Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 17 No. 42 - Beloved Djwal Kul - October 20, 1974

8 The Sacred Fire Breath

As the inbreathing and the outbreathing of God is for the integration of cosmic cycles, for the sending-forth of worlds within worlds, and for the return of those worlds back to the heart of God whence they came, so man, as a co-creator with God, is endowed with the gift of the sacred fire breath. And if he will use that breath for the consecration of the energy of the Holy Spirit within the chakras and within the aura, he will find himself becoming the very fullness of the Presence of God.

How can this be? you say, for the mortal mind is astounded at the very thought of being the expression of God.

Indeed, O mortal, thou canst not contain immortality! Therefore, put off thy mortality! Enter in to the consciousness of the immortals and know that your aura can be, indeed now is, the very living Presence of God—God as life pulsating, God as love innovating, God as truth energizing the soul to the fullness of its creative potential.

The very air that you breathe can be qualified with the sacred fire breath of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, the air is, as it were, the latent potential of the breath of the Holy Spirit. It is energy that is passive which can be activated by the Christ flame as the energy of the heart chakra is drawn up through the throat chakra and released as the sacred Word.

Now we come to the great indrawing. Now we come to the place where—through unswerving devotion to the Son, through the conviction to be the Christ, and through the commitment to the Holy One and the name I AM THAT I AM—you have, in the flaming potential of being itself, the opportunity to become a spiral of integration in order that the life of God as Spirit might be integrated in Matter “as above, so below.”

Understand, then, that by your application to the law that I have released in the first seven of these studies, there is being builded within your aura a fiery coil of life. <1> This coil, which is approximately ten inches in diameter, you ought now to visualize rising from the base of an imaginary sundial upon which you stand.

As you look down at your feet, the coil proceeds from what would be the twelve o’clock line (positioned just in front of your feet). The coil is an electrode that winds in a clockwise direction, the coils being spaced three inches apart.

From beneath your feet to the top of your head, this coil is a pulsating white fire. And it can be focused as the action of the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit only in the aura of those who have the devotion to the Christ and the commitment to the I AM THAT I AM.

Retaining in mind and in heart the image and the awareness of this coil, let us now consider the two most important functions of the chakras: first, to be the vortex of the outbreath that is the giving-forth of God’s energy as the action—the sevenfold activation—of the seven rays of the Holy Spirit; and second, to be the vortex of the inbreath, the drawing-in of the sacred fire breath as the universal essence, the passive energy of the Holy Spirit.

These functions are most obvious in the throat chakra, and therefore the purpose of this eighth study in the series is to give the devotees of the Holy Spirit a truly practical exercise and a fundamental understanding of the use of the throat chakra for the integration of the four lower bodies through the inbreathing and outbreathing of the sacred fire breath.

Just as you breathe in and breathe out through the throat chakra, so all of the chakras are taking in and giving forth the energies of God according to the frequency assigned to each specific chakra. As the energies that are drawn in through the chakras are of the Holy Spirit and the Mother and relate to the functions of the soul in Matter and the nourishment of the four lower bodies, so the energies that are sent forth from the chakras are of the Father and the Son and relate to the functions of the soul in Spirit and the release of its spiritually creative potential.

In the ordinary, undeveloped man and woman, the interaction of these energies is sustained at minimum levels necessary for the flow, the harmony, and the nourishment of the four lower bodies.

When man and woman, through a superior devotion and an extraordinary commitment to the Father and to the Son, begin to release a greater momentum of the energy of the Impersonal Impersonality and the Impersonal Personality of the Godhead through the chakras, then by this greater thrust of outflow there is magnetized a greater inflow of the Personal Personality and the Personal Impersonality of the energies of the Mother and of the Holy Spirit.

This is an illustration of the mathematical equation that is always present in the cosmic exchange of energy from God to man and man to God. Therefore balance, you see, is the key to the expansion of the aura—and it is the balance of plus and minus energy factors that is all important. For the aura will expand in proportion as you increase both the velocity and the vibration of energy moving into and coming forth from the seven chakras of being.

You who have been diligent in studying our instruction and who have made of that instruction the foundation of a new dimension in consciousness will find that you have already increased the outbreath—the outward thrust of Spirit, the plus factor. The following exercise will enable you to increase the inbreath—the inward thrust of Mater, the minus factor. And so you will come to know the balance of both as the regenerative action of the currents of Alpha and Omega within your form and consciousness and world.

1. First, place yourself in a meditative posture, sitting in a comfortable chair before your altar, the physical focus of your worship. If possible, you should set aside a chair that is used only during your meditations and invocations.

You should consecrate this chair by the momentum of your heart flame as a focus of the atomic accelerator that is used by the ascended masters in the Cave of Symbols. Chelas who have passed certain initiations are bidden to sit in the atomic accelerator to have the atoms and molecules of the four lower bodies stepped up by the currents of the ascension flame in preparation for the ritual of the return, the alchemical marriage that is the soul’s reunion with the Spirit.

2. Place your feet flat on the floor, your hands cupped in your lap, your head erect, eyes level, chin drawn in for the disciplined flow of the energies of the heart chakra through the throat chakra.

3. The “Call to the Fire Breath,” the invocation of the Goddess of Purity given to the devotees of the Holy Spirit, should now be recited three times.

Give it slowly, rhythmically, with feeling. Absorb each word and each concept with the conviction held in heart and mind that you are here and now a joint-heir with Christ. And as the beloved son, the beloved daughter, you are claiming your inheritance. <2> Yours is an inheritance of the sacred fire that issues forth from the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega, who keep the flame of the Father-Mother God in the Great Central Sun.

Call to the Fire Breath

I AM, I AM, I AM the fire breath of God
From the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega.
This day I AM the immaculate concept
In expression everywhere I move.
Now I AM full of joy,
For now I AM the full expression
Of divine love.

My beloved I AM Presence,
Seal me now
Within the very heart of
The expanding fire breath of God.
Let its purity, wholeness, and love
Manifest everywhere I AM today and forever!*

- (recite three times)
I accept this done right now with full power!
I AM this done right now with full power!
I AM, I AM, I AM God-Life expressing perfection
All ways at all times.
This which I call forth for myself,
I call forth for every man, woman, and child
On this planet.

The immaculate concept, the fiery blueprint according to which your soul was created in the image of the Divine One, is now impressed upon your four lower bodies. This fiery blueprint is magnetized by the coil described earlier in this lesson, which you now bring to the fore of consciousness as the pivot of your call to the fire breath. The fullness of the joy which you claim is the fullness of the expression of divine love.

4. Now visualize the buoyant energies of love being magnetized by this coil and by the energies of the heart (which from our previous exercises you hold in mind as the focus of the interlaced triangles superimposed with the name of God).

It is essential that you hang above your altar the Chart of the Presence. Your eye level when you are standing should be at the eye level of the lower figure in the chart, so that the Christ Self and the I AM Presence are above you. <3>

5. Therefore, in all of your meditations and invocations, you should imagine through the imaging of the eye <4>that all energy released through the chakras comes forth from the I AM Presence, through the Christ Self, descending over the crystal cord into the heart chakra, thence throughout the four lower bodies.

Establish in mind, then, the concept of a perpetual flow from the heart of the individualized God Self to the heart of the Christ Self to your own threefold flame pulsating in the rhythm of God’s heartbeat. The sealing of your aura within the very heart of the expanding fire breath of God is accomplished by your I AM Presence through the Christ Self in answer to your call. Remember, it is God in you who is the decreer, the decree, and the fulfillment of the decree.

6. <5> Visualize your aura as an ovoid of white light extending beneath your feet, beneath the coil, above your head, and above the coil. See the aura increasing in the intensity of the light as that energy is expanded from the heart chakra and thence from all of the chakras as the sacred mist that is called the fire breath of God. Let its purity, wholeness, and love fill the ovoid of your aura, and feel your mind and heart disciplining that energy and holding it in the creative tension of your cosmic awareness.

7. Conclude the giving of the call (three times) with the acceptance. Now you are ready for the exercise of the integration of the eighth ray.

8. To the count of eight beats, draw in through your nostrils the sacred breath. When you first begin this exercise, you may wish to count the eight beats by the gentle tapping of your foot. The breath is drawn in through the nostrils. As you breathe in, push your abdominal muscles out, letting the air completely fill your lungs. Let your lungs be inflated like a balloon. See the air that you draw in as the pure white light.

9. Now to the count of eight beats, hold in the air and visualize it penetrating your physical form as the essence of the Holy Spirit, which nourishes, stabilizes, and balances the interchange of energy in the physical atoms, molecules, and cells.

10. Visualize this sacred energy flowing though your veins, moving through your nervous system, anchoring the essence of the balancing energies of the Holy Spirit in your four lower bodies and absorbing from them all impurities, which you now see being flushed out of your system as you exhale to the count of eight beats.

Let the exhalation be deliberate and disciplined as you slowly release the air as though it were a substance being pressed out of a tube. You may round your lips to increase the tension of the exhalation. Imagine that breath being pushed out from the very pit of the stomach as the abdominal muscles contract. You may lean forward if this helps to press out the last bit of air remaining in the lungs.

11. Now let your head resume an erect posture, and hold without inbreathing or outbreathing to the final count of eight beats.

12. Repeat this exercise daily, as you are physically able, until you have established a rhythm—mentally counting, if you wish, “One and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and one and two and three and”—and so forth. Be careful that in your zeal you do not overdo. Each one must in Christ discern his capacity, which may be anywhere from one to twelve repetitions of the exercise per daily session.

This fourfold exercise is for the balancing of the four lower bodies. The inbreath comes through the etheric body. The first hold is an action of energizing through the mental body. The outbreath is the release through the emotional body. And the final hold is for the anchoring in the physical form of the balanced action of Father, Son, Mother, and Holy Spirit.

13. When you have mastered the inbreathing, holding, outbreathing, and holding in this fashion and the accompanying visualization of the sacred fire releasing light, energizing the consciousness, extracting impurities, and finally anchoring the energies of the Christ, then—and only then—you may add to your exercise the affirmation “I AM Alpha and Omega” to the count of eight beats.

This you mentally affirm once for each of the four steps of the exercise. This affirmation is for the establishment within you of the cloven tongues of fire, the twin flames of the Holy Spirit that are the energies of the Father-Mother God.

By thus invoking these energies and using the breath as the means to convey that energy to the four lower bodies and to anchor it in the physical form, you will be building the balanced action of the caduceus—the intertwining of the Alpha and Omega spirals along the spine that are for the ultimate victory of the masculine and feminine polarity that raises the energies of the chakras, merges in the heart as the Christ, and flowers in the crown <6>as the Buddhic enlightenment of the thousand-petaled lotus.

Since the Fall of Man, mankind have allowed the energies of the four lower bodies to remain in a state of imbalance. Therefore, they have not had the equal flow of the currents of Alpha and Omega anchored within their forms, which are necessary to sustain the currents of regeneration, of eternal youth, and above all, to expand the aura to planetary and interplanetary dimensions. As a result, the unnatural law of sin, disease, decay, and death has displaced the natural law of harmony in the evolutions of earth.

Without the balance of the spirals of Alpha and Omega within you, O chelas of the sacred fire, you can go no further in the expansion of the aura. All that we have given thus far is a foundation upon which you may now build the consciousness of the Father-Mother God.

And as you increase that balance through this exercise day by day, you will come in to the awareness that you are indeed the beloved of God and that in you is the converging in the planes of Mater of the twin flames of Alpha and Omega.Behold, “I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” <7>

This, then, is the beginning of your exercise of expansion. It is also the ending of your exercise; for ultimately in the completed manifestation of the Father-Mother God, you will find that your being and consciousness has become the aura, the forcefield, of the Holy Spirit.

You will find that you have thereby magnetized that Presence of the I AM and that you are magnetized by it in a literal conflagration which is, blessed ones, the ritual of your ascension in the light. Thus from beginning to ending, the Alpha and Omega spirals within you are the fulfillment of the very living Presence of God.

I place my Electronic Presence with each one as the guardian action of the sacred fire—I AM the guard—during the period of your meditation on the fire breath and your exercise of integration through the eighth ray.

I am the willing servant of the flame.

1. The Fiery Coil of Life. “Understand, then, that by your application to the law that I have released in the first seven of these studies, there is being builded within your aura a fiery coil of life. This coil, which is approximately ten inches in diameter, you ought now to visualize rising from the base of an imaginary sundial upon which you stand.

“As you look down at your feet, the coil proceeds from what would be the twelve o’clock line (positioned just in front of your feet). The coil is an electrode that winds in a clockwise direction, the coils being spaced three inches apart.

“From beneath your feet to the top of your head, this coil is a pulsating white fire. And it can be focused as the action of the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit only in the aura of those who have the devotion to the Christ and the commitment to the I AM THAT I AM.”–Djwal Kul

2. Rom. 8:14-17; Gal. 3:26-29; 4:4-7; Eph. 1:5, 10, 11; Heb. 9:15; I John 3:2.

3. The Chart of Your Divine Self is available as a 15” x 26” full-color poster, $4.95. Altar set of 3 1. To help you visualize the concentric rings of light emanating from the heart, see the illustration on the front cover (hardbound volume). This illustration is available from Summit University Press as a full-color poster, 19” x 25”. You will receive a poster postpaid for each donation you make to our republishing fund of $33 or more (your tax deduction is limited to the amount of your donation that is over $9.95).

Posters: Chart, 15” x 26” (to hang in the center), portraits of Jesus Christ and Saint Germain (to hang to the left and right of the Chart), 12” x 16” each.

4. See discussion of eye magic by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet on pp. 48-49 of Climb the Highest Mountain, 2d ed., published by Summit University Press.

5 Devotee Standing in the Ovoid. The action of the sacred fire can be invoked as a replica of the Cosmic Egg, sealing the pure energies flowing through purified chakras. - ECP

“Visualize your aura as an ovoid of white light extending beneath your feet, beneath the coil, above your head, and above the coil. See the aura increasing in the intensity of the light as that energy is expanded from the heart chakra and thence from all of the chakras as the sacred mist that is called the fire breath of God. Let its purity, wholeness, and love fill the ovoid of your aura, and feel your mind and heart disciplining that energy and holding it in the creative tension of your cosmic awareness.” - Djwal Kul

6. The Crown Chakra.  The goal of self-mastery in time and space is the flowering of the “thousand-petaled lotus” of the crown. It is in the crown that man and woman are destined to know God through the mind of his Son. When we attain to that crown consciousness, true wisdom is known.

The firing of the crown with wisdom creates a magnet that draws the energies of the Mother up from the base of the spine, up through each of the successive chakras, which are the centers of our God-awareness. The enlightenment of the Buddha and of the Christ that comes with the release of the golden yellow fire of the crown chakra is the experience of knowing all things without being tutored or taught. Our awareness then includes that which is contained in the mind of God. - ECP

7. Rev. 1:8.

[Taken from book version, The Human Aura]