Use the Violet Flame to Mitigate World Conditions

Use the Violet Flame to Mitigate World Conditions

This is an excerpt of a dictation by the Great Divine Director given Friday, October 10, 1997, and published in the Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 44 No. 43.

I come to you in the name of Saint Germain. I come to you that you might bring to him [the fruit of] the understanding that we have given to you, that the calls to the violet flame might therefore charge you with that light, charge you with that manifestation of a sacred fire that so intensifies the atoms, cells and electrons of your beings that you can raise upon the spinal altar, from the base of the spine to the crown chakra to the point of the third eye, those momentums of light that we give to you first and foremost for your health and longevity and then that you might send forth this light for the blessing of all those who carry the chalice of light within this hemisphere, within this planetary home.

Meet the Turning of Cycles with the Violet Flame

As the hours turn and as you find yourselves entering the new year so quickly, remember, beloved, that when the new year descends you will face new challenges, challenges that you have not expected, challenges of karma that become more and more physical. Therefore, we implore you to bring violet-flame decrees to your sanctuaries—wherever you are, to bring violet flame—and to know that each and every one of your chakras can internalize the violet flame along with the seven rainbow rays of light.

Therefore, we need not give you each and every concept of what is taking place, what are the horrendous things that are going on, on planet earth. These you can learn and listen about; these you can know from within. These you can do something about because you know the techniques of Saint Germain.

So, I say to you, in brevity may you find your way to the point of light and hold that light in great stability. May you call upon my causal body. May you call upon those who are of the fourth ray, who therefore carry the white fire of the fourth ray.

Come forward now, O souls of light. Come forward now in these hours and use the violet flame for world transmutation and see how those changes will take place. You have been told and you have heard of it many times over that in the turning of the cycles and the turning again and again, there will be major changes. If you can meet the proud waves of Aquarius, of the violet flame and use them for world transmutation, you will see far less coming upon you personally and upon the planetary home.

However, I tell you again, for I am the Great Divine Director, that ere the new year strikes and you enter into the next millennium, you will see tremendous changes, tremendous sorrows, many defeats and many triumphs. Therefore, use the remaining years of this century. Use those years to bring about a new day, a new self-awareness, a new Christhood. For you are born to be the Christed ones. Claim that birth and that birthright.

I Come to You for Inner Reasons

I am the Great Divine Director. I come to you for inner reasons. Ere you sleep this night and put your head upon your pillow, enter into the secret chamber of my heart. Enter in, even as Saint Germain has entered my heart, even as you have so done yourselves.

Let there be a tremendous love in your heart for all hierarchies of light, the archangels, the hosts of the Lord, those whom you have been with for so many centuries. May you, then, realize that few upon earth know the formula for bringing world transmutation for this planetary home. Therefore teach the many regarding the violet flame and exercise that flame continuously.

To read the entire Pearl On World Conditions and the Role of the Chela in Their Mitigation by the Great Divine Director, please go to: Vol. 44 No. 43 – The Beloved Great Divine Director – October 28, 2001.

For more information on “the techniques of Saint Germain,” see Saint Germain on Alchemy: Formulas For Self-Transformation and for how to use the violet flame to mitigate world conditions and returning karma see Saint Germain's Prophecy for the New Millennium

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