Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 27 No. 31A - El Morya & Saint Germain - June 8, 1984

A Document from The Darjeeling Council


Beloved heart friends of the will of God, I salute you from the Darjeeling Council chambers, where Saint Germain and I would convey to you the enormous love of our hearts for your efforts and oneness and for the great strides that have been made in pushing back the darkness and establishing, as it were, a new frontier of freedom. For is not the Royal Teton Ranch as well as the Heart of the Inner Retreat a new frontier? And have you not explored the fastnesses of soul territory beyond those heretofore adventured? I think so.

And I think also that the pushing back of the effluvia of the astral plane and the sense of the penetration of etheric octaves where our retreats are located has given to many of you the sense of the imminence of possibilities of transcending worlds and time and space and reaching beyond with less and less mystery and difficulty and the realization, beloved hearts, that heaven is surely won in increments—the ranch being a territory somewhere between that earth and that heaven, lodged in a purity not known in many cities of the earth. Thus, the parting of the veil and the sense of the ongoingness of the soul through this life opportunity and on to the next is something that we also cherished when we were in embodiment.

We enjoy seeing you draw back the curtain on the next room of life. We enjoy seeing you sense a freedom, a spirit, and a dimension that you did not know a year ago or a decade ago. This too is the ascension process. This too is the means whereby courage is engendered, fear is overcome, and dangers are pierced, even as one pierces a veil or plunges the sword through a phantom and finds nothing there.

Beloved ones of the Light, Saint Germain and I would also speak to you concerning the future of the nations and the future of their economies, which hangs in a delicate balance, and Saint Germain would speak to you now regarding the presidential elections in the United States.

As we sit together this evening with Mother Mary and the Great Divine Director, we are honored by the presence of beloved Hercules. We therefore shed our light on some issues and also attempt to draw you close to Darjeeling, where the winds resemble those here and the coolness of the evening reminds of the Himalayas and the Rockies, brought nearer to our hearts by your own dear flames.

Saint Germain

My beloved Keepers of the Flame, I have been concerned regarding the state of the nation’s consciousness, in particular the basis on which people do or do not discriminate concerning the selection of leaders in every field. I am even more concerned, as you have become, as to the manipulation of the government and the economy behind the scenes by secret societies, various conspiracies not even known to you, and those organizations that have been clearly defined in the lectures of the Messenger.

Thus we know that between power and money, many strings are pulled. And behind the scenes forces are at play to determine how much can be gained by those who think they are in power in this period of change.

As you know, political or economic change is always taken as an opportunity for the amassing of power by those who stand to gain the most by change and who are therefore the archmanipulators of the winds of change as well as of the changing tides. Thus the elections present to this government and this nation the opportunity for new leadership, who ought to secure the people’s choice and learn by the mistakes as well as the victories of the previous administration.

Beloved hearts of Light, we therefore point to what we consider to be a situation of grave concern causing a serious weakness in the structure of the nation. It has become clear over many months that this administration and also previous administrations have become more and more burdened by public servants on the public payroll who are forming a larger and larger bureaucracy, making weightier and far more complex than necessary the decision-implementing process, which may result in right action for the moving forward of the nation.

The bureaucracy that is abuilding and has been so abuilding in this nation since earlier in the century, especially under the New Deal, now resembles those periods in India, in China, and even in Russia when through the centuries there has taken place the buildup of an overwhelming system of red tape, of petty servants and favors whereby, ultimately, the light vested in a government no longer flowed to the people nor were the people’s needs satisfied by the government....

We desire to see fervent calls made for the raising up of sons of Light, minutemen and women of my own, and servants of God who will take their stand and not be concerned about sacrificing for the flame of freedom or standing up against any blackmail that should come upon them to manipulate them because of past mistakes they may have made. Beloved hearts, you must call for those who are already in position within the government, for those who are ready to take their place and who ought to be anointed by us that the will of God might be reinforced within them; for after all, the will of God cannot succeed on behalf of a nation through one individual alone even if that individual be the president of the United States.

Therefore our determination and desire is to see the people’s duly elected representatives provide the impetus and the momentum for a fruitful and productive administration that may hold the balance in terms of the economy and the national debt and may make wise policy decisions concerning the future possibility of any financial crisis, of inflation and a subsequent depression.

These things are almost quixotic. Almost in a mercurian fashion does the economy move. This is only the appearance; for, as you know, causes set in motion not checked, not dealt with, a false concept of economics and a false teaching of Keynesian economics and individuals who do not have common sense or a practical awareness of how a nation’s economy functions, have brought about a situation of immense burden, which sits squarely upon the shoulders of the American citizen.

The people of this nation bear an extraordinary burden of karma for the earth as well as the karma of the fallen ones who have mismanaged the supply, the people’s money and the international banking policies. It will take a great deal of violet flame, a certain amount of background (which you may gain by your own reading), and a devotion to holding the stability within oneself to offset this burden; even the national debt grows exponentially by the hour.

The emotions of the nation affect the economy as does the faith of the people in God and the faith of the people in themselves and in the free enterprise system. This system must not be put down by the easy giveaway of technology and secrets to the enemy; it must not be deterred or discouraged by inappropriate tariff systems or an attempt to equalize international trade at the expense of the American manufacturer.

As we have mentioned before, we are greatly concerned regarding the fact that the nation’s resources are not being used as a deterrent to world war. This is not as it should be. You ought to decree for the technology I have given for the preservation of world freedom to be used for the defense of America and the free world against a nuclear strike by the Soviets or other hostile powers. And you ought to make your position known to your representatives.

This is one of the cumbersome problems of a republic and a democracy in a republic such as the United States, as you know. By the time the will of the people is reflected in the Congress and action is taken, there is a serious loss of time. Although decisive action and consistent long-term policy is one advantage of a dictatorship, this may place a nation at a great disadvantage when a dictator has become ossified and calcified and unable to act out of a spirit of freedom or a spark of hope but is reduced to a base level of fear.

We speak, then, of the members of the Politburo of the Soviet Union and we would tell you that, more than ever before, the burden of fear upon this hierarchy is such that war and the reactions and decisions leading to war are more apt to be triggered by fear than any other vibration or condition of consciousness affecting that nation. This fear does not so much involve their fear of the United States, although this may be the apparent reason even to themselves, but rather it involves the fear of their own demise, the crumbling of their system from within, its inability to stand on its own, and the certain knowledge that the West, even with the worst manipulators and the best intentions, cannot forever sustain World Communism.

Even today the Western bankers are admitting that they are in an insurmountable crisis through loans to Communist nations in the Third World. One of these days, beloved hearts, despite the support of the seed of the Wicked One, there shall come the hour when there are simply no more funds to supply the beast of world socialism, no more grain or technology to fan the fires of world totalitarian movements.

The people of America and the free world ought to be ready and prepared for that moment and understand that there will come an hour of supreme weakness not only in the world of Communism but also in the hierarchies of the nations who have usurped the authority of the people and who have shown themselves as if they were standing for the people; but in their policies and in their accomplishments they have, in fact, moved against and counter to the protection of the sacred labor of the people, of their lives and livelihoods and of the integrity of their nations.

I tell you, beloved hearts, the most valuable commodity in America is the heart flame of the people and their sacred labor. Yet, this divine spark, this labor of love is trampled upon, it is misused, it is desecrated, and their life energy is squandered. This commodity of life itself has been a source of unending Light and supply to all of the fallen angels of the earth for at least a century and more.

Realize, therefore, that those who have such a precious gift as the Light of the Great White Brotherhood in their daily service and workplace ought to cherish that Light, cherish the holiness of their labor, and begin to realize that because it is sanctified by God it must be protected. And in order to have that protection they must invoke the intercession of the Archangels.

We, the members of the Darjeeling Council, consider, therefore, that the acquaintance of the people of this nation and the Lightbearers of all nations with the Seven Archangels is a most important and worthy effort that ought to be undertaken by the Messenger and chelas. People need the understanding of how to call to the Archangels for that divine intercession of the angelic hosts that is absolutely necessary to their spiritual and physical survival. This heavenly ministration must take place if the people are to rise up lawfully, according to the revolution of the heart and the revolution in Higher Consciousness, to overtake those who usurp their Light, their Power, and their Authority to govern themselves.

Beloved ones, we are not in favor of the supplying of the current regime in Red China with technology and the wherewithal to build itself up to become a power that can be used against the West at will. Knowing the ancient cruelty of these lifestreams (the Chinese Communist leadership, not necessarily the people themselves) as demonstrated in ages not even chronicled, we can tell you that when it comes to the uses of power, both divine and human, they have abused that power almost more than any other group evolving on earth. And therefore we are not in favor of the decisions that have been made by the president or those contemplated in this current trip to Red China. <1>

Let all understand, therefore, that the position of the United States vis-à-vis the Soviet Union in this hour and the possibility of war in the European theater, and world war at that, has been brought about entirely by Western capitalists and unalert and sometimes very dark leaders in the United States who have allowed this building of the Soviet military empire to take place. Now they have turned to do the same in Red China before the Communist leadership has even bent the knee before the Goddess of Liberty or proclaimed the flame of freedom as paramount.

This dilemma ought to occupy a large share of your determined decrees. You must call for the binding of those individuals who, when given power, use it to wreck upon mankind an unmitigated evil. And you must call for the enlightenment of the American leadership and the judgment of those who are the betrayers of both the Chinese and the American people as they supply the Communists with the technology and the trade that guarantees them power over the people.

I can only tell you that with an alternative administration things could be far worse; we desire to see things far better. We cannot say that we endorse an individual but we do say that we stand on a platform of freedom, and we can only work through those who have determined in their hearts to at least lend an ear and consider our counsel.

Beyond this you must realize that when the counsel is given and many voices speak and modify and recommend other solutions, it is difficult for any leader to maintain contact with our level and to take that strong stand that is necessary, especially when that leader has no direct personal knowledge of our counsel.

Given the well-meaning intentions of those surrounding the president and yet the bad advice that he has been given on some occasions, you can well understand that there are those who are not of good will functioning behind the scenes or at other levels. These are involved in conspiracies and orders founded for ulterior motives (to move the world closer and closer to a one-world totalitarian state) and they also exert influence upon the president, even to the point of a threatening influence; and thus it is most difficult to occupy that position. The few who have tried to remain independent have not long remained in office. Witness, therefore, the independence of Abraham Lincoln or of John Kennedy. It was their independence and their free spirits and their determination to expose the conspiracy that surrounded them that brought about their demise.

This circumstance, which besets not only heads of state but others in the governments of the nations, beloved hearts, should illustrate to all that no matter how great the honor and the love and the dedication, without the assistance of the Great White Brotherhood, there is only a certain line that can be drawn, a certain stand that can be taken by anyone in embodiment.

I give you now, once again, beloved El Morya, who would speak to you on this very point of the Law and the Teaching.



El Morya


Beloved devotees of the will of God, Saint Germain made known to you in Washington, D.C., the concept of “the realm of the possible.” <2> With the Soviet downing of the Korean plane, <3> you are able to witness just how far the world and the United States could or would go in the face of Soviet aggression. And what made the difference was their state of nonawareness of the challenges of Life and Death and their inability to deal with fear, and ultimate fear of the bully on the block. The reality is that the leadership of the West was at a loss to know how to deal with the drawing of the lines of threat and the response to threat and with a world circumstance that will not go away. Thus, the level of expectation that we, the members of the Darjeeling Council, have for the advancement of peace in this century is tempered by what the leadership of the free world, specifically of the United States, is willing to accept as acceptable in the performance of the leaders of the Communist bloc.

There are plans on our drawing boards that ought to be carried through. There are protections that ought to be taken to safeguard the freedoms of men and nations militarily and economically. Yet there are few if any public servants in embodiment who are in positions of policy making or power who are able both to see the wisdom of our counsel and to implement it—and have the courage to do so.

Some of the moves that are necessary in this hour, if espoused by one in office, would mean political suicide. As you know, when it comes to holding and retaining office, and election time comes around, officeholders must be concerned above all with being reelected. This often influences their position on the issues and they are not free, if they were so inclined, to stand for policies that are unpopular.

Our strategy, then, and the only solution that the Darjeeling Council can offer—which comes from the heart of Mother Mary, with the wisdom of Jesus and Kuthumi, who also serve here in our deliberations—is to recommend that you isolate those issues that are most necessary to the keeping of the peace and the freedoms, issues that concern all the people and the fate of the nations; whereupon you should of course decree for the will of God to be upon the hearts of the people concerning these issues; but above all, you should seek to educate the people and to influence public opinion by writing your letters to the editors, to your representatives, and by appearing, if necessary, on television and radio programs; and then you must keep on repeating the message as you demonstrate the workability of the God-solution in the equation that you personally believe in and that may not be obvious to the general public.

This task may not be as difficult as you think; for we have seen in the past how our exposés and the calls and invocations we have dictated through the Messenger at the altar, which were then taken up by yourselves, have resulted in a change of public opinion and political climate—in fact, so much so that when we rejoice in what has been done by the direct transfer of the heart of fire to other hearts of fire, we can see how much more can be accomplished when that transfer is also made at the intellectual and mental level by education and public speaking and by writings.

Thus, we come back to the communication of the Word and to the legions of Mercury and to the understanding that to communicate both by the spoken and the written word becomes one of the most valuable tools in the hand and the heart of the Keepers of the Flame. To be able to set forth the logic of an idea and a proposal, to buttress it with facts and research, to endow it with a flame and a spirit and a heart whose energy will quicken other hearts across the nations, this, of course, has been one of the mightiest means for change, and change for the better, that has worked in all of the history of mankind.

On the other hand, those who have developed this ability through long centuries of practice—the Sophists <4> who have come as serpents with their ability through logic and specious reasoning to convince the people to take the downward path, the course of least resistance and compromise where the ends justify the means—have wrecked havoc as they have wielded a great influence upon mankind through their spoken and written word. And when they have engendered in their communications a powerful momentum of a spirit not of the Holy Spirit but of black magic, they have also been able to arouse the people and move nations—as in the case of World War II and the influence they exerted upon the people of Germany; this was the work of not one but any number of Nazi leaders who were operating under the misappropriated power of the black brotherhood. <5>

Beloved ones, when you consider the control of the media today and the control of education at many levels by sinister forces that do not desire to see the God-freedom of the children or the people but rather their enslavement in the mold of mechanization man, you must understand that those who know the Right and champion it fearlessly, those who have the Light and hold it on high, those who have the Wisdom and take the trouble to articulate it to the many are fewer in number than those who pursue the left-handed path with their haughty zeal. And fewer still are those of the Light who are able to effectively challenge the opposition to their communication of the truth that they do know, while holding the balance of their personal karma, family and professional obligations and maintaining attunement with their God Presence.

We are confident that the dissemination of accurate information and the education of the people concerning the social, political, and economic platforms that we have long espoused as well as those that we have exposed as counterproductive will bring about an awakening and a quickening, at least in those who are of the Light. Therefore we have not let down in our determination to assist you, to support you, to give you dispensations for stumping on secular issues and for bringing information of your own expertise to the attention of groups across the nations.

We are heartened to see that many have already taken up this cause, and we trust that Summit University Forum, sponsored by the Goddess of Liberty and the Lords of Karma, will also be the means of bringing to the American people information that ought to be in their hands. We also recommend that these interviews conducted by the Messenger become the nucleus for your own public forums and discussion groups that you may hold in your cities, and also for the sponsoring of speakers on topics of local concern if you do not consider yourselves qualified on the issues or as a speaker.

It is well for you to form councils. Just as we have a Darjeeling Council, so you may form your own councils—councils of freedom and clearinghouses for information, “think tanks,” as they say, or publishers of newsletters. In this manner you can come together and, working together, evolve the most practical and meaningful solutions to focusing public attention on the challenges to freedom, to peace, and to the enlightenment of the people.

As we have mentioned before, this service to your nations you are free to render as private citizens rather than as members of a religious organization. You are free to function in any capacity and from any professional posture where you are most comfortable. All citizens regardless of their religious affiliation should participate in the legislative process, as it is carried on on a day-to-day basis in your own states as well as in the federal government, and Keepers of the Flame are no exception.

We recommend that out of concern for Saint Germain there be a focusing of decrees on the United Nations not only as an organization but as a building used by the Communists as a center for their international spy network to move against the United States and all nations and to use that forum continually to put the United States in a bad light, to use that body to gain funds for their projects, and to gain a foothold in the United States where they may carry on their espionage activities while enjoying the privileges of diplomatic immunity.

I must tell you that the inception of the idea in the minds of lovers of freedom to have a world council representing the nations of the earth and providing a place for the meeting of minds and a dialogue for peace must surely come from the Great White Brotherhood. However, the United Nations was masterminded by the dark forces to preempt the founding of an organization of the spiritual elect and the representatives of the Great White Brotherhood to be selected from among those who have had inner training at the Darjeeling Council. The members of such an organization would represent their nations not by political maneuvering but through spiritual communion as the spiritual savants and moral leaders of the people and as those who have the highest loyalties to the cause of world freedom, peace, and enlightenment, to the Brotherhood and to the Lightbearers of every continent.

I propose, therefore, that you lay the foundation for what might have been called a shadow cabinet but that is neither shadowed nor a cabinet, but an organization of friends of Saint Germain drafted upon the original and divine idea of nations united under the one God, the Mighty I AM Presence, through representatives who give allegiance to unity based on the original sovereignty of the sons and daughters of God.

Let the many who have come here from all over the world to study with me in this quarter of Summit University begin to consider themselves as ambassadors of Light representing the concerns of their people, understanding the problems of their nations and evolving spiritual solutions to those problems. Let them prepare themselves to serve on a council that does meet regularly to discuss the affairs of their nations and to provide awareness/action advice to their secular leaders even while participating in their national, state, and local governments.

This body of Lightbearers—who may volunteer and also be selected—should serve as a counterpart to those ministering servants who tend the altar and the hearts and souls of the membership. Those who do represent their nations professionally or politically, who embody the concerns for their society’s education, trade, business, finance, politics, et cetera, who are also Keepers of the Flame ought to dedicate themselves to the purpose of forming this worldwide circle of Lightbearers who assume their posts as watchmen on the wall of world freedom. And they ought to consider themselves responsible and accountable for the affairs of state, in that the affairs of state and the economy and education as well as social needs are studied by them and are acted upon first deftly by the science of the spoken Word, with dynamic decrees, and then that they are not ignored when it comes to informing the people as to the facts and what must be done.

You will see how your voice and vote with the Darjeeling Council and the power and momentum of your dynamic decrees, nation by nation—not the least of which ought to be the United States of America—can make the difference in world action. I can assure you that the diminishing of the so-called peace movements in Europe and especially in Germany has to do with the stand taken by students all over the world on behalf of Saint Germain, who had the certain knowledge that this nation ought to be protected. This is an instance where the level of attainment and the awareness of the German people themselves was not adequate to deal with the dark forces coming through the Green Peace party. <6>

Beloved ones of Light, understand that the difference between that level of consciousness of the German people and the level needed for them to deal with the burden placed upon them by these fallen ones was compensated for by the level of attainment of the Lightbearers; the gap was bridged. And the dynamic decrees given by our students in every nation were responsible for the diminishing of that movement of pacifism and for the ongoingness of the policies that were supported by the United States and by the German government. As a result, the U.S. Pershing II and cruise missiles in place represent the determination and the will of God not to allow the Communists to pass into Western Europe and to overtake West Germany.

Here is a clear example of where a body of Lightbearers came together and determined “They shall not pass!” Their Light was communicated to the hearts and souls of many of the German people who were not in favor of this party or its activities. And therefore, by the inner consent of their souls, though their ability to know what to do in the face of the dark forces was absent in their outer minds, the Law could act and the saints of God could intervene. And thus with continued vigilance and diligence in your dynamic decrees, there can be sustained the necessary spiritual and physical protection of Europe and the United States forestalling an impetuous act by the Soviets, triggered by their psychology of fear or other considerations, chiefly economic, that would not be the better part of wisdom and could indeed unleash world war.

We desire to see, therefore, a strong stand taken by the chelas of Scandinavia concerning the military exercises of the Soviets in their ships and submarines in the Norwegian, North and Baltic seas and the North Atlantic Ocean. We desire to see information concerning Soviet activities made available throughout this body of world servers so that the calls made at Saturday night services can be focused on all Communist threats to the peace and that there will be engendered, especially in the people of Scandinavia, a courage, a determination, a forthrightness not to allow their territorial waters to be violated by the Soviets.

Nation by nation and section by section, wherever these fallen ones make inroads or penetrate through a path of least resistance, there the body of Lightbearers must stand. There you must gather at inner levels in your etheric bodies. There you must place yourselves as the Body of God and resist them with the full fervor and the fire of the heart.

Thus it becomes necessary for you to be informed, as we are informed, as to what is happening nation by nation in terms of Soviet espionage and the undermining of Western society, the spy activities and their timetable for takeover. You must know what are the most critical events occurring on the face of the earth so that your decrees, beloved hearts, are not given in vain and you are not fighting as one that beateth the air, but so that you focus your decrees on the immediate issues that require your deliberation and your action.

It is not possible for the staff at church headquarters, with the responsibilities incumbent upon the office of the Messenger, which they assist in fulfilling, to perform these services of research and the dissemination of information to the student body. Thus, I leave it in the good hands of Keepers of the Flame to organize yourselves and to determine who among you shall form a committee for the transmittal of information on the activities of World Communism, along with those of the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy, to the nuclei, the amethyst jewel centers that have been established by our chelas in many nations.

Surely the immediate awareness of and the direct action by group leaders and Keepers in every walk of life can and shall make the difference and forestall many a crisis. The greatest tragedy is that there are events happening on the face of the earth that you have no knowledge of, which are not reported in the media; and these events, one by one effecting change, amalgamate forces and policies that move against the Light of freedom, heart by heart and nation by nation.

Therefore, from the heart of the Ascended Masters of the Darjeeling Council and from Saint Germain and myself, beloved ones, there comes the call to Helios and Vesta for the dispensation whereby you may make general calls to us and give to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood each day the authority of your Mighty I AM Presence to act in your name and by the full momentum of your causal bodies in those situations and areas that we deem of vital and urgent necessity.

If you will give us, as it were, the carte blanche, if you will empower us by the authority of your free will to act in the physical octave in circumstances of world treachery and intrigue, I can assure you that we will do so. And if you will give your calls concertedly to beloved Mighty Hercules and call for the forces of Hercules, millions of angels who serve in his legions together with those of Archangel Michael, our bands of the First Ray and of the God Star Sirius to take action, you will discover that the Great White Brotherhood and the chelas in embodiment will checkmate many a dark plot that could advance the cause of Darkness on planet earth when it need not be so.

We are concerned with the international intrigue coming from many nations—of organized crime in league with World Communism where it suits their mutual ends, especially in drug trafficking, in pornography and prostitution and all manner of violent crime. Beloved hearts, the siphoning of the life of business and the free enterprise system by organized crime is a problem in every nation. The demoralization of the people, their intimidation that continues by threat, blackmail and murder (of which you are wholly unaware)—these things ought not to be. And as you demonstrated when you gave your weekend in a prayer vigil on organized crime, results can be forthcoming when hearts are one in a united purpose. <7>

We bring to your attention, therefore, from the heart of Jesus and Mother Mary, that the fallen ones are aware of the power of God that is at the heart of this Community of Lightbearers, this Church Universal and Triumphant, which is our dearest love and greatest hope. Therefore, because of the awareness on the part of certain forces of the power that emanates through your hearts, we must also make known to you that there are forces, some you are aware of and some not, that have determined by their own cults of hatred to destroy this Church and this Messenger and every single disciple that has come to the fount of his Mighty I AM Presence through this Teaching. This they have attempted to do by every means legal and illegal: by gossip, by calumny, by lawsuits, by subterfuge and by carrying on a media campaign against the Light by attacking the person of the Messengers.

I should caution you, therefore, that daily, and sometimes hourly, decrees are needed for the protection of this citadel of Light from these sinister forces who work through their operatives in embodiment and with the false hierarchy directly from the astral plane. And this brings me to our original point: we must raise the level of the people’s awareness so that they can take a stand for freedom and the freedom fighters and against Communism in situations of international crisis, such as those in El Salvador and Nicaragua.

Beloved ones, the pillar of the Lighthouse must be raised and the fortification of our fortress intensified as the sign of the coming again of the ancient intercession of the hosts of the Lord who went before the people Israel “by daytime in a pillar of a cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night.” <8> If we can raise a Light and raise it higher than ever before and intensify it as never before without having to be concerned about the chelas’ ability to withstand the backlash of the Darkness and of the Dark Ones that the Greater Light provokes, then we shall raise it, then we shall intensify it!

If we can count on our chelas, who surely see this onslaught of the godless aliens and are determined to withstand it, to see and resist the temptations to be discordant in their emotions or inharmonious in their feeling worlds and to keep their harmony in spite of any provocation to lose it, if we can be certain of the chela’s reinforcement of the white fire within himself and of his ability to stand, face, and conquer by the Truth, by direct action and dynamic decree any and all threats to this Ascended Master activity and whatever may come knocking on his door as karma, enticement or plot of the force to unseat him from the holy office of being Chela unto God, the Great Guru, then we will raise up a Light and raise it higher than ever before and we will intensify the Greater Light as never before!

And you will see that the Greater Light that can be poured into this Community and the resultant expansion of its membership will serve, in effect, to be the ensign of the people, <9> to be the leaven of the Woman that will leaven the consciousness <10> of the whole world and make plain the vision of our God concerning a Darkness of the gray ones that has become a gray mist clouding the minds of the people whereby they no longer understand right and wrong; they do not understand relativity or the sliding scale of relative good and evil or the forces of absolute Good and absolute Evil, of Christ and Antichrist, that are in confrontation at that proverbial Megiddo in the battle of Armageddon. <11>

Blessed hearts, this activity and its chelas represent the most practical and effective group of souls on the planet, those who understand what it means to check the Dark Ones in the streets of life. However, some of our best servants are found in the most impractical spiritual organizations where the emphasis is upon personal attainment of the siddhis and withdrawal from the world in the Hindu tradition. Others are trapped in cults of idolatry centering on a psychic teacher who, instead of directing his students’ devotion to their Mighty I AM Presence, directs it to himself, flattering his students with past-life readings and regressions (largely inaccurate and highly detrimental to their soul progress on the path) as well as private messages purported to be from our bands. And therefore in both cases, where their Light might be applied through their exercise of the spoken Word to the alleviation of the world conditions you are tackling every day, it is directed instead into areas that have nothing whatsoever to do with the outcome of current crisis or future global war.

Beloved hearts, when we raise up a Messenger and chelas who are sensitive to our word and responsive to our promptings, we can accomplish a great deal by their authorization for us to intercede in their personal and planetary affairs and by the energy they give to us in their dynamic decrees and in their prayers and invocations of intercession offered on behalf of governments and nations and the people themselves. Therefore we must send legions of Light for the protection of the Messenger and chelas and for the enhancement of the integrating factor that makes possible this cooperative service of the Great White Brotherhood ascended and unascended, which is organization itself.

Organization comes under the dispensation of the Mother Flame. And I can assure you that it is by the hand of Mother Mary and by the beloved Astrea and the great brooding presence of the Divine Mother with you that there is and does remain the cosmic reinforcement of this organization. So often in the past, endeavors we have founded have been compromised because the Mother Flame was violated; for its disciplines were not understood and therefore not adhered to and its power was not comprehended. And thus, when people come together for constructive service, where devotion to the Divine Mother and her Flame is wanting there is often a dilution of purpose, a division amongst the group as to how to accomplish the goals at hand and even a turning aside of those goals due to personal rivalry.

Thus, we have determined to allow you to feel our presence and the presence of the Holy Spirit and the power of personal initiation at the altar and in your life that you might have a spiritual reinforcement of your faith in God and Community and of your oneness with your I AM Presence. Thereby you remain in a state of grace and one-pointedness to accomplish those purposes of Hierarchy, which, I tell you, could never be accomplished by yourselves individually and therefore, you understand, the good karma of a united effort could not accrue to you individually as grace without the organization of Community.

When Saint Germain promised that those who espouse this Teaching could make their ascension in this life or the next, <12> he had in mind that chelas could both balance their karma and attain considerable self-mastery by taking part in, or by lending their spiritual and financial support to, this larger effort, this community effort, which he saw could accomplish so much more than any one individual could accomplish alone—even the most advanced initiate.

I can assure you that the group dynamic decree is the greatest single factor in the preservation of your personal path within the framework of Community. Few among you could hold the balance against the forces of Antichrist pitted against the organization and against the emergent Christ within each member without the drawing of the solar ring of the Great White Brotherhood around the world body of co-servers.

Thus we cherish our co-workers, and you are able to make strides in the quotient of Light that you can carry by the mutual reinforcement chela by chela of community decrees and community action. I urge you to realize, then, that your coming together in your groups—wherever two or three can gather in the name of the Great White Brotherhood—whether here in the sanctuary at Camelot or in the places you have prepared around the world, is most important. And you accomplish so much more for beloved Jesus and Saint Germain when you hold your weekly and biweekly meetings and you do not stay away from the daily group decree sessions that are so important to Hierarchy.

Work done privately and apart is not nearly so effective as that which is done in group action in the sanctuary. I urge you therefore to combine your causes and to bring the specific focus of your departments into the sanctuary to be worked on in individual calls as you join forces in the giving of your basic decree patterns in unison. If you will but mention your projects and the opposition to them in your preamble, then the momentum of the decree force of the entire Community will be behind your individual inserts.

This community action is so much more powerful than what you can accomplish separately in your offices and apartments that I must underscore this admonishment. I ask you not to fail to remember Jesus’ words, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” <13> And I tell you, the two or three hundred and the two or three thousand only multiplies the promise that “The Call Compels the Answer” and the geometrization of the release of the sacred fire by Lord Maitreya. <14>

Therefore, beloved ones, for the defense of America defend this Church. For the Roman Church is not protected; having defiled itself, having failed to perpetuate the true teachings of Jesus Christ and to publish the record of his eighteen years in the East that the youth of the world might follow his example, having failed to outline a viable path of sainthood along the lines of the Eastern bodhisattva ideal or the application in daily life of the sacred mysteries taught by Messengers as these were given to them by Jesus, the present leadership has lost its dispensation.

The path of the Holy Grail taught here and espoused by all of us who attained the ascension in the Light could have long ago been taught to the people through the Catholic Church. It has not been done; it has been denied to the dear followers of God and for that reason alone we have had to found another endeavor and anoint another mouthpiece to deliver that Word.

For nothing—nor false doctrine nor dogma, nor pope nor priest nor church councils that withhold the truth of Christ’s universal message—shall stand between a people and their God. Nothing shall come between them and their right to know the Truth that shall make them free, the Truth about their immortal birthright vouchsafed to them by their Mighty I AM Presence! And therefore we have truly moved heaven and earth to bring your lifestreams together to establish this Church. And we are continuing to move heavenly forces and legions of Light for its protection. They await your command to Light and your dynamic decrees offered in God’s name.

Therefore, forget not to make the Call. For one word from the heart of a chela who is living the Teaching to the best of his ability, even though that one may not be perfect, does receive the immediate obedience of legions of Light; for it is to your Holy Christ Self that the heavenly hosts defer. And this is why you always call in the name of your Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, thereby establishing the power and the authority of your command or your decree, which is never vested in the human, blessed hearts. Therefore keep sacred the Call and revere your God-potential, which is anchored in your threefold flame. Revere, therefore, your calling. And see that by the gift of the Call and the living Word, you do make your calling and election sure. <15>

In this hour of the oneness of the Flame, we desire to see a oneness of heart and mind unite the American people on the issue of right- and left-wing encroachment on the freedoms of Central and South American people. The leaders of these nations have never demonstrated an ability to enshrine the flame of freedom and to protect it in their citizens according to the principles of the Great White Brotherhood. And therefore even those who have espoused the right side of the coin, shall we say, have done so while betraying the heart of Saint Germain in their disregard for the human as well as the divine rights of the people. By their right-wing dictatorships, their mismanagement of their nations’ resources and economies and their subjugation of the masses in poverty and ignorance, they have opened the door to World Communism, as you know, and if not World Communism, then the bankruptcy of their nations.

Understand that the protection of this hemisphere is paramount in holding the balance of Light in the earth from the North to the South Pole. Pole to pole the flame of freedom must burn on, and therefore we desire to see a mighty longitudinal line of violet flame from north to south that does prevent the merging of world forces of Darkness and totalitarian movements.

Beloved hearts of living flame, it is necessary that this government once again recognize that the protection of freedom in this hemisphere is its responsibility and that the Lightbearers of these nations of the Americas are the ones who truly keep the flame of freedom and are capable of holding the line. But their leaders and those who manage their economies make a mockery of the living flame of freedom contained in these hearts even while they make a shambles of their institutions.

Thus, those who can best defend freedom ought to do so. And we encourage this president and this nation to protect the sovereign borders of every country and to find ways and means, mysterious and miraculous, to go to the hearts of these nations and to raise up those bodies of freedom-fighters in the culture, the education, the commerce, as well as the military, to hold the line of freedom until the angel reinforcements, the holy innocents, and the members of the sixth and seventh root races might come into embodiment and grow up to be those who will not be challenged; for their Light is too great.

You already have within this Community certain souls of Light, beloved ones, sent to you for the precious quality of their hearts and their inner attainment. You may not even recognize them or the power of their attainment, but they have volunteered their lifestreams and their Light to be a candle in your midst.

Therefore spare no effort to see to it that the little ones receive the best love, the best education. And give to parents and teachers alike an expanded awareness of God’s consciousness in the Seven Mighty Elohim, and from the World Teachers give them what must be imparted to the youth of the world. That which you teach by the heart and the soul is best apprehended by little children. Therefore bring your beings into alignment with God and transmit to them the living Truth of your Christhood.

The more you are diligent and self-sacrificing in the establishment of the greatest educational institution the world has ever known, the more we are able to go to Helios and Vesta and the Karmic Board to receive dispensations in your behalf. The World Teachers look to you to establish by practice and by example excellence and love, the power of right habit, and the inculcation of a balanced program for the health of the four lower bodies and the development and integration of the chakras.

We encourage and laud your efforts; but we say they must be deepened, widened, and accelerated as you examine the best methods of education that are in use today as well as those sponsored by the Brotherhood in past ages and in little-known areas. There is much that remains to be discovered in the principles of the education of the heart.

Therefore watch and pray, for the angels and the Ascended Masters can and shall reveal to any heart attuned to the heart of Christ certain keys and mysteries for the teaching not only of new souls recently embodied but also of old souls coming into embodiment to finish up their spirals on earth, balance their karma and move on. Those of advancing years can be retrained and brought into the creative fires of Elohim to draw down from their causal bodies their greatest talents of all ages and lay them on the altar of Community. This can be accomplished through an adult education program that will enable them to gain a greater mastery in their mental bodies and in their feeling worlds.

There is no limit to the attainment anyone can gain in life. Where there is a will there is a way. There is no age limit. There is no limit except for the individual who will not try. Where there is no effort, where there is no willingness to take the first step, no will to be or to do, or the breathing of a prayer that “I be more of God this day than I was yesterday” and “God, show me the way to do it,” then we cannot intercede, we cannot help, we cannot uplift or exalt the spirit or the mind of man or woman or child. Free will is the key to all achievement in life. And above all, free will is the key to divine intercession.

Let none think that the door of God’s heart or the door of their own mental development closed one day many years ago. Why, by prayer and fasting alone, you can reach the stars! And this being one of my favorite subjects, I close with a prayer of the Magi.

On behalf of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the Darjeeling Council, we come before thy throne, O Most High God and beloved Father. We, the members of the Darjeeling Council, therefore ask of the Lord Buddha, our beloved Gautama, and of Sanat Kumara a dispensation of more Light and of reinforcements from the Great Central Sun to reinforce the circle of fire of this Community and to expand it by hearts of Light well chosen from across the earth and by souls coming into embodiment by dispensation.

We, the members of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, numbering in this hour one hundred forty-four Ascended Masters with additional unascended chelas as advisers, do pledge our life unanimously for the continued sponsorship of this mouthpiece and of every chela who would be the instrument of our Word and Teaching, carrying it and interpreting it as it is given from the altar of the Holy Grail, from the Flame of the ark of the covenant to every nation and Lightbearer.

We go to the heart of Helios and Vesta this night to petition a dispensation to sponsor a world council of our chelas who might be trained for world service so that the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood might begin again to play a constructive role in the governments of the nations.

We ask for the dispensation, O God, Almighty One, our Father, that the setting in place of the etheric matrix for the governing of the nations and for a spiritual movement of Lightbearers might work an alchemy for Saint Germain whereby the stars themselves shall release their innermost secrets and their divine powers and Merlin himself will be accorded that miraculous dispensation to move in the halls of government and in the hearts of our chelas for the protection of the flame of freedom on planet earth and for the evolution of the Aquarian mind and the Aquarian dispensation.

As the members of the Darjeeling Council gather in this hour, our hands are clasped to form that circle of fire, that solar ring, for the protection of our own. For we, too, have heard the words of Jesus this day. <16> And we are determined, as you are determined, that the true story of his life and his message shall be made plain and shall be published abroad for the freeing of the individual disciple to follow him all the way Home—not only to Golgotha but to India, to Nepal, to Tibet, to every nation, and to the high and holy light of Kashmir.

Therefore Kashmir becomes the citadel of the World Teachers, Jesus and Kuthumi, who radiate their light rays to all Lightbearers of the world, anchoring them in the hearts of the chelas and the land set aside in the Rocky Mountains and in all aspiring ones who will take up the cause of world and individual freedom and recognize that only by the Spirit of the Lord can secular decisions for freedom be won and held—only by the path of the Sacred Heart and the Ruby Ray, only by that determined spirit of the stalwart knight and lady of the flame can all of our divine purposes be won.

I plead with you, therefore, my chelas, to recognize what it is within your innermost being that must be surrendered that your Holy Christ Self might descend into your temple and dwell there until your daily victories become, as in a chain reaction, the Victory of your life and your ascension in the Light! And we, one and all together, plead with the soul to understand that the choices you make this day are, in many cases, ultimate and final choices. The choice to shed the snakeskin, to sacrifice it in the sacred fire and to let God become more of your True Self even as you let your True Self become more of God is the best choice I know of.

I therefore direct my prayer to the Most High God and to your souls. And I pray for the wedding of the twain and for the universal consciousness of God in manifestation in his sons and daughters that our words this night might effect a closer union of heaven and earth. That the most advanced souls on earth might meet at our retreat those in heaven who are serving with the Lightbearers of earth is our prayer. We call for a series of meetings to take place at our Darjeeling retreat of God’s will between the forces of heaven and those of earth who are the emerging stars of the Divine Mother and the bodhisattvas of the Buddha following the path of the lovely lady Kuan Yin.

My beloved, I seal my prayer, which is a prayer for determined action, in the heart of the Maha Chohan. For I know that God’s Holy Spirit manifest in our Brotherhood above and below enables us to act as one. And I know that that Holy Spirit will enable you to contain and remember the ever-present Person of the God of Freedom to the earth.

Our council stands in salute of the Ascended Master Saint Germain. We bid you join us. [Congregation rises.]

Saint Germain, in this hour of cycles turning, we, the Darjeeling Council and our chelas one, pledge anew our hearts, our full fervor of devotion, and all that the Godhead will allow of our causal bodies that your desire might be fulfilled. And therefore to the end that in this hour the dispensation might be accorded for world and individual freedom to the earth and this and other solar systems, we have petitioned that the causal bodies of the Sons of God ascended and unascended might offset and hold the balance against the Dark Cycle of returning karma.

Beloved Saint Germain, beloved Keepers of the Flame, we have received word from the Cosmic Council and from the Lords of Karma that as of this hour the experiment and the effort to enable this to take place shall begin. Therefore there is not an unalterable turning but a setting in position and a lowering, as it were, of the mighty spheres of our causal bodies that this Light of the God of Freedom might be held in balance and in harmony and in God-protection to offset the Dark Cycle by all who are the enlightened ones on earth.

And therefore, it has pleased the Lord God through Elohim to allow the experiment, to try and see just how much Light can be held in physical manifestation by the Sons of God, the Christed ones above and below working together, without upsetting the planetary balance of forces or the systemic balance of forces and without upsetting the delicate path of the holy innocents and children of Light juxtaposed in this effort.

We shall therefore expect to hear the report of the Four and Twenty Elders at such time as they shall determine to give the results of their examination of this trial.

Beloved ones, I, El Morya, encourage you in the name of Saint Germain to proceed with caution, prudence, and care. I counsel you to continue along the lines you have begun, to direct your attention above all to the protection of the sons of God who stand to hold the balance of Light for this Church, for this Messenger, for this nation and all nations, to direct your attention to protection for the Lightbearers, whose causal bodies can mean the difference, and to protection for the little children, whose causal bodies can offset the Darkness and the Dark Ones of the Dark Cycle.

Do you understand, beloved ones, that when the fallen ones and the dark forces know that their Darkness may not cover the land because of the Light that is upheld by key individuals, they concert their efforts against those ones? And if those ones are not alert and they allow themselves to lose their balance and trip and fall, the fallen ones may rush in and attempt to cause deadly harm. It is not the desire of the Godhead or the Brotherhood that this should take place. You see, our desire to stay the hand of the enemy of the Light is not as great as our desire to protect the friend of the Light; for in our challenge of the sons of Belial we would not jeopardize the safety and the path of the sons of God.

Thus the trial shall proceed. And we shall see what our efforts of long centuries of working with our chelas have produced. That you may remain the alert, the guard, and the legion of honor of Saint Germain is our prayer. Of this you may be assured: I, El Morya, will stand, reinforcing your mercurial mind, your determination, and your awareness twenty-four hours a day. And I will also be there to firmly remind you that you must not stray from your inner God-Harmony or your attunement with the One, that you must not misqualify the Light we send that it be stolen by the Dark Ones. You must not allow your auras to be punctured by their deliberate discord.

This teaching has been well set forth by the Messenger in recent deliveries. Study and learn well how to achieve the basic necessity of constant attunement with your Mighty I AM Presence. And we shall see what a wondrous work the Great White Brotherhood ascended and unascended might perform for the honor of Saint Germain and for the redeeming of all of his efforts made on behalf of the Lightbearers of earth and this evolution. Let us, one and all, give back to him what he has given to us.

I seal you in the height of a noble endeavor. I seal you in a vibration that will keep you steely white and alert, illumined as to the wiles of Serpent and as to the vulnerability of your own unredeemed nature. To know thyself in this hour—thy strengths and thy weaknesses—as well as you know the enemy can mean all the difference in the success of our endeavor. Above all, the victory of the individual is our concern.

May the love of Nada, who is with us, also seal you in the awareness of the precious Chohan of the Sixth Ray and member of the Karmic Board, whose daily and hourly concern is to teach you, to discipline you, to show you the way of ministration and service to life on the path of the Ruby Ray—and to comfort, love and buoy you up in the power and presence of the aura of Jesus Christ.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya and Saint Germain was delivered by the messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 22, 1984, during the five-day conference Mysteries of the Holy Grail held at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation added by the Messenger, Under El Morya and Saint Germain’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls if Wisdom.

1. President Reagan visited China, from April 26 to May 1, 1984, seeking to expand Sino-American cooperation in trade, investment, nuclear power, cultural relations, and defense, On April 30, 1984, the president signed three agreements with the Chinese; one limiting the taxes china may impose on income earned by U.S. corporation within their borders; another renews cultural exchanges; and a third on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy clears the way for U.S. companies to build nuclear reactors in China. For information on Chinese-U.S. accords reached during Premier Zhao Ziyang’s January visit to the United States see p. 204 n 2.

2. See “Holding the Balance in the Realm of the Possible,” given in Washington, D.C. September 3 1983

3. See p, 204 n 4.

4. Sophists: one of a class of ancient Greek teachers of rhetoric, philosophy, and the art of successful living, prominent about the middle of the 5th century b.c. for their adroit, subtle, often specious reasoning.

5. See Archangel Gabriel, Mysteries of the Holy Grail, pp. 351-52.

6. Green Peace Party. A radical minority party of environmentalist and antinuclear activists.

7. During the tenth anniversary celebration of Lanello’s Ascension, February 25-27, 1983, the Messenger and chelas conducted an exposé and prayer vigil on the Mafia. Within a week Anthony Spilotro, reported rackets boss for the Chicago Mafia and main subject of a Los Angeles Times series of articles on the mob, which had been read aloud at the prayer vigil, was arrested on two counts of murder. Spilotro was never convicted, but he was murdered by the mob in 1986. On March 5, 1983, police on southern Italy arrested 834 people as part of a vast crackdown on an organized crime network. In July of 1983, President Reagan created a 20-member commission on Organized Crime designed “to fight to break the power of the mob.” The following November two investigators in the Justice Department’s Organized Crime Unit were awarded the Excalibur Award by Congress for “outstanding service in federal government” for successfully cracking organized-crime racketeering at Fulton Fish Market in New York City. And on April 9, 1984, the breakup of a heroin smuggling ring called the “pizza connection,” led to the indictment of leaders of the big Mafia families, both within the United States and in Sicily. On February 26, 1985, the government indicted five top New York Mafia family bosses on charges of being part of the Mafia’s reputed ruling council that has overseen the mob activities since 1931. Two years later on January 13, 1987 three bosses and four associates each received 100-year prison sentences, a penalty that prosecutes hoped would cause “a shredding of the government of the mob,” On December 16, 1987, following the largest Mafia trial on Sicily’s history, 19 Mafia members, including their leader, Michele Greco, were given life sentences and 338 of the 452 defendants were given a total of 2,665 years in jail terms.

8. Exod. 13:21, 22; Num. 14:14.

9. Isa. 5:26; 11:10, 12; 18:3; 30:17 31:9; Zech. 9:16.

10.. Matt. 13:33; Luke 13:21.

11.. See Rev. 16-14-15. Megiddo was an ancient

12. See Saint Germain on Prophecy, p. 154; 1981 PoW, pp. 284-285; 1985 PoW p. 134.

13. Matt. 18:20.

14. On July 1, 1961, Lord Maitreya announced a dispensation known as the full power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand.“From this day henceforward.” he explained, “every decree that you utter shall be increased by the power the ten thousand-times-ten thousand!” See p. 63; and Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Power of the Ten Thousand-Times-Ten Thousand, “in The Science of the Spoken Word, Summit University Press, pp. 78-79.

15. II Pet, 1:10

16. See pp. 241-50.