Encore Radio: Whose Life Is It Anyway?

Encore Radio: Whose Life Is It Anyway?

Does the end of life mean the end of Karma?

Does our Karma go away when we die? Sorry, no. For those of us who study and practice the teachings of the ascended masters, we know that the law of karma is exact. And we know that our karma follows us from lifetime to lifetime, until we have transmuted and balanced it. So when our life ends, our karma doesn’t.

While this may seem harsh, the opportunities we are given to balance our karma are an expression of the mercy and love of God. For without the balancing, we cannot return to our Divine estate in the heart of God. And God wants us Home!

Our Life is Karma in Action

All of the energy that we have used to animate our every thought, word, motive and deed is God’s energy. And it cannot return to Him until it has been purified and repolarized to its original state.

What we experience in life is a direct consequence of our free will choices. And there are no accidents. What we have sown, we shall reap. Knowing that our free will choices will inevitably manifest in our lives make every last second precious and irreplaceable, for whatever we experience is an opportunity to balance the scales.

But what if the end stage of life
seems too difficult to bear?

What about so-called ‘death with dignity’ or assisted suicide and euthanasia? A lot of people are adamant about the rights of the living regarding arranging the death of their choice. They argue that, in certain circumstances, choosing a deliberate death is preferable to suffering uncertain end-of- life miseries. There’s certainly no intention here to minimize, ignore or deny personal pain and suffering.

Unless we’ve been there ourselves, it’s nigh impossible to imagine what some people must endure as the end draws near. In such challenging personal trials, it can be very difficult to find the bliss behind the pain…or any reason to feel gratitude for the opportunity to expiate karma.

May we pass all our tests

Though our life is on loan from God to facilitate achieving our soul’s immortality, truth is, nobody wants to suffer. But equally true is the role of karma in the circumstances and manner of our final transition. As noted earlier, what we experience in this life is a direct consequence of choices we have made in the past, both recent and ancient.

These are debts we want to pay, for in paying them we resolve issues that, without resolution, will return to us again and again for balancing. So, arbitrarily ending life only postpones the inevitable.

Oh, the proponents of death with dignity and euthanasia make it sound so reasonable and even compassionate. But the end result is the same: precious opportunity lost.

What’s more, deliberately taking one’s life is NOT karmically neutral. Rather, it adds negative karma to our soul’s ledger. It’s a no-win situation, a subtle strategy of the fallen ones to steal your light and deny your victory. Don’t buy the lie!

Tune in September 29th replay of Whose Life Is It Anyway? on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Programs Tuesday at Noon, MT

All shows archived on The Open Door page and on iTunes for anytime anywhere listening!


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