Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 60 No. 47 - Beloved Saint Germain - December 15, 2017

Electrons Are Points of the
Infinite Light of God

The World Comes Alive because of These Tiny
Electrons Dancing in the Very Body of God

Part 1

Gracious ones, out of the fount of cosmic illumination from the very heart of God I come this day bearing my banner of freedom, that banner which I have come to feel is my very own but which I willingly offer to share with all mankind so that they may carry it as their very own.

I do, then, this day, holding that banner high, call to your attention many specific facts that are of considerable import for your own personal selves as well as for all mankind.

Let us, this morning, take up the subject of the electron for a brief span. Have you thought about how words themselves indeed contain significant aspects that clearly reveal the nature of a given condition, place or thing? In the case of the word electron, the very word elect refers to the freedom of will, which the electrons have.

There are very few who have recognized, known, understood or even considered that electrons are actually little points of the infinite light of God, part of the cosmic fire, sparks of his infinite being who elect to do his will. Going forth joyously, dancing throughout the universe, these electrons convey the substance of life into the world of space, form and time. The world, then, comes alive because of these tiny electrons dancing in the very body of God.

Mankind accept and take and use the energy of these electrons in myriad ways, almost infinite ways, enjoying untold benefits from the activity of these small parts of the cosmic identity. These blessed electrons, dancing in the living flame from God’s heart, do joyously continue day after day to radiantly outpicture all that you call the manifestation of nature, all that you call your own, even your physical form. And when the truth is known, it will be understood that even the spiritual form of man is composed of these blessed portions of the divine substance that are released into the world of form.

Heed and hear, then, how these blessed, small and minute portions actually function within the domain of their own free will, electing to go forth and to carry forth this energy [of the infinite light of God] into the world of form—some to be misqualified and held in bondage but ultimately to return, of their own free will, back to the heart of God for repolarization (after men have done unto them that which they would do).

For while many have lamented the crucifixion of Christ upon Golgotha, few have paused to reflect on the crucifixion of these nameless electrons in mortal form and how they have been subjected to, over the span of the centuries and the millennia, countless abuses and discredits. These abuses and discredits have indeed planted a crown of thorns upon their miniaturized beings.

These blessed creatures—and I choose to use the term somewhat loosely—these blessed creatures indeed have great affliction brought against them by mankind’s wrong thought and feeling. For they are compelled to be witnesses to all that is unseemly among mankind as well as to all that is exemplary.

I do not choose now, however, to have you remain [focused on] this small state of consciousness, which, I will say to you this morning, is actually a dubious statement. For there are times when I think that the electrons deserve more honor even than the molecules and larger portions of creation. For without them you would find no impartation and continuation of life in the span of space and the stream of time.

As it has indeed, now, in your own cycle of the year, come to the place where you are fulfilling a part of that which you term the “Christ Mass,” or “Christmas,” let me call to your attention, blessed ones, that the fruit of the Divine One is coming to the attention of mankind in the Christ mind, the Christ-identity, the Christ ideal, and in the encasement of that Christ in the seemingly finite body of the man Jesus. For as Above, so below. And in the miniature world of form, each electron moving to become a part of a body does, in effect, cast forth its energies as into a manger, bringing its sparkling radiance into the world of identity and producing there a sustainment of life forms.

Thus, throughout all creation the advent of the Messiah is understood as involving all strata of life. And therefore the Christ Mass is the witness to the power of regeneration within form and within Spirit. For even the Spirit of God does magnify his radiance through identifying with the creation. And then, by reflecting his energy into the creation, he receives back the fruit of that energy.

In the case of the planet Earth, because of the lack of fulfillment of cosmic purposes, that which God has received back from Earth has often required that the debts of mankind be balanced from the great treasuries of life. And thus have other planets and systems of worlds sent forth help and succor unto the planet Earth and its people.

We believe, and the Lords of Karma believe, that one day all will be balanced and that the mankind of Earth will arise in recognition of their own responsibility to redeem themselves from the unfortunate slavery into which they have been cast. When that hour comes and freedom is given to every man and woman upon the planet—not only the freedom to identify with the Spirit of life but also the freedom to balance their debts to life, to repay the other planets and systems of worlds and to repay life itself—I am certain that a humanity, illumined by divine grace, will be willing to impart that energy which they can amply supply (from the great cosmic storehouse) back unto the place where the Law requires its balance.

Please understand, precious ones, that the laws of life are very intricate and very complicated. If you viewed the laws of life from the ascended level with what you might term a magnifying glass or a microscope, you would be staggered in your consciousness by that which you would witness.

Just as the scientists of the world have often been astounded and awestruck by revelations concerning form itself, and as the astronomers have been astonished by the creation of the universe and its intricacies, so those who ascend to inner levels and behold for the first time some of the vast patterns and intents of Almighty God are almost staggered, as it were, by the radiance and the intricacy of the plan.

We recognize that simplicity is most desirable. For that which is simple seems to be easily assimilated, and that which is complicated requires some activity on the part of the mind and being of man whereby the [individual] can ready [himself] to perceive and to understand that which is revealed. I am certain that it will be clear to all that if we were to reveal the higher aspects of divinity for which your being was not yet prepared, there would be no place in your being through which that knowledge could pass and it would come up against you as a whirlwind and probably knock you off your feet.

Because it is the desire of heaven to give mankind that which is progressive in revelation and which will enable him to rise in consciousness from day to day, we often bring forth those little, blessed portions of spiritual knowledge that can be easily assimilated by the aspirant and which will cause an expansion of being to occur within each precious lifestream. This will enable that lifestream to hold a pattern of purity and perfection and to sustain that pattern within the forcefield of his own being.

It is often true that individuals cry out and ask for greater knowledge than they are able to bear. The traffic in knowledge upon the planet today is very great. But, unfortunately for mankind, a great deal of it is a practiced deception that is brought to mankind in order to couch old truths in new language, simply in order to flood the coffers of the world with the gold that mankind so dearly treasure.

Those who can and will understand the higher teachings will clearly perceive that God himself has no ax to grind with humanity. But he seeks only to give and to bequeath to mankind the fullness of the blessings of infinite freedom, giving this without [the requirement of] money and without price to all. Nevertheless, in the world of form it is necessary that those who are beneficiaries of the grace of God shall also be benefactors to others among mankind.

And therefore we can understand that in this season of the year there is always a great increase in the giving of gifts from one individual to another. These gifts often convey a mere token manifestation. And then again, they sometimes convey the great love tides of the heart where individuals are fully aware of the grace and responsibility which they themselves have and which others have, and they desire to spread abroad good in the world of form.

When a gift includes the giver, it is ever the greatest of gifts. For this is akin to the pattern of God himself, who has actually given the electronic substance of himself unto the world of form in order to perpetuate life everywhere. This is the abundant life which God desires to produce and perfect.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 60 no. 48.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, December 4, 1966, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.] Part 2 of this Pearl of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 48.

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