Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 60 No. 36 - Beloved Saint Germain - September 22, 2017

The Eternal Values within Your Soul

Humility Will Bring to Man Awareness of His Brother
Faith Will Bring to Him Awareness of His God

Gracious ones, the tenderness of God is heard in every sighing wind. The gentleness of God is heard in all manifestations of the soul as it speaks unto the outer self and bids that outer self, be still.

For in the clamoring of mortal terror there is bred upon the planet myriad thoughtforms which produce distress in the consciousness of mankind. But those among mankind who foster and nourish tranquility are scattering seeds of happiness to the four winds for the improvement of the climate of consciousness upon earth and for the blessing of untold generations to come.

There is an enduring quality, gracious ones, in right thought and right action that far outlives the individual monad in its individualized embodiment. When individuals understand the effect of their own influences, they are often brought to their very knees before their Divine Presence. And there they seek to comprehend the all-knowing mind of God and to fathom the intent of that mind, that they may be able—through divine consonance in manifestation, through concord with eternal Principle—to release into the atmosphere those qualities which, as a mounting tide of light, will set the world aright.

Dominion over the earth was given unto mankind, gracious ones. And this, per se, does not only include outer conditions but it also includes the internal realm of the spirit of man, the realm of peace and tranquility within. It includes the realm of comprehension, the realm of knowledge and contact that reaches up to understand the great heights of God, from whence cascades the manifestations of his light-substance as a fountain of light descending to the earth to brighten the hopes of the world.

Gracious ones, the hour is now at hand when greater and greater scientific feats shall be accomplished upon the planet by your scientists. The day is at hand when an era of hope and prosperity, such as has never before graced the earth, may well come into manifestation. But I am certain that the forebodings of civilization, the rumblings of mortal intent toward destructivity, are also apparent to the more observant among you who, in your conversations with your own Presence and in your pleas for enlightenment, do realize that at the same time you are making these pleas, the world in action today is a world in peril.

For the actions of mankind are not all kind and benign. No, not by any means. The actions of mankind are often tinged with all of the aspects of horror [that are portrayed] in the most destructive stories released; for example, those by Edgar Allen Poe.1 And men oftentimes feel as though they are in a pit of mortal terror, with a pendulum of destruction swinging above them.2

Let me, then, speak to you, precious ones, the word of assurance that heaven, in its great intent toward the earth, has not in any way abandoned the chelas of light and the students of the sacred fire. Nor have we abandoned the ordinary man who does not have the comprehension of higher dimensions, such as ye have. Rather, precious ones, we have consulted together more often as the peril of the world has increased, and we have sought ways and means of how we might not only assuage the terror of mankind but also how we might remove its cause and core, thus preventing future outbreaks of all forms of mortal imperfection.

The mission of the Christ two thousand years ago upon the planet, the great outreach of peace of the Buddha, and the manifestation of all sacred fire intents through many religions have not served to stem the tide of mankind’s aggressiveness nor to prevent brutal wars from breaking out upon the face of the earth, with all of their destructivity and fruitless accomplishment.

Gracious ones, perhaps you will see the paradox in my words “fruitless accomplishment.” For there are some upon the planet, and there are some even in diplomatic circles, who seem to feel that the outbreak of war would not be so terrible, providing it did not affect the circle of their own personal world. These individuals seem to feel that if they could only have a personal immunity therefrom, then war in itself would not be too bad. And they console themselves with the idea that afterward there might come about an era of peace and prosperity.

Let me tell you, precious ones, that no war has ever produced the seeds of peace. Peace itself is a quality of God, and it must be cultivated within the heart and being of man. Wars stem from personal unrest and personal greed. They are started by hatreds that are not calm. They are started by storms that continue to grow and expand in human dimensions of thought and feeling. The way, then, to end these struggles is through understanding—and true understanding—that is vouchsafed to mankind from within his own soul and heart through internal communion with God.

Those who study past histories, precious ones, may find many statements calculated to excite mankind to war and hatred. But those who study the internal security of their own being and the great power of creativity that lies within the human soul, those who study the hand of God as God has moved men—these are able to understand how to produce peace upon earth.

The heads of state, gracious ones, are often in a state of great terror themselves. Yet at times they throw off this terror as a means of the preservation of personal sanity and say to themselves, “Well, I am doing my best and I cannot do any more.”

I would like to point out to the masses of mankind that when an individual is charged with the responsibility of being a head of state, that individual cannot always maneuver every condition or circumstance to his liking. He is often the sub- ject of cruel and brutal jokes, the butt of horrible criticisms which are leveled at that one simply because he seeks to do his best. And quite frankly, oftentimes men who are heads of state are not as evil as other men imagine them to be.

It is true, of course, that in the course of history and human events there have been many tyrants upon the planet, and there are many today who dwell in high places. Such as these do not seek to do their best. They seek but to express the tyranny of an ego, long subdued and repressed, which at last, by reason of its attainment, is able to break forth and spew over the people of the world all of the internal hatred which they have stored up for many, many years like a coiled spring under great tension.

I would like to point out to you, then, precious ones, that these men have, in reality, aught but mortal power in their hands. They have only temporal power, and their day is done quite quickly. The pages of history will show that in many of the wars and occurrences in history, tyrants often lived but for a short time. And those who lived longer often had cruel people underneath their boot, and these cruel people deserved the tyranny that presided over them.

I would like to point out to you that [adjudicating] the mass karma of the world is a tremendous undertaking, even for the Lords of Karma. It is a Herculean task of magnificent proportions, as viewed from inner levels, to untangle the threads of mortal thought and feeling of thousands of years in order to bring lifestreams together in diverse places so they can best work out their destiny. This, as seen through the glass of our consciousness, through the crystal clear images evoked by the Christ Presence of every man, is a tingling experience indeed. And it brings home to all who see it the great need for humility and faith.

I stress these two qualities because humility will bring to man the awareness of his brother, and faith will bring to him the awareness of his God. Through this application—the application of his heart to Deity and the application of his heart to the needs of man—he is able to rise in a selfless manner into the arms of Cosmic Christ service. And he thereby seeks to wipe away, in God’s name, some of the tears from the world scene and to bring greater freedom and compassion to a world in bondage.

For I ask you, in this day and age, most gracious ones, what struggle does ensue of a personal nature in each individual’s life, known or unknown? What struggle does ensue behind the diplomatic scenes of the world, known or unknown? What struggle does ensue from inner levels of cosmic light when ascended masters seek to reach the earth and to bring mankind the quickening power of light—and men turn a deaf ear? What struggle does ensue, known or unknown?

The grace of heaven, as heaven seeks to lift the pall of mortal reason, is immense. And it would seem as though the grace of heaven, in all of its immensity, would be sufficient to lift every speck of mortal darkness forever from the world. And yet, so great is this darkness in human consciousness, this density of oppression lingering over the years, that mankind can scarcely grasp, in many cases, the simplest thoughts about spiritual experiences. For they have dwelled long in the realm of mortal thought and feeling and their concerns are indeed basic to their survival—the survival of their physical form and their old associations in the time stream.

Let me, then, say to you: As you gain a greater sense of eternal values you will care less and less for the things of the world. Yet you will build well that which you build, for you will recognize that it is the outworkings of eternal values within your soul that cause you, one and all,to do that which thou doest, and doest well.

Thus the kingdom of God is enhanced by men of virtue and valor, by women of contemplation and action. It is enhanced by those who understand the need to ponder in their hearts and who also understand the need to come out from that state of ponderment into the arena of action and to forthrightly evoke purity, holiness, love, artistic understanding and culture in the world, in the youth of the world, and in their contemporaries. Thus, you are emissaries of God, ambassadors of light. And your role in the world is to continue, according to the capacity of your soul, to serve that holy cause that will produce fruit upon the divine tree, fruit upon the human tree, and fruit for all eternity.

Ladies and gentlemen, although the world may be in peril, remember Jesus’ words: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”3

Remember, gracious ones, that while you continue to struggle against all the forces of darkness and evil—all the forces that seek to bring you into bondage of a personal nature, all the forces on the world scene that are manipulated by the black magicians and those hordes of shadow who seek to bring the world and yourself under domination—we ourselves, serving in the cause of right and Christ-magnificence, are also engaged with you shoulder to shoulder in this struggle.

And if the world scene seems bleak to you in this hour, consider the tender threads of consciousness. Consider the tender threads of contact which we wield, and recognize how frightfully the black pall of human misery extends itself over the centuries as a shadow of oppression, seeking to bring mankind into bondage. We are witnesses not only of a segment of this oppression, but we are witnesses of the span of the centuries. We see it all—in all of its human grossness—and we recognize that it has no power. We tell ourselves and make the fiat: “It has no power!” And it has none in the realm of the divine.

But in the realm of humanity it has continued to serve as a veil of severance from the Presence of life. As the veil in the Holy of holies was rent in twain,4 so it is our prayer that the veil of evil shall one day be repudiated by men and women of goodwill in all circles and states of consciousness—by men and women in the diplomatic service of the governments of the world, by men and women in positions of leadership and rule, by men and women of culture and instruction, by those who teach and by those who are taught, by men and women of science, and by men and women of exploration. We pray that this veil be repudiated so that the great fruits of the world, in search of a new world, may be mustered together the way that Isabella assisted Columbus.5

And thus the “Santa María” of spiritual search may go forth across the uncharted seas of the future destiny of man, in time and space and in spirit, until he is able to summon from the heart of the eternal One, for all mankind, those values which enable men to achieve, to attain, to win, and to hold their freedom, not only in essence but in every activity of their lives.

I thank you.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, May 1, 1966, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Edgar Allen Poe (1809–49) was an American poet, critic and short-story writer. His works are known for his cultivation of mystery and the macabre in fiction. Among his tales are “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “The Tell-Tale Heart,” and “The Pit and the Pendulum.” Poe’s stories helped found the genre of the detective story.

2. This is an allusion to “The Pit and the Pendulum,” a horror story by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1843. The work helped secure Poe’s reputation as a master of lurid Gothic suspense.

3.John 14:1, 27.

4. Matt. 27:51.

5. Saint Germain was embodied as Christopher Columbus (1451–1506). In 1492, Columbus received the sponsorship of the Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella for his voyage to sail west to Asia. After two months, his crew sighted land in the Bahamas and went ashore. Columbus has been called the discoverer of the New World.

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