefore by [the agency of] many angels he sends into your life conditions and experiences whereby the lesser desires may be tasted, tried, put on, experienced until they are no longer sweet but bitter. And thus you let go of the desire.

Remember, beloved, that in letting go of your wants you must take the final [step] of permanently discarding them, exorcising them in the name of God [I AM THAT I AM], calling for deliverance from the momentum that is not easy to get rid of [and from] those [entities] out of the astral plane who ride piggyback [into your world on that momentum–calling for deliverance from the habits of] well-meaning friends who continue to feed those [wants] when you have decided you are through and through with them altogether.

Satisfying a few of these [desires] only that you may see the dead end and the futility [of engaging in them any longer] is [sometimes] God’s way of liberating you. This [method] may take you into certain byways [of] life [(for some it is the only way they learn their lessons)] but it is guaranteed that you will not take the same byways again. Thus God has his methods [under] karmic law to wean you from lesser states of consciousness and to place before you such magnificent examples [of what your life can be if you take hold of it], such [a] vision [of your future, free from the bonds of inordinate desire,] that you are swift to fly to higher altitudes and [higher] spheres [of communion].

Now then, beloved, the purpose of listening angels is that unascended lifestreams need to be listened to. And there are not sufficient listening ears in embodiment, for many would weary of that which must be listened to. Nor are there sufficient hours in the day for all of the telling and all of the receiving of that telling.

And so, as you communicate to us there is compressed as thoughtforms and [on] spindles the recordings of the mind almost as endless recordings of the dream state. These we are able to assimilate on the instant. We may listen to a week’s worth of conversation and be able to understand it and respond to it in a matter of seconds. So there is a step-up of communication and the response is always forthcoming; [there is always] a response on the moment and then [there is] always the response that may encompass weeks and months and years of an individual’s life.

Blessed ones, it is often the case that the individual must catch up to the response, for the response may be higher [than his present understanding] and farther than he is ready [to] reach for. God may give an answer and a number of years later you may truly receive it [and finally] understand it and suddenly those words spoken so long ago so simply have the most profound meaning in your life.

Of course when you cannot even hear the response because it is so far beyond you, [because your present desires eclipse it altogether], it is then that you have the impression that no one is listening, no one cares. And you may descend into the depths of despair over [your] fate in the lap of your karma.

Beloved, the answer is there; but [your] desire for the answer, [on God’s terms and not on your terms, must] compel growth in the soul and the desire for growth. And sometimes that is in fact the only answer God may send–a missile of desire for growth. For God knows that in your present state you cannot find your way out of your present state!  Nor [can you] hear the grand solution to life’s conundrum.

Therefore angels bring you the desire for growth as though it were a desire for some sweet tropical fruit, and it is then that you are determined to stretch your limbs. And sometimes you suddenly stand up and simply walk out of a situation where you have been caught for lifetimes. This is literally the case; in the presence of those angels you simply walk away from the stagnant pool of self-indulgence. And O what a glorious day!  for in the twinkling of the eye of God you see so many things. And now you know that God was there all the while, that Maitreya was there and that Listening Angel did not fail you.

The greatest gift I have to give you, beloved, is that of the listening ear. It is good to strain the inner ear to listen to the harpstrings of the mind. And over the harpstrings come not only melodies but communications of angel whisperings and a tuning of the heart. Listen with all of your might. Feel the voice of God quivering, vibrating the eardrum and the inner ear until you come to the realm of the soundless sound.

Developing the listening ear will assist you to transmute the karma of unwillingness to listen, not wanting to know, not wanting to hear!  For all of this may require change, uncomfortability, [as the last vestiges of the human resist]:  “Leave me alone. I do not want to hear the voice of God. I will drown it out with rock music, with fun, with pleasure, with television, with every possible material sound.”

Go to the streams and the river. Go to the mountains. Listen to the wind and the wave. Put your ear to the earth and sense the vibrations. Listen, O my children, for God never ceases to speak to you. Either one is listening, beloved, or one is talking or one is drowning out the voice of the Teacher.

How the force drives up from the untransmuted self the resistance to the Word!–which in the Beginning is with Brahman, <6> which Beginning you can approach. How do you approach it?  By a thought sent to the point of Beginning in cosmos. Yes, you may have a thread of light from your inner ear to the heart of Brahman and the Word. It is not impossible. All things are possible with God. <7>

God never desired you to be limited to the certain sounds of a few feet around you. God has never limited the expanding of the mind across a cosmos. Why, you have limited it, beloved!  And it has become the collective karma of the evolutions of the earth. And if you did not have this karma [of non-grace for non-listening] when you arrived [on planet earth] and [you] did not make it since you arrived, you are yet subject to the laws [governing] the bodies that may be allowed on planet earth and to the [karmic limits of the] sensitivity of those bodies and systems.

Thus, beloved, because you are Lightbearers and [you] invoke the Light and the violet flame, you can begin to call for the setting aside of certain karmic limitations that were placed upon this humanity. You need not forever remain in their mortal matrix.

Surely you believe that the better portion of yourself is immortal and that you are subject unto the immortal laws of God. Let it be your daily striving to reduce the limitations of mortality that the false hierarchies of Morphus, of Mort [et al.] have imposed upon you. They are not all necessary. They are not all karmic. They are not all required.

Haven’t you in fact achieved the breaking of the bonds of a certain limitation by [the] very [act] of your claiming this land and [your] living upon it at this altitude and far from the restrictions of populated areas?  Already, you see, you are erasing the lines of force of mortality [itself].

I AM Listening Angel, for I AM a listener. And therefore I listen not only to unascended beings but to Ascended and Cosmic Beings. And [thus] I have taken in much learning, much knowledge, much wisdom from many systems of worlds.

Therefore know that I am not only a listening angel but a whispering angel. I may whisper in your ear, if you invite me, secrets of cosmos, assistance when you take your exams in the classrooms of life, giving to you, then, from the mentors in your field solutions that defy comprehension by your peers. You may find yourselves bringing forth invention and [coming to] a point of ingenuity that does not cease all of your life.

The reason I am known as Listening Angel [and that I serve in the office I hold to the evolutions of earth] is because the people of this world desire more to be listened to than to listen. Therefore know that when you call me I may do both[–I may be listened to even as I listen]. And you may decide to [listen to me and to] learn from me how to be a good listener and therefore [to be] a comforter and a very present help to your friends [in trouble]. <8>

Good listeners always know a lot and seldom tell.

Beloved ones, in our bands we do not repeat the privacy of communication that comes to us; for we honor it as we stand before you representing your own High Priest, your Christ Self. Therefore does it go, then, to God. Therefore does it go to recording angels. For you, above all, beloved, are most pleased to go over the records of your past communications and to see how [in] centuries hence you have surely made great strides in the content of the mind, [in] what seemed important to you at the time and what is important [to you] today.

Thus, fear not the records of the Keeper of the Scrolls, for they present the milestones in your evolution and give you a fair shake before the Lords of Karma. For sometimes you yourself do not even remember what you or others have said. Thus the angel of the Keeper of the Scrolls may come forth in your defense to [read the record before the Lords of Karma of] what you did and did not say, did and did not do.

Therefore the highest court in the universe, the Court of the Sacred Fire, as well as the court of the Karmic Board, will never fail you. It is the charity of your Christ Self. It is the flame of illumination. It is faith. These things [of God] do not fail you. And thus you say as you stand before them a son of Light, “True and righteous are thy judgments, LORD God Almighty. True and righteous are thy judgments.” <9>

But the sons of Belial do not thus speak. They blaspheme God and his Law and his Justice. Thus, it is easy to tell the one from the other, for the son of God is always prepared to meet his fate and [to accept] that Cosmic Justice which is meet. This is the true sign of the overcomer and the humble servant, whom we shall never leave, beloved.

Therefore welcome Divine Justice, for by it all things shall be fulfilled and you shall attain the kingdom of God. Knowing this so well, you will even call for the hastening of Divine Justice [in your life] that you might assimilate its [lessons], become it and give it unto all others. Having submitted, then, to Divine Justice, you may one day wear robes of Justice and adjudicate the fate of men and nations.

Blessed ones, such a victory must always begin with the development of the listening ear. [And] this is what I have come to tell you:  I, Listening Angel, stand ready to open the ears of the Lightbearers and the children of God who long ago have stopped up their ears lest they should hear the voice of the Son of God and the Son of God should deliver a message that would not please them. <10>

Now, beloved, behold your God, behold your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!  And desire with the deepest desiring of your soul to hear all the words that he spoke, all the admonishments and all of the teachings [that he has given] to his own and to [the] millions down the centuries whom he has counseled in their hour of the travail of the soul and even the soul’s dark night. <11>

Desire to hear what one day long ago you refused to hear. If you send me that desire and that prayer, beloved, I shall come to you and give you in your inner ear that teaching. And the angels of Jesus and others of the great avatars will accompany me and they shall read to you the records of those sayings and those teachings that you did miss [for your willfulness, your frowardness].

O precious one, now develop your sense of the value of the true listening ear.

I, Listening Angel, bow to the Light within you and I shall continue to listen to the sendings of that Light which you send to all [of] a cosmos.


This dictation by Listening Angel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet following Lanello’s dictation at the conclusion of the Thursday evening service, October 5, 1989, during The 12 Labors of Hercules held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Listening Angel’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Matt. 11:15; 13:9, 43; Mark 4:9, 23; 7:16; Luke 8:8; 14:35.

2. On July 2, 1988, Archangel Michael said:  “Inasmuch as all are not perfected in a day, therefore to call forth the Electronic Presence of your Holy Christ Self over you when you call to me will signify that I have the authority to protect your entire being, consciousness and world....Thus walking, thus walking as your Christed Self, you have the full sealing as though sealed in the starry blue womb of the Divine Mother.”  (1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 66, p. 504.)

3. See vol. 32 no. 5, p. 39 n. 12; The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, p. 372 n. 29.

4. See “Seven Calls for Illumined Action,” decree 20.16; no. 13 on audiocassette Lanto, Lord of the Second Ray:  Dynamic Decrees with Prayers and New Age Songs for Chelas of the Wisdom of God 1.

5. the animal magnetism

6. 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 65, p. 501 n. 8.

7. With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27.

8. Ps. 46:1.

9. Rev. 16:7; 19:2.

10. Stopped their ears. Zech. 7:11, 12; Acts 7:57, 58.

11. 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 80, p. 632 n. 14.