Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 28 No. 5 - Archangels Jophiel & Uriel - February 3, 1985


Qualifying World Teachers to Dispense
the Illumination of the New Age

Ho! Children of the Sun! I appear to thee as the reality of heaven come to earth in this hour.

I AM the stillness of the Light. I AM the stillness of the Mind of God. I AM the perfect Be-ness of the Buddha within. And I AM the glory of the I AM THAT I AM. I AM the glory of the Son of God that ye are! I AM the glory of the Mighty Presence! And I shed the radiance of the Sun in my coming to charge the earth with the illumination of the new age!

I AM here to consecrate and to amplify the flame of Himalaya and Lake Titicaca, of Meru and the mystery of wisdom’s fire. Therefore, children of the Sun, welcome to my heart, for I have some work to do this night here! (Please be seated.)

Now, beloved, Helios has called. Does Vesta answer? We shall see. Let us work the perfect work of God in the hour and know that the next hour and the succeeding one shall care for itself.

Our Commitment to Education

Blessed hearts, we are committed to education, to illumination, to enlightenment in this year. And our commitment is made this hour before the Great Central Sun, before the throne of Alpha and Omega. Thus, we have come from the very heart of creation to speak to you. For I so desired to bring the radiance of the Great Central Sun to this altar and messenger and student body that I determined to journey from that place here for this purpose of the declaration of the dedication of the angels of my band to overturn the ignorance that has been spawned as Marxism, as Communism, as world ignorance, as world enslavement by the ‘beast’ <1> of socialism.

I speak in terms of Light! For I know whereof I speak. I AM the Angel of the Second Ray. I have witnessed the descent of the fire of the crown <2> in the people of God upon earth, for they have gone after other gods. <3> They have worshiped those fallen angels <4> and they have taken the alternative to individual accountability for divine wisdom.

Who is the chela of the sacred fire who will raise the Mother flame and keep the crown of rejoicing as the bubbling brook of the stream of Light? Who is the chela who values the River of Life so completely as to let no man take her crown? <5>

Now, blessed hearts, do understand the meaning of the Son of God. Understand the blessed head of the World Mother. Understand the fiery, piercing, golden illumination’s flame of the eternal Buddha! It is not only a corona. It is a blazing consciousness of fire, until the whole fire of cosmos is contained inside of the head of the Mother of the World.

Know the meaning of Mother and you will find the Buddha—the Buddha of thine own soul’s appearing, the budding divinity that must blossom as the yellow rose in this year and hour of service. Let it be, if you will, the yellow rose of Texas or Montana, California or New York, of Siam or wherever upon the planet Earth you hail from. But let it be the yellow rose that does blossom.

We Must Have Teachers!

Beloved hearts, know this: that if people are to be God-taught, we must have teachers. Therefore, thy teachers shall no longer be [removed] in[to] a corner. <6> You shall not retreat from becoming teachers! I will find you! And I will take you from your corners and compel you to teach the Word, to teach the facts that bring knowledge, that bring therefore the ability to use the fires of discrimination and choose right and wrong. You must be the standard-bearer.

Therefore, I command: Holy Christ Selves, descend into these temples now! Holy Christ Selves, come forth! For cosmos has waited long enough. And therefore, we will make of these stones not tyrants’ thrones but the very throne of the threefold flame of Divinity!

You cannot neglect the calling to transmit the knowledge that you have of who and what you are and the knowledge of this earth and what has turned it aside. Be not without hope, for I also embody hope. Where is there greater hope than in the flame of wisdom itself that promises to reveal the divine Selfhood appearing and all that this implies?

I AM Jophiel, and I AM determined to expose the most entrenched lies that have perverted wisdom’s flame for aeons. Let us begin with the lie of nondivinity. I say ye are the divine manifestation! It is truth. Let this truth be known by your constancy to the God flame. You have no idea how reckless is the manifestation of the individual who is not constant in his example of divinity. For those who are beginning to trust in that divinity, it is necessary to show forth the staff of the shepherd.

I call you as I called Saint Patrick of old. I call you, I pummel you, I chasten you! I love you! I hold you in my arm and I sit you on the chair before me and I rebuke you for your failure to internalize more of the Word! For I know the potential, and potential never was enough! For all they who have fallen have had grand potential and grandiose ideas, but they have not delivered the blessed babe of the eternal Christ Mass.

Blessed hearts, break now the barriers of self-limitation! Understand that people suffer and die every day for want of the cup of illumination’s flame. If one is taken and another is left, <7> let us at least begin to reduce the percentages.

That Not One of These Little Ones Shall Be Lost
—For a Failure of Wisdom’s Flame

Let not one soul be lost in this year 1985 for want of illumination’s flame!

I, Jophiel, make myself accountable for this fiat. And you will see me racing through the skies until they wonder, “Is that that yogi Milarepa hither and there and yon?” And I will say, “No! It is I, Jophiel! And I go here and there to be certain that not one of these little ones shall be lost <8> because of a failure of wisdom’s flame.” And my angels, as multiplications of this determination and my God Presence, do determine, beloved hearts, to go here and there and to be myself everywhere as the reminder of Truth.

In order for individuals to choose, they must have fact, they must have logic, they must have conclusion. Thus, the details of fact become the fastidiousness of the first ray. Line upon line, carefully research, set before the people that which has been the lie concerning drugs, concerning the imbibing of alcohol or tobacco, concerning all things that plague the body and mind which they take in. Let them be liberated from the addictions that come—come into the body through the senses and the orifices of that temple. You drink in pollution inadvertently by the chakras, by the ear, by the eye, by the mouth. Understand how the very pores of the skin take in the lie of pollution.

There must be a crystal-clear perception of what is reality, made clear by illumination. Let fact, then, be set forth as irrefutable! But, you see, fact is refuted. Why is it so? Because the desire is not quenched and therefore, no matter what you say that is fact, that can be proven, the individual who retains the desire (which means the entity’s consciousness, the demon of his addiction) will not be convinced and will not be freed.

Thus, from fact, proceed to the Logos of Divine Reason. For the Logos is the embodiment of the Universal Christ and is the Word from the beginning. The power of the Word to create is the power now to translate fact into a momentum for change in the individual. And yet this Word made manifest is not complete until the grand conclusion of the Holy Spirit as Divine Love comes into the world of the individual and comes between him and those vipers that assail him—and cuts him free by the devotion, the innocence, the purity of one Shiva such as Lanello!

Understand the many faces of Shiva in the Ascended Masters. Understand the cutting edge of the sword of each one and know well the implements needed to divest the individual of the shroud of death they <9> have placed upon this race.

No, we have not given up! We have not ceded our place to any other. We are the archangels. As long as you strive, as long as you drink the nectar of the wisdom of the Buddha, we remain with planet Earth. You are the righteous ones who were not there in the cities of the plain, Sodom and Gomorrah; <10> and therefore the citadels of consciousness are spared as long as you keep that citadel of the Mind of God and protect the minds of the people.

Realize your place. Realize your place. Understand the meaning of the God here where you are, here in the very center of your temple, and know that that God is as important as the God who presides in the heart of the Great Central Sun. When you [shall] have [attained] this commeasurement from your most beloved El Morya, you will understand how much you count. It is that snake (the anti-self) of self-denial, the denial of self-worth, that makes you lethargic—procrastinators avoiding the office of world teacher.

Qualifying Yourself to Receive the Mantle of the World Teachers

Indeed, blessed hearts, receive the mantle of the World Teachers. <11> Understand that you are qualified if you qualify yourselves. Think of this now: Take any series of our dictations, books, or tapes. All you need to do each day to be a world teacher is to study—early in the morning, thirty minutes—some message, going through our books, our Pearls. Thus, each day you have one message to teach to all whom you meet. You study it. You read it. You take a few notes, you go over it. And wherever you go, you have a message. It is like the child who learns to sing “Jingle Bells”—he sings it to everyone he meets! And he is happy and they are happy.

You see, you fail to become teachers because you think you must know all that the sages know. But you have forgotten: the requirement is the single cup of cold water in Christ’s name. <12> Is it so hard to fill the single cup, the silver cup from which you drank as an infant? Remember your first cup, blessed hearts. It is the cup you give of the innocence of your soul.

Set yourself to any course of expertise—a path of spiritual teaching or qualification in awareness of burdensome conditions that we must challenge. Both are needed—the knowledge of the world and the wisdom of the Spirit which gives the sword in hand to conquer it. Then go forth confident that you may play one piece and play it well and give that knowledge. Surely, all will tell that it is the wisdom of the Holy Spirit through you that is the enlightenment and not merely the letter you have made your own.

The Maha Chohan may whistle a happy tune through your heart, but you must not fail an archangel to now count yourselves all teachers of something. Each and every one of you who knows the meaning of this Chart has something to teach, something to give. How shall they know what to ask? Do you know what to ask an archangel of the mysteries of God? Unless I tell you the mystery, there is silence between us. Thus, those whom you meet cannot say, “Explain to me the meaning of the Chart of my Divine Self,” for they have never seen it. Thus you have at hand, on your person, in your briefcase or purse, wallet-size Charts of the Presence.

I show you how simple is the message, for you can always take in your hand this beautiful divine representation. And I tell you, beloved ones, it is such a miracle revelation of the reality of each one’s eternality, that you will and you shall discover in due course that the glimpse of that Chart will mean for those making the transition an entering in to a coil of Light, because in their mind’s eye at the hour of transition they will see that Chart. It is flashed by the I AM Presence, reinforced by my commitment to the education of the heart. And because of that vision, the soul may escape the troublesome elements that surround some who pass from the screen of life.

The Truth Must Be Shared

The Truth that is so simple yet so powerful in your life must be shared. And when I say “must,” I speak of the mandate of karma. And I bring to you the knowledge of the karma of the second ray of illumination. Those who are illumined who do not pass on their illumination—in a consecrated and orderly, understandable manner, with good hearts and gentleness—begin to be burdened by the karma of neglect, the karma of the blocking of the flow.

Thus, no more illumination can be granted unto such as these; and that which they have may be taken from them by the Great Law that says, “To him that hath (with responsibility) shall more be added; from him that hath not (with responsibility) shall be taken away even that which he hath.”   <13>

Thus, there comes the atrophying of the mind and heart faculties of wisdom. There comes a stultification and staleness to the knowledge one has. It is knowledge no longer buoyant with joy, with victory, with the Holy Spirit; for unless it is shared, it is reduced to the level of the letter.

Thus, we find that some repeat our teachings in a mental manner but no longer have a spark to ignite another soul with the new joy of discovery of one’s divinity and of the Universal God and of the Great White Brotherhood and the very excitement of the Ascended Masters. And they think that in reciting the teachings mentally that they know them and that they are qualified as teachers.

A Community Responsibility to Assimilate the Body and Blood
of the Christ Consciousness and to Share It with One Another

Therefore, blessed hearts, realize the responsibility of the wisdom already given—not only to assimilate the Body and Blood of that Christ consciousness but to review it in order to serve at the table prepared in the wilderness. “Thou preparest a table before me.” <14> Who do you think does prepare the table? Is it not ministering angels and shepherds of the Most High? Is this not a feast of Light? Has not the World Mother prepared it for thee? Thus, you serve at the table of the Lord and his disciples, and you prepare each meal of enlightenment as carefully as you learn your recipes and perfect the art of cuisine.

Blessed ones, the responsibility is great that has been entrusted to this community. There will not be world enlightenment without world teachers. We are not about to leave crumbs of bread in the forest as markers for Hansel and Gretel. The evolutions of the planet deserve more. And you deserve to have more of your divinity functioning through you. Thus, let each one unite with each and every other one to exchange the teaching. One teaches the other; the other teaches the friend. And thus, you share the resources and your research and you bring together what is absolutely essential to the rescue of the nations.

From time to time, you have heard from your teachers the emphasis on education as the deterrence to world darkness. And we have mentioned that those who give the violet flame and call for protection would do well to teach many the Law, for then their own duties would lessen and mankind would misqualify less energy and therefore require less maintenance.

We must do more than maintain a planet. We must create—and carve out of individuality—enlightened sons and daughters of God who will cease the misqualification of God’s Law and Energy and become instantaneously—by knowledge, by the Logos, and by the conversion—trumpeters for God, leaders in battle, representatives of all issues, ready to tackle the conglomerates of conspiracy that have conspired to keep the most amazing Truth, the most amazing power of healing, the most amazing path of Christhood from the people of this planet.

The Karma of the Non-Transmission of the Word
—a Record on the Book of Life

Thus, I trust you have understood. And I trust you will realize that not any one of you will appreciate the day of finding on the record of the Book of Life that you have earned the karma of non-transmission of the Word as you drank in the Light in these sessions. Thus, leap in your hearts! Leap to your feet for joy, for the intercession of God is come. And when you hear the secrets and the mysteries of the angels, run and find the one in whose heart you may safely tuck the great pearl, the pearl of great price. <15>

I am, therefore, in the Sun and I am in your heart. And I am carving highways through all fields of human endeavor. And where I have gone and where I am going, I am finding that before we even begin to educate, we must tear down, we must remove the weeds of consciousness, we must clear the paths. We must eliminate—through the spiritual education of the people—the false teachers as well as their false teachings. We must create a climate of acceptability and of reverence, of open-mindedness. All these things complement wisdom by the fire of the seven rays.

It is a symphony of the stars that is being played—a symphony of the stars, I tell you! Some will hear it. Some will understand it. Some will know that the radiation of the stars is the very stimulus of the secret rays and the finer nadis <16> that are to be the instrument of this expanded consciousness.

Good Karma of the Second Ray
through the Publishing of the Teaching

The world, by your effort, has increased its ability to understand the Ascended Masters and their teachings. And this is the good karma of the second ray that you have earned by decree and service and the publishing abroad of the teaching. Won’t you add to us—and add to it now the Omega current of the heart-to-heart, mouth-to-mouth feeding of the mother bird to her own? Oh, be the compassionate one that does not rest until they have understood and until they are wrested from their enslavement to mass ignorance!

Beloved ones, those who bring Truth bring an uncomfortability. Do not be concerned that the ones thou wouldst feed shall fight back and become angry and will say, “Don’t wake me! Don’t disturb me! I am happy in my ignorance.” Press on. Press on as angels and archangels who have wrestled with this state for aeons. You are here because we have wrestled with the devils that have moved against you. We have wrestled with your souls to bring you to the Light, that you might see. We fear not the dislike of the children whom we discipline. They come to love us more than any other teachers.

The Determination of Golden-Flame Angels to Ignite Millions

My beloved, the earth is filled with golden-flame angels in this hour. They are everywhere looking for hearts to convey their message. They walk the halls of government in every nation, the institutions of learning and culture. They come, beloved ones, and I assure you: Though many have been determined and highly determined in the salvation of earth, truly it can be said, none have ever been more determined than these angels. They consider it their mission. They consider that illumination is the key, for God has told us that it is. And they are grateful for the materials at hand which you have prepared which they may use. But this is also only the beginning.

Therefore, I, Jophiel, call to thee, Mighty Victory. Now multiply our forces! Victory and angels of the sun of Helios and Vesta, angels of Sanat Kumara, come now to India and rescue these millions. Come to China and Russia! Come to Africa and Europe! Come to the Americas! Come to these hearts! O legions of Light, legions of all who have triumphed in Universal Christhood, come to earth and bring mankind to the knowledge of freedom and peace.

Peace and a Golden Age—we are determined to ensoul it. May we count you among our numbers, precious hearts? [“Yes!”] I ask it, for I, too, need the comfort of your caress and presence. Thus, the angels of illumination are at home—at home on earth, for some have heard, some have understood, and they will ignite millions.

We trust in the deeper understanding of your souls, for we have come to transfer that depth. This depth, beloved, is the opening now in this moment of our blessing of a deeper contact with your own Higher Consciousness. Thus, to us is given the dispensation to remove a single most tenacious block that has heretofore obstructed the contact of thy soul and mind and heart with the deeper things of God.

Prepare to Know the Mysteries

Prepare to know the mysteries. Prepare to be initiated as world teachers. And prepare for the Holy Spirit to give them freely to all. Thus, let thy good karma be thy instrumentation of that Spirit, as all prophets and teachers who have gone before you have done. They have allowed the Word to speak through them and it was so. And they and the Word were multiplied. So, as hard as the responsibility of the second ray is, so just so easy is the movement of the Holy Spirit once you have set yourself upon the mount of attainment of that crown chakra.

Seated, then, on Mount Kailas, know the meaning of Shiva and his beloved. And let that fire and that presence be the means to unleash the law of Brahma and the wisdom of Vishnu.

So it is done. So I am unrelenting. So I have come from the Sun. So I am drenched with the Sun! So I sponsor those who would be sponsors. So I make my plea. So I am in the gladness of the Buddha. So I wash the feet. So I kiss the feet of my beloved chelas.

Tenderly we serve in a Brotherhood of the Golden Robe—tenderly with Kuthumi and Jesus, Himalaya, Vaivasvata. Tenderly we love one another and rejoice in each soul won for individual Christhood, Buddhahood.

Kuan Yin, all legions of Light bow before thy presence. Kuan Yin! Kuan Yin, thou whose mercy’s flame and star and flower has paved the way for our coming. Mother of Mercy, have mercy upon an archangel and bless us in this cause of our Father and our Mother.

   In the name of Light invictus, <17> I AM Jophiel of the Ray of Almighty God.



Beloved Archangel Uriel
We Work While We Have the Light!

I, too, come from the Sun! Archangel Uriel I AM. I come in love for my cohort of Light. I AM the Angel of the Sixth Ray of the Universal Christ and the Angel of the Judgment. I go before Jophiel and his legions by dispensation, which I have implored from the Father unbeknownst to this blessed hierarch.

To Clear the Path before the Legions of Illumination

We come, therefore, to clear the path before the legions of illumination by bringing the ray of judgment and exorcism into the very bowels of the earth to bind the hordes that betray the youth and their minds and bodies, to bind the demons of the abuse of the living temple of the child.

We come, therefore, to go before Jophiel for the binding of the false teachers, false Christs, and false prophets, and all of their false doctrines. We come to implement the service of Archangel Michael and Arcturus and the Cosmic Council. We come fully equipped for the binding, therefore, of the demons.

Let the earth tremble, for we are fully armed and armored this night. And we will search out every adversary and false-hierarchy impostor—impostors of the principles of the Mind of God, those anti-waves and anti-ideations that conflict in the very brains of the people and cause the release of Truth to be short-circuited.

We go after the subtleties of the unconscious and the collective unconscious of the planet. We go after the subtleties of resistance and limitation of which mankind are not aware, for they cannot perceive the diminishing of their own faculties by interferences. And we go after those concerning whom the messenger has called the remnant of the darkest of the dark ones, who betray a planet and the oncoming Light—the ones of the Kali Yuga who must appear before the Court of the Sacred Fire this very night and give accounting for their evil deeds.

The Judgment of the False Educators
and the False Initiators of the Heart and Mind

Thus, they are judged by the Universal Mother in manifestation in the Four and Twenty Elders. And thus, we come to bind. And thus, we summon Elohim. And we summon lightbearers. And let us utilize the hours remaining of this year to now go for the judgment of the false educators and the false initiators of the heart and mind. So let it be done!

I remain on this altar until the coming of Gautama Buddha. And in all of my myriad manifestations of my Electronic Presence, I, with my angels, now go forth for the binding of all that can be taken that the year might be sealed, the page might be turned, and 1985 might begin as no year has begun—with the options of right choice to every man, woman, and child on earth and with the options to undo the wrong, to redo the right, and to seal one’s pledge again with one’s Maker.

We will defend. We will go to any end! We will make any sacrifice, so long as our God has given the opportunity to work with the evolutions of earth. Therefore, I say in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ—I say: Work while ye have the Light! <18> For this, too, is our motto. We work while we have the Light of Logos in dispensation for this earth.

Let the wise ones know my meaning and presence.

I AM Uriel of the Sun, never forsaking the dawn of the soul.

I AM Peace.


Messenger’s Invocation:

Illumination’s Flame, Impel Us to Right Action


Beloved Angels of Illumination’s Flame, we call in the name of our dearest Mother Mary for such Cosmic Christ Illumination to empower us and impel us to right action in the name of Gautama Buddha, whose shrine and citadel and Western Shamballa we must guard physically.

Beloved Lord of the World, beloved Sanat Kumara, let Illumination’s fires wash our minds and souls, wash us clean that we might be empowered with right action and determines action for the Victory, Almighty God, sift us now.

Jophiel, come into this room. Come into our sanctuary of the heart! Come to us, Jophiel—enlighten us and move us to do the will of God, to respond to the call of Jesus, who has said, “Come, leave your nets and I will make you fishers of men.”

O God, we have been with this world so long. We are ready and eager and willing to drop these nets of karmic entanglement, to drop the nets of our own carnal reasoning and planning, to drop the nets of our emotional involvements, to drop all and run to the, O Saviour.

O holy angels and seraphim, now burn thy fire around us, that we do not neglect so great a salvation and that we know our right response to our Mother’s call. Even so, Jophiel, come in to us now in the name of Mary.

 “The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

These dictations by Archangels Jophiel and Uriel were delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, December 31, 1984, during the 6-day New Year’s Light of the World Conference, at Camelot.

1. We interpret the scriptural term beast, found in the books of Daniel and Revelation, as ’conglomerate’ in the sense of an aggregate body, “a clustered mass of individual particles,” a group of entities forming a multipurposed unit of hierarchy, a consortium of diverse interest groups bound by a common objective. The term is used for both positive and negative forces abroad in the world and in the case of the beasts (interpreted as ’living creatures’) who sit midst and round about the throne set in heaven. The word beast as used in Rev. 4 is translated from the original Greek zoon, denoting a living being. In Rev. 13 and 17, the term beast derives from the original Greek therion, meaning “wild and robbing (or venomous) animal.”  Zoon stresses the vital element, therion the bestial.

2. The lowering of the Light of the crown chakra through the misqualification of one’s native God–intelligence

3. Deut. 29:26; Josh. 23:16; Judges 10:6, 13; I Sam. 8:8; Jer. 11:10, 13.

4. Enoch 7-9.

5. Rev. 3:11.

6. Isa. 30:20.

7. Matt. 24:40, 41; Luke 17:34-36.

8.  Matt. 18:11-14.

9. The ’vipers’, a band of fallen angels known for their attack on the children of Light through the misuse (in the practice of black magic) of the ’serpentine’, Kundalini, fire—the life–force which animates the body and mind, rising upon the spinal altar, nourishing the chakras from the base to the crown.

10.. Gen. 13:10-13; 18:16-19:28.

11. The office and mantle of World Teacher in the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood is held jointly by Jesus Christ and Kuthumi (who was embodied as Saint Francis of Assisi). The term world teacher, lower-cased, refers to the embodied disciple who dedicates himself to the lifetime calling of planetary enlightenment under the Universal Christ consciousness. This appellation is descriptive of the disciple’s chosen sacred labor and dedication to it. It is not an indication of his attainment or that he has necessarily qualified himself to share the office or mantle of Jesus and Kuthumi.

12. Matt. 10:42.

13. Matt. 13:12; 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18; 19:26.

14. Pss. 23:5.

15. Matt. 13:45, 46.

16. Nadis (Sanskrit, from the root nad ’motion’): in the Indian yogic tradition, the thousands of threadlike, luminous vessels through which prana (the vital force) flows through the body

17. Invictus (Latin): unconquerable, invincible

18.John 9:4, 5; 12:35, 36.