Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 32 No. 43 - Beloved Heros and Amora - October 22, 1989


Free El Morya!
A Fourth of July Prayer Vigil
The Chalice of Your Heart
To Catch the Drops of the Ruby Ray, Blood of Christ
Without the Shedding of Blood There Is No Remission of Sin
“Work While Ye Have the Light!”


Most blessed ones, we in the love flame of God intensify now the Ruby Ray within you. Therefore be still and know that Elohim is God <1> where you are in the fullness of [our] twin flames of Divine Love. Be still now, beloved, and receive our love offering to you and your beloved Morya.

I shall answer the mind and minds of those who say, “Why are we here at this hour of the night?”  Blessed ones, I will tell you. I will tell you two very good reasons.

One, it is in the night that we come for the binding of the fallen ones who love the darkness because their deeds are evil. <2>  [And two,] on each and every line of the Clock, [whatever the time,] when you gather, when you pray, it is on that line [and at that hour lifetime after lifetime of] your entire human history that we may enter and clear the [karmic] records of misdeeds [committed] at those hours.

We are reaching, therefore, for the unconscious; [we go to] the very depths of the polarization of the not-self against the absolute manifestation of Almighty God. Therefore we, Elohim of the Third Ray, come, beloved, and we come for the exorcism of those levels of the dweller-on-the-threshold that must be bound in this very moment.

Therefore tens of thousands of legions of the Ruby Ray come with their falchions and they come with seraphim and legions of Astrea. And they go to, now, the very unconscious of the Lightbearers of the entire planet for the binding of those conditions that they have outgrown and yet against which they yet groan. For they cannot quite extricate themselves from the force of anti-God that lurks within their garments and within their members. Yet they see through it, yet they know it [is there]; and yet they still cry as a woman in travail to give birth to their own Christhood. <3>  Therefore these legions of the Ruby Ray and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray come forth knowing your desire to be greater instruments and widened chalices for Elohim.

The [third] reason for [our gathering in] this hour, beloved, is for the great growing of darkness and gross darkness in the earth. And at this hour there is a stillness of the mind and the emotions [of the people abiding] in these several time belts. And therefore in these hours as we are together, the contact [of your souls with us] reflecting cosmic realms of Light is clear, as clear as the starlight or aurora borealis that you see in summertime.

Thus, beloved, as many find these hours creative and undisrupted by human vibration, so we also are required to expend less light of our causal bodies to reach you and to reach the Messenger than in those hours when even the airwaves themselves are bombarding [the ethers and your four lower bodies] with all manner of programming of radio and television and all manner of misuse of sound, of music, of the word and the mind.

Thus, the babble of voices is eliminated and we can descend to your hearts that are raised now even as angels of Chamuel and Charity come. And there is, beloved, a pink crystal quartz chalice and that chalice is being placed as the chalice of your heart.

These angels bring this chalice to you, beloved, that you might catch the drops of Ruby Ray not alone from ourselves but as the Blood of Christ, drop by drop. For the piercing of the Christ and Christed ones is come again by the infamy of the fallen ones upon earth. The hearts of ascended beings and saints in etheric octaves are pierced with grief and sorrow for the depredations, the desecrations of life upon earth.

You have witnessed that which is most heinous, <4> for by far a larger percentage of Lightbearers have come under that persecution in the area of Tibet than in areas similar in size where not so many Lightbearers have embodied.

Blessed ones, for true and final liberation to come to Tibet, there must be receptivity to the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood. For even the Dalai Lama in his sincerity does make a great karma in this hour by preaching a doctrine of accommodation. <5>  Blessed ones, you may pray for his enlightenment and for the binding of the fallen angels who also traduce those who attempt to be our best servants. The awareness of the Evil One, Mara, and the fallen ones who persecuted the Buddha, <6> the awareness even of the forces of Evil that had to be bound by the forces of Light of Sanat Kumara has somehow escaped the focalization of this one’s mind.

Blessed ones, understand that the teaching on Evil [and the forces of the Evil One] is apparent in the life of Lord Gautama and [in] prior persecutions [of the great Lights of history East and West]. Yet without the key unlocking the Book of Enoch, <7> unlocking the sacred scriptures [of East and West], some of the finest minds and spiritual devotees in the earth have not come to grips with what is the tremendous teaching of the Divine Mother and the Buddha within this Community of Maitreya.

Beloved ones, Saint Germain has given to you such a development of the science of the spoken Word as to place your work and service centuries beyond your peers in other spiritual communities, and I cite those of the East where chanting and the mantra are given. Yet without the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters, without the presentation of that teaching through the Messengers, they have not reached this level of advancement [to be able to deal with sinister forces through the exercise of the Word]. And this is why so very much does depend upon you who have the skill and the gift [of the Holy Spirit to deliver the decrees we have dictated to the Messengers for your victory].

Beloved ones, in some instances these ones and their leaders are not teachable. They may be devotees of Love but they are not open to the new vibration, to the Everlasting Gospel, or even to the teachings of the Tara, the Kuan Yin, and the Mother [who comes] out of the East unto the West in this hour. Their traditions going back for centuries convince them that they have all that they need.

Therefore, beloved, though you may desire to go and convert the Dalai Lama or the Tibetan monks and nuns, I tell you, our counsel even from Darjeeling is rather to convert yourself and [to] take their example of devotion and discipline and the life that they live to increase the Light where you are and to attract to this Community those Lightbearers out of the East, including those slain in this cultural revolution in Tibet, who have come to the West to reincarnate here (for they have seen the star of the Mother and the Buddha in the West); and [some] have [already] done so. They are even in embodiment in North America, beloved. They must be drawn [to this Community of the Holy Spirit] by your Light!

And we, Heros and Amora, tell you, beloved, that the Light is not sufficiently raised up nor disciplined nor expanded nor balanced in your four lower bodies. Look not beyond yourselves, therefore, to the cause of this plight wherein we see that ten thousandfold more Lightbearers should be a part of this worldwide Community, [yet they are not].

The Light, we say, must be raised up by the assimilation of the Word. And when that Light is beheld as the largeness of the aura, [as] the magnanimous heart, when that Light is raised up, you will draw [to this Sangha of the Buddha] those of equal Light. <8> And you will not spin your wheels going after those who cannot be converted until this dispensation of Pisces is through and there be a cleansing of the planetary home and they themselves have gone through a certain karma of pain and suffering and persecution that thereby they might break the very mold of an ancient tradition and receive the crystal chalice of the new dispensation.

Most beloved hearts of Light, do not feel burdened by our word. As you know, there is not a single iota of criticism or condemnation or judgment out of heaven upon heaven’s own upon earth. We come to love you and to love you and to love you and to woo you to the Light of the Inner Buddha and the Inner Christ. We do not condemn any of East or West who serve the cause of Light. But you must recognize when the cup [of your consciousness] is limited and even closed so as not to receive the new light. [Therefore,] we must give this chalice to our own and those in whom we find the greatest promise of receptivity.

Thus the chalice will catch the drops of Light from heaven’s altar shed for the remission of planetary sin; for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, <9> beloved. And the meaning thereof is that the Light of the heart of the Ascended Master, such as El Morya, and the chela of that Guru, such as yourself, must truly be released from the heart [chakra]. And that Light is released through pathos and through the pain of the Mother for her children, the pain of the World Mother for her own.

And therefore to experience this by identifying with sensitivity to life through the heart of the Goddess of Liberty, you will find that the Light from your heart shall also be shed. And so this Light with our own, the Blood of Christ, as Above so below, commingling in the rose chalice, may be for the remission of that darkness and density and burden [of world karma] that is upon the remnant of the Lightbearers of the planet. These we must refine. These we must go and find. These we must bring in by the Ruby Ray.

In profound sorrow for the burdens of the people of earth and those which may be coming upon them and in the supreme joy of this moment of bursting fire within you, as you in your sensitivity also take upon yourself some of the sorrows of Mother Mary, we, therefore, Heros and Amora, pledge ourselves anew and again and again to be the complement [of your oneness worldwide] as the Mystical Body of God robed in white on Friday evening does gather. And we therefore bring the Ruby Ray that all might remember how they have also offered their life again and again.

And in this hour, God has given you for past sacrifice, beloved, an extraordinary protection. Is it not so, beloved?  [“Yes.”]

You may count yourselves blessed among peoples of this century who have been similarly slain by World Communism. And not a few among you have already risen from those areas of the slaying to reincarnate here. Therefore we say, to protect the Place [Prepared], where we have decreed (and where you may confirm that decree) that this holocaust <10> shall not be replayed at this Inner Retreat, we ask you, beloved, to take that cassette of songs and decrees to Archangel Michael, to give it every other day, and in between to give Archangel Michael’s Rosary. <11>  We are pleased if you may give both daily but we ask only that you give one each day.

Let there be, then, the understanding that protection to earth can come only through spiritual and physical defense. That is evident, beloved, where the people of Tibet did not desire to know the dire prophecy at hand but preferred the loaded dice. <12>  So I say, recognize that spiritual protection is not enough. And yet by the science of the spoken Word the spiritual protection you invoke does coalesce as physical protection when you do the work to manifest that physical protection yourselves!

And I must say, you are far more practical in this regard than your counterparts in Lhasa. They have learned [their lesson] all too late, far too late, beloved. And thus, they have no guaranteed right to bear arms and no clear religious directive to do so, whereas the Constitution does guarantee to the American people the right to [keep and] bear arms. <13>

And as one disciple commented, the most notable lesson of Tiananmen Square, as you would observe, is that all of the arms were in the hands of the army and the government. <14>  And the citizens were bereft of any means of self-defense against a government that would turn against its citizens and turn its armies against its citizens. Consider the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, that you might be guaranteed defense against a government gone mad and an army of automatons following [their madness]. Recognize, beloved, that those students had not advanced in their astuteness to realize that it is the entire Bill of Rights and the entire Constitution that does guarantee and safeguard the independence of every individual citizen.

Therefore know, beloved ones, that that right was not exercised in Tibet as admonished by the Thirteenth Dalai Lama. Instead [of entering a path of heightened self-discipline], the people became corrupt in his absence, turned in upon themselves in their self-indulgences, and did not take those years from 1933 forward to prepare themselves for their Armageddon. <15>

Blessed are they who have suffered in the name of Buddha, for they who have suffered in the name of the Buddha shall receive the Buddha’s reward. Yet the refiner’s fire <16> has come to them. They had not the call to Astrea nor the violet flame. Therefore they too must meet [the karma of] even that level of disobedience to their leader which brought them to that point of vulnerability.

Blessed ones, I do not imply that there is a heavy karma on the part of Tibetans, for this is a karma [that was] initiated [by] Communist hordes for which they themselves shall be judged. And yet, beloved, by 1950 the teachings of the Ascended Masters and of the Great White Brotherhood had been well installed in the west for almost a century.

Therefore understand, the Dalai Lama is a highly educated man who does know the way of the West. Realize that any ignorance, beloved, any ignoring of the impulsations of the Light from on high, by whatever neglect or density, does create its own karma. As they say, ignorance of the Law is not an excuse.

It is tragic, beloved. It is tragic that many who are the male leaders in spiritual fields, although in the East they anticipate the coming of the World Mother, have not received her teaching through the Ascended Masters and the Messengers, have not seen her, though her coming in the West is prophesied, though Tara is seen as descending all in white!  Indeed, the prophecies have been written, they have been given. But as we say, karma blinds. But so does tradition outworn!  So does a doctrine not of God but of man.

But, beloved hearts, let us not lay [the entire burden of guilt] at the feet of those who are in one sense victims and [most certainly] sincere [in their motives]. Let us lay it where it belongs, at the feet of the fallen angels who have traduced [those who would be the true followers of God <17>] again and again by the distortion of the teachings of Sanat Kumara.

Blessed ones, how can this happen?  I tell you, they become lost in their scriptures and textbooks. And they have not the key of Light, and they have not put together the essential Truth that is the portion of the Mother to give you, the synthesis of the teaching of the great laws and dispensations [of the Lord of the World and the Cosmic Christ] and [how] to apply them to the present moment. This is the genius of the release [of the spiritual self-knowledge, i.e., gnosis,] of the Great White Brotherhood in the West and through your Messengers.

Think of it, beloved, how the very essentials of all [of the] world’s religions have been brought together [through this outpost of Hierarchy] while others [who would be students of the Great Lawgiver] remain in their libraries and universities for lifetimes, pondering their own scriptures, reciting them, and yet never coming to the essential Light <18> and to the point of understanding how to restore [their religions] to the moment of individual challenge, [to] the moment of individual initiation and the ascension.

These gifts Saint Germain and Morya and Jesus have brought. These gifts pass to you through [the] receptive and refined and tutored hearts of the Messengers; these gifts [are] received by you because you have been carefully tutored and selected to journey to the [etheric] retreats of the Brotherhood [that you might] be prepared [to receive them].

Have you not wondered how so many of [the] friends that you may have do turn aside, for they cannot “eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of God”? <19>  And yet you say, “They are like me.”

Well, beloved, they may be like you in many ways. But by karma and circumstance they have not been plucked and sponsored by so great a love of Morya that has escorted you to the retreats of the Brotherhood and taught you year in, year out, decade upon decade and [during many] lifetimes [so as] to bring you to this point where you could have almost, as it were, an instantaneous awareness, receptivity, and conversion to this Path and to this Teaching and to this Message as it was first spoken to many of you as the Stump Message.

Truly the knowledge of the I AM THAT I AM is one matter. But the internalization of the Mighty I AM Presence is another. You are on your way to that Victory, and yet the exercise of such a small portion of the Teaching has brought you so far as to make you almost comfortable in the Light and not realize that that which is wanting [in your own lifestream] are the rings upon rings of auric emanation that become a magnet, an electromagnetic field, to raise a planetary home.

Therefore, as we have said, beloved, you do have all things in your hands for this Victory. And it is the hour to reclaim the lost sheaths of the aura and the chakras. It is the hour for a serious mending, participating with the angels, that the garment may be made whole. It is the hour for the understanding that amongst all peoples you are most blessed. For you do have the keys and the sponsorship to perform this mighty work of the Lord, to hold greater Light that those whom you see suffer may have the days of their suffering shortened. <20>  For they are the elect of God and the cosmic law does state that it is you and not the Ascended Masters who must be their sponsors by yourselves becoming adepts and anointed ones as Christs. <21>

Thus your sponsorship is a sufficiency and does satisfy the Law, and the Law will not offer more to the ascended hierarchy. It must come from you, beloved. For to whom is given much, much much more is expected <22> than you presently or previously have realized.

It is therefore the great hope of the Twenty-Four Elders and of all who have spoken for God, for Morya at this prayer vigil that you, beloved, will become greater devotees, bearers of a greater Light and understand that you indeed hold the key to El Morya’s freedom.

We give, then, to you the final word of El Morya for this prayer vigil and its sealing. His message to you, beloved, is this:  “Work while you have the Light, [the Guru, with you]!” <23>


This dictation by Heros and Amora was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet following Astrea and Purity’s dictation at the conclusion of the Wednesday evening service on Thursday, July 6, 1989, during Free El Morya!  A Fourth of July Prayer Vigil held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Available with the dictation of Astrea and Purity on 78-min. audiocassette B89104. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Heros and Amora’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. Be still, and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10.

2. Men loved darkness because their deeds were evil. John 3:19.

3. Woman in travail. Jer. 4:31; Mic. 4:9, 10; Gal. 4:19; Rev. 12:2.

4. As part of her lecture “The Attack of the Sangha of the Buddha” delivered prior to the dictation (see 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 42, p. 571 note), the Messenger showed excerpts of the following television documentaries and news programs that described the brutalities of the Chinese Communist invasion and occupation of Tibet:  “Tibet:  The Lost Mystery” and “Tibet:  The Bamboo Curtain Falls,” The World About Us, BBC, 1982; “Forbidden Land,” Man Alive, CBC, 1982; “NBC Nightly News,” 10 March 1989; “20/20,” ABC, 19 May 1989.

5. Dalai Lama’s doctrine of accommodation. In an interview on ABC’s “20/20” television program that was aired May 19, 1989, the Dalai Lama (Tibet’s exiled spiritual and temporal leader) said that he is always telling Tibetans, especially the younger people who have militant ideas, that the way to change Chinese attitudes and the Chinese mind is through love and kindness. While acknowledging that over one million Tibetans have been killed by the Chinese Communists, the Dalai Lama said:  “We must follow a strict nonviolent nature....Whether we like it or not, we have to live side by side. So once you develop genuine compassion, forgiveness, then people also equally respond....[A] genuine sense of universal responsibility on the basis of love and kindness is the key factor.”

In his pamphlet entitled A Human Approach to World Peace, published in 1984, the Dalai Lama wrote:  “Anger plays no small role in current conflicts such as those in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the North-South problem, and so forth. These conflicts arise from a failure to understand one another’s humanness. The answer is not the development and use of greater military force, nor an arms race. Nor is it purely political or purely technological. Basically it is spiritual, in the sense that what is required is a sensitive understanding of our common human situation. Hatred and fighting cannot bring happiness to anyone, even to the winners of battles. Violence always produces misery and thus is essentially counter-productive. It is, therefore, time for world leaders to learn to transcend the differences of race, culture, and ideology and to regard one another through eyes that see the common human situation. To do so would benefit individuals, communities, nations, and the world at large.”

6. Mara’s temptation of Gautama Buddha. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 30, pp. 431-32, 439-42, 443-44.

7. See Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch: The Untold Story of Men and Angels, containing all the Enoch texts, including the Book of Enoch and the Book of the Secrets of Enoch, with exegesis and exposé by Elizabeth Clare Prophet investigating the hypothesis that there are fallen angels in embodiment today who are the oppressors of the people.

8.  i.e., Christ consciousness

9. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. Matt. 26:27, 28; Heb. 9:19-22.

10. “Holocaust” refers to the Communist attack on the Buddha’s Sangha in the East.

11. Decrees and Songs to Archangel Michael. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 33, p. 486 n. 16. Archangel Michael’s Rosary for Armageddon. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 7, p. 51 n. 5.

12. An excerpt from the BBC documentary “Tibet:  The Bamboo Curtain Falls,” viewed by the congregation preceding the dictation, depicted the inability of the Tibetans to face the prophecies of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama

see note 14) and the threat of the Chinese Communist invasion that took place in October 1950. An eyewitness who experienced firsthand the events in Lhasa prior to the takeover explained that as the threat of invasion grew, “it seemed as if the entire population of Tibet had packed the narrow streets of Lhasa in pious enthusiasm for the religious festivals which in 1950 surpassed in pomp and splendor anything I had ever seen. Despite the threat from the Chinese, the ceremonies vital to the running of the state had to continue. Four weeks after the great New Year festival, the twenty thousand monks of the monasteries around Lhasa descended once again into the city for the second prayer festival. The people believed with rocklike faith that the power of religion would suffice to protect their independence.

“The main event of the second prayer festival was the chastisement of evil spirits. The full force of the tantric order was mobilized. In front of the central cathedral the abbots of the great monasteries were challenged to throw dice to decide the fate of Tibet. Two scapegoats symbolizing evil were the challengers. Representatives of the Tibetan government supervised the contest. They took no chances. The dice were loaded–the faces of the abbot’s dice all marked with sixes, those of the demons with ones.  The moment ritual victory was won for Tibet, the scapegoats were driven from the town. The prayers ended with a great procession to the foot of the Potala Palace.”

13. The Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America states that “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

14. Massacre at Tiananmen Square. After seven weeks of peaceful protests in and mass occupation of Tiananmen Square by Chinese students and their supporters demanding greater freedoms, on June 4, 1989, the Chinese government sent thousands of troops from the 27th Army into the square behind armored personnel carriers and tanks. The soldiers turned on their fellow countrymen with tear gas and automatic rifles and charged the demonstrators with bayonets. The unarmed civilians could only respond with stones or Molotov cocktails. It is estimated that when the massacre was over as many as 3,000 to 7,000 were killed. As John Bierman wrote in Maclean’s (19 June 1989, p. 22), the “unforgettable image” that millions will remember was the television footage of “the lone Chinese protester blocking an entire column of tanks with no weapons except his moral outrage.”

15. Tibetan nonpreparedness for Chinese invasion. In 1932 the Thirteenth Dalai Lama released his final testament to the people of Tibet in what has come to be known as “The Prophecies of the Great Thirteenth.”  His message read in part:  “Our two most powerful neighbours are India and China, both of whom have very powerful armies. Therefore we must try to establish amicable relations with both of them. There are also a number of smaller countries near our borders [who] maintain a strong military. Because of this it is important that we too maintain an efficient army of young and well-trained soldiers, and are able to establish the security of the country....

“If we do not make preparations to defend ourselves from the overflow of violence, we will have very little chance of survival. In particular, we must guard ourselves against the barbaric Red Communists, who carry terror and destruction with them wherever they go. They are the worst of the worst.... It will not be long before we find the Red onslaught at our own front door. It is only a matter of time before we come into a direct confrontation with it, either from within our own ranks or else as a threat from an external (Communist) nation. And when that happens we must be ready to defend ourselves....

“Therefore, now, when the strength of peace and happiness is with us, while the power to do something about the situation is still in our hands, we should make every effort to safeguard against this impending disaster. Use peaceful methods where they are appropriate; but where they are not appropriate, do not hesitate to resort to more forceful means. Work diligently now, while there is still time. Then there will be no regrets....Avoid rivalry and petty self-interests, and look instead to what is essential” (Glenn H. Mullin, “The Great Thirteenth’s Last New Year Sermon,” Tibetan Review 22 [October 1987]:  17).

The Thirteenth Dalai Lama died the next year, in 1933. In the years following his passing, Tibet was beset by factionalism and internal conflicts, including periods when bribery and bureaucratic negligence were rampant.

Prior to the Thirteenth Dalai Lama’s passing, Professor Nicholas Roerich led an expedition to Tibet and several other regions of Central Asia between 1924 and 1928. He made the following observations as reported in the New York Times of June 11, 1928:  “A depressing picture of the economic, political and sanitary conditions in Tibet is drawn in the statement made by Professor Nicholas Roerich, Russian painter and archaeologist....Roerich believes that the influence of [the] Dalai Lama is fast waning, with all Tibet rapidly splitting into factions.”  In subsequent months, the New York Times reported:  “Nicholas Roerich, whose first purpose was to obtain paintings of Tibetan life, brought back no picture more striking than his account of the moral, physical and religious degradation of a dying race. He states that the ‘black faith of Bon Po,’ most ancient of the pagan religions, is spreading all over Tibet. The decline of Buddhism in Central Asia, he said, had been accompanied by ancient demon-worshipping rites.”  The Times also quotes a letter written by Roerich about Tibet in which he said:  “Here are high Lamas who, on their sacred beads, are calculating their commercial accounts, occupied completely with thoughts of profit.”  The article continues:  “The Lamas also beg and indulge in dishonest methods to get money from others, the letter sets forth. Many monasteries, the writer said, are in ruins.”

16. Refiner’s fire. Mal. 3:1-3.

17. Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children. Eph. 5:1.

18. “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” II Tim. 3:7.

19. “Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.” John 6:51-58; Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, pp. 116-18.

20. Days shortened for the elect. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 39, p. 552 n. 14.

21. Christed one as “Anointed one.” 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 30, p. 435 note.

22. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”  Luke 12:48.

23. Work while ye have the Light. ”I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day:  the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I AM in the world, I AM the Light of the world.”  John 9:4, 5. “Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the Light with you. Walk while ye have the Light, lest Darkness come upon you:  for he that walketh in Darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While ye have Light, believe in the Light, that ye may be the children of Light.”  John 12:35, 36.