Seven Chakras – Seven Rays

Seven Chakras – Seven Rays

The network of the major seven chakras within us forms a road map that can help us explore our physical, emotional and spiritual worlds.

Chakras are points of contact with dimensions of our being beyond the physical. They are coordinates of Spirit right within our own bodies.

The network of seven major chakras within us forms a road map that can help us explore our physical, emotional and spiritual worlds.

In fact, chakras are the centers in our beings for the exchange of energy from the spiritual world to our own.

These seven major energy centers operate at subtle levels, invisible to the physical eye. Though they exist at etheric levels of our being, we have all experienced energy flowing through our chakras, whether we have realized it or not.

Corresponding with the seven major chakras, there are seven rays which come out of the white light of the Holy Spirit.

Understanding chakras and rays is key to realizing the fullness of our spiritual nature. From the base of the spine to crown chakras, you'll learn everything you wanted to know about these powerful spiritual energy centers.

Find out more about these essential gateways to our spiritual selves, tune in this Tuesday and every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Pacific and 2 p.m. Eastern for THE OPEN DOOR.

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