Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 32 No. 44 - Beloved Mother Mary - October 29, 1989


The Re-Creation of Self
A New Realm of the Possible
Mother Mary’s Ascension Day Address 1989
Opportunity to Apply to Be the Chela of the Lord of the World
“Life Is an Endurance Test”


Peace in the heart of Gautama Buddha. To this heart, beloved, I direct the course of your path. For it is through the Lord of the World and his great heart of Light that you shall accomplish all things that are required of your lifestream unto the hour of your victory in the arms of the Divine Mother.

The Lord of the World. The office signifies one who is the prevailing Guru for all lifestreams, the one through whose heart there do come all dispensations for the planetary evolution. As many of you have passed a number of rounds in the retreats of my Sons the Seven Chohans <1> and as you have applied yourselves to the path of the bodhisattva, which is the path of Christhood under Maitreya and the World Teachers, Jesus and Kuthumi, so you must accept the call, even as you have accepted their call, to rise to the level of being the chela of the Lord of the World.

This of course, beloved, does not mean that you abandon your first love in the Diamond Heart of El Morya. But rather, for his name’s sake, the name El Morya, you apprentice yourself to the Lord Buddha [so] that in some areas [of your lifestream] where there is indeed a shaft of light and an acceleration of self-mastery, you [may make yourself] eligible on at least one line of the Cosmic Clock to be a chela of Gautama Buddha.

Inasmuch as the Lord of the World has placed the Omega focus of his retreat over the Heart, <2> you must also assume that he does expect qualified chelas to arise out of this Community of the Holy Spirit. And as necessity is the mother of invention and you have risen to the occasion of providing a blanket, a forcefield, a grid of Light, <3> whereby beloved El Morya could be unbenched, <4> so in the very process of that striving you have generated a spiritual heat to melt down certain recalcitrant human energies and consciousness.

By losing yourself, out of love for Morya, in the Divine Service (and I say the Divine Service with a capital D and a capital S) you now find yourself in the position of merit through meritorious deeds. And thus you may write to Lord Gautama saying in this wise:

Application to Be the Chela of the Lord of the World


      My beloved Lord and Guru of earth’s evolutions, please consider my application to be your chela on the Path through Maitreya’s Mystery School that I, too, might achieve the place of the bodhisattva on my first of the twelve lines of the Cosmic Clock where my lifestream does show acceleration, aptitude and a certain attainment.

      Therefore, my Lord, consider this my plea and the offering of my lifestream that I might become a chalice and day by day increase [my momentum of Light on] the lines of [my Cosmic] Clock, that I might carry your flame and therefore be worthy to stand at your side when you petition the Cosmic Council for dispensations for earth’s evolutions or the Lightbearers or another member of Hierarchy.

      I submit this my application and my proposal that I be taken on as a chela under your office and in the heart of the Western Shamballa, that thereby in so doing I might alleviate planetary suffering and provide another reason why the Lords of Karma and the Cosmic Council might consider your prayers for the blessing of mankind and the receipt of beneficent graces to the benefit of earth’s great goal [of freedom] and the golden age of Aquarius.

   Thus, beloved, in this way you properly state your desire [to be the chela of Gautama Buddha and] the reasons for your desire; and you may add to it the commitment of a sound chelaship, keeping [and building upon] that level of devotion to which you have now attained.

Therefore I come this evening, beloved, on the anniversary of my ascension to take the opportunity to tell you that even as beloved El Morya has been unbenched, so, to your credit, you have balanced increments of karma [that you have borne] in your lifestreams; and in the balancing of them, because you are led in the masterful science of decreeing by both of your Messengers, you have also gained some self-mastery in the exercise of the spoken Word.

May you know, then, that as those who train for the Olympics and reach and exceed last year’s mark in the mile race, so now when you attain to that level it is indeed important to maintain it and not [to] allow yourself to go back to a former record which was yours when you had greater karma. To participate in unbenching an Ascended Master when he in his plight can do nothing for himself except what his chelas do for him, I would tell you, beloved, this is to balance considerable karma and to place oneself in this position of opportunity.

And therefore, as I look upon you I see into the depths of your souls that the ascension has meaning, a new meaning because, having attained to [new levels of Christ-Self awareness through] this service, you realize a new realm of the possible. A new realm of the possible is conveyed to the soul. A new understanding of what is the capacity of the soul [to hold the Christ Light in the chalice of being] is measured by the standard of this achievement. For as beloved El Morya has told you, he did not expect to be unbenched so soon.

Therefore, beloved, it does give great hope to your hearts as it does give hope to my heart that there might be succeeding dispensations and opportunities as you endure, since life becomes, then, an endurance test; for all who would receive the crown of Life must endure to their end, <5> to the end of their human creation. Therefore it is now most essential that you assess yourself, the capacities of your respective four lower bodies, that you seek to increase those capacities and yet observe the law of the sine wave, of the going within, of the necessary rest, the necessary re-creation of the four lower bodies and the pacing of yourself.

That pacing, beloved, is most essential because only in the cycles of time and space can all things be fulfilled. Only on certain days out of the year, [and in] certain months [and] certain years can certain karmas be balanced. And therefore it is [in] the steady, steady, I say, passing through the cycles [that the goal of life is achieved]. And [I would impart] the understanding that because the service at the altar does reach a peak of maximum tension there is the necessity for balanced activity; and there is no greater balance as activity goes than physical activity itself, whether it be sports or in this season taking one’s energy to the fields for the harvest.

The harvest, beloved, is always symbolical of the harvesting of good karma and good works. And as you weed it is a very physical process of weeding out the bad karma and casting it into the sacred fire before it does choke out the opportunities that will then come forth through the good karma.

So the harvest is a delicate time when both the tares and the good wheat must be taken and then the good wheat separated out. So the angels come to bind the tares in bundles and burn them. <6>  So it is a harvest of the judgment, not only of the seed of the Wicked [One] but of the seeds of wickedness that the seed of the Wicked [One] have sought [to] and [have] succeeded in planting in your subconscious while your soul has slept.

And it is during the period when the soul sleeps and does not keep the midnight vigil with her Lord that that enemy does come [in] and sow the bad seed. Then upon awakening one finds in the garden of consciousness those weeds that are not in keeping with the flowers of the Higher Mind of spiritual aspiration. And therefore one can become influenced by, one can become poisoned by the effects of the bad seed as it does sprout and grow.

If that bad seed or negative karma is to be thwarted and removed before the harvest, the only efficacious way to do this, beloved, is through the violet flame. For the violet flame is selective, discriminatory and does transmute only that which is not of the Light. Without the violet flame, beloved, you would see yourselves as in past ages, coming to the place where the weeds would be as strong as or stronger than the developed seed of the good wheat. Thus the harvest was ever more difficult [for chelas on the Path] before the [advent of the] gift and dispensation [of the violet flame, which was] won for this planet by the beloved and noble Saint Germain and by the support of beloved Portia and all of the Hierarchy of Light for this blessed Master of Aquarius.

Blessed ones, we see, then, that progress has been made. But it is O so important for those who make progress to be able to pause and assess the progress and to understand how they did accomplish it, what has been gained [for Hierarchy, for Community, for self, for society]–what is the self-mastery that has been gained and what yet remains to be accomplished. When one surges forward on a single line of the [Cosmic] Clock one must be careful that [the records and hang-ups charted on] other lines that have not been so transmuted do not pull one back to one’s former state. And this is why, beloved, it is so important to call for protection while the soul is strengthened so that the soul is not tempted to go back to the former self and therefore lose the ground that has been gained.

Alas, this has happened to students who have attended Summit University who have been raised up into a light and a glory and a teaching, and yet they could not sustain it and thus they did fall back. And this is most tragic, beloved, and therefore we would seek to alleviate this problem.

The solution to the problem has been provided by Lord Maitreya in establishing the Mystery School. <7>  Lord Maitreya teaches that the Mystery School is for lifetime students, career students and career sons of God. One cannot afford to be outside of the Guru-chela relationship when one is on a path of acceleration. And when one does wish to leap forward beyond the current levels of self-mastery, one needs all the more the reinforcement of Community.

Community does hold the hand of the disciple, does provide the love bond, does provide the care and the reinforcement. Yet Community can never be a substitute for self-effort or [for] the engaging in that inner walk with God and in the mighty work of the ages. One must have a straight spine and courage and determination to remain within the Community and the Mystery School and to keep [up] that striving daily. Striving itself is creative tension and it, too, must be balanced.

Therefore take care that you also balance your moods. It is certainly not a time for excessive levity when one finds one’s Church in such a plight as it is in today. But by the same token, beloved, when you become serious for prolonged periods your seriousness is no longer effective in carrying the Light of the Trinity. And therefore it is important to engage in a certain joy and happiness, which can also be achieved as you take a shift in being with the children of the Community, enjoying their games and their studies and the wonderment of their hearts and their activities–in effect, to become a child again with them as you may be among those who care for them at certain hours.

There are many ways to discover this communion with Nature and with Nature’s God. And there is much, much joy in the sanctuary, of course. Once the battle is won and there is the victory, there is that stupendous release of Light, hence of the tension itself. And one may sleep the good sleep, journey to the retreats and return to apply oneself to the next levels of physical assignments that are a part of this building of our Inner Retreat.

So, blessed ones, it is good to be tolerant with the physical manifestation and consciousness that must provide the vessel for so great a God-manifestation. Those who have come (and I say some of those who have come) and seen and then rejected the Messenger have had the problem of expecting to find a human god as an adornment for their own self-idolatry; [others have had] the consciousness of being [or becoming] a perfect human being [and this, too,] is detrimental to the chela. You may live your life in a straitjacket if you pursue perfection at the human level and be so unpleasant and so impossible [to live with] as to find that no one would ever want to follow in your footsteps. And yet that [idolatrous] tendency lingers even when chelas are not aware that they have it.

Let us say, beloved, that the mark of one who has this [bent] in his psychology to manifest human perfection is the mark of spiritual pride. It is also the mark of one who engages in excessive self-condemnation, which by and by becomes the condemnation of others. And so you see, beloved, that expectation that one should be a human god is antithetical to the path of Maitreya. I ask you to look at this so that you may shed the snakeskin that some have brought of their inheritances from various nations around the world where this consciousness is so prevalent as to be ingrained, and we find that people do not even realize that this [tendency] has been instilled in them by the Nephilim gods themselves [as genetic tares sown among the genetic wheat].

And so, beloved, imperfections are always with the saints. It is not that you mourn them but that you are reminded that the human has the propensity to err, that the human is an imperfect vessel for the perfection of the Christ and that the imperfections that linger on the path of sainthood are not so vastly important to the spiritual overseers of the planet as they may be to yourselves. Blessed ones, there is the perfecting of the heart and the soul and the mind that is often neglected by those who have vanity and spiritual pride and continually expect the human flesh-and-blood person to be that perfect model and role model of the chela.

I do not say these things by way of exonerating any from indulgence in human consciousness that is dangerous to themselves and that does set a bad example, especially to children and new students. I do say, beloved, that you should strive diligently to root out those things that you suppose would not be pleasing to your Christ Self. But to measure oneself on the Path one should look to one’s heart capacity to love one another, one’s heart capacity to be compassionate and merciful, to be profoundly understanding of the burdens of another, to be able to give that love in the purest sense [that] is such a strong holding of the immaculate concept that people are healed by the very gaze, by the very flow of light [passing from your Presence to that] one [for whom you keep the flame of Divine Love].

Blessed hearts, many who come to this Community are perhaps “diamonds in the rough” who have not had the perfect tutoring [of the soul] or the background in all of the proper manners and behavior. Some have had [a] fragmented development of the psyche in childhood and [they] have a difficult time in dealing with that which is in the subconscious that they do not understand at all. Some do not even know when they need counseling or when it is necessary to have therapy.

Therefore those who have the loving heart and the wise heart must be alert to this [need] so that those who do require assistance do not give up [the Path] before they have had the opportunity to make a go of it through the understanding of wise counsellors who will show them how to unwind the various experiences of the past and [how to] unwind from the coil of being those momentums that have resulted from fragmented situations, especially at the emotional level, from early childhood on.

Of course, beloved, there is no replacement for the violet flame in this area. And those who have such problems must beware of extreme self-indulgence and spiritual pride and the sense that says, “I can go it alone. I can do this myself. I do not need anyone’s help.”  This is a most dangerous [state of mind], beloved, for our Father has created life so that all parts of life are interdependent. It is the very law of the harmony, of the chemistry, of a cosmos. No one individual manifestation of God in this level [of soul evolution] and octave could possibly contain all of the elements necessary for the full integration of that God [within the personality].

Therefore Community is the solution. And each one in Community does provide truly a blessedness, truly a focus of sainthood, that all others may drink from that certain fountain and know [that] when they put their straw into that fountain a certain vibration, a certain flavor will come forth. And that very special vibration may be at any time the healing element that they require.

Do you realize, beloved, that by your presence and your smile and your support, your service [and] your hard work, you have meant to one or [to] countless hundreds or thousands the inspiration, the presence, the tremendous support that that one did need and [that] the many did need at various times?  Most of you do not even have the realization of what your life [can mean to others] and [that] how you live can [be] an inspiration to others.

And so you see, beloved, when you have wondrous qualities of Light and they do shine but you have an area of your life that lags behind, such as a repetitive problem of alcohol or some other manifestation, or perhaps lying or perhaps [the] misusing of other people’s funds and on and on, this is hard for people to understand. It presents a dilemma. How can one be a student on the spiritual path and still engage in these indulgences?

If you are the victim of these indulgences yourself, if you, in other words, engage in them and find yourself trapped in them repeatedly again and again and now [you come to] see it as a pattern of your lifestream and of a lifetime, you must understand that these situations should no longer be regarded as spiritual problems but they should be regarded as psychological problems. And the difference is this, beloved, a psychological problem cannot [normally] be resolved until the individual can take apart the components that make up that problem and in the process actually take apart [and put back together again] elements of the soul and the soul’s personality development in this life and sometimes in previous lifetimes.

For the individual to overcome these repetitive problems or addictions [he] must be able to look at how they have come upon his lifestream in this lifetime and then [he must] tackle [them] through the calls for the binding of [his] dweller-on-the-threshold, through [giving] Astrea’s [decree (10.14) from twelve to thirty-six times daily], through naming the entities and discarnates [causative in a behavior mode], through adjusting and balancing one’s physical diet and life-style, through protecting oneself [from the negative influences of others] by reinforcing oneself by right association–association with individuals who have strength, who have wholeness or a semiwholeness in their psychology and a spiritual strength as warriors of the spirit on the Path.

Thus you see, [by] associat[ing] with those of predilections and addictions similar [to your own], you may find yourself easily trapped [again] in those circumstances because [they] may [represent] the weakest point of your personality where there is not only a developmental problem [in your psychology] but [also] a corresponding [spiritual] rent in the [etheric, mental, or astral] garment and even tears in the corresponding chakras.

So you see, beloved, [often] you cannot transmute with the violet flame or Astreas those elements that are wanting in the personality because it requires that you consciously tear down and build anew that personality on that particular line of the [Cosmic] Clock and in that particular area of your life. You simply cannot suppress it, ignore it, pretend it does not exist, [or] be annoyed with others when they may gently point out to you that such and such problem does exist.

If you have a repetitive problem with anger or a temper or outbursts with co-workers, you must understand that this is first and foremost a psychological problem <8> that must be pursued. It is of course also a spiritual problem because it shows a repetitive capacity to allow hordes of demons to rupture the harmony of one’s forcefield, [to] come rushing through the solar plexus, [to] come out in the spoken word (as the solar plexus is tied to the throat chakra); [it shows a repetitive capacity] to allow the demons that rush through to take one’s light, to misuse it in putting heavy energy upon others, and to drain one of that energy and leave one, as it were, spiritually and psychologically raped.

So you see, beloved, when this occurs repetitively you must know that it is and can be likened to an illness of the psyche. It is not [necessarily] something that you can consciously say no to. It is something that must be dealt with by [a] taking apart and putting together again [of all of the components of the problem]. And this is what we mean when we talk about the re-creation of oneself; [it is] to go before Elohim and to declare, “I desire to engage in the mighty work of the ages, the re-creation of myself through Almighty God, through Elohim!”

When you see and realize that there are elements in your being that are now a permanent part of yourself as the creation [of yourself and not of God] and when you say to yourself, “This is not my Real Self and I no longer desire to be cast in this mold,” it is then that you cry out to the creators of [the four lower bodies and the soul, to] the builders of form, the Elohim, and you say, “O God, help me in this alchemical process by the Holy Spirit to re-create myself in the Divine Image of my Holy Christ Self, who is smiling upon me!”  The re-creation of oneself is a day-to-day process.

Beloved, some of you still do not know the meaning of meshing gears. It is a series of gears. Some are meshing with your Christ Self and some must engage and be locked into the gears of the electronic belt. Some of you do not understand what it is, this groaning and travailing in the spirit to overcome the most deep-seated [problems lodged at] levels of one’s being that still are not a part of the Godhead and that [for want of resolution] remain [separated out from true selfhood].

Some prefer to live on the surface of being and therefore [to] avoid entrance into the heart of hearts. <9>  Because when you arrive at that heart of hearts and you kneel before the Buddha seated upon the throne on the island in the Gobi Sea, <10> you are given true and tough initiation. And you are plagued by the Western desire not to engage in this great work [of the re-creation of self].

Blessed ones, you do not know the groaning and the travailing in spirit that this Messenger, for example, has gone through in this lifetime to wrestle with every aspect of being in the present and all the way back to the first incarnation, going after records and astrology and all types of momentums to present this temple that living receptacle that the Lord might descend into it at any hour of the day or night [to use her in his service]. It is a process of gaining self-mastery [of the soul] as well [as] of the physical, mental, etheric and emotional quadrants, [and] not only of oneself but of [one’s circumstance in] the earth body [and ultimately of the earth body itself].

Thus, I say to you, engage. And this is truly the topic of my discourse with you this evening–to allow oneself to engage in the process of the re-creation of self, not to turn one’s back when one sees the dweller, not to make the decision to abide that dweller and [to] allow it to be as it is, [but] to go after it with the fierceness of a she-lion.

Blessed ones, it is the only way. Your victory must be won!  And this wrestling, as the spiritual work, must be accompanied by a true examination of the components of the psyche, hence the psychology. When you know yourself and know exactly why you have the behavior patterns that you have, I know that you will systematically go after them. You will be an observer from the center of the Eighth Ray chakra of the heart. You will watch yourself and your emotions and your conversations. You will listen to yourself speaking and reacting. And you will be in the heart of the Teacher.

And the Holy Christ Self and the Buddha will not need to instruct you, for you yourself will be your instructor and you will say to yourself:

“This type of expression I no longer allow. I go to the core of its cause. I go to the core of the condition. I go to the heart of Astrea and to the heart of God. I remain tough-minded, determined, at peace and in the supreme joy of the victory I claim. And I am consistent. And I kneel before the Lord Jesus Christ and profoundly I call for his intercession to deliver me of this momentum, which this day and date I declare is broken by the sword of Archangel Michael, by the right hand and the rod of Hercules!”

Each day call for reinforcement from the Ascended Masters and repeat the call at the altar again and again until by decrees, by violet flame, by resolve, by self-correction, by centeredness in God, there is the final unwinding of this momentum of habit <11> wound round the coil of being. You have been taught by Maitreya that the violet flame can consume the coil <12> and it is so. But to see to it that it is not re-created you must get to the bottom of [it, you must get to] the cause and core of that condition.

So, beloved, each time you gain a new understanding of yourself, bring it to the altar at the Friday night service:  you can have a step of victory with “Never a Backward Step.” <13>  You can gain ground and keep it. And that is the byword of initiates at Maitreya’s Mystery School, to set new records for oneself, to gain that ground and then to keep it. That is why you must remember, Hold Fast What Thou Hast Received. <14>  This is the mark of true progress and the true chela.

Blessed ones, that chela who leaps forward three steps and backward five is not happy. That chela may become discouraged to the point of becoming morose. No one can live that way. And if you allow yourself to do this repetitively, when you see yourself [doing it] and you know it, ask for help. You need help [from] a wise counsellor. You need help from the Ascended Masters. By leaving oneself in that plight of repetitively falling into the same hole, you see, you are engaging in a certain level of defeatism, of hopelessness and even of spiritual pride [that says] that against all other indications to the contrary you are determined to go this alone and not to accept either the divine or the embodied helper.

To admit that one has needs is important. It is a first step. To decide whether these are the true needs of the soul is also important. To decide whether these are the needs of an indulgent or a spoiled child [or] of the emotional body is relevant. But whatever the condition, beloved, there comes a moment when you must decide that it is folly to be one’s own doctor. It is folly to be one’s own guru before one has slain that dweller. It is folly to reject the hand that is extended as that helper.

Therefore it is not necessary to deny and suppress all that one experiences. It is important to allow oneself to hear what are the cries of the soul, what may be the demands of an indulgent [or an indolent] mental body, to watch and decide, as someone apart [from oneself], what one will allow oneself to deal with and what one will cast into the sacred fire.

There is a time for introspection and it comes at the conclusion of a battle and a victory when you regroup your forces for the next battle and the next victory. Unfortunately, you can count but moments or hours between El Morya’s victory and the next challenge that is upon this Church in this coming week. But nevertheless there are moments, and those moments ought to be taken so that you do not advance with the same [psychological or spiritual] lameness that you had in the prior battle but that you deal with it directly and forthrightly and that you do not feel ashamed that you have a problem, as though [having a problem] were [in] itself the stigma.

The stigma is not the problem, beloved. Everyone in this world has this problem or another. The stigma that you must deal with is your own refusal to deal with the problem, to face it and then, having analyzed it and understood clearly what it is, to stand, face and conquer and to know that once upon a time that problem may have been integral to your personality but from this day forward you have the strength and the individuality to stand back and to separate yourself out from the problem and to see it as a thing that you may pull out of a dresser drawer, even as your shadow. You may hold it up and say, “At one time I thought this was myself. Now I realize it was merely a garment that I put on ignorantly, thoughtlessly, under whatever influence.”

Thus, beloved, problem solving is the order of the day at Maitreya’s Mystery School, not problem ignoring, problem suppressing, problem neglecting. This does not mean that those who tend toward self-indulgence should now have so much self-concern [that] the self-concern itself does eclipse the radiant, shining Presence of the I AM THAT I AM that truly does enter to heal. And this is the great miracle of service itself, that in the course of service many problems are resolved simply because when another has an extreme urgency, one can see one’s own problems in perspective and know that there are indeed far greater problems than one’s own.

Most individuals, though they may carry a heavy burden of karma, will usually come to the conclusion after having spent some time in our [etheric] retreat at Fátima that in the final analysis they would rather carry their own karma than another’s. They would rather carry the burdens of their own psychology than another’s. And that is because in the very heart of the soul is the profound desire to undo that which must be undone, to gain resolution and to get the victory over the beast <15> oneself and [to] attain [one’s own] self-mastery, and in so doing to have that sense of integrity and personal honor, and that self-respect that leads to self-mastery and the peace-commanding Presence of the Christ. <16>

I trust, my beloved, that these words to you will be taken in balance and that you will see that there is indeed a balance [that is necessary] in [your] approach to life. It was I, beloved, who early one morning as the Messenger was walking to work in Boston did take her up in the atmosphere to observe from [a considerable] height her own self walking to work. I gave her this experience so that she could come apart, so that I could seal in her heart for this lifetime the sense [of balance,] of being one with the I AM Presence and [of being] able to deal with all problems of life from that level, [so that she could] know that one is not that body or that bundle of karma or that series of challenges presented in the astrology but one is the I AM THAT I AM, one is the Holy Christ Self and one is using that vessel for a purpose, [God’s purpose, every day].

To be able to come apart is so very important, beloved; and yet to realize that one must reenter that vehicle [is also very important]. For one cannot be the person of the I AM THAT I AM or the Holy Christ Self in the earth until one truly does prepare the vessel.

When I say engage, beloved, it is to engage the teeth of the gears [of your four lower bodies with the gears of the Mind of Christ in you. And it is to the end] that this vessel might be the fitting habitation of our God <17> and that therefore when Ascended Masters step through the veil on planet earth as the etheric becomes more tangible, as the Dark Night of the Spirit of the planet passes, you, too, will be able to be the embodiment of your Christhood and walk with those Ascended Masters as their students and not only [as their] students but [as] their friends.

The vessel is not merely the healthy physical body. It is the healthy emotional body, the strong emotional body. It is the healthy mental body that has grappled with the equations of the reason for being, with cosmic revelations, with science, with music and the attunement of the heart and the inner ear with the sounds of life of far-off worlds.

O expand the capacity of these lesser vehicles and remember Lanello’s call for this year to clear the etheric body. <18>  As you present that body purified and strengthened, a repository of the sacred fire, the other three bodies [under your loving self-discipline] will come into alignment with that inner blueprint.

You have had many successes. May you rejoice in them but not be caught off guard because of them. The Tempter is ever waiting to catch you off guard on the morrow when [you], having fought the good fight and won and passed your tests, may [yet], he [believes, be] traduced and [he may yet] cause your victories to be undone and you to have to go through a similar initiation again. Thus, be modest even in your own heart regarding your victories and ever careful to keep them [to the glory of God in Christ Jesus, my Son].

I am ever your Mother and ever grateful that you appealed to my heart for my intercession for the unbenching of our dear Morya. And I also speak for beloved Kuan Yin, whose gratitude has no end that you have also appealed to her heart for his unbenching. Let it be, then, that now all of this momentum [of your prayers and decrees] may be applied to the permanent God freedom of this Church and Community, to the violet flame breaking down all barriers.

Let the tide be turned!  Let the victory be claimed!

I AM always in my Electronic Presence in this court and [I AM] with you when you but speak a single Hail Mary as you walk from here to there.

In the joy of all of the ancient monasteries East and West and [of] the devotees who have given their hearts to the Divine Mother, I, Mary, tell you that there are those of etheric octaves who may now walk through this property because of the presence [of the] etheric [octave] strengthened here. And thus you will find many who walk carrying their rosary and reciting [their prayers and mantras] as their walking through these hills and through these areas does reinforce the Light [that you yourselves have invoked]. Truly many reinforcements are with you and that is why there is such a sense of Community.

Beloved, the strong flame of Saint Germain you sense and now the very, very near presence of El Morya. I ask you, beloved, when you go elsewhere that is not the property of the ranch or of Glastonbury to take note that though you may sense that there is less pressure of opposition [to the Light you bear], you may also note that there is no occupation of that area by these [Ascended] Masters. And the absence of the sensing of the world consciousness here is not merely because of the high altitude or of your mantras. It is because the aura of Gautama Buddha, of Saint Germain, of El Morya, of Maitreya, of Lanello, of Nada and so many others does occupy this land, this earth.

Take note of it, beloved. Go within [your] heart as you must travel here and there and sense what is the meaning of the great Electronic Presence of these Masters occupying space here and occupying time and you yourself walking through their auras, enveloped and sealed in that Light.

Sometimes you are as children, taking for granted so great a sense of the Presence of God, and sometimes you are in such attunement with it as to be in awe of the wonders of our God. I tell you, I am perpetually in awe of the wonders of our God and never take for granted each blessed miracle.

From the heart of our retreat at Fátima many souls of Light send greetings. They embrace you in the fellowship of Christ’s love and they salute you in your victory.

Now the blessings be upon those who go to Spokane and upon the Messenger. Beloved ones, the Messenger is the Church and the Church is the Messenger. So is every chela the white stone <19> in that building. Remember that each one of you is the living Church and wherever you go there is that Church.


This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the Sunday evening service on Monday, August 14, 1989, upon the occasion of the celebration of Mother Mary’s Ascension Day (August 15) at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. In the service prior to the dictation the Messenger gave teaching on self-mastery through the balanced threefold flame using visualizations with the Cosmic Clock for the giving of decree 20.03, “Balance the Threefold Flame in Me.”  The service and dictation are available on two 90-min. audiocassettes, B89105-6. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Mother Mary’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. Universities of the Spirit sponsored by the Seven Chohans of the Rays. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 22, p. 250 n. 7.

2. The Alpha focus of Gautama Buddha’s etheric retreat, Shamballa, is located over the Gobi Desert in central Asia. In 1981 Gautama established the Omega focus of this retreat, called the Western Shamballa, in the etheric octave over the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana. These two retreats are in polarity, anchoring the Alpha and Omega of the Buddhic consciousness. See 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 30, pp. 419-22.

3. a grid of the Christ consciousness

4. “I Am Unbenched!” El Morya, 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 33, pp. 473-86, 486 n. 3; no. 36, p. 516 n. 10.

5. Crown of Life. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 23, p. 257 n. 4.

6. Tares among the wheat. Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43.

7. Maitreya’s Mystery School established at the Royal Teton Ranch. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 30, pp. 423-25.

8. Mental and emotional problems may also be related to biochemical imbalances, such as those caused by hypoglycemia, candida, food and environmental allergies, and hypothyroidism.

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is a sign of imbalance in the glandular system–the pancreas, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands. This is usually caused by the consumption of a diet high in refined carbohydrates, such as white flour, sugar and other sweeteners, including honey, fructose and fruit juice concentrates. Excessive coffee consumption in addition to lack of proper sleep and exercise will also aggravate this condition. In addition to a wide range of physical problems, hypoglycemia has been associated with aggressive personality changes, rapid mood swings, hysteria, depression, anxiety, phobias (including claustrophobia), compulsions, violent temper tantrums, introversion, nightmares, lack of mental alertness, confusion, apathy, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, irritability and uncontrolled crying spells.

Candida albicans is a yeast microorganism normally found to a certain extent in everyone’s gastrointestinal system. The taking of prolonged or frequent courses of antibiotics, birth control pills or cortisone (or other immunosuppressant drugs) often allows for the uncontrolled growth of candida beyond its normal limits. Such unchecked growth eventually results in a number of toxic substances being released into the bloodstream that can weaken the immune system and can cause a wide variety of mental, emotional and physical problems, including food allergies. Mental and emotional problems that have been associated with candida overgrowth include agitation, anxiety, poor concentration, confusion, depression, food cravings, hostility, hyperactivity, hyperirritability, lethargy, memory loss and the aggravation of schizophrenia.

Food and environmental allergies are the general terms that describe a variety of mental, emotional and physical problems that can develop when an individual is exposed to foods or substances in his environment to which he is sensitive. Common foods known to produce an allergic response in sensitive individuals are milk, corn, wheat and eggs, but any food can be a problem. Some environmental allergens (substances that induce allergies) are pollen, formaldehyde, perfumes and exhaust fumes. Mental and emotional symptoms that have been related to food and environmental allergies are similar to those of hypoglycemia and candida.

Hypothyroidism is a disease in which there is inadequate production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. Every cell in the body is dependent upon thyroid hormone to produce the energy it needs to carry out its own unique functions. An inadequate level of thyroid hormone is associated with a broad spectrum of problems, many of them physical; the mental and emotional conditions associated with hypothyroidism are irritability, hostility, mental sluggishness and dullness, suspiciousness, delusions, inability to concentrate, introversion, failing memory, temper tantrums, contrariness and depression.

If you think you may be dealing with any of the conditions listed above, we recommend that you consult your personal health practitioner for more advice. The following books are also recommended:

Sugar Blues by William Dufty

Lick the Sugar Habit by Nancy Appleton

The Yeast Connection:  A Medical Breakthrough by William G. Crook, M.D.

Candida Albicans:  Could Yeast Be Your Problem? by Leon Chaitow

Food Intolerance:  What It Is and How to Cope with It by Robert Buist

Detecting Your Hidden Allergies by William G. Crook, M.D.

Nutrition and Mental Illness:  An Orthomolecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry

by Carl C. Pfeiffer, M.D.

Solved:  The Riddle of Illness by Stephen E. Langer, M.D. (on hypothyroidism)

The macrobiotic approach to understanding the relationship between psychological problems and weaknesses in various organs is explained in the book Macrobiotics and Human Behavior by William Tara (currently out of print). He gives the following summary of the positive and negative attributes associated with different organs when they are in their strong or weakened states respectively:


9. in the Eighth Ray chakra, the secret chamber of the heart

10. See Djwal Kul’s meditation and visualization on the hidden chamber of the heart as the place prepared to receive your Christ Self and your Ascended Master Guru, in Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura, pp. 40-47.

11. Habit. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 21, p. 240 n. 1.

12. Unwinding the coil of habit. Lord Maitreya, “The Overcoming of Fear through Decrees,” in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word, pp. 21-23; Jesus and Kuthumi, Corona Class Lessons, pp. 263-64; the Messenger’s February 22, 1989 letter to Keepers of the Flame on lesson 7 and above, pp. 3-5.

13. “Never a Backward Step!”  is the motto of Carol Hedgpeth, a Keeper of the Flame who was knighted “Sir Valiant” by Saint Germain.

14. “Hold Fast What Thou Hast Received” is a motto of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. See Rev. 3:11.

15. the carnal mind, the dweller-on-the-threshold

16. For Christ now abides within your temple because you have attained that equilibrium, that harmony that is the sign of internal resolution within one’s members. See Rom. 7:19-23.

17. “Ye are the temple of the living God.” I Cor. 3:16, 17; 6:19, 20; II Cor. 6:16.

18. The clearing of the etheric body. Lanello, 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 8, pp. 54-56, 57-59, 60-61, 63-64, 67.

19. White stone. Rev. 2:17.