Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 32 No. 34 - Beloved Zarathustra - August 20, 1989


Free El Morya!
A Fourth of July Prayer Vigil
Fierce Chelaship in the Fourth Ray:
We Are Realists
Fiery Lotus Blossoms Descending to Consume Pockets of Darkness


Ho, Legions of Light!  I AM Zarathustra!  I command you in the name Melchizedek, descend into this holy place sanctified by holy ones of God, as Above, so below.

I mark the sign of the cross of white fire in the air and seraphim of God instantly form this cross. It is a bond and a bridge twixt octaves of Light and earth. Now may you know, O beloved here below, how you are the beloved of God.

It is the Four and Twenty Elders <1> who have sent me unto you. Therefore I am grateful once again to be in physical manifestation through the Messenger for the duration of my delivery of the word of the Elders unto you.

Blessed hearts of Light, for all who have kept the vigil of the Friday night service in the living flame of Serapis Bey and have kept that flame I say, to you belongs the glory and the honor of God within you whereby you have opened the door to our descent this night. And thus for this reason you could receive two from amongst the hierarchies of the Fourth Ray of sacred fire. <2>

Thus, beloved, when we take the cumulative momentum of all voices raised throughout the earth during this Ascension Service, we see that this momentum is a sound foundation which has gone forth and [been] multiplied by the legions of Light truly to clear the astral bodies of the Lightbearers of the world and to make some dent in the astral body of the planet.

Blessed hearts, it is scientific. And miracles are the mathematics whereby the Solar Logoi, when the fiery students below reach a critical mass of that momentum, may enter in to multiply a thousand times ten thousandfold the efforts of Keepers of the Flame.

I reveal the alchemy to you that you might understand that it need not necessarily be the Messenger who does call you. Let Keepers of the Flame of their own spontaneity determine, then, that they shall give as fire for fire again and again these Friday nights so that there can be evermore sacred-fire flames descending.

Beloved ones, by your allegiance to this Light, by your determination, you have accomplished much for El Morya and for the hierarchy of Light. Thus the Four and Twenty Elders have determined that the most beneficial blessing to earth might be the release of sacred fire as intense flame, white as lotus-white, descending in various places on the earth to utterly consume pockets of darkness on the astral plane and the physical.

Blessed ones, I shall not tell you how many flames will descend this night for your input at these services. But I will tell you that if you could see them all at once, you would see them as fiery lotus blossoms, even as fiery magnolia, in an endless field, so numerous are these flames. Thus, during my dictation seraphim of God and legions of Zarathustra shall release them, and there shall be such a fiery burning out of these pockets of density as to allow them to become a vacuum and you to fill them again and again [with Light by your exercise of the science of the spoken Word] as the days of this vigil unfold.

Thus you see, beloved, we anticipate in many places more than an ordinary blessing to earth for the victory of souls of Lightbearers and for a certain consuming of planetary karma and the momentums triggered by the astrology that has been shown to you. This, then, is the telling of what some and the few, by way of percentages of earth’s population, can accomplish by concerted effort. But more than [the] effort and more than the decree, beloved, it is the profound desiring of your souls to come up higher, the true imploring, the waging of the good fight, and the winning over many lesser conditions [that is laudable].

When we look upon the good that has been brought forth, we may bless and heal and give glory to God and to his holiness in manifestation in man and in woman. We choose, therefore, in this hour to amplify this good that you might behold that Light of your causal bodies that does increase and has increased proportionately to your input; and the collective body of this Community has also increased [(may you behold it)], thus adding to the Mystical Body of God a purity, a clarity that is appreciated by all others who have not yet entered this path yet whose eyes and souls and hearts are pure enough to recognize that purity and to desire it also, to be washed clean by it.

O holy waterfall of light and tumbling sacred fire of the Fourth Ray, let them know the showering of this light!  For they have prepared their four lower bodies. Let all in this company worldwide who have prepared know the shower of Purity’s fire of the Fourth Ray in this moment. Thus do you receive that which is cool and comforting and [necessary and earned and] not another drop.

Thus, be blessed, for there does come an hour of the reward that those who have earned the reward, those who have passed their tests concluding each year at summer solstice, might know that for effort [expended] the increase is always meted out by the Great Law. Thus it is necessary [to labor and] to wait and to know that the reward will surely come. And if it come not yet, therefore continue; for God would shake the bower of his tree when the full fruit is ripened, that you might gather and place in your causal body the full harvest of a cycle of good works.

Thus I see also barren fig trees, those yet among this movement who have nor leaf nor fruit to show for this round of effort since August 8, 1988. Therefore [we see] by stark contrast, as in a surrealistic painting, the barren tree next to the tree so laden with fruit that its boughs are bent. Therefore the contrast is shown, beloved, that those who are barren might look upon those who are full and recognize, “There I may be also, for I too am worthy and I shall count myself worthy to bring forth such a beauteous, bountiful harvest in the next round.”

Thus, beloved, those who have the great harvest may plant an orchard and reap many trees’ worth; for they too may multiply the Electronic Presence of their being. Thus there is no end to the bounty of God’s goodness when upon the Tree of Life the ripened fruit of heaven does come to the moment when its sweetness can be born and does become the elixir, even the wine of the Blood of Christ and [the substance] of his Body.

I AM Zarathustra. One day I did pledge my legions in the defense of the Mother as she went forth to stand before the courts of this world. <3> Blessed ones, if you would stand before heavenly courts and be exonerated in all things, fear not, then, to stand before the courts of this world. Let them mete out their injustice!  Let all be said and more. Let Death and Hell have their day. For so, beloved, there is nothing more that can be said of thee in heaven.

Thus run to greet, run to greet the marts of injustice and let thy sacred fire and my legions go before thee. Be willing to settle all accounts here below; for the victory and the joy and the glory must therefore be known, [if not in the here and now, then in the hereafter].

There is one among you who has balanced 49 percent of her karma. This one [was] not known to you [as having balanced 49 percent of her karma] before my statement in this hour. This one, then, is a ripened fruit, yet wanting the full measure. Thus, beloved, as the cycles turn and the hours reach the point when the cup of life is full, know then that when the Lord does come to drink of thy cup prepared, the full measure must be found [and not be wanting].

Thus for a vestige of indulgence this one, though a devotee of long-standing, has not filled the cup fully–[for] indulgence of the mental body, the astral, the physical, the etheric. I say this, beloved, for I reach this soul that she may know that that victory must be hers and she must not allow it to be taken from her. Therefore let there be the searching of the soul by one and all that none may miss the opportunity for the Life everlasting [through the neglect of meeting the final requirements to attain the soul’s ascension in the Light at the conclusion of this embodiment].

Know, therefore, that the Law does not play favorites and the Law must be fulfilled. Better to fulfill it a thousand times over than to fall short of that mark. <4>  Therefore let all search the heart, for self-indulgence blinds and binds one to the former rounds, [wherein one is] self-satisfied that one has given one’s all in the service of the Light.

Blessed hearts, on the path of the ascension one can always discover that there are new layers [of the human consciousness] to be consumed even as [there are] new veils of the bridal garment [to] descend upon the soul. The weaving of the Deathless Solar Body is in filigree as layer upon layer the Body increases. Thus one cannot be overdressed for one’s ascension day, for one shall see that the increments of Light of that Body merely increase and intensify and multiply the place of the soul in the octaves etheric.

Thirty-three levels, beloved. These levels may be ascended by a vast spiral [staircase], so vast as to stretch into the heavens. And although the grade of the spiral seem not so steep, each measured step, as though [taken to the] beat of the great drummer, seems heavy and sometimes so heavy [that] one cannot take another step, signifying the [weight of the karmic] lead in one’s boots and that one has not transmuted enough [of the “atomic weight” of human density] to ascend another spiral to another plane.

It is [thus] impossible to mount this spiral [without engaging in the alchemy of violet flame transmutation]. Weight for weight lifestreams are held back by that which they carry and it is not always karma, beloved, but [the negative] momentums themselves [which are causative in the repetitive karma-making cycles].

Thus, it is with great rejoicing that the Messenger should come to this altar to make invocation this night for one Keeper of the Flame passed on, a devotee of ripened age and service and love to the Brotherhood, to find this one already in etheric octaves needing no rescue from the astral plane. And we are also gratified to open the door of the retreat of John the Beloved <5> [so that you may] see studying there with great diligence a beloved one who has served this cause and taken [his] leave of this world in the past year. <6>

Therefore, beloved, everyone is on a step of life. Whatever step you are on be sure that you are not out of step, for there is a right rhythm and a movement that will carry you beyond where you are even if you may be in lower levels. Thus to find the coil of the will of God, even if [one’s karmic lot requires that] one must descend into hell [for a season], is to know that one’s ascent will be by the great intercession of the Lord. And none can interdict [the Lord’s intercession on behalf of that soul whose allegiance is to the will of God], not all of Death or Hell. Thus you may also rise, and [take up thy bed of karma and] walk <7> out of the astral plane even while you are in embodiment.

And some of you have been trapped by the toilers and tormented [because you] succumb[ed] to various temptations and [then] felt the profound grief of [the] loss of light [gleaned in] yesteryears of [your] presence in our midst. Blessed ones, no one can ease the pain for the loss of light [through] squandering it in one way or another; for it is painful and it is real, and the garment [of the Deathless Solar Body] is reduced and setbacks [to the soul] are many times lengthy into the decades.

Therefore, beloved, when one has lost [ground in] moments of indiscretion and indecision, one must [re]assess one’s self [and one’s faltering footsteps] and become the supreme realist in life. I can tell you that we who serve on the Fourth Ray are realists, for we deal with the reality of fire itself. Thus some who have allowed themselves to spend that fire and [to] be stripped [of the auric sheath] have known the possibility of entering [into] outer darkness. <8>

But, beloved, no matter what has transpired, while there is life and breath it is well to return, to restore, to be restored, to invoke [the Light (of the Christ consciousness)] once again, and to guard against those who would penetrate the aura to steal the new light, as the new blossoms in springtime begin once again to flower in the fields of consciousness.

Let us then assess why some have not gone beyond these levels of temptation and have lost that sacred fire. It is, beloved, because you have not reckoned with momentums, ancient momentums, and the channels [carved] deep within the subconscious. It is because you have not as realists reckoned with those tears in the [etheric] garment. Thus when you fill again the same vessel with light and it is not sealed and protected, the same [entities] or others will come again to take the light and, [entering by that very rent,] cause you to compromise.

Know, then, beloved, that unless there be change by fire and sacred fire and violet transmuting flame, you may repeat the process again and again as in previous lifetimes. You do not desire to repeat these cycles and yet you repeat them. Thus, let there be the mending of the garment. Let there be such a fierce holding on to Archangel Michael and his legions and his call that no matter what the condition of that outer self or the soul that has sinned, there will always be the protection while there is the rebuilding within, while there is the entering in to the heart of the legions of Zarathustra.

We come because some groan in travail to give birth to their own Christhood <9> and [then] fall back in discouragement, for they seem not to be able to get beyond a certain momentum. Needless to say, in your realism understand that there is of necessity, for the very fact that this condition exists, a division in the members and the desire that is not 100 percent committed to the Lord Gautama Buddha. The desiring, then, [that] is the key, not merely to be whole, not merely to get beyond a certain level and point of initiation failed many times over:  [but the key is] the desire, the deep desire to be one with [thy] God [Presence] with no [psychological] impediments, no intrusions.

This deep desiring of the soul allows the soul to let go of all fetters, all burdens, all momentums less than the Christ. You may even become under the tutelage of Kuthumi those who understand profoundly the psychology of self. <10>  Aye, to know oneself [and to desire to know oneself] is the great gift and to desire [consciously or subconsciously] not to know oneself is the avoidance of the Path and the Guru. It is the avoidance, beloved, of God himself; for thyself is God, even if in a degenerate form.

Those who do not wish to puncture the skin of life and begin to wrestle [with that which is beneath] but rather would take the light and maintain a certain equilibrium [at surface levels] know not what they do. I say you know not what you do [when you fail to take advantage of] so great an opportunity as having the [one who stands at the] nexus of the figure eight in embodiment, the Messenger, as the go-between between worlds of Reality and Unreality.

 So the Messenger assists you at that nexus as you yourself become the champion of the higher world. And little by little, and little by little is the way, beloved, for there must be a strengthening in each new little step taken and firmly and held.

So, beloved, the realist desires not to leap forward and run with all his might only to drop and then drop back [because] he cannot keep what he has gained of the light that he has called forth. There are others who in spiritual pride offer to take on a world and offer their causal bodies for many. These fall into dire temptation and are overcome by hordes of night. Yet you have been warned not to make such offers. Sufficient unto the day is your own karma. <11>  And recognize that the Law does act according to your word. <12>

Thus you must remember the path of fire, agni, the [yogic] path of fire, beloved. We come, legions of Zarathustra. I come. For in this [your] desiring to cross over to a higher level of being it is the reinforcement of fire that you require.

Now as I am speaking, these flame-flowers fiery white are descending gently without sound to their points upon the globe in the astral plane, in the physical earth. And when they reach that point of the desiring of God there is a bursting and [an] intensity, a veritable inner conflagration:  So darkness is consumed. It is as though this were to happen within yourself.

What, then, should be the need? 

To fill, to fill, to fill the vacuum.

Therefore I ask in the name of the Twenty-Four Elders, who have sent me, that in your building with the building blocks of the blue ray and the violet flame, you call for the filling in of the vacancies <13> that they may not be filled by other Darkness. I know you will do it. Thus we have come with this [dispensation of fiery lotus blossoms descending] on this night.

In your realism, beloved, take little steps and let them be won as victories kept, guarded. Guard your victory!  And do not be those who become giddy in their victories and then lose them.

Guard the victory again and again.

Know, then, that the fire of the altars of heaven given unto you is a holy gift. Long have you waited for that gift. Do not lose it as some have done who have gone forth from this altar only to receive the bitterness and the ashes in the realization that that fire would not be given again in such measure for long, long time.

Now you may stand and make a wide chalice of your being. [The Messenger raises up her arms forming the shape of a wide chalice.] So to embrace heaven, so to be a mighty chalice, to this I, Zarathustra, dedicate each Keeper of the Flame on earth and in heaven who has merited the opportunity. And to all others I say, let works and words of merit abound in you that for a fruitful and bountiful harvest you might also become the wide chalice, that many may drink from this great bowl of Life.

Carefully bring the chalice to your heart now as your hands come together and you seal in your heart the design of this chalice reminiscent of the chalice of Paul the Venetian created for the Maha Chohan. <14>  [The Messenger brings her palms together in front of her heart.] Now then, that pattern sealed in you, you may physically repeat the ritual to expand the chalice at any hour and therefore [raise] your [arms broadly in a bowl shape and then take your] hands to your heart and feel the descent of Light [from your Holy Christ Self once again filling the heart chakra and the chalice of being you have formed].

We have asked for and received the promise of the Messenger to release the tape of songs and decrees to Archangel Michael. <15>  This is the answer of the Four and Twenty Elders to all who have experienced profound chagrin in the realization that through their acts they have betrayed the Master El Morya.

Those, then, who sincerely desire to strengthen themselves to [take] again [and] pass the very same tests which they failed must keep this cassette and use it and use it and use it, beloved, for the Archangel Michael will give you his protection. And you must know as supreme realists that if you have failed in the past, there is no reason you should believe that you will succeed in the future unless radical change comes about.

While in the process of change, then, by the alchemy of God and all methods known to you, let Archangel Michael become your great Guru of the I AM THAT I AM. Truly he is the angel of the Lord and he will protect you as long as you walk a true path of chelaship with no nonsense and no compromise.

Thus, with his flame around you, [as you] abound in his Love, your trust, your doing of the will of God, and your faith will bring you to the place where by the reinforcement of his Presence you will pass every test and victory will always be yours!  It takes fierce determination and fierce chelaship to attain this end.

Spoil not the child of self!  Do not spare the rod. For the rod of the Almighty is upon you to assist you, to correct you, to align you, to chasten you, to love you, to heal you, to make you wise in the wonderment and the awe of the Almighty One, who even in this hour does yet send legions of Light, emissaries of God, and the delivery of the spoken Word for your beneficence.

In the beauty of the lily of the fire descending, Christ can be born. May you become fierce chelas, beloved. Thus I leave with you many of my legions in your midst that you might get the feeling transferred to you by fire of the fierceness of those who serve in the flame of the Fourth Ray.

I AM Zarathustra!  I ascend into the flame!  Purusha! <16>


This dictation by Zarathustra was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the Friday evening Ascension Service on Saturday, July 1, 1989, 12:04-12:41 a.m. MDT, during Free El Morya!  A Fourth of July Prayer Vigil held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Zarathustra’s direction for clarity in the written word.]

1. Four and Twenty Elders. Rev. 4:4, 10; 5:5, 6, 8, 11, 14; 7:11, 13; 11:16; 14:3; 19:4.

2. This refers to the fact that two beings of the Fourth Ray, Zarathustra and Archangel Gabriel, were scheduled to dictate at the Friday evening Ascension Service.

3. Zarathustra’s presence with the Messenger. 1985 PoW, vol. 28 no. 17, p. 221.

4. Let thy cup be full and running over!  Let grace and mercy abound!

5. The etheric retreat of John the Beloved is located over Arizona.

6. Ivar A. Johnson.

7. Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. Matt. 9:2-7; Mark 2:3-12; Luke 5:18-25; John 5:2-9.

8. Outer darkness. Matt. 8:11, 12; 22:8-14; 25:30.

9. Travail in birth until Christ be formed in you. Gal. 4:19.

10. See the following classics by the Ascended Master Kuthumi:  Corona Class Lessons...for those who would teach men the Way; Prayer and Meditation; and Understanding Yourself:  Opening the Door to the Superconscious Mind, A Study in the Psychology of the Soul by the Masters of the Far East.

11. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” (Matt. 6:34).       

12. If you ask to bear others’ karma that you are ill-equipped to bear and you do not submit your call to the wisdom of the Law and the Lords of Karma, then what you have called for may come upon you with serious consequences.

13. Pockets emptied on the astral and physical plane when the flame-flowers consume the density and darkness must be filled with Light so that Darkness may not rush in.

14. Chalice created by Paul the Venetian. Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays:  Mirror of Consciousness, Book One, pp. 144-47.

15. Decrees and Songs to Archangel Michael released by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 33, p. 486 n. 16.

16. Purusha [p-roo-shuh or pu-roosh]:  Sanskrit, literally man; soul or spirit, the animating principle in man, the Spirit as passive as distinct from the Prakriti, or creative force. Parousia [pah-roo-zee-uh, puh-roo-see-uh, puh-roosh-ee-uh, puh-roosh-uh, or par-oo-see-uh]:  Greek, literally presence, being near, coming; advent or return, Second Coming of Christ. It is possible that the Sanskrit and Greek words converge in the Divine Word to exemplify the Second Coming of Christ as the raising up of the Divine Principle in the heart of every individual.