Saint Germain’s Ascension Day

Saint Germain’s Ascension Day

Happy Ascension Day, Saint Germain!

Saint Germain's Ascension Day May 1st

The Master Saint Germain delivered “I AM Taking This Planetary Home to New Dimensions” through Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Let this Church Universal and Triumphant upon the mountain of God also be known universally as the church of Divine Love. Each one of you is the living Church.

Let all those who serve Saint Germain strive for knighthood and embody its principles.

Let those who serve as Ladies of the Flame under the Mother of the Flame manifest the beauty of the Divine Mother that they, too, might accelerate to levels of absolute God-perfection.

I am in the vastness of the Holy Spirit. I move with the winds and the seas and the earth body.

I am Saint Germain. I am taking this planetary home to new dimensions, and I need you to do this with me. I am in touch with each and every one of you wherever you are across the seas or around the world.

I hold this Community together by my own Causal Body, beloved. Yes, I hold it together and I ask you to hold it with me.

I ask you to expand your consciousness and to know absolutely that the love of God is healing, that the comfort flame is real, that there is constancy in the God-flame and that the ultimate compassion of the Buddhas is yet present in the earth.

Internalize this and let go of that metallic consciousness that has denied the Spirit of the living God within you.

Saint Germain Aquarian Age copyright

I Will Personally Tutor You

Chelas of the sacred fire, if you must, strip yourselves, and let the soul finally come forth and become who she really is. For your soul is destined to become immortal through her marriage

to her Holy Christ Self.

When will you be the Bride of your Holy Christ Self, bonded in ceremony and in profound union?

Know this, beloved: When you merge with your Holy Christ Self, you walk the earth as a Christed one.

This is my command. This is my hope. This is my love for you.

And this is my promise: If you become that love against all odds, I will come to you and personally tutor you in the secret chamber of your heart, and you will know me as your Knight Commander of the Aquarian age. Yes, that is who I am, beloved. And I am with you.

You have the ability to be gods in manifestation. For the Lord has said, “Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most High.” [Bible, Ps. 82:6; John 10:34] Yes, ye are gods in the making—gods in the making!

Say this mantra: “I am a god in the making!

I am a god in the making! I am a god in the making!
I am a god in the making! I am a god in the making!
I am a god in the making!
And I will be that god with profound humility as his servant-son.

I am Saint Germain. Take me up on the violet flame. I will multiply it again and again. Do not let your decree momentum wane, as has happened, for we can ill afford such setbacks. We need every moment to turn back the tide of darkness.

Be prepared! Be prepared! Be prepared! For all must move upward and onward through the octaves. “One is taken; another is left.” [Bible: Matt. 24:40, 41; Luke 17:34-36] Thus it is so with the signs and the seasons.

Therefore always be ready for the turning of the cycles. Always be ready to be perfect in the sight of God that you might merge with him in the hour of your ultimate victory.

You Are Loved by Millions of Angels

Yes, ye are gods and all of you are children of the Most High.

Now go forth, not only to embody the Path but to be the incarnation of my sons and daughters and the sons and daughters of Portia.

Blessed hearts, you are loved by millions of angels. Give them the gratitude for your victory and lovingly receive the credit that is due you.

We move as a body of millions of souls in many planes. Therefore I say, now is the hour as never before to go for it! Yes, I say to you: Go for it! Go for it! Go for it!

I seal you in the dazzling white fire of the center of the cosmic cross of our Lord. I seal you. I seal this conference. And I seal every lightbearer who is ready to come into this Path, the Path in the Word from the Beginning and out of the Word itself—the Word that was with God, the Word that is God.

This ascended master dictation by the Master Saint Germain is published in its entirety in the Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 40 no. 41, October 12, 1997. The dictation was originally given at the five-day Easter Retreat 1997 held at the Royal Teton Ranch.

The Pearls of Wisdom® have been published continuously by The Summit Lighthouse since 1958. The Pearls of Wisdom are available electronically as ePearls (PDF Pearls of Wisdom sent by email)

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