Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 56 No. 7 - Beloved Mother Mary - April 1, 2013

The Mystery of an Initiation
in the Secret Chamber of the Heart

Part 1

The virgins of God are processioning, beloved, into the secret chamber of my heart. They go within, wise virgins, with seven lamps and the eighth trimmed, for they have studied under the hierarchs of the seven rays and the Maha Chohan.

I receive you, O soul of light, each and every soul who is the bride of Christ. For I would also tutor you in the secret chamber of the heart. My tutoring, beloved, is in the grace of the abundant life. This is the eighth-ray chakra of the Buddha and the Mother. This is the place of the mighty figure-eight flow, initiated even at the commencement of this decade.

Now you are in the era of the completion of seven rays. Now you are also moving in this year toward entering in to the intensity of the initiation of 1988.

Blessed ones, remember the secret rays and understand that in this secret chamber of the heart—the antechamber, beloved, truly where the threefold flame is sealed—this is the place of Cosmos’ secret rays. This is the place of Buddha. When you enter my heart, the heart of the archeia, blessed one, the chamber is vast, a sufficiency for untold numbers of brides.

Blessed ones, you feel yourself now in the warmth of a secret-ray swaddling garment. It is like angel hair. And it does comprise a sphere, an inner wall, if you will, whereby you are truly insulated, as this separating wall is also that interval that stands between the seven rays and the five secret rays. The interval is the nexus, beloved.

Thus I come to you to bid you enter the path of the brides of Christ. For only in the secret chamber is there safety when outer turmoil prevails in the seven bodies of earth, in the seven layers even above the surface of the earth.

The Cave of Light

Therefore, you see, my secret chamber is also as a secret chamber in a great pyramid, a secret chamber in the mountain of God. In all eras, initiates processioning into the interior place prepared have signified that the hour is come when, for the individual and even for a civilization, there is the great inbreath—not that which draws in all of a cosmos, but the drawing in, beloved, of the seven rays of attainment that these might be condensed into the crystal that is formed in this interior castle.

Blessed ones, there comes the hour when the expansive manifestations of attainment, of God-mastery, even the accumulation of abundance, must now be condensed. And that which is the heart and the essence of the harvest then becomes the nucleus of crystal, harder than rock or diamond. This substance, beloved, begins to form the cave of light.

Now you understand the use of the term “Cave of Light” by the Great Divine Director.1 Blessed ones, his Cave of Light is a consecration to the eighth-ray chakra and the secret chamber of the heart. Not only is it a place of safety, a haven of initiation, not only is it the place where the soul puts on, enters into [the Christ], but as Christ assimilates her, so the soul and the Christ become one. Thus, in the next round, when going forth from the secret chamber, as from the tomb itself, beloved, the soul steps forth fully the manifestation of Christ, the Body and Blood of Christ, the Sacred Heart of Christ.

Entering the Heart of Christ to Become That Christ

Thus may you understand a mother’s teaching in this hour of the commencement of the initiation of the five secret rays—five levels, then, of the secret chamber of the heart, as five spherical, interlocking chambers. May you enter. May you understand. May you know. Going to the Heart of the Inner Retreat is another symbolical and actual entering in.

Blessed ones, I bring this initiation to your attention, for the hour is coming when you will know the meaning of the words “Safety in the ark of the LORD.”2 The secret chamber of my heart is the place of safety.

The secret chamber of your heart does expand when you commune with the threefold flame and the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. For he has placed his image, his Electronic Presence, there in you, beloved, even at the microscopic level, there in adoration of the threefold flame. For as he is the Lord of the World and the keeper of the flame with the Maha Chohan, so this one—who does sustain the tie from his heart to your heart through a crystal cord—must, by cosmic law, enter your heart and give that perpetual adoration. And he does this in order to sustain your threefold flame until you yourself enter into adoration of that flame. Thus may you see upon the face of the Buddha in meditation an understanding of the absolute adoration of the threefold flame and the very cradle of the flame, the white sphere, which is Divine Mother.

Blessed ones, when outer turmoil does increase, it is well to have sustained, created, intensified, immensified your union in Christ. Thus, I preach to you not of seeking to become the Christ in order to convert a world, but I preach to you the meaning of entering the heart of Christ to become that Christ, to become a world, a cosmos, yourself. Thus know the meaning of Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays.

Ultimately the initiation is that in this chamber of the heart, through the threefold flame, you, beloved, will become an instrument, a dispenser, of the secret rays. Thus, a Son of God is born. And twin flames releasing the secret rays in polarity begin to spin in this inner cosmos; and the T’ai Chi, then, becomes an awareness of the inner folds of this secret chamber, as two chambers in one.

Blessed hearts, as Hope has given to you the vision, then, of the golden age come in your aura and life and consciousness and world,3 so I give you the vision of the true entering in to the heart of God. Thus when you say, “My heart is the heart of Christ,” you are saying, “My heart that is my life, the issue of God, my purpose, my direction is truly the heart of Christ. For my soul has entered now the alchemical union with my Lord.” Here, then, beloved, is the beginning of the attainment of a conscious samadhi.

The Rising of the Soul from Lower Levels of Being

Understand, then, that the soul herself in the seat-of-the-soul chakra must have risen, buoyed up, then, by the sacred fire of the ascension flame. When the soul does rise increment by increment, the soul, then—in these initiations of the five secret rays and the seven—must stand, face and conquer in that plane of being where there is yet darkness and caverns of darkness and canyons of darkness. Thus in the lower electronic belt the soul does stand. These initiations come with the balancing of 51 percent of one’s karma.

Thus the soul—clothed in a garment of that certain light of balance and certain attainment, truly in love with her Lord Christ—must then climb the stairs of the degrees, as I did climb them,4 as the Mother did climb them. And thus, beloved, in the full transmutation and challenging of all of this death and hell of the electronic belt, there is the overcoming. And as the soul does rise and take dominion over all levels and planes of misqualification, so there is an increase, there is an intensity of the heart.

When the soul truly has completed the tasks at the lower levels of being, she does therefore enter the secret chamber of the heart to go out no more—that is, not having the necessity of going into the seven spheres for the purpose of balancing karma. But she does go forth from those five secret rays into the seven spheres again as the dharma of a universe does unfold and she does deliver her own Christhood, in Cosmos’ secret rays, to a planet or a universe.

Opening the Temple Door of My Heart

These initiations are being taken, beloved, by certain souls on the planet in this hour. I shall not tell you who or where. But, beloved, in the highest mountain of God, truly in the summit of being, you will find the soul who has walked the path of the ascended masters and has truly deserved this opening of the temple door of my heart.

Blessed ones, I may speak to you of this for the one soul. For I may say to you, beloved, as the one soul does open the door to my heart, so she does also open the door to the mountain of God, to the Cave of Light and to the Inner Retreat.

These keys are majestic keys. They are mystical. And they are vital in the survival of a community of the Holy Spirit—vital, beloved, vital, I tell you, in this hour.

Thus, beloved, I have not so much delineated each step of this initiation but rather held it a secret and a mystery. When you therefore are able to penetrate, to come through the door or pass through the angel-hair swaddling garment, you may know step-by-step the effulgence of your Lord and this time drink of his crystal goblet a life that is an everlasting sacred fire.

Communing with Cosmos’ Secret Rays in the Heart of the Mother

Blessed ones, truly the hour is come for the understanding that those who commune in Cosmos’ secret rays in my heart, and in my heart in their own heart, are in tune with the nucleus of every atom on the planet. They are in tune with the heart of Cosmos’ secret rays. And therefore, where these atoms have been split, where their particles have been bombarded, where man has used the sacred fire of Alpha and Omega to build implements of war, nuclear weapons, or to create viruses, all manner of plague and disease, thus it is the one, the wise virgin, who is in the heart of the Divine Mother who is best able to direct Cosmos’ secret rays, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my own Immaculate Heart into the nucleus of destructivity. It is from the epicenter, the very eye of life, that this is done.

Now, beloved, if you are barred from entering in, for you are not yet ready for this full effulgent initiation, you may call upon me and the wise virgins, archeiai all, of the seven rays. You may call to us, then. And through our attainment and our Electronic Presence placed over you, we may establish, through the nucleus of the threefold flame, rays of light in cosmos that we are authorized to amplify into the conditions of war and the corruption of the economy.

Understand that it was said long ago that the mantras of the Dhyani Buddhas5 must be given for this victory over death and hell in nuclear war. To that I add that these must be given also for the sustaining of the economy. This is the perpetual love of the Buddha and the Mother. This is the grace of God.

The Secret-Ray Meaning of Stepping Forth from the Tomb

Understand, beloved, that this age is so likened unto the parable of the wise virgins and the foolish.6 For it is the Bridegroom that does come as a thief in the night.7 And those who have not their lamps trimmed beg their oil from those who do. And those who have the oil have it because they are wise—wise in the economy of the oil, the wheat, the wine, wise in the economy of the light of the causal body and of the breath itself. Thus they know that it is not lawful to transfer to another the attainment of the chakras.

One must understand the value of God where “I AM.” One must say, “This light that I AM is for the healing of the nations. It is my God and I AM my God. I will not give it to another in pity or sympathy. But in divine compassion I shall leave them all and run to greet my Lord, up the spiral staircase from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the heart and through its secret chamber.”

Thus, beloved, understand that those wise virgins are sealed in the white-fire core of being. They are sealed with the Bridegroom, the door shut. For the alchemical union does take an interval between each of the five secret rays—cycles for the soul’s infilling, becoming the incarnate Word.

Thus, this is the secret-ray meaning of Easter, beloved. It is the secret-ray meaning of stepping forth again from the tomb. And the resurrection flame, beloved, is one of the most powerful manifestations that does emanate, not alone from the sixth ray but from the very secret rays of the sixth ray itself. Thus it is also a key, in addition to the ruby ray, for your entering in, as though by a miraculous and holy oil you are able to permeate that which is impervious.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 56 no. 8.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, March 11, 1987, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.]

1. The Cave of Light is the Great Divine Director’s retreat in the heart of the Himalayas in India. In The Magic Presence, Godfré Ray King describes being escorted to the Cave of Light by Chananda, the hierarch of this retreat, along with several others. He describes the retreat as a cave of “wondrous beauty” encrusted with dazzling crystalline substance. Going far into the cave, they came to doors of solid gold. Inside, it looked like the white heat of a great furnace.

2. The fiat “Safety in the ark of the LORD is part of decree 33.00, “The LORD’s Judgment by the Ruby Ray through Archangel Chamuel and Charity,” which was delivered as a large portion of their dictation given on July 7, 1985. This decree can be found in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation; available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

3. The vision of the golden age. In her dictation on January 2, 1987, Archeia Hope said, “O blessed hearts, do you know one thing that you have absolute and complete control over? It is this—that the golden age can manifest in this hour where you are! Where the individualization of the God flame is in you, the golden age can already be in session and in progress in your aura.... You need no longer speculate, ‘Will the golden age come to earth?’ But you can say, ‘It is here in me. That I know, O God. It is where I am, and more than this I cannot even desire. For I am with Hope filling cosmos with my golden age.’”

4. The stairs of the degrees. When the child Mary was presented at the temple at the age of three, it is said that her parents placed her upon the first of fifteen stairs symbolizing the initiations of the psalms of degrees (Psalms 120-34). Unassisted, she ascended the stairs one after another, showing that her soul had already passed these initiations in other lifetimes and she was spiritually prepared to fulfill her mission.

5. The mantras of the Dhyani Buddhas can be found in the Church Universal and Triumphant Book of Hymns and Songs, no. 627. For ordering information, see note 2 above.

6. Matt. 25:1-13.

7. I Thess. 5:2; II Pet. 3:10.

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