This violet flame post is an excerpt from the 1990 dictation by Saint Germain published in the 1991 Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 34 No. 4 – The Gift “Let the Fiat of the Lord Be with Me!” Legions of Aquarius Invade Planet Earth.
Blessed ones, I will now tell you the science whereby you can truly profit by these new friends* who have come into the earth. You all know that if there should be an oil well beneath your feet or a lode of gold ore in the mountains of your property and you should not find it, you should not mine it, you should not take it out of the earth and use it, you would be none the richer, none the better, none the wiser.
Thus it is true of angels in your midst. Their very presence is in fact not the key. It is what you do about it! It is whether you plug into them, whether your lives are turned around, as Raphael came to accomplish. It is whether you walk and talk with them and determine not to be dragged down, determine not to be removed from the tryst that we enjoy in this moment in our aura (mine and Portia’s) and that of the legions of the Seventh Ray. You can keep [the tryst], beloved. You can sustain it.
Let the fiat of the Lord be with me!
That is what you must say and it is the key. For the Lord, your Mighty I AM Presence, knows the fiat, will draw down the Light of the fiat that is appropriate in the moment to sustain the levels of violet ray and violet flame that you have with you now.
Let the fiat of the Lord be with me!
Beloved ones, you can vary this command:
Let the fiat of the Lord Saint Germain be with me!
Let the fiat of the Lord Archangel Michael be with me!
Let the fiat of the Lord El Morya be with me!
Let the fiat of the Lord my God be with me!
Then the one you name shall release the Light ray of the fiat. And it shall be done! And you shall be clothed in the Mind of Christ and shored up.
This is the test, beloved. Do not allow yourself to sink below the level of the heart, the threefold flame of the heart–that Holy Christ Flame or that Holy Christ consciousness that is embodied in that flame. When you sense that deflation, that descension and condescension, O beloved, say:
Let the fiat of the Lord be with me!
Saint Germain's Gift of the Call
I have pondered much how I could give you the gift that would enable you to walk all the days of your life so very close to these angels of the Seventh Ray and legions of Aquarius. I have known that [without the gift] your separation from them would be as great as your separation has ever been from your God, your Christ Self or from me, especially in hours of trial and tribulation.
Blessed ones, [I determined that] there must be a mechanism that works for you when you may descend into the deepest depression or temptation or old sockets of the human consciousness or [the revolving of] whatever has ever been said to you in this and thousands of lifetimes. You are not a victim; you are the victor! You are not a reactor; you are the originator of the living Word where you are! [And for this reason I give you the gift of the Call: Let the fiat of the Lord be with me!]
And I, Saint Germain, for some moments now am placing my entire Electronic Presence over each and every one of you here, and I am intensifying my violet flame over you for the healing of your four lower bodies and your souls. I am doing this to “cook” out of you those records that are as flytraps and mousetraps for your consciousness when you get out of the way of your God! I do it now, beloved, as I continue to speak to you.
I speak into the caverns of your mind! I speak into the recesses of your unconscious! I speak to all of the levels where there is that wrong programming of the sinister force and the carnal mind of yourself and others. I say, it has no power! I, Saint Germain, withdraw that power [of God misqualified] from it this day!
I make of you, by the authority of God and our Lord Jesus Christ, new creatures in Christ. I make of you new creatures in Christ by the alchemy of the Seventh Ray and by the Cosmic Christ of that seventh age, none other than our beloved Lord Maitreya, who also stands in our midst this day. O receive him, then, in his role as Saviour of Aquarius!
Yes, beloved, yes, beloved, there are many Seventh-Ray Buddhas, not the least of which is your own beloved Padma Sambhava. They gather. They come closer. And I will tell you, they can become physical, too, as you invoke more and more violet fire. May you never neglect to give the message of the violet flame, for it can make this earth once again blossom as the violet rose.
O beloved, the violet flame can work wonders! And above all, it will cushion that which is coming upon the earth. It will place a cushion between you and all those things that have been prophesied.
* Reinforcements from out the Great Central Sun, angels and legions of Light of Aquarius and of the Seventh Ray
This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, December 30, 1990, during the six-day New Year’s I AM the Light of the World Conference held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.
Saint Germain’s dictation is available as an audio CD or download from Login to the site, click the “Advanced Search” button at the bottom, enter “B91008” in the Product Code box. You then see both the Saint Germain's dictation and the dictation by Archangel Raphael A Message of All Archangels: The Fate of the World Is in Your Hands and Our Hands that immediately preceded Saint Germain's.
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